Page 14, Whibhy Free Press, Wodnesday,.October7,1992 ByMEiabeth Hooper «SmaUl, but happy» is> how Barb Mata descri»bes the 50-year history of W.J. M edland &, Son Ltd. n Brooklin.ý Mata is the daughter of. John, and 'Jean Medland,- the.,thiree opeaIngl h et and iÃrm sup- plysorat6 amP l St. Jon l 5 theson of tesoesfounder, William John Medland. Wben the ýbusiness began in 1942, their *only customers were, farers soW.. Mediand traded, mostly in Ifarm stock and coal. ýW-fJ Medland's only f"real" competition was à éthe-Brookhin Mill. However, says John, ".They were good friends ., o it was friendly competition." John, took 'over the business upon the- death of his 'father. It bas aiways been a famuly busi- ness, only- occasionaIiy wouid theybringini heip with the coal. - Asthe years have passed, busi- ness has consistentiy b 'ù steady. "You know, animals have to eat and water softeners need sait. Water softeners is big busi- ness now,» says Mata. 1Te biggest change we have seen Mn business is from farm trade to pet trade," she says,, expia inng that there was a gra- ubr of farm custmr, oi and keep up with the times,they had to turn to the pet tra*lé.' 'Over the years. They used to, buy the 'grain's from Puftra and it was pre-bagged, labelle& and sent toe Whitby, by train fromi Western Canada, whiie coal caeby train fomn Penns- vania. Stock is now sent directly froni Woodsitock. And 50, years ago, travel, by road was often more difficuit; ir the winter. It ýwould sometimes take custome a few days before 1they could get -to-the store if snow was deepSo roads. 'They have had some regular customners over the. entire haîf- cenuy they have been, in busi- ness. Aart front a'shop expan- saion, Jochn says business is i pretty much the same." As for the business continuIig after John retireslhe says, aI' really hard to, say whether or not; Barb wili take over -the business bécaus sjhe lhas, three littie ones of- her own and it's a lot of work running a business.» For, Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5 to 10, opéon house. wili be held at the *fIiehalls, on Saturday, Oct. 10. <O(Pen house_ at the hall -1, 6 VivnnIR i vnlrf' ra t <'You used to put bird seed food aà 4a 10Myrtle Rd. E. will down in the sgnowtime, but'o be from 10 a.m. <te 4 p.m.. feed.'ail year round now, ayê qipetwilfl bèshown .and John.- informat0iogvn otope- There have been stock changes rations. W.J. Medland and Soncetebrated 50,,years in' business, with an open house Iast Friday and Saturday. That's John Medland and daughter Barb ýMata wth a photograph of himself and his father and mother. Photo by MURk Reesor. WhftbyFree Prss Wheels to Meals'lunheon Ocýt.'14 Wheels to Meals will hold a luncheon at St. Thomas' MemoriaiHlall, Anderson and Winchester streets, Brooklin, on Wednesday,.,Oct. 14 at noon. Alseniors or home-bound -,ns in the Brooklin, Ashburn, Mle area are, welcome. to ated. Hall is wheelchair Lý;imch' is ,$3.50 and will be followed by a short.program. For those requiring trans- portation,,Sei Ray at 655-3434. For more information, cal Betty at 655-3187 or Pat at-655-8716. j Drp-nprogamünderwayI The drop-in program is heid at, Brooklin Community Centre, eah Tuesday, 4 p.m. .Drop-in activities include shuf- fle1aïd, cýarpt% bowlingc& t and refreshments. Bring ideai and a friend. For more information, à all 668-1424.- "In with teOdadOutt h the New,ý. Visit Our Sho 1wr.oo*m -I WITH TuS COUPON $8.50 ALL 1IN STOCK FABRTC i.. I. -j - I5%off~ TOTAL. BILLi LoctSdi. S.on hi Storeowner looks back on 501i-arhity