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Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1992, p. 21

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WhthY Fre. Pres, WechuesdaY. SepteMbeO, 9 1992, Page 21 FIENDS 0F SCHZ0PBENICS The. Durham Region chapter cf Ontario -Friendé cf- Schizo- phrenis wiil meet on Wednes- day, Sept. 16 7 to 9 p.m., at St. Mares ch houe%, 200 Byron St. S. (crner -of B' na"d Col- borne, streeta>, Whtby Guest speaker wiil b. Joh Spina, ShpesDrug Martharmacist, who wll, discuua 1>escripto Druge: GENEAIX)GCALSOCIET The. Whitby-OshawaBranch cf the Ontario Genealogical Soce wili mnent on..TuesdaySeptL5 7:15 p.m., at Henry SteetHiÉgh cioiintheélecture hall.- Guest s peakrà Ruth Burkholder, who àil dicusWhitchurch-Stouff- ville pioneering. For*niore infor- mation cail Marion Lapp at 983- 2476 or Bessie Gnnon at, 723- 7460. ORGANIOGROWERS Durham' Cahadian Organic. Growers invite gardeniers to enter the organic vegetables con- test at the, Uxbridg Fal Fair sept. 11-13. For entry .formea nd more . inform~ation, 'caIl Jane Moore at 434-6231. CHRONIC F'IGUE mhe Durhan- Region Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/M.E. Support Group will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 16 7 -p.m. at AXE. Kingï Memoniai Complex, Nin tgsay College, Oshawa. Croic fatigue syndrome/M.E. sufferers, their families and friends are wel ome. For more information~ caîl Rene. Leahy at 655-4398. COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTION located in Whitby. W. are holding meetings.for singlesu and haveé varicus social eventLe.- dancing, bowlin g 's3wimming -golfig carda, theatre, nlghtcu bino Letings 'are held every *day, 7 ho 10 p.m. Memberslup applic-. able. Néw member. welcome. Phone 1-800-41-7391. B reakfast flor Poesoa oen wiil b. held on m1hrsda,Set 17, 7:30 p.m., at, Charley BaleyAs 145 .King St.7W ., Oshaa (between Park- and imce Ste.). Guest speaker Judy Spnlng wiil discustime managepient.,,Gugoso are welcomàe." For reservations, call Helen Smith at 432-7200., FIRWP «OSHFAWA IT« CLUB. mhe Firat .Oshawa. ITCO Club- wlhQld its etme tin tis fal on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 6 p.m., at the Hong ,,Kong -Hous ]Restaurant, 89 *simcoe st. S., Oshwa. Cost- of dinner Je $14.$" The theme for the- meeting la the Thréee Bs - xténd, Enhance and Excel.- For information,, or reservations, oeal -Joan Ann at 725-9179 or Kiratine-at 723-5802. Gcuesta are welcomeï., LOYALITMeKTNG- mhe United Empire ILoyaliste' Asoiation cf Canada, Upper Canada.Branch, will ment on Thursday, Sept. 17 -5 p.m. at Head United Churcli at scugog Shores Museum on Scugoër Island. Yvonne Christie wilf relate,<Aunt Lizzie's Diary' wi*t- ign kept by a youngwmno the dal ccrecs cf a rural family in Scugog1, nil her death at age- 100.There will -b. a museum walkabout, entetain- ment by the. senior choir cf 074.111 CVI, and a sit-down -tur- keys upe at 6:30 ýpa. ini the p rs all. Coat la 410. Rev. Carles Bull of the. Anican Church cf the Ascension ill b. guest speaker. Ail welome. For, more information call Donald Douglas Fox at 576-3175. - i PINE- RIDGE Corvette Club expeots as man y as 150 Corvettes at ht 'Summer's End -Corvette Cruise-in' at Whites Road Plaza (corner of Whites Rd. and Hwy. 2) in -:4 -1 ALHIMER SOCIETY A support, group -for Alzhiiemer families meets every othor Wednesday, 1 p.m., att the aocieWs new location, 178 Simcoe St. N, aide- entrance. Meetings, wilbeiiheldSet4-16, Se t;0Qnd Oct 14 Àsupport group 'aise' nee tst the fourth Wediesdaycof every1: month, 7:30 ýp.m., -at t the Oommunity Car. office, '487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 and 20, ýNî&x. - me next meetingi et ý3.Al caregiversare7:wolcome. Refreshments wiub. served. For more, information, cal the socetyr àt'576-,2567.ý ONE PARENT FAMILlS North Oshawa *Chapter, On. Parent Famillies Asociation, will ment Sept. 16, 8 p.m., at Christ Church, Maiy and -Hilceroft atràéts, Oshawa. Gueut speaker, Mike -Britton -from -OPFA National, will give, insight and answer questions about OPF'A. NeW members and- guests welcom,. For information, caIl 668-7579 or 434-3687. WALK YOUR D OG FOR TAGS m.e Animal Guardian'society (TAGS) will hold a firat annual ' Walk-a-dog-a-thon and Mutt Show'.- on Sýjnday, .Sept,~-.13,- bI'nning at 9:30 am., at Long Sault Conservation Area (north of Bowmanviile). Prizes wiil b. awarded and thore wiil b. fre bourly draws and *refr-eshments for ail artcipants. Proceedawifl b. uaod ho construct -a shelter, iin reasgt cf Oshawa. For sponsor forma or more information, cail 263-TACS, 436-0010, 571-2840 or 432-5322. -REGISTRATION Reoistration -for 2nd Brooklin scoutmg (beavers, cub souts venturers and rovers).) w i.eld on Mýonday, Sept. 14J7:30 pai?., aqt LIVIG WRLL IWI¶JRE Meadowcrest' public - shool- lii. Whitby Seniors' Activity Brooklin. A corn roast wiil b hld Centre will hold ýa làving WeIon0,n Wedneg &-Y, &%Pt- 9, 6 Pmn, at lecture,«'How to Cope Aioni: on Rotary Park, beaidethe iciic. TSday, Sept. 15,ý 1:30 pan., at For more information, oeil ^Bob the. centre, 8o1 Bok e9. s. Haver3rat 655-3092. Nancy Mutch, director of the Distros Cenftre, wll 'fa& about DROP-OFF PLAY GROUP cl- ngwith loneUlinesA dission oots & .Wings offers 2- ho is $1 at' tii.door and includes 5-year-old satonies, crafts, songe refresments.Az Sanioeiiiin Wa cerucreative environ- Wht. a t m ycUn h etMn pfm g 'O IaIow~mwnksinsm<go, I. FiIday atUpJft J r Nonaloflt cômmunlty groupa which are lae n Whitby or have a Subutantial Whitby mnemfbershlp may place their upooming meetings or activitios on th[s page at no cost.« Pickering this Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Above illWarburton gets some help.from Linda Landry (left) and wife Keni in gettlng- his Ivette' ready for the *event. Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Pross FALL TOUR mIe Oshawa Gardon Club will hold a three-day faîl tour bybus to Agawa Canyon and Cranb.rry FarmÙ in Bella, Ont. Oct. 2-4. Accommodation- will b. at the ]Ramada Initernationial i Sault. Ste. * Marie, double occupancy, $275 per person (includes -train tickettb emeals). For reser- atns(deadline Sept. 15), cali -986-0310 or 579-5397. . EEADINJURY 'TheifiHead-Iury Assoiation cf Durham* Region will. hold a suprt group meeting,--on- ednesday,'Sept. 16, 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bond . ., Osawa. Ail are welcomo. The survivons group wiil meet on the* main floor, the. fanuily 'anad carogivers group upatairs For assstance with transpo-rtatiüon, calI thi. office'at' 723-2732. - TÀEENAGERS WANTED A Whi'tby youth committe. dealing with teenage. issues, and activities is looking for enerpetic, teens tp help' out at ývanaous evnsthro ' ut'the year. For more- information, caîl Chandra,. Hunter at, 666-3828 or 'Kelly Douglas at 668-8436. ONE PARENT FAMRLlS» Oshawa Chapter On. Parent Famiies Association will ment for Iindaningith Ray (Achâey- Brek iat nTuesday Sept 15~ 8 pan atSimcoe Hl SetemnIoue 387 Simcoe St. S& New members and guesta are welcome. For more information, oei 436-5089 or 433-0832. GERANUM AND PELAIRGONIUM SHOW mhe Geranium ".and Pelargonium 'Society of 'Ontario will hold an annual show on Sept. 13, 1, ho 4:30 p.m., at the Civic Gardon 'Centre, 777, Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto. Adiiaion la $2. Refiiashments wiil b. available. AUl are webcome. DANCE Whib Minr Basea leJ Sept. 12 at Heydenshore Pvlon. mher. wil b. a buffet DJ., cash ba ad dor -&Zr kti re ARTEIRiTIS GOLF DRIVE Al are welcome to drive golf bails for the Durham Arthritis Society on . Arthritis Day, Saturday -Sept., 12, ai Durham Driingl~age,875munonRéd., T HEOS THEOS, -a slf-help group, for recently widowed *mon and women, will meet on Sunday, Sept.'13, 2 pl.m., at St. Andrew's Pmobyrteriàrn Church, ýCochrane St ý ýWhitb. New membera, are eicomo. F r more inforimation, caIl 668-2648. WELLNESS SEMINAR mhe Weekend ' Wellnos Seminar wii.leb held ýFriday, Sept. 18,,7:30 p.m., Saturday Sept. 19, 11 a.m. ho 4:15 p.m., ajnI Sunday, Sept. 20, 1:30- ho 4:30 pan., at KendalwoodSentda Adventist Church, 300 -Kendal- wood-Rd., Whitby. Dr.:Melvin and -Muriel 1Beltz cf, Black .Hilae Helalth and Education' Centre wil b. guost speakers. ,For more, information or ho réserve a seat, cal 728-8396 or 434-8300. A81TIA OUT-FEAGif The Asthma* Out-Reach -,Programi sponaored by the »Lung jAssociation and, funded' bya Igrant fio= Glaxo' Canada hIc., Iwill begin on Se pt. 14, 6:30 pan. at the Oshawa enealHSo&ta. Designed on-'a 'drop-in centre' concethte.free service aima hto reuehospital admissions anid Improve, the quality of 1f. for asthmatics cf ail ages. For more information, caIl the Lung Association ini Oshawa at, 436-1036.,<< DIRAVA IMEEMIN Durhamn RegionAssociation for Volunteer Adinitrations9 <.DRAVA), formerly :known as Volunteer Co-ordinatoes. of Durham Région, will 'hold the- régulai monthly meeting on Thursedaye, Sept.10,2 pâ., at Northviewý,. Conuunty, Centre, 150 BeatýriceSt. E., Oshawaâ.Al voluntoer co-rdinators/ adminis- trators cf non-profit. agencios are welcome. For furtiior informÏation, cal Donna Hutton, Ajax- Pickoring 1 Red Cross, at 416-420-3383. PARKINSON- Tii. Parkinson Support Group, Durham Région, Chaptor,- wil hold a genoralmeeting on Se pLt 14, 7:30 p.m., atStMas United Ciiurch, Whitby, corner of Coiborne and Centre streets, soutii door entrance.- AU:l are welomo. Rofroshments 'wiil b. available. For transportation or more information, cali 666-8576 or 668-6580. GARAGE SALE The Whitby Lionesa Clu will hold a -fundraising1garagesale on Saturday, Sept. 19, 8 a.m. ho 3 p.,fb at 709 Gilbert St. W, Whty. SCOUT REGISTATON Registration for 8t Wty scusand cuba wil b. held on mhursday,. Sept. 10 7 p.m, at WestmiisterUnite Church, 25 M4anning'Rd. (at , Galard), Whitby. Leaders- are q*irdat. all levées., SPANISH LANGUAOE PROGRAM Spaces'are stiil available for Spanish Ian ia Progrs. oP>euvtion, ýthe. Spanish Canadian Cultural Society cof Oshawa will . hold. free Spanish henitage language programa for chiIdren (junior kindergarten ho, grade 8) at Central Collegiate- and St. Christopher Catholic Sciiool in Oshawa, and Henry Street %ih School in Whitby. Propani will start Sept. 15, 16 (4:30 ho, 8 p.m.) and Sep>t. 19 (9 a.m., ho -n'oon at St. Chnstopher iOshawa). Fr.. aduit conveh~atioxal courses will b. held at'General Vanier High School- and MoWK'or' Peea Catholic H igh Sciiool,Osaa For seniors, the. OshaWa Senior hold eniCentre,,(576-67,12). wiil hod.courses ' on -W' ' esday nornings. -For- more infdmation calI 579-2,ý34.ý 'CORPORATION 0F THE. TQWN -OP WHITBY. "RASETHE -FLAG .DAYU" "THERE.S "A LOT TO LOOK Up TO" TAKE N011CE that SutmdY, Spemboe 20,192 je hemaby prolad a s nRAISETHE FLAG DAY an ad oTwn of Whutby. On Jl 25. 199Z Canadian nmayom and mevos galmeed in Ottawa wit he hope of focusng attention on sinulatie, and flot ciffeenoes, of Canadienhs. The- Canaclan flag. one of «aur common denomunators lias *been cho sen thle -vehucle tbundersoo ur, simalaiie, regaiesa of mr,mmgio«orreglon. The towvn of Whltby aopports the raising of leCndaiI ai a expresdion of.posit ie eimu about oumselves and oùr'countiy andi to 10support the lrst ISE THE FLAG »DAY.M< o lakepaeo WrdaSeptmbnéç,28, 19MI wôtid ermouae ictznad busnesses wWM n leTown of Whutby Io raiwue lu Ski a âshow of appredation for each allierandduheriches ndbmx we ae so foflunateIoeshar. There'sa lot tb Iook up te, DATED at WhIlby, Ontuo duelà tM day-of Septembr. 1992 AIV

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