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Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 12

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Page 12, WhÎtby Free Prose, Wedneeday, October 21,1992 GlASGOWRANGEffS CLUB Te Glasow anger e Supporters Club, Whtby Branch, will hold the bi-monthly general meeting on Sunday, Oct. 25,, 1 athe clubroomet 227 Brock .m., tby Tickets wiil be ;vai!Lîe :for the St. Andrew'e Daydance., For, more information, cil430-9057 or 728-0194. FOGUS ON WOMEN * Focu s on Women will meet for. coffee and dessert, on -Tuesday, Oct. ,27, 7:30 p1>.M.,""at tii. M avation, Arm Oshawa Tem'le Corps, 570 ?orntonRd Oshawva. The -feature je 'T1ravelling .Alon' by' Conet.' Gerry -Slmîith. oce n * Chistan women'speaker will. be Janet Yukick. Admission je $3. For information, cal 75502 * Fairview LodgeIditchen. staff will feature a <HauntedHoue'oni Wednesday, , Oct. -,28 .and Thursday, Oct. 29, between 1 and 3 p.m. and 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. Al are welcomne. ,Adission ie 50 cents par persan. The lodge je located at 632 Dundas St. W., Whitby (at the corner of Dunhdas and Cochrane etreée). ONE-PABENT FAMUIES « The Oshawa Chapter One Parent Familles Association will meet on Tuesda, Oct. 27, 7 p.m., at Simcoe Halflettment House, 387 Simco. St. S. for <'K is Halloween Craft, Night.' New members and gueste are welcome. For more information, call 436-5089 or 433-0832. AMNESTT INTERNATIONAL Amnesty' International, Group 90 (Ajax-Pickeig), will meet on Tuesday, Oet. 27, 7:30 p.m., at, Pickering Vil eir United Church, Church St. N. Guest spaer, Lev. Kwang-ll Leewl â about 'hise- experiences as a poiialrsner in Korea in the 1970e. S ' des wllbe shown ta illustrate the talk. Ail are welcome4 For further' information, cali668-7171. WBffE IBBON WEE The Family Action Council and People Againet- Pornography are co-sponsoing White Ribbon Week 192 in Durham Region, Oct. 25 ta Nov. 1. White ribos will be displayed as a-national proteet against the- presence of pornogralphy in aur ocietyr. Cail 8u~Sanhet1er at 725-8782- or 728-8706 for more information. On Saturday, Oct. 24, 10 a.m., a peCeul protest will be held at XXAdulte Only. Video Store, King St. E., Oshawa. Concerned citizens are welcome. SCHI[ZOPENIMCS Ontario , Friends ' of Schizophrenics, Durham Region Chapter, will meet on Wdeay, Oct. 21, 7 ta 9 p.m.,. at Why payéhati Hosptal, building 30. Guest spake will be Dr. B. Peders*nof Whitby, Psychiatric Hýospital who will discuse <Drug The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre sonor'Living Well.'a series of ive-week wr 8hp covering topice such as.nuriMon, relaxation, stress ýManagement andfitnese ýfor seniors The next serîesà of workehope will start on Fiday, Oct. 23, at 15 -Regency Place. The cost ie $5, wbich includesa îmanual and-refresh- maente each week. To register, cal the ýcentre at- 668-1424. Space ie limited. ROTARY CLUB of Whitby Sunrise hopes to seli 3,000 cash calendars before the new year -- the $20 calendars make you eligible for cash prizes dra*n every day of TURKEY SUPPER At ouke up will b. held at Westmnstr nted Church, 25 Manning Rd. (between Thickson and Garrard) én Saturday, Oct. 24. There wýI lb. sittinge et 4, 5 and 6 p.m. Cost je $10 for adultd, $4 for those under age 12,1 free for pre-schoolers. To get tickete cali Grace et 728-0417, Helen at 576-2615 or Elizabeth at 576- 8218. SANTA CLAUS FPADE The annual Santa Claus Parade, presented by the Whitby Jaycees, will b. held on Saturday, Dec.' 5. Entry 'forme are now available at the .Whitby Public Library and the Whitby Chaniber cf Commerce office at 123 Brook St. ýS. -For more information, contact parade chair Jim Bradfield at 668-1529. RAE TO VISIT Premier Bob Ra. will b. guest speaker at a spaghetti dinner ta b.e held by the Durham East NDP Riding Association on Fni- day, Oct. 23 at the Orono arena. Rae -Je scheduled ta, speak et 6 p.m. Another guest speaker will b. York - East MPP Gord Mal- kowski, who will discuse the effeot of the proposed constitu- tional agreement on those- with disabilities (Malkowski -has a hearing disability). Cost of the all-you-can-eat dinner is $9.95., For tickets caîl 623-6377 and leave a message. Some tickets will b. available at the door. SCHIZOPIRENIA MONTH Octaber ije'Schizophrenia Awareness Month, and Oct. 18 ta 24 has been proclaimed as Schizophrenia Awareness Week in Wbitby and Oshawa. The Ontario Friends of - Schizo- piirenics, Durhani chapter will have a booth at the Oshawa Centre on Oct.,24, 10 eam. ta 2 p.m., to spread public awareness. Durham Mental Hadth wfll have speakers» (one from _. Ontario Friende of Schizophrenics, Durham chapter), at- Durham Collage on Nov. '13. For furtiier information, oeial the Durham chapter et (416) 404-1301.< the year. The club raised more than $40,000 for community projeots through sales of the 1992 calendars.. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Pres GOOD NEIGHBOUR DAY, The . Good Neighbour Committe. cf Whitby will hold a Good Neighbour Informnation and Volunteer Fair at Whitby Mall on Thursday, Oct. 29, 10 a.m. ta 8 p.m. Varions rmztions and agencies will' inform the. public about services and opportunities available for volunteening. There will be an arts and craft display, dance demonstrations and frée drawe. Organizations wantingta, participate in the event are asied to contact Peggy Ktirby at Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, at 668-1424. ORIENTATION The Big Brothers Association Of Oehawa-Whitby will hold orientation for mothZers on Tues- day, Oct. 27, and for prospective Big Brothers on Wednesday, Oët. 28. For more information and registration, oeIl 579-2551. MALE VIOLENCE A discussion about ending vio- lence againet women will b. held on Sundiay, Nov. 1, 11:30 a.m. ta 1 p.m., at St. Marks United Church, 201 Centre St. S Whitby. Guest will b. Lev. Cli?- ford Elliott, and there will b. a chance ta, meet those participat- ingin the. 'Men Walldng Ageinst Ml. Violence,' from Toronto ta, Ottawa over the. period of a month. The walk from Ajax ta Whitby wilf b. on Sunday, Nov. 1 and from Whitby ta Oshawa on Monday, Nov. 2. WOMEN'SMETING A planning meeting for the. Dunhamn Chapter cf Womenls Action Coaltion (WAC) will b. held on Thursday, Oct. 29, 6pamn, in the, program room cf the. Whiftby Public Library. An area cof concern je the rights of women who have 'been assaulted, harassed, stalked, ée., and are being vicimized again through .h eaprocesses that muet be endured. Ail are ýwelcome.,Ciild care je. not available at this meeting. For more information, call Tanya at 666-9351 or Robyn at 837-2725. GENERAL MEETING Leukemia Research Fund will hold a general .meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 7:30 ta 9 p.m., at Knox- Preebyterian Church, 147 Simncoe, S t. N., Oshawa. CLUB CABIB The regular general meeting of, Club Caib of Oshawa Ino.. will b. held on Sunday *Oct. 25, 7:30 ~ m.,, at Sunn sîcfe Park club- Ouse, Stacey,,I*cKm avenues, Oshawa.,Ail welcomüe.', The Club Carib Youth Group will hold 'a teen: dance 'featuring Gary' Thomas from Energy 108- FM 'on Saturda" "Oc't.' 31," .8. p.m. ta 1 ai.., at te, Kinsmen Hall, 109 Coîbomne St. E.L (Coîborne "and McMillan Dr.), Oshawa. Admisà- sion je $6 in advance, $7 ýat the. door. For - tickets ,oeI lLe. (728-4293), Natasha (432-8828), Trisha (432-5436) or Tiffany (432-9133). ONE PARENT FAM3LlES North Oshawa Chapter, One Parent Familles Association will meet on Oct. 28, 8 p.i.,ý at Christ Church," Mary - and Hiilroft streets, Oshawa, for 'carde -and conversation. New members and' gueste welcome. For information, cal 668-7579 or 434-3687. COP[NG WITH GRIEF cA. pastoral, care workshop, Coping with Grief Througii the Gift cf Humour,' will b. iield on Fiday, Octaber 30,11:30 a.m.,taý 4 p-.m., at ý Sunnycrest, Nursing 'Home. Lunch ie included. Ail are welcome. Call 576-0111 for more information. ORGANIC GROWERS Growierewill ineet on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m., at the Durham Regional..Headuresbuilding, Roesand, Rd.,Wtby. Aa.Re cf Brooklin wfll .speak on si remneraization. Lug-a-mug. Cal -434-6231 'for -mor LEARNING DISBLTE The -Learning D)isabilities Association, Oshawa Chaptr pae tpport -group, ilhl the regulai monthly meeting on Oct. 22, 7:30 p.m., in the program, roomn at the Whitby Public Library. Gary Robinson, a, spécial education ,-Consultant, will give tips on how parents can help cbildren with -rea 'ding skills at home.. Ail are welcome té attend. Admission je free. .For, further information,' cail 436-7706 or 628-4934. KICHEC If your child were to' go "missing, 1Would you «be able ta, quickly provide police 'with pertinent information? Whitby. General-'Hosital will 'hoet 'KidcheckAII About Me on Saturday, Oct. 24,. 1 ta 4 p.m., at. the, hospi*tal, second floor. Children' of ail agee are welcomne, includingteenagers.. There will be information on. Child Find Ontario Imc. and. the free services 'it provides tg the community. BLOCK PAIMNT WEEK National Block Parent Week je Oct. 25 ta, 31. Block Parents are asked t6 ensure that- Block Parent signe are dioplayed on Halloween night, so that; children -Who may rum into difficulty will know that yours ie a, safe hu. To be.come a Block'- Parent- or, ta request education presentations for a clasm, cail the local Block Parent Prograrn, police depart- ment or elementary school. SENIORS LWVING WEIL, <Iàving Well' is a, program .sponsored by the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre. Workshops include topice such as nutrition, relaxation and stress maniage- ment, lltness, and exorcise, and personal health* care. The next; five-week programn will begin on Friday, Oct.' 23, at 15. Regency Place. The cost is $,5 and includes' a manual ýand refreshxnente4 -To register,; -cail the - centea 668-1424. Space is limited.' BUS TRIP The, YMCA Family ',Resource Centre .rçeetly ýopeëneèd on Michaý1 lvd. in west. Lynde, Whitb,.wlhôld a bus trip,on satray lov. 7 7a ndt ~t. acobe The trip, a, fundrais- ing venture coese $25~ (adulte- only). Caîl 6ë64794. ONE PARENT FAMILlES North Oshawa Chapter, One Parent Families Association will hold a'Halloween socialAfunction on Saturday Oct. 24i, 8 p.m., at .the. YWCÂ, MèGrigor St., Oshawa. Wearyourzaniest,,or béat' costume. For more information, caIl 668-7679' or 434-3687. >ALZHEIMER SUPPORT A support; group for Alzheimer .famîies ý"meets the foý"1urth disailities. in Duirham. Region. Scheduled fafl/wintèr -.meetings are: Tuesday, ' Oct 27, 'Recreation," Tuesday, Nov. 24, 'Promoting.* Self-Estem with Diiabil Doris aNelson, and Tueeday, J0n. 1, 1993, 'Partners in Education.' Meetings arIe scheduledfrom 7:30 ta .9:30 p.m. at, Grandview Rehabilitation ý& Treatment Centre,', TownlinieRd. S., ýOshawa. Ail are welcom e. For more 'information, cail (416) 623-ý8407. ' lýl-_ -7m - - - il, -ý -.,,7-7777ý J - - ---- ý - ý, , , - ., .- I-l-, 1 - - - - -, , , -- - - -- - i - - ý ý - - ý . "--- - "-- - --,- - - , - ; y. , ý< "' ýý

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