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Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 26

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Page 26, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 21, 1992 mm. ..... .~~ ;s..ij IMM:F~I A UK ~ __________________________,I M . COMPUTERS COM PUTER ELECTRONIOIS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO,. LOTUS 1-2-39 D. BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING OSHAWA OSHAWA CENlTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 e BUSINES ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTING HOSPITALITY cz TRAVEL and TOURISM HÃ"TEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS 1DETA Cm ± A :R±- I rzl SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Farr Rd. 420-1344 Leadershilp I The'aim of this 36 hourprogram is 10 aid in the transition from traditonal supervisory/management skilils 1 the new set of skiiis required 10 keep the workforce- competitive and wiiI introduce the foiîowing topics: t Introduction ta Leadership " Organîzational Structures t Communications t Settlng Goals and Objectives t Team Building Concepts and Tools t Probiem Solving and Decislon Maklng t Accomplîshinig Tasks Through People tManaging Change Mlondays & Wednesdays 6:00 - 10:00 PM November 2 -30, 1992 Members $101.65/Non-Members $139. 10 GST inc. MultI-Skilied Worker and > Seif-Dlrected Work Teams Participants wiIl learn skils which are useful,'- not only in a work environmeht, but, aso in, everyday persohial interactioins..During the '6 6 hours participants wiII.c9ver topios. such' as:'» / Interpersonal Communfication Skilis e Presentation Skllls/Meetlng Leadership t GrouplTeam Dynamlos " Leadership ln the Team Envlronment " Tîme Management tConf Ilc Resolution te Negotlatlng SkIllIs " Motivation " Customer Relations t Job Cost ControI and Purchaslng, / Scheduîing/Project Management. Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00 - 10:00 PM November 3, 1992 - January 12, .1993 Members $105.93/Non-Members $143.38 GST inc. Elglbliity To be eligibie for these courses you must be empioyed and living in orworking for a company in Durham Region. Unemployed peopie may be eligibie subjeot to special approvai from'UIC. RegistratIon To register you must oeil Durham Region ACT ai (4165) 430-8511 or fax information to (416) 430-3737. Registrants must compiete a Durham Region ACT registration form and a Canada Employment Centre form. Fees are due prior to course start. Seats are availabie on a f irst corne, first served basis. Progam iDelivery Courses are deiivered and administered by Diamond Triangle Inc. Ail courses are heid at Suites 201 and 202-375 Finley Ave., Ajax (near Chrysier>. For course information or details cali (416) 427-1922 CORPORATION 0F T HE TOWN 0F WHITBY OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN. The Corporation of the Town of Whitby is currently seeking qualified candidates for the above position in the Public Works Department Graduate from a Community Coliege at a Technologiýt level in Civil Engineering. or an equivaient combination of education and experlence up te four (4) yearls clrectly reiated expenlence in the muncipl dki;must have good communication skilis, bath oral and itten; knowledge of PC applications. Reporting ta the Manager of Operational Services, the Oiperations Tecéhnician wviii be responsible for providing technical and administrative support to the Operations Secétion in contract preparation, operational analysis and reporting,- computer applications, budget estimates, Maintenance Management, and planning and tracking of expenditures. SALAB!: Minimum $18.32 per hour - Maximum $22.90 per heur. Please forward a detailed resume indicating education, expenience,, referenoes, etc. prior to Friday, October 30, 1992 te: Personnel Department The Corporation of the Town of Vhitby 5765Rossland Road East WHITBY, Ontario LiN 2M8 Persona] information submitted is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302, as amended, and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection- of Pnivacy Act, 1989, and wiU bu used te determine eligibiîity for empioyment. MdOTE We thank ai- those persons who apply. but advise aclcowloIegeent wifl nly bu forwarded te those applicants, who are invited for an interview. ... . ... ....... . .. I.WA.... W EARN MONEY readlng bocks[ renOOO/Yêa arrne otentiaL TELEMARKETERS WANTED. Experienced nesed appy.Evnig &weekends. Excellent -pay. 831-2333, afler e p.m. Ask for THE PLOWMAN BOOK Publish- inq GCo. 'requires individuals Who enjo reoeling books ancfdoing smalîwritten critiques. Payment is $10 per hour. Ail-work is to be.done in your home. Books wilI be mailed directiy ta your residence. Please submit resumés along with a $7 p rocessing fee to: Box' 414, Whitby, Ont.LiN 5S4. <e- »feLE Mlnltry of Dev.iopment THE DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOLIO f . SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD. k~) LE CONSEIL DES ECOLES SEPAREES CATHOLIQUES DE LA REGION DE DURHAM SEPARATE SOHOOL BOARD, TRUSTEE Due to avacancyln Ajax on the English'l-angcage Section of the Durham - Regio Roman Catholic Separate Sohool Bord,1a qualifled separate sehooî elector s buing sought to assume a position as a trustee effective Novembur 16, 1992 and for the balance of thie electoral terni te Novembur 1994. Appicants must bu: " a resident of Durham Region " a Canadian citizen, *18 years of age or older *English Lâguage separate schooi suppor *not disqualifledy any legisation from holding municipal office. lnterested applicants should telephone the Catholic Education Centre at 686-1541, extension 266 and request an information packae. After receiving this package, the applicant must then submit a wntten application te bu forWarded t10the Chair of the English Language Section, Wy October 30, 1992, which must bu accompanied by a bief oudine of the reason for wanting te bu a Cathoiic Trustee and the qualifications buing brought te the position. Interviews wiii take place on Monda, November 9. 1992 and Tuesday, Novembur 10, 1992. Candidates wili bu notifled 0f the English Language Section's decision after that date. For furher Information, please telephone 686-1541, extension 266. E.J. Lagroix,-Ed.D., Dlrector of Educatlon jALERTI STAY HOME- - make .emoney. You' assemble products --and earn up to $627- per week. Amazing recorded messag -reveaIs details. Cali (705) 739-718 ext. 24 HURRICANE, reconstruction& cleanùp, many . neededi. Both siled & uriskiîîed. I men & women. FIh wages. For information, cali ÇV779-5505, ext. H384. Tom Oidman < Chalr of the Board UNEMPLOYED -OR 'ON- UIC? Earn"$500/$700, part-lime-working for yourself. For. details, send. SAS E ta CAPA-20 ýCorp., P.O. Box 46010, 1725,. Ktngston ýRd, Pickeririg, Ont., LW ý6P6-. ATTENTION MOMS: Work from homein -al fun, flexible career with Discvery TIoys. Develôpmendti toys bookçs & ga(mes for âailage& Cail Ssan,668-9977. DuIiam R.airoo I ~ ICanada' OLAN. MILLÉ POtRRAIT Studio is now hiring a manager trainee to run our local teîemarketing department. Experience hel lu, but not essential. Caîl 430-7510 for a personal* interview time. $1,00 MONTHLY, working from homel Free details. Write today. Richdelî Distributors, 5010 45th Ave., St. Paul, Alberta, TOA 3A4. BEAT THE RECESSION. Earn thousands stuffing enveIopes-from your home. Work fuili- or part-lime. Ideal for second income, unemploye, students or retired. No experience necessary. For free information send a seff-addressed stampedenvelope to: YMM Enter- prises ,,, P.O. Box 38501, 399 payview Ave., North York, Ont., M2K 2Y6. AEUEP MILKING DONE. Take. a weekend - off or-any- weeknight. Goo'd references. Phone ý404-2084. RESUMES. CÇUSTOM1ZIED resumirs.--hoice of styles. GCover lètter, -ibels, FAX- srvicie.,Cali Financlal Assistance MayBDe Avallable AS AOU ORe IG* OUSE 2 Campuses in Durham Tolronto School of Bu'siness »* 11

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