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Whitby Free Press, 14 Oct 1992, p. 16

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Page 16. Whitthy Free Press, Wednesday, October 14, 1992 COMPATIBLECOMPANIONS CONNECTION located in Whitby. W. are holding meetings for unglea and havà varlous social eventsý,Lie dancing bowling swimming golfinrg tkâs Beatre, -nightclbsb ingo, ptukand -diming out, etc. Meetings are held every Friday, 7 ta 10 p.m. Membership applic- able. New members welcome. Phone 1-800-461-7391. NEDLE REXC IIANGE The Needle Exchange Steering Committee. wiil hold a needle exchange information session on Thursday, Oct. 15, 1 to 5 p.m., at St. Andrewes Church, 71 Simcoe St. S.,- Oshawa. Topica 'and speakers include <Nine Drug-seeking Behaviours,' Bob Martel, AIDS Comnittee of Toronto); 'Keep Six -- The ]Kingston Needle Exchange Progrem, ' Brent Taylor,. The ]Kingston Afl)S project; "The Van -the Hamilten Needile Exchange Progr-am, Suzanne Newmark, Regional ý'Municipality . of Hamdlton-Wentworth department of Public Health Services. Admission ja free. To register, cail or fax the Addiction Resemarch Foundation by' Wednesday, Oct. 8, 576-6277 (telephone), 576-1281 (fax). Space is limited.' li:UCM The Ladies -Auxiliary to Whitby Legion Branch 112 will hold a euchre on Oct. 15, 8 p-m in the Legion hall (upstirs), 111 B3yron St. S., Whitby. Lunch will be served. Cost la $2 per person. IElISAND COLIS The Oshawa Chapter, Canadian-Foundation for fleitis and Colitis will hold a general meeting on Oct. »15, 8 p.m., at Oshawa General Hoepital, room 1002, Aima St. . .Fred Saibil,. head of gestronenterology at Sunnybrook Health Sc ience Centre, wiil discuss <Ileitis and Colitis: What'it aIl About." Ail are welcome. Refreshments will be served. For more information caH Frank or- Bey Varga at CFIC Oshawa chapter, 576-6049. MOMS &TOTS1 Moma & Tots Play Group wil! be held at the Centennial Build- VingCntre St. S., Whitby on Wedays, 9:30 to il a.m., atarting Oct. 14 and continuing until Jane. For more, information, caîl Mary at 430-0409. <ROSE. 0F DURHA The Rose -of, Durham wil hold afundrasingdece'on c. 7 8:30 'p'.m. to, 1 aà.. at the Holy, Family Church, 91 ibblesdal Dr., Whitby. Tickets are $15,pa pesnandi include a lige buffet an oor pie.For tickets or more informhation, call 432-3622.ý COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet on Oct. 18, 12:30 îù~a the Michael Starr BilÏd- mpg, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. For more -information caîl' Earl BUS TRIP. The YMCA Fernily Resource Centre recently opened on Michael Blvd. in west Lynde, Witby will hold a bus trip on Saturday Nov. 7i'7 a.m. to 5 m.te kitchener-Waterloo and Ît.Jacoba. The trip, a fundiais- mng venture costs $25 (adulta only). Cail 696-4794. STAMPCLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will 'meet on TuesdaLy, Oct. 20, 7 p.m., at ONeill Collegiate (cafeteria, firt floor). Collectors and visit- era are always welcome. Stampa, postcards and cover collections cen be exchanged, appraised or sold a t auction. For more infor- mation cail John at 725 -7962. < BLOOD DONOR National Blood Donor .Appre- <ciation Week will be held Oct. 18 te 25. In central Ontario alone, last yea more then 57,000 hos- pital patients received blood transfusons. Health individuals aged 17 te 70 are invited to help celebrate the' week by giving blood. Caîl the -local'Red Cros brench. WIDOWS AN4D WIDOWEBS Widows and widowers wiil hold an- evening cf dancing,, chit-chat and carda on Sunday, Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m., in the 420 Wing, Oshawa Airport. For more information, ceIl 683-2045, 430-0130 or 683-3855. ONE-PAR.ENT FAMMLlS The Oshawa Chapter' On., Parent Femilies Association will' meet on Tuesday, Oct. 20, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S. Guest speakerV Nancy Mutch will d1 iscuss «<Single Parenting.' New mnembers and guestea. re welcome. ",For more information cal 436-5089 or 433-0832. SUPPORT GROUPMEETNGS ý The Head W~ury Association of: Durham Region wýIl hold support*ý group meetings on. Wednesday 'Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m., at 459 Bondà St. E., Oshawa. Ail are welcome. The survivors group wil meet on the main floor; faxnly , and caregivers. group, upstairs. For- assistance with trünsportation, call ti.association at 723-2732. SELF-DEFENCE PROGRAM ' e SAFE -program, addresses' women's safety concerna and teàches seulf-defence, tailored toa their, needs, "resulting in an iricreased awareness and confidence. The sfix-week progrem wiil b. held Mondays, Oct. 19 ta Nov. ,23 7-30 te 9:30 P.m. The cost la é40'per person. Cali the. YMCA office at 668-6868 for course location. BÈLOCE PARENT The. Whitby Brooklin Block Parent- Prograzn and Chlld FInd will hold a 'Sefety Fun Day,' sosored by Durham Dodge, on gturday, Oct. 17 10:30 a.m. to 3 e... t Durham* hodge Bloor St., Z)shiàwa (east of kàhornton) . Together with several ectivities and a muglc show at 10:30 a. Child FInd will provide ii. K BLUE JAYS' cHALI David Fisjher, chaplain for the Toronto Blue 'Jaya, Montreal' Expos, and Minnesota Twins, wll be eUst speaker at a father- chila breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 17, 830 a..m. at Christ Anglican- Church, Hillcroft and Mary streets, Oshawa. Coat is ,$4 for adults, $3 for children. Draws will be held. For.tiekets; cal Doug Thompson at 723-7060. ONE PARENT FAN~ North, Oshwa Chai .BEIERBEETHIG flon l There ila .U ltime te register up rou o i.Ln are ' In forte ugAssociation%'Setter W or have a Breathig' ouseta b. éi MeaI ray Wednesdy afternoons binnlng ice their Oct. 21 at Marlon n~ace,ý 600 ï,n m Marion Ave., -Oshawa. Th at Ino coat. si-ekprOgraM. la fr-ee for aU dulte with asthme, bronchitis or ~wSns emphysema. Medical »Profèa- snels will be aveilable througli- eut the. Course te e nswer nuls quastions. For mor information pter, One or te regiser, ca the association £UViIi Lt -» UiUUD £ s W.14U1wAU me4îet on Oct. 21,8 p.m., et Christ. Church,e Mary'sad Hfilcroft streets, Oshawa ta 'learn the. laetlinedence by Cercle of Carolels Country. There wiil b. a amall f... New memibera and' guests welcome. Forinformation, ea 668-757.9 or 434-3687. JE SSE THORNLEY'S love for tire trucks brought hlm to mie downhtown fire station. The tire hall held an open house last, week as part of Fire PreventionWeek. Photo by Matthew Stolk, Fre Pree co-op tuident ý RYANTIEMUM IWAL Teý' first Parkwood 'Chrysantiiemum Festival' wiil b. held on Sunday, Oct. 18,1:30 ta 4 p.m., sudfromà Tuesday, Oct. 20 ta Sunday, Oct. 25, 1:30 to 4 p.m., et Perkwiood Estate and Gerdens, 270 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa.-,Price is $3 par person, which includes tii. festival su ad a house tour. Groups welcome by appointment. For - more information, eaU 579-1311. FALL SEàVATER SALE The Whitby Generel Hospital Ailiary will hold the Fal Sweater Sale on Thursday, Oct. 22, 10 a.m. te, 4 p.m., lu tii. hospitel lôbby. Proceeds to the. auxiliary.,For more information, cail Joan et 430-2572. Awareness Month, and Oct. 18 to AUVLL .V iJLI 24 has been proclainied as LEARN1NG DISAILTIs A 'Women Against. Violence' SchzohreiaAwareness Week The, Learning _Disabilities forum will be held by the CAW in hihend aa h Asdto4OhaaCatra women's committee Local 222 on inWbtb ad shaa he Asscaretiso gOshwu pter, a Sunday, Oct. .18,,8:30 a.m. to 5 Ontario -Friends - of Shio paretspotgnpwi odpm, at .1425 Phillip Murray hrenics, Durham chapter willthreuamn1hy etigo Ave., Oshawa. Guest speaker is have a booth at 'the. Oshawa Oct. 22, 7:30 p.m., i the program Fanine Nichols., Par-ticipants Centre on Oct. 24, 10 a.m. to 2 room at the Whitby Public will mnclude" representatives Of PM*,to spreadpýubic awareness. LirtaGayRbnsonaspcl Denise House", Durham Legal -bui~m enalHealth wilvaveeucon cnutnwill give Services crimeis intervention speakers (one from Ontario tips on how parents can'help teams, -4pîle Hous,- Outreach Fred f Schizophrenics, children with reading akills at .Abuse Prevention and the Rape D>urham - chapter), at Durhamn home. Ail are welcoene to attend. Crisis Centre. There is no cost, COU on Nov. 13. For fuirther Admission 'is free. For further and lunch will be provideci. cail'the Durham * ýinfoxïmation, ocal,486-7706, or J y " . ........... LUNCKEONOUT Sponsored by the. Knighnitis Columbus, 'Luncheon'Out' te held Monâays, Wedneedays and Fridays, et noon et the. Knights' of Ceùmbus HeÙ, Brock St. -N. ln downtewn Wiiitby. Ail seniors are welcome. There la a nominal charge. For more information cal668-8334. CflISTLANSINGLES Christian Singles will meet on Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m., e t tii. Chris- tian Life Centre, Rossland and Ravenscroft, Ajax. Speaker will b. Hiram Jos.ep hcf Oshawa. For more information »eaUl Ruth et 728-9720 or 929-0826. HATLL.OWEENBAZAAR Trafelgar Castle School will hold- the. Halloween Bazear for Cherities on Saturday, Oct. 31, 1 te 4 p.m. There will b. afternoen tee, international foods, a dre- matics presentetien, Pbooks, plants, baked goods, ¶Halloween Haune ' Dungeon' and free babysitting. FALL. DINNER MEETING Super ' nnuated Teachers cf Ontario, District 28 -- Durharm Region will iiold a fall dinner meeting on Thursday, Oct. 22 at Kingsview United Churh (corner cf Wilson Rd. and Adélaide -St., Oshawa., Hospitality hour wiil b. .held-from il1 a.m. ta 12:15 P.=., followed - by dinner.. D.borah Stepliens' of Johnson. Insurance will head tiie panel discussion on travel 'sud health costs. Cost is $19.50 persmon. Make ch qes 'payable ta R. Wite sud mailuta R. Wite, 138 Sussex St., Oshawa L1G 1lV9 by Oct.- 15. DOWN SYDROME, Durham, Down' Syndrome Association meets Tuesday, Oct. 20, 7:30 anm., at Wbitby Bap ftit Church Gibert St. TopciIlb 'Infant ïieauge.'For more infor- mation ea1434-2856. TREE-PLANTING. Tree-plantting ceremonies will tae a plaet Ormisten public achoo, Whtby on Seturde, ct 17, ila. te.2 p.m. Thii. tre. wl b. donatedby Weafl:& Cul- Ontariôo ýFriends- c f Sclizo- phremecs, Dunham RPeWon chap- tr iiImeet on Wednes3dey, Oct._21 7-te9p;m. tSt.M as ChurcËh liese,,20(5 Byron SLt. (corner. cf, Byron 'and Colborne streets) *,hitby. Guest speaker will be br. . eersonofWtb Psychiatri espitel1wo wil dis cues 'Drug and Alcohol Depen- dencywithSchizophrenia.' DUPLICATEBRIDGE Duplicate Bridge Dýay, -hosted by ýtii. Canadien ffeeration of un versity- Womien,, Oshaw*a,& Dilstrict, lll b. held on. Satur- day,: Oct. 17, 9 a.m."te,4:30 p.m. at Kingsview .United -Church Oshawa. For tickets (ý$20for ai day $15foehaf-, dy) caîl (arolyn Aexander at 57694204 (te rcipte reavaileble). - CONTINENTAIS The Continentals, 25 vocalista ;with live instrumentation, will present a concert of, contempor- ary Christian music on Wedniea- day,, Oct. 21 at Whbitby Baptist Church,. 411 Gilbert, St. E. Thia year marks the. 25th anniversary world tour of the group. For more, information cal 668-8007. :BREKATNETWORK Third Thursday Breakfast Network will meet, on ThursdyP, Ot. 15, 7:30 a.m., at Charle Barleys, 145 King St. W-., Oshawa. Ouests -are welcome. CaIl 432-7200 or 434-7777 for reservations. OPEN HOUSE Durham-Coilege la holding open house at the main campus ou Oct. 20 and. 21. Daytime iiigi school tours are aranged through higii achool guidance counsellors. EWA-Y« pro g ýmo es ydepbi i

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