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Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1992, p. 24

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Pae24'.Whltby Fme POress, Wedne 'sday,' Octobeè-r«7,l .~ r~~" Il V4~~ ~ IIW~I~ SPECIAL' WEEKLY RATES avallable at Bon Voyage, Motel. At Hwy12 & 7,2km north cf Brooklln. Cal 655-5308. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - Clean, quiet house has furnlshed or unfurnished mcm. Includes ktchen use, cable & parking. Available immediately. Suit .mature maie. 721-0919. - mimi - mmas m ma mma se nm SaEper Products, încluding *newspaper, comprise 36 Per! cent of the garbage placed *~at curbside for - ~. m pickup each- ;week. AIIof ; k is recyclable. WHITBY - SIIARE spaclous new home with one or two others. No pets. Non-smoker. $450fmonth, everthing Included. 666-8590.' 2SBEDROOM LUXURY C ONDO on the lake. 2 1washrooms, rec mcom, parking, Sappliances. $900 Drrnonth. Availale immedmately. BA SEMENT APT. 2 .bedrom $45W/month plus utîties. Wrhftbm. BrocklMannlng.> 668-1140, or 668-962. LARGE, BRIGHT i BEDROOM basement apartment. -Laundry facilities, parking. $550 Inclusive. Avail December t1666-8714. ONE-BEDROOM furnished base- ment apartment. -Ail utîlities, separate entrance, fridge & stove. Non-drinker. $100/week, f irst& last &references. 723-5411. LA RGE 3- BEDROOM, Central Whitby. New building. Clean & bright. Applances, including dish- washer. Re'duced Ito $870/month. including f ree cable. Available Nov. lst. Also, large 'one-bedroom, same buildin.Al utilities included $695/month. Available Dec. lst. 668-4643. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST. ITS EASYi ONE CAIL, ONE BILLDOES IT ALI. COMING EVENTS *1 LOVE COUNTRY« SHOW AND SALE: Saturday, Oclaber 10; Sunday October 11; lOam - 5 pm. Ktchener Memorlal Audtorium' Ktchener. Ontario. Presentînù the beal ai country. Over 90 country craflament (519) 846-5626. AUTOMOBILES.FOR SALE 60VERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian 10w as $100. BMWa. Cadilacs, Cheva. Fards, Mercedes, Porschea. truckrs, vans. Amnazîng frie 24-hr.-recordlng revesîs how. 1-416-631-46W6. MORTGAGES, MORTGAGE REFINANCINI3, I aI 2nd, pay aff bills, credît cairda, atart busnesa. New low rates and paymenîs. No quatllylhg hassles. Cati Intransicon FInancl. TodlIfrea 1-800-268-1429. HOMEOWNER LOANS AND 2ND MORTGAGES. Application by phono. For paylng aff bille or home renavallons, cati Jaetts Fînancil 705-744-0616. 24 MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS AVA:ILABLE. Only peope fIrm mail towns understand.h. Imporance ail lnvesting ln small communfilles. 11 -112% ta 13. 1/4% returna. Cati Intranalcan tolt-free 1-800-268: 1429. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGE ,BROKER/AGENT <Commsio) wanîed ln thîs aria. MuaI have morîgage or sales .background. Excellent renumerallon for aggresslvs Indivduel.Calil Inransîcon Financlal Group toi-ree 1- 600-268-14Î29. CHILDHOOD ABUSE VOJUNTEERS NEEDED. Unversity researchers irludying long-term ellecîs af child abuse need adule who were or were not abuaed as children. ConfidentillQuestionnaire. Cati collecî: Dr. Ralph Brown. McMaaîer, (416) 525-9140 ext. 3779 weekdays. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD for unpald taxes. Orown Land avallablllty. For Information on bolh, wrlîe: Propefies, Dept. ON, Box 5380. Sin. F. Otawa, K20 MJ. BET STEEL BUILDINGS 1ET BUILDING PRICES - Steel S traîtwall Type - flot qrqanset - 32x54 $7.344; 40x72 $10,276. 50x90 $15.862; 60x126 $22.972 - other al:zes avallable - Final sumraer clearance - Paragon.- 24 Houra 1-800-2638499. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE comparison ls what Il takes Io pick out the best and lowesl..we're ait for Il. Now for a tîmlled lime - Factary Drect ROCK 5077CM PRICES. Exemple 25 x 30 Value $2,749. now $2.244. 40 x 60 Value $8.073. now $6188. Many sîzes and types avallable. Pioneer 1-800-666-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel Buildings left ovar trom the International Plowng match. Dlerent szes First corne, frst served. Quonsets and StraighIwaII. CatI tat-fiee 1-800-668-8853. 1 SPAN-TEON STEEL BULDINGS LTD. - Compltee Proeanglneered AII/Steel and Wood/Steel buildings. OSA &-WB cediQted. SeIf-erecîed wth contraclsng, a"afabe. CatI Ioday forf ree brochures. 1-800-561- 2200. POETRY POETRFy CONTEsT 512.000 ln prizea. Possible publication. Serrd on@ original poem 20 lines or less ta: Natmionl Ubrary Of Poatry, Box 704-NCOowlnga MiIe. Md 21117. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS. LOANS & assistance progiama Faderal I UtibylncIai> for your naw or exlatlng samaîl buslndsà. Information <416> 588-8268 ext. go. ADOPTION ADOPTION? YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE seekîng newborn baby. Witt provîde lovlng. happy home. WorIng wth lcenced adoption agent. Pîeaae cati-. 807-7674542evenIngs collecL. FOR SALE ATTENTION GIFT. CARD, PHARMACIES, parîy atores,flea mariceleers. Glant SOgOOQO wholesale warehouae sale. Gifla, cairds, wrap, mugi, fixtures, etc. 479 Wellngton SI. W., Toronto. Cal 416) 977- 8980. .1 VACATIONÎTRAVEL MYRTIE BEACH FOUR-DAY WINTER GOLF SPECIAL $1001 Vacation ratas avallable. Wlnter rentais from $400/month. Oceanfront condominium resort; many amrenIties. For more Information: 1-800-. 448-5653. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME' Grow ballwormssln your basement or garage. Odorlesa operaîlon. Low Inveslment. Market guaranleedt Free Information. Early BIrd Ecology, R.R.0I, Smllhvill, Onario. L0R 2A0. 416) 643-4252. MAKE A FORTUNE maklng others happy. The ullimale fundralslng 1001la scresling hundreds oI new opporlunlîles wllh lncradibty hlgh Incarnes. prolecled terrilores. Disîribulors needed 1.800-263.1900. WRINKLE BUSTER MOBILE DRY CLEANING. Unemployed? Scared? Dont evsr be unemployad agaIni Recesslon-proof franchise. No experlance necessary. Low invessmenL Hlgh eamings potentiel. Cal 1-800-263-9221 extl. 2631. ADVANCE OPPORTUNITY. Revolullonary digi tal 80. channel ml-dlsh satellite syslem %WlI rapily expand home enîertalnmeni and communications Industry. Networkc Marketing. No Invenlory. No Investrnent. Cati 1 -800-263-8242, 8 l19 6. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Souîhweslern Schooî of Auclloneerîng. NexI Cîlass: Nov. 21-27. Information. contact- Soulhwestem Ontario Sahool of Aucîloneerlng. RR. 05. Woodslock, Ontario. N4S 7V9 519) 537-2115. TRUCK DRIVER ralnlng AZ and DZ courses, also air braire, dangerous gooda, defensîve drlvlng. log books and border.crasalng. Rodgers Schoal, Onlarlos oldesl. Cal 1-800-668-0031. FREE CAREER GUIDE to "hame-study correspondence Diplorna courses. Accounlîng, Air candtiionlng. Bookkeeplng. BusIness, Cosmetology. Etectronica. LegallMedîcal Secreîary, Psychology, Travet. Grasilon, (5A)-263 Adealde West, Torontos. 1 - 800-950-1972. FIYour ad could appear ln communîty newspapers ln Ontario, or rlght across Canada, or any IndivIdua province. Space Is Limited, 80 Cati ThiIs Nawspaper Today! BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE' To meach a wider market, advetise lhroughouf the regional membership of the Ontatio and Canadifan Community Newspaper Associat ions Ontral Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words - Af Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 word AJI Canada 572 news as- $974 for 25 words For further Information please oel the Whilby Free Press Ciassifieas - 668-0594 WHITBY IMMACULATE, one bed'room7 apartment. self-contained,- gmund $595/month.*666-5-056. large, Fully floor. TWO-BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment. Maple Street. '$7001 month. Avallable Octôber 15. 666-0263. WHITBY LUXURY 2-bedroom condo. I!Island/Glarden. 2 ful baths, 5 appliances, utîlities Incl. Solarium, security, pooI, jacuzzl. gym, sauna, ýparty room, under- qýqndarkng.Avaliable Nov. 't WHITBY1 PRIME downtown commercial retail space, in main f loor of Ontarioa Bank Building. Fully serviced and ýrecenty renovated te suit most businesses. FalI* occupancy., Caîl 668-3011, message; or 666-3883, evesiwkd. MEDICAL1PROFESSIONAL, 625 sq. ft,. downtown Whitby. Gmund floor, loads cf parking. Private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE, 1500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arranrgements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. STORAGE SPACE available. Ideal for vehicles or boats. Indoor & outdoor. CalI 427-4754. INDOOR/ 'OUTDOOR storage for Winter season. .430-9383 or 430-3785. PARKING SPACE available for boats, RVs, traiflers. Seasonal or year-round. Brooklin, 655-4508. s'. eF n erocking stone - retaining wals wood fencing & decks FREE COMPETITIVE EST/MA TES UNIVERSITY WERKS I666-9690 i APENTRÇ'Y *. WITBYLTD. . 0 Genen ral ntryAdditions* HmeLPraVement g S DrywaIJAndPainting i 18 lYearsl-n iDurham CEPo* *Region 45 I a Cali: - L668-4686. 3 BEDROOM.. BUNGALOW, heated -gara e.. . Whltby, Brock/M n 00/monjth ý.plus utilfties. 668-1140, or 668-9612. mi UKE NEW CUSTOM HOME. Two bathsýi + 1 bedrooma, living,. dinfingkichen, den, laundry, attached garage on 60 x',110 lot, irregular**- -Northwest .-Whltby.' $153,900 or best offer. 666-2066. St. 10mnAmbulance Thmned nvr changes (mi., trim Iawn and garden servie government iicensed professionals pealzng in property maintenance tee and shrub pruning, Iandscaplng FREE ESTIMATES 434-9428 623-9711, INTERLOCK--REPAIR &SEAL Re-level sunken -areas, weed removal, -etc. -Reasonable, -rates, quality workmarîship. 668-2742, evenings. TrREES FOR SALE..Buy direct from a grower. Maples. Iocusts, oaks, blrch '& Colorado'spruce. Deliery & installation' avallable. From $49 te $199. Cal Willowgrove Nursery, 655-8553. * Ceramic 190 anc marble IFree Estmates. Rférences. Spcil ingi cx etiem n De .rek Dutka- planning since 1986- CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. LEANING Tenders are lnvlted, tq mvlde' window cleaning srcsat the Michael Starr Bdg,33 Klng Street W., Oshaa, Ont, for- a 3-year period. TENDER 8 II2ÏO.9Z Sealed, Tenders wili -bé received until 2:,00*p.-M. lcal,ý time on !!tRàUXAL- OCTOBER 22,1992P Tender Documents. may .be obtained from the, Ontario, Ministry of Government Services, Orillia District Office, Memorial Avenue at, the Huronia Regional Centre, P.O. Box 790, Orillia, Ontario 1,3V .6K7. Note: For further information regardingjthe Tenders,, please, cali the Tenders, Office at the: above address, telephone: (705) 325-7403.- The lowest or any tende r not necessarily accepted.. MORTrGAGE 'LOANS - lst & 2nds te 05% cf value. Ail property types, prime 'rates.- Qu 'ickservice an approvals. cae iya Financlal Corporation, 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - he Place to go when your bank says "NO.~ Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUJBIS INVESTMENTS. Bo«Griaphids Business Cards, Newsletters, Logos, Flyers, Brochures, Menus, Smaii Signs & Posters,.Resumnes, Laser Prints & Scans. .666-9894 Computer Graphics &,Design Ip5jThe Mütùal'Group HERB TRAN I cail for quotalion Finncal725-6564 oncelpt RRI s NUTE a ,11 m , ý 1 1

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