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Whitby Free Press, 14 Oct 1992, p. 3

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iMiitby Free Press, Wednesday,OCâtober Il 1922Page 3ý Hspi.talftuedsse DuringiWaite Reduction(DEN)'andiPicffrinncheoneonrSeptt'2n Pîtney Bowea of Canada L4çL ýannounced the winnors of its tÏhir annuial Ontauio Green Office Awards. Bell'Canada and Oshawa General Hospital were top wnners due to the extent of thefr,3Rs activities and waste reduction achievementa, whlle MCO Dental Technologyr Services in Whitby received a honourary mention. SBell Canada has achleved a 97 per cent réduction lu annual waste lu its Etobicoke Piflot location alone and p lans to unroil its 'Zero Waste program te ail 120 branches lu Ontarlothlsyear., Osýhawa ,General Hos3pitalý recycles 13d tonnes of materials' annually lu addition ta reducing annual waate by 20 tonnes. Both companies have organized environznental task forces and implemeénted a thoreugh 3%3 plan that lucludes enery conservation ~acice an a enirometàlly-reponslbile purchasng oiy. Each hvo been awarded a Pitney Bowes plialu-paper facaimile machine. MCO Dental Technology Servces was congratulated for ita creativity lu reducing waste. The 'dental appliance manufacturer makes toy moulds from exceas dental plaster and donates them te children'a- charitios and dental offices. The company aIse, utilizea popcorn as an 'effective and environmentally-respenoile form cf packaging. Elaine Lunie cf Pitney Bowes atated that they were overwhelmed b the qualiV o f nominations tins year and were aIse limpreaaed with ~e creativity luvolved in companiea'waste reduction programs. On Sept. 14, Pitney Bowes cf Canada announced grants totaling $15,000 ta 1l'envlronmient groupa acroas Canada te help fund projecta that promote greener work envronmients. The company launched its 'Green Office- Fund£ earlier thia spring and invited non-profit eoiviroimennt groupa from acrosa the country ta aubiit applications. Each cf the 11iprojects selected featured a strong 3Rs educational focus and included plans ta facilitate waste reduction in, the workplace. Funcling ranged fr>m$200 te, $2,000 per applicant.- "We salute the efforts that environment groupa, have -made lu promoting waate reduction 1fo Canadian consumera. Our goal la ta see 3Rs education expand, te the workplaoe., We arervery pleased- te offer the support needèd ta encourage greener work environmenta,". asys Ste p en McGillpresident cf PitnLey Bowes Canada Ltd. The company la now accpting applications for the second haif cf the 1992 fuïnding programn. Only projecta that are geared tawarda impoving environmental practicea lu the workplace and those from non-profit organizations wil be considered. The deadline for subinissions ia Oct., 30. Groupa interested *in a 1l' may contact Eileen- Chadnick at (416) 480.7309'for more =nfor atinsd an application form. C.onlng evontsi Oct. 29, Metro Worka will sponsor a one-day 'Commercial and Industrial Waste Reduction' conference at the Montecassino Hotel in North York. Topics for discussion will be: an overview cf Metro's waste management policies and services te the ludustrial, commercial and intitutional (IC&I),sectora; opportunities and. services provided by the -Ontario- Waate Exchange;, provincial regulations how they affect the IC&I sector, and a series cf corporate waste Management auccestonies. For companies wantlng further details, contact Tom Richards at (416) 397-0202. Oct 17-22, Toronto, a world congreas for education communication ou environ.meut and development. Eco-Ed fosters the co-operative exchange of, relevant 'knowledge between educatars, scientiste, businessea, governments, voluntary organizationa and the media. For more information, cail (416) 482-9212. Nov. 5 and 6, Toronto Technology Transfer conferenco offering an exposition callcd the Partnera' Forum which wil provide an opprtunity for the establishment cf alliances between universities, techinology, iudutry, goverument funding, groupsansd venture capitaliste. For further information, contact (416) 323.4657. Another 'Nightmare on Centre -St.,' =Billyis back -- fromthe dead.. Anhe promiises that «nooneé getutaliver from the Haunted Houstobe. held, by Whitby Jo5cee Oct. 25 te, 31,. 'Ngtmare on Centre Street - Bily Itturne' is the theme of the third aninual scare-a-thon te ihe held 4y Jaycees in the. Centen- niai Buildin. Wity Junior ChamberlJay- cees are inviting ail goblins ghosts and littem ýonstes -f thr dare - te, visit the Centen- nfBuilding which will undergo a fightful tranformation as -Ail Hallows Ev. approaches.' About 3,000 .people ventured tb:rough luat y.arls 'Nightnxare on Centre Street - the Sequel.' Thy were haunted te sreams of 'Bih eeëee, where are you7P as the ghosts wanted Billy ThL Left charge laid by poli ce A 39-year-old Oshawa man was arrested. alter knocking down a floorwalker at Woolco in Whitby Thursday afternoon. Police say shé confronted the man sud accused him ofshop lift- -ing aftor which heockdher down f- se wasn't injured - and ran from the store and hopped* inte a ar.- A suspect was arrested in the parking- lot snd charged with theft under, resitingarrest and possession ofsàtlen prqperty. back. Some of the, ghosts who roa- med the buildinig last year in search cf helpiesa victima will also be baek. Haunting tours begin at 6 p.m. from Sundat ri*day. On Saturday, Halloween, tours bein atnoon. Cost la $2 for those who dare enter. ROTARY CAS CALIDARS Public meetinigs are being held this week te 'discuss the future direction cf -programas and ser- výices at WhiÎby, General Hosjpi- tal. The hospital board of &directors là,* Special benches GR EG MCLENNAN instalis a spec 'iaL ' bench, to assist those wïth ambulatpry problems, a t the Coibome St. bus shelter. Seventeen of the benches, which cost $300 each including installation and are made entirely from recycled plastic, are being installed at bus stops. There will be on e in aIl 45 of Whitby's bus shelters by this time next year. Photo by Mark Reescr, WNhy Free Prosi OU TDO( Camping and Canoë Outfitters ORN ing NEW FALIJWINR ARRIVALS-, 7SIERRA, Royal Robbinsm" DESIGNS-l,, & Banff Outerwear A LIL 1N SITOCK TE NTS: 305 Brock'St. N. Whitby 66:8-047-4 HOURS: Mon. Tue. Wcd. 1 baroý-8pm' Thurs. & Fri..1lOam-9pm Sat. 9am-5pm. has.decided te redefine the hospi- ta's, strategic direction, and iden- A.-strategie plan mnll be dévelo- ped- te .determine programe and services provided te meet-future health car edsin Whitby. The ýconsulting firmAgew Peckhani has bee-n hired toh'elp with*the plann ing procesa. Tefe. from the consulting. tomorrow (Thursday), 1:36 te. 6:30 p.m., toi meet with residents and'receive suggestions and com- menta. Cali the hospital at 668-6831 (ext. 1315) te arrange fLnd ,appointment. Meetings are aise beingteday (Wednesdày), 7:30 te 9:30 Pm.' at the B rooklin community ,centre, 48 Cassels Rd. E., and Thursday' 7:30 te 9:30 'p.m., at the WhitLy municipal building, council chambers. '4 .4 44"' M' ~ I 4",, '--

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