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Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 11

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Whftby Fr.. Pria, We&hesday. Ociber 21. 100Z Page 11 Flagstoln fom a'."proud"-Canadia Té thé, Editor. Opn vacation in the tesI have, always mreld at Airican *patriotism.,and. their fiyi Of the fiagi This ear, wî decidtotfly àaur Canadafiag ouütsideour home. ýWith ail tii. hype 'over unity, ýWùhy's Flag9 Day: >the media's '-Proudto b. Cancin apin we^ were doubly podl of aur,. decision. That was ail shattered over.the, Thanksgiving holiday .wuekend -When soméieone sole the fliag:and ple from a bracitet outside: aur front door. As IsiiI' proudto be Canadiman, prod of my heritage (my faxnily were early settlers in the Peterborough ariaE) and proud of, mîy ancestry. ,That ancestry includes- two. members ofMY imniedate family who died defending ý this Country whle, serving in France in World War I. That fiag eat "or ,tne and my fanly thon just a, CHP rejects agreement Téothe Editoe. The Charlottetown Agreement, like the Meech Lakte* Accord beforn it, hmbasben presented. to the -,Canadfian people ea"a fait acompli with-*the caution that failuri to accept the agreement as presented' would 0send Canada ito uncbarted waters."- The Christian, Heritage Party (CH[P) refuses to b. intimidated ito- accepting an agreement mer-ely because those i power havi sucoessfuly portrayed the vote as either thi acceptance or the rejection of Quebec. The referendum dois not deal with, the acceptance or the rejection of Quebec. What it dois deal with is the continued protection and preservation of fundamental democratic rigits whÎch belong toalal Canadians. Canada boasted of a great constitution, the BNA Act, rigit up to 1982. It worked weil for over iQO years. y Tii;, latest< agreement is rijected by thi CP because it takes' the lait and irréversible sétep of excluding God for once anÎfor ail fromaur constitition. It is rejected because cherished idividual rights are sacrificed on the. modern altar af collective eidmincy and group rights. tis reeécted because .it is a.n intoleroble departure frm the. fundamental' *democratic principle of "one man, o'ne vote." Iis rejected becauseAtii Suree court i. biig pliticiedad entrenched in an revocable way. Itis rejected because, given the unamnmty clause invoked iii the agrement, the. iniquitous Chatr of Rights and Freedoms will be forever entrenched ini our constitution. The lit could go on. The CEP, moved by concern for the welfare of ail Canadians, will flot settie for less than what we had in. the past, and that servedý us' so well. What Canada needs te flot what the agreement will inevit- ably produce, but.a Gad-fearing demcratic systemn that prtecta the freedomn and rights to self-deterndnation of every one of its citizens. .Canada will cnly b. secure and prosper, and its people live in peae and harmony, when the laws and constitution of the land abide by Gods laws. The agreement must' be [ SUANNlUAL E4 CRAFT SALE PORT RRY HIGH SCHOOL Sat., October 24th ~10a.m. - 4 p rejected. gesture'of patriotism,- and now k is gone. b in spte ofits losI fco ned proud ofwho I, arnand ofonl o myancestors, a 19-year-old' boy whodied.for Canada. I can'lt Say 'that for tihe probably, younger than l9-year oid punk who had the audacityto stam roperty. I can only pity such a sorrowful individual. And to think ail of this occurred on the weelçend 'we traditionally ive thanlits. My thanits is that Fmi no way related to such an inconsiderate, obnoxious -individual. That privilege belongs to some other. parent in VWhitby. S till proud to b. Canadian. Bon Cross Whitliy 11 ds S:.E.\hib We30sda86O372 .',FULL COUNT FridayOct. 23 1 UNDER'THE., COVERS Saturdayý Oct. 24 Fr.. Dessert WIth Mes! on, Mfondaya & :Tuesdays Transform Your House Into Your Home 666-5222 [Shop at Home ~ Colour Schemes Created - Prices Below Retail WALLS *,W FucFinishes - Paints * Papers *Borders FURN1TIJRE *Traditional *Country * Contemporary *Accessories SAVE AN EXTRA 10%1vW1TH, THIS AD! Q TACHIKAWA PAAmicrobid FAINTS &COATIN MCI U mminDcsignand Cmftsinansip ( WINDOWS *Blinds *Balloons *Swags *Drapes ( T (j > m r

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