Wh iby Fre Pres, ensaSpebrd 1992, Page 13 Store, owners bseepostive ch anges downo n FROMPAGE 8 and we've had many people com- menting on the restaration of this building (where Dynes & Lloyd Ltd. freoently relocated),' sho says. Dynes aays it takes a lot of bara work aud time ta make the necossary improvement ta th4e downtown core but will ho worth it if jpeople from. Metro Toronto and Durham Region continue ta visit sud shop lun downtawn Whitby. S Most of the stores sud res- taurants in the downtown core are owned by familles se there is more of a personal touch and care ta the service pravided ta the custoxmers, she says. -Many of thee businesses have been passed on tbrough gener- ations cf families and have ben around for many years, aime says. Dynes say ait is the responii- lity of lazndrds and atare owners ta make buildings presentable sud hoautiful "seapeple feol com- fortable coming ta dowutown Whitby ta ahai> around.» There could ho more unifica- tion lu' the hours the stores are open in dawntown Wbitby se people could roly on most, if not ail, of the 'stores being oRen until a certain time every day, aimhe san es says store owners also n ta holp each other out mare, such as recommending a place gfor a product they ar=ooig foror a Place ta have samet hing ta eat. This helpa keep people sud their"salea in the downtawn area. «Busineases are working more sud more tagether ta improve the downtawn area,' she says. Kathy Bazarin, owner cfMotif which recently moved ta Brock St. S., says customers wili want ta corne back again and again if store owners keep their stores- dlean* and attractive and are p roud cf their businesses.. Iý. Bazarin says the new building ,in wAhich Motif located is -a beau- tiful new attraction ta downtawn Whitby. The. building is a fashion centre featuring a variety of shopa for hairstyling, beauty caro and fashion clothes. «If we keop aur buainosses dlean and intoresting and ifwe have ovonta, that will- attract people here, thon we will 4-, prove and. prosperni akm downtown Whitby the plaet ho 'she says. ~J'e rocet changes lu the downtown côre has ben for the betterrnont of the town and may bo the boginning of* improvi'n-g the look and services in* tho downtown area, she says. qI definitely believe in down- town Whitbybecause it has an ambiance about it and it has charm with its beautiful aider buildings as well as the new structures, with the new and the oid p art of WVhitby mixing well togthor,» she aays. Bazarin says by offering a more proalsorvice than found- eisewhrad by ffring speciatl activities such c asses and seui- nars, for oxample, fashion somi- nars for wardroho planning in hor store, people wil h convin- ced ta corne an~d see what ia happening lu the downtown area. Vera Hugel, co-owner of the Olde 'Silver Thimbie Quiit Shoppe that has Just moved ta the aid Dominion Bank of Canada building at the four cor- ners , agrees with offering some- thing unique that caret ho founid anywhere elso. Hugei says she now-has about 80 classes every three or four months on fIne sewiu'gs, quilting aud dollmakcing for people of almost ail ages. «When we decided ta movo, wo definitely wanted ta, stay in downtawn Whitby where wo fit and where we fTeel wo hoelong host,» she says. Huýgel says she and partner Maureen Samuel were attracted by the design, look and size of the building at the four corners. «r've been tirmendously happy with the recent changes iu down- town Whitby which will help attractmore people ere. «We alrea .atiact people as far away as S t. Catharines ta the west, Port Hope ta the east and' Orillia ta the north so we obvi- ousily have soneting here that is different and unique such as the architecture, the services and the shop s," she says. .Hugel- says Town council han aise taken a more active raie in the restaration and the beautifi- cation of downtowu Whitby. Events such as Heritage Day are getting more sud more popu- lar each year and are holping ta bri g'people ta see sud "explore te downtawn area of town.» Hugel says the recent changes, may ho' an indication that the store owners in. the downtowu core are getting *back ta that simall-tawn atminophere.» Everybody from Town council ta, the store owners haveta work together for downtawn Whitby ta, prosper and improve its «loock,' she says. Hugel montions the, much bot- ter mix of stores today than about 18 months ago and the increased police presence, as two examples of the improvement in the downitown ares. Yet, she séays there can ho more -done incluhng having Ian- dlords improve the iook of their buildings' while, store owners should fS even more "consumer- friendly» ta make people "feol like 'you. are wolcomed here, 50 corne on in.» Paul MacNeil, manager. at Guitarzau which relocated ta Brock St. S. last spring, says the store has réently hogun ta offer a customer preferred card giving regular customers the chance a dufferent savings. MacNeil says the downtown' area could honefit from havi more businesses open, latr at nihtnd' with' more .similar husso people know most of the stores are open at the same timùe. Penny Anigelopoulous, owner of the newly' .named restaurant Pimentas, on Brock St. N. s ays the restaurant aims ta add, class a u d sophistication -ta the down- town area but at, an sifordable prce. Agelopoulous says alotof effr was put inta the frontage "look» of Pimentas ta provide -a nico, classy outrance, alsobelp ing ta make downtownsWhitby oktter.< Pimentas, formnerly Le Chalet, bas the sophistication of 'a big city restaurant but retains a small -tawn atmosphere, she says. THE REW-ARD IS YOURS! Ilegal dumping is spoiling the'environment around Durham IRegi on, Last* year, Durham taxpaye*rs paid more than $1 million in dlean-up costs. These costs, are a direct resuit of illegal dumping of m aterials along roadsides, and around Igloo recycling depots. We need your helpto stop illegal dumping! If you witness illegal dumping,. report it tfa-the Local Municipal Works Deparîment, dufing working hours. By reporting and helping to con vict those guilty of illegal dumping, you could be eligible for a reward of up f0 $ 1,000. OId tires, scrap metal, wood, concrete, bricks, shingles and appliances belong at recycling, centres, Transfer Stations-,or Iandfill sites. Glass, newspape rs,1 cans and plastic pop boif les go inside Igloos. -Local Municipalitiesare enforcing finesof up to '$5,000 for illegal dumping. Cash stolen from offices Between $60 and $80 was sto- carded nearby atter discoverlug len after break-lus at two offices it was empty. Friday at 1650 Duudas St. E. .They then broke into the Poiesay the cuiprit(s) fwra Mount Lawn Memorial Gardons entered theý Superior Finance office where they forced apen a Corp. office and, stale a amal -afe te, get cash. metal, cash box wbich they dis- Au investigation is continuing. Charges for assaulting police A 39-year-old man is charged with trespassing sund two counts of assaulting police afler refusing ta béave Iroquois Park. Police say the man, who hasne fixed address, grabbed bold of an officer trying ta remove him sud assaulted her, causing a cut on her neck. Ho assaulted her ag ihle hoing plIaced lu a cou, brlsng her cheek. Pckering 00 420-4630 Newcastle 623-3379 Ajax 683-2951 Uxbridge 852-9181 649-1938 Whltby 668-3437 Scugog 985-7393 Oshawa 433-1221 -¶rock (705) 426-7723 A Waste Management Program of the Region of Durhamy <V and the Municipalities of Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa,.0 Newcastle, Uxbridge. Scugog and Brook.. DUHAM E i.; ~ I. .~. J iJ.J.~ 5 ~:. ~ ~ '~*2A ~?0s~r'. .~I. ~.1.I,1C4' ~'.J4J j~I:~ ~*~i< *~j~ f~'~*~4 STHE TOWN'0F WHITBY(~WCOMMUNI1Y SCHOOLS * SPECIAL NOTICE'0F ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS Th ccom uniyshools isted below wiII be holcing ther annuai genierai etig on the following dates: BELLWOOD GOMMUNITY SCHOOL - 571-4770 30 Bellwood Drive TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27,1992 - 7:.30 P.M. GLEN DHUffMSTON COMMUNY SCHOOL -666-099OR 430-3736 aiIte ORMISTON COMMIJNTY SCHOOL 20 Fomet Heighs Stuet THURSDAY, OGTOBER 8, 1992-m 7W0 P.M PALMERSTON COMMUNITYSCI-OOL - 666SM95 400 Pahirnon Avenue WEDNESDAYOCTOBER 14,1992- 7:15 PM~ PFNGLECREEKCOM MUNIY SCHOOL - 66W06% 80> âesdab Drim e .P WEDNESDAYOGTOBER21. 1992 -70P? iDDD DURHAM REGION . ý.Uý >-a Vl'ïtrï--r4ý f« .r- --î-e ,à b i