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Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1992, p. 2

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---i , -Page 2, Whitby Fre Press, We&iesday, Seetembor 2,.1992 Wiby t.een 18 'Young .Space, A bssadr By Mark Reesor StophanieJ--es hasawy known ,what ph. wantedtoah when she grew up. "As-long as 1 can rememiber, rve a siyswsnted to ho san astironaut... I]d dream aboutý bhoingahi. te'sS. the clouds frem. the ,other*side or 'traveýlling Joues took a stop cdoser to that ,.fai with her Participation in the 61 -day 'Yoimg Space Ambassa- dors of Cada5 pregram last week. Ti. rgrm for students ad15to 17, was sponsored hy thé Canadiaix Space Agency aixd Canada 125, Jones and other studenits par!. ticipated in workshops, toured Spar Aerospace, makers of the Gaiinadarm, the Nati(oqai Museum ig Spceaixd Techixo- logy, and the Dow Pianïetarium in Montreal,.aixd met Canadianý astronaut Julie Pae tte. ,Mat wasaahio ,Hi or Jones,, who s-ays eayei±e *.mspired thé, «At the beginning cfher ses- sion, she asked any people who waited te ho astronauts te put up their haixds -- cf the 125 students, there was only about 20 who lifted thoir handé... after she. gave her speech and atnswered, questions9, she asked how ,many people..waixt to ho astronauts now, anxd aIl 125 stu,. dents put up their haxnds.' Joies says Payette:hosted their confidence hyý telling' thein whats needed to' hecomne an astronaut. "(5h. sai4)yen have te have 'commuinic4ion skills, a scientitic degree , kno aixother langug and Pi oi»heath....theeonl ene that'w. didn't have was a scientific degree.» That's eucourawgg ews for Jouesi, whci is planning, on enrol- ling. in an .aerospaoe .engineering prog ram at CarltonUniversity or tho University ofToronto, if -it begins a pregrain. She diýeams o f going to Mars, or. at leest wcrking on the mis- sion., REAL ESTATE Client is looking for prestige residential property" + 3000,sq. ft. minimum + Large treed private lot .+ 14" x 20'lIMng or famidly room + Fairl new or older if *renovated 4Whatby, Oshawa, or 20 mile radius 4$300 ,00 to,$400,000 range Cail Don McQuay ý668-5868 Starting a business? Some of your motimportant decisions mwll be made before you ,openlyour doors., Cailme-1can.helpl1 Accounting - Auditing - Tax Consulting Tax Preparations --Tax Appeals 511 Bond Street West, Oshawa 723-95110 FAX 576-9154 WHITBY STUDENT the space books ýand Stephanie -Jones with over the years. models she's ooilected phltD by Molk Reesor, whtbyFe r Whitbyan. faces drug- chargeswm A 40-year-old Wbithy man and a 42-year-old Markham maon face' drug charrges after a raid on a -Marlcham farm last Wednesday. Drug squad officers from Metre aixd York Région Police seized huixdreds ef marijuana plants, seme as taîl as six foot, growinghetween rows of cern. P1lice estimate. the street value of the 'crep, which was taken te York Central Hospital te ho hurned, at up -te $1.5 million. An imigtien system at the farm, south cf l4th Avenue on the lOth Concession, was used te wator the plants. Police say they had been star- ted indoors and thon transplan- ted te the field. Edward Cormier, 40,'cf Brock St. S. inu Whithy and Raymonýd Reesor, 42, cf iotk Conession in Markham, are charged with pos- session and cuitivation cf mari- juana for the purposes cf traf- Raymnond's brother, Brianzi Ree-' uoe,,34, of Conc. 6, Scugog, *as arrested Frida- and charged with.thesame ofenoe. Thley wiIl aptar iu Newmnar- ket.courtlater thsmonth. College Planis' 25th- anný'iversar7y Durham Coilege, clehrating its 2Mth snniversary, is planning events for Durham graduates tho weeloend of Nov. 13 sud- 14. Activitios will includo tours,-' Monte Carlo Night , sports evonts' snd a 25th anmiversary danice. at the* Lviv Hal, Oshawa. Ail graduates cf -Durham, Collegearei vited to write or oilu with- their current, addross te enuethey receive registr-ton' lnformloei Tii. aluinul office i. Iocated at the coflego, 200 Simca. St.'N., Oshawa, ýOnt. LIR 7L7* 'or eil tol fre, 1-800-68-5843, ext. 368P su'd local (416) 576-0210, ext. 369. CENTRAL AIR - ROUGHu1 -fIN-VAC. Quiet Court. Freshty palnted throughout. Squeakycdean wid, 3 bedmooms. ,DONT WAIT TOO LONGII CalI now - Rosemary Brown 433-2121 ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame Centurion 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 AS ME AU Vendors HENRY & CAROLE RAETSEN have this to say about Rosemary: *We were impressed with her professionai and personabie approach. We fo und h er factuaI and articulate when explaining the status of the current market." oShe created sufficient interest to ensure at Ieast one or two interested purchasers inspected our house dai(y." "Rosemary Brown is a hîghly organized and professional individual.,We would recommend her ta anyone wishing ta seil their home." 1J 433-212^1 REL LASKÉOR ROSEMARY l 4J49T ,OVE HELPING PEOPLE.".] - -~ . g - WHITBY HERITAGEDAY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH. LACAC and the BIA invite you to corne out and join the fun. Busker and Minstrels + Apple Pie Contest + Anitique Cars Whitby Brass Band+ Historical Walldng Tour Formore activities see- next week's edition or cail 668-5803. - , 7 -M 7ýr777 777 7-7771F, -uns Ma- '77, i7,, , ;ýT7,- ;7'ýl 77 ý,- 17 7,777 ý -7 77e k

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