'-j-. Whitby Fee Press, We<$noesday. Septomber 23 1M9. Page 23 Il >~ mi WORLDCLASS,,-FINANCIAL services . coMpnysesks-highiy mativatsedindivlduastreproneurs for g rawhpurpoes.. Cail Gary (416) 66f 9,-0160.(èà COMPUTER COMPUMTER ELECTRONICtS' TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS'APPUC-ATIONS:c B3EDFORD ACCOUNTiNGâ, ILOTUS 1-2-3, D BASE, DOS,ý WORDPROESN BUSINESS SECRETARUA ADMINISTR'AION -LE GAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL,ÃŽ BANINO SERVICES- BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, ACCOÃ"UNTINO , ,ECEPTIONIST,; WOËDPRClCESSING ÂSKABOT OR NGHTCOUSE 2 Campuses Un Durham! OSHAWA PICKERING OSUAWACENTRE. . 40 1GTNRPý (Shops.Upp") (Hwy. 2*ai VaIley FaÈ;im iRd. ,723 -1163-40-34 * ~- I. ALASKA' *JOBS! Eam L t $30.000à inthrêee months ffshing salmýon. Also 'construction, canneries, oôit fields plus mare., For immffediate '*respanse cati 1-504-646-4513, ext. K142, 24 hrs. HURRICANE, reconstruction:,and cteanup. Mà ny- needsd. Bath skIIeé &. unskitted,-mon,,&.womsn. Up'to $25 per -haur. ,For info cai ;,spon, 615-7,79-5505,, ext. H384. VOLUNTEERS. NEEDEDMatthe Eastvlew BOys<&.GirlsCuben #Ws North Oshawa location. Serving 'runpeole, ges6-16. Just2 hours-WeekiyWi tram miOtôio Api.Hiwith games, crafts -or * y porammesï. No experonce nfecessay. T'raining provlded. Meet ICýPItllGod élexpenonce f or eri 91adPOa peopie-arientd Co-odintor,728512. Voluteer ilj' :~r:1:u*<:1 RESUMES CIUSTOMîZED ,and prafessionafiy- dons.. 'C'ovoring ltttrs, FA)( sonvlco. 200/o discount an' resumés ,until Soptember -19. CaliI430-0361. IDU~A~1ONAL I v ukvI~.# I .GUITAR 'LESSONS."Beglnnor and advancsd. Acousticorotsctric. Cati Lau, 666-1979.., PIANO & KEY BOARDLESNS. Prvi essohs for studer4ts Jn:My I O DRIVI NO -SC-HOOL Oshawa - 728-091 FýulilDrivers Education Courses COMMENCING., OCTOBER 13TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course OCTOBER 17TH Saturdays 4 week course REGISTER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS P RI VA TE LESSONS - E REGiSTERIED & APPROVED BY THE ONTARSO SAFE1Y LEAGUE I. McQUAY/BONACORD. Loving mothe.r of '3 has fùii-/part-tlmo ]sae availablo. Non-smokor. 9uprtv, nurturing environmoent. WANTED:- BABYSITTER (in or out),, for 2 ý,.and ý4. yoar.aid.:1 Fuii-time, Monday,, -i Friday, 9:30-62U. Non-smoker.' Whitby Mati arsa. Available immediatliy. Calt Sa.,.430-7827 or,432-2477., MOTHER 0F TWO, iookingto takecars. of- children inmy.home. Reasonable, ratesï, mels -inctudsd. Rsfsrenqessavailabis.- catliadra. 430-268.: DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my home, on bus route ta St. Mark's. Doiiy oulings, referencos, safsty. Aag s 2+. Andsrson/Rosstand. 668-7025. MATURE, REUABLE woman wiit do babysitting and li9ht housework in your home.- Whitby preferred. For more information, cati 666-0539. KANDYMAN SERVICES - Clean .,r e adbasements cut..treos. me4thlng ta oitel? êai 655-3004., CUSTOM DESIGN and drees- maklng. Wedding and evwenlng -gowns; brtdesmalds & grads, sufts, ôe. Renavatian and t aiteratian. ýGarme 1nts also *made tra m >a PAINTIERS PLUS - Service* and qualityý are.flot. an accIdent. For 1l 0' off. and.-no GST, ca]1i But ýor Gorl, 404-1224. KLEEN 'KUT UPHOLST'ERY. Rs-upholstory' of antiques. Ail klnds af rocoverlng. Yaur fabrlc or min. Feeestimates., Over 40 years experlence. 430-7568, Whiby. ALTERATIOJIS BY MARY. Give y aur, ai Wardrobe- a new iift. No job ls to smliLadies' azd« m ens taliaring 'at reasonabie prices. 1CUSTOM-'MADE DR APER Y andtueinsalatin. wnfà biic wo- lcome. 'Alsis, we r. epair iý,ëd drapr. Oà tlBeryl or ,Ted -e a42ft4,ftor 5M pm.- BONDEDSOHOOL TEACHER wlI- houe-, ln- or pet-sit. ýTorms- negotiabe. Cati: 666-1611.,'8 ta,10 p.m.- CINDY'S.ALTERATIONS& Custamf, Taiiorlng. For > ail y aur -sowing. nesdâ, Leaher. -woddings, custom -dosigpns. Tuesday - Frtday 1.5:30; -Saturday,10 Iù- 3. ppaitmnt à neëessary. 101 V2 ~~M~nJW. .(Peaà rsanLae) CERAMiC <TIUNG- f re. > stimates. >Over . ý25 years e!rý-rctQ!Uedlit9forkas. rGRANDMAS COMPANY affers rGREEN cléain f residences and offices., Ail ôüauldies are security checked thraugh' the palice. Bandsd and insured. Chamber îm'emrber. Knock y ur socks off serviceti 725-9177, (24, hour answerlnal.. *Drywallng <tops a UnhNng) Roc Ro~ms * Busmsnts 'Texture Paki~ig (extodor *Tkn Firme ostImatu. 576-7503 HANDYMAN, SERVICE -'lNo lob tosmatl" ePatiôs "Docks,'General repalr*Odd Jobs. 427-;1674. HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Roc rooms, basoment, apartments, -additio'ns,, .dèà ks-, fo4nces, ,etc. Prafessionai workmanship at reasanablo pis.-For- f re estimate, ,catlfi rne a! 430-6435. MOTHER 0F 2 would like* ta ~ oide' iaving cars for your chlld. >'home,- Brookwood area. Reencos& receipts. 430-9077. MOTHER 0OF ONE wili pravido TLC oricyour phild. Nutritiaus moats & snacks. Ptayraom, foncod yard. Allages wotcôme. 430-7179. BIUNGUAL MOTHER (French& Engih)of, 2. wiiipravids full- or paritime0,* day cars in smoko-f ree hoo. rookwood aiea, near St. Matthsw's Cathoiic Schooi. For mors information,,cali Sandra at 668-2996. We WatchCý PrWt feIlnCamt Tho system that pravidos... *Unscheduied home visits ensuis quatity cars for your chiid *Futly tratned providers recelve ongolng Agen%> supPort *Relmabte local back-up covers Provlder iflness or hoiidays *Complets Insuranco coverage - Inoome tax receipft *Chiidren si weoksand up - Full or part-turne For mors Infomion cati: 686-3995 - - -------------- .. ... ........... - ------------- MI 5e 0 M 1 >R el cla t'km m M m OPERATUONS ,DETA CHAI ~R±- IDEi I M ........................m...4.... ... . v..m PRE-PAID WORD ADS' (Cash, VISA, choque received before deodiine) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 + 390 GSI)Q 15e each additional word; (140+mF10 GSI) BILLED WOIRDADS' $825 for 20 w'ords; -PLUýSGà T 150 each additionïal word;PLUS GS T AUCTIONSIANNOINCEMENTS 93 per agaeIn&îaat il e nch minimum charge: $13. 8 PLUS GT >DISPLAY, ADS UNCLAS6IFI5DS (dwih b~der pctures orahws 'Reg ulardisplAy' 1rate I-s ap'pfly e- 990 peragate«,Iune MOinimumi sizel -cotumn inch $13.86. coNTNOJ U IPA D AS LOW AS $1 0'.89-ER CQUNINCH. G.S.T. is extra on att ad s uniess otherwise indicated' Monday rioon.pnor.,to.Wednesday publication. 668- 0594 > Pleose check your, adverlisement for errors on the f irst day of pubication. The Whitby. Fres Press witi not b. iabte for foilure ta, publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cosi of the space occupied by the error Up ta a maximum cost of the insertion.. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta ciassify or reject ail adverisemrents. Speciaiizing in Early Chitdhood Education. For Peace of Mmnd. Perry Hou se Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Porry St., Whitby 668-9476 (j r, 1 1 It LA 1%ýf 1 1 1 Il -L.1 9 IL IL& A Lýà L-Z " k AIL A X-£AýK a%%.& Ma Ia b.&ý boa Un UA %ý;& %.m à ým 4bà @6.»W- u mý Ê.