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Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 6

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Rp g6,Whitt>yFMe P ',Wéciesdmctoer 19 The only Whitby- Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whitby residentse Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontarlo Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson -.Publisher' Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd, Class Postal Registration #05351 The.downside of welfa.re- By Jlm Dola Plants 1 last my job a year ago last September. The employer put on the séparation form that 1 had quit, which [ hadn't. When I appliod for UIC benefits, I told the counsellar that but, of course, was totally lgnored. (Aftor ail, only. the great unwashed. .tell f ibs. Emplayers are ail scrupuously honest, n'est pas?).- -< As1 a resui, I was penallzed flned wthout triai) 12 weeks of UI. for in orderta est, I, had ta apply At that tîme, wnen questlonied by the welfaro counsellor, I got the definite impression that If1I had admittod ttiat the depression-was my fault ' I would have had' an, easier time. By- the 'way,_ bofore I ýwas forced ta apply for welfare, I had spont a fair bit af time. and effort. trylng ta find work, unsuccossfully, needless ta ay 1991 was flot a boom year.zM search for work h las neyer stopped Aftor -my Ut ran out In July, Rt was back ta wefare. At Ieast, by then it had sunk Into the wefare people that there were, In fact, same people wrho were applylng who actually wauld prefer ta work if they could flnd a job,,and I didn' get the i mpressionî: fram the. counsellor that itwas 'ail myfaut: >As many ofyau fna doubt know, there are some pr, such as 'IEm Pla ment News,' that 1lst jobs available.No doubtsomeof them are quite legit, but. these usually, require skills or experience that I don't, have. But '.mast of the sa-called jobs' are' other for telemarketers or 'are, obviously, scams. <Nto:, l'm fot i any way blmlng the papers for thîs. They can!t -poisslbly check these. things. out.) Sa,. you might ask,- why don't, I try ta land a job -,as a tele. marketor? Na way. 1 happen ta boliove that the whole Itelomar- koting business *(as well as' door-ta-door sales) constitutes an Invasion af privacy. I don't think that a tolemarkoter wha bogins his 'pitch' with a profuse apology ta his victlm would get toa far. This. brings up the matter af ethios. There are certain jobs that I would refuse ta do because of my personal code of ethics.,Amang these ls sellingý of any product that people don't really need. And that includes almost everything with the exception of, food. And Loblaws, Knob Hill, etc. already have that cavered. But what happons ta one's ethica wMen faced wfth the present economical situation? They begin ta slip. For example, if ans got a day or two's work for cash, would one Informi. he weifare office and have the wefare choque, reduced?. When filing out- the farm where ans liste ail the companis at whlch ans has al:plied for a job, would oans - the lEst? -Would someone wiho has not yet been reducWdttotalpovefty move ta another En'la liad 'do"M At-* soasnotàtà-o9e 0"veMrythlng Wauld you do any of these things? l's ail top easy far those who have jobs (and I used ta«'bu' one of them) ta damn tha'se who would do any of the above. But when one is in the situation, it's not somehaw quit. the samne. The oroision of ethice is but one of the downsides af welfare. The other main effect of the UIIC/wefare situation 1in a depressian, where jobs are, ike hen's teeth, Is tIhe erosion of self-confidence.* 1 When ane applies for job after job àfter job and continually gets told either "no jobs7 ava!lable" or "if we need you we'll cal" and the cal nîeyer cornes, that bocomes the expoctation. One ends up feeling, "wNabady wants me, therefore, 1 must buna goad.w lnstead of thinkinq, "I'm going ta go out and get a job taday,* ane thinks, wI might* as well go out and get rejected again today." >No'matter how hard one tries ta fight ýoff this' nogativism, 'iR becomes harder, and harder. In the end, I have, no -daubt that many,, pea pie who are an weffare naw will De s shy an self-confidence that when (and if) the depressian. ends, they will find it much essier ta just stay an welfare. And these people were good, productive citizens. As for me,'I have turnod rmy hand ta wrting, columns. The fact that yau are readlng this rlght naw ,shows that 1 may hbave very Weil begun anew career as a writer., What wili. bu my- aims as a wniter? Simple. TotelI things as Il ses them,, ta make, peo thlnk, ta vigarausly uphald the principles: and. tenots cf, demacracy, and ta defend the ideais and culture of aur glarious nation- -- the bust country on earth -- Canada. Opinions expre ssed are those of the àuthor. To the Edîtor: The board of diroctors of the Durham Region Manufacturers' Association (DRMA) has unani- mously endorsed the Charlotte- town agreement on the constitu- tion. We have done so bocause we bulieve. that, in this vory diverse country, thore are many vaices today. AIl of those valces seek ta bu heard, and each voice passionately bulieves ln his or her position. In order ta find accommodation for ail, we need nat only ta be wise but compassionate. rhe agreement worked ont- by aur federal, pOrovincial, '.terrtorial and native leaders speaks toa ailoa those volces in a sensitive way, and th. solution la an hanourable ane for Canada. AH that yau have ta do la ta hear th. vigorous, ,and lforrmed argumena,. on bath sides of evey Issu, 10 realize thaitbtahave beon "uI to work, ont an agreement whlch al leaders and alpoltical To the d*o. CoulId nay-sayers do a better job?*),' To the Editor: Re: Charlottetown Accord Vating 'Yes' or 'No'.-- what doos it really mean? First, voting 'Vos' does not mean that you are endorsing Brian 'Mulroney or Bob Rae as paliticians. There wiIl bu apportunity ta air- yauryiews when the next foderal ad provincial elect Ions take place, sahold thase feelings cf discontent tilI thon. <Vating 'Vos' wili mean that, ater 25 years of talk, and failure aller failure ta reach unanimoius agreement an Canada's. future, pol*i'ians ai every palitical strip h ave 1accomplished what no.-ans else was able ta do - agros ta needod changes ta the framework af aur 'constitution, that wil provide greater opportunity for grawth as anatian. Hore are the pros and cons ta, the agreement as, Iview it: Sonate Reformn S Vating 'Yos' means that we agres as Canadians- that the aId Sonate, shauld bu abolished and a> new eocted Sonate wiII take its, place, ane that will roeflect btter, the volce af each province. An. elocte d Senate wilI make each sonatar-accounitable ta the, public. *Vating 'Na' means we vill koep the, aId Sonate, unelectod and stagnant. The critics don't agres an anything now so why -would we expoot them ta, comne up with a butter alternative in the future if people liko Preston Manning, Jacques Parlieau and Judy Rebick Iwha, by the way, doesn't speak ? or me as a waman) are ta h ave their way? Justice for Fîrst Nation peoples 0 A 'Ves' vote- means that we as ,Canadians' recognize that aboriginal- people should bu able ta assume -mare, responsibility for their own affairs, thraugh a new partnership arrangement, ans that' provides for negotiatians that roi bot the neods of ail abarigînal communities across Canada. 1* A' 'Na' vate will mean that we are content ta ignore their needs and. hope these problems will go away if we stop talking about them. Division of Powers e. A 'Yes' vote means that yau agres that. the federai governiment should -,Wark 't oward develaping Canada,,-- wide occupatiaonai, standards so that tralningý skIlls in aons province are rocognized b eachprovince.- S Reducing duplication ai services butweon: faderai and. provincial 'governments, *wil streamline many ministries, leaving the way opon for more cost-saving measures ta take off oct. The opportunity wu1d oxist'for., oach province ta takethese dollars if thoy choose and re-direot thom to more' spending. on paricular areas 0of skills training that would butter equip their warkforce, or whatever else they deem ta bu required within the.needs of their province, since each province has differing.needs. Opeining up trade barriers butwoen provinces.,wilI alowi increased trade within Canada. *A 'Na' vote means that you « want ta malintain a status quo an, ail the issues abave. Unîty and dl .veralty SA'Vos' vote dIll mean that we have ýagreed -ta st"e and celebrate th.' principles aiofaur social union as a country. *Meclcare (ans of the best in the world) *Sociservices. *Education.> *Maintainîng the intogrlty ai the onvironment.-' For thefirst timo, we will have. agreed unanimously to say 'Yes' ta Quebec, ta give it the instruments ta have confidence as a- minority, and ail af this wthout .speclal status and by,- InIiCo, treatlng everyone the samle. Finally, the agreement has' a mechanlsm n I ts text* that 'clearly States that every - year ,-a first ministers'.,conference would -bu held ta encourage .butter 'federal- provincial ca-aperation.ý This pukl bu the'time ta have the 'pp)rtunitytýaô -dlscuésany area of -thètAccard'that may <ne ed to bu ref'ined or lmnproved, after it was given time ta bu pu't ta the test. The 'Na' side of the Issue Is bun rachod.ta us-,by the 'ather plit cians like Manning' and Parlzeau who ý are,. themselves, using the ýAccord as. a paliticai platform ta ,pursue, their own agendas, withaut regard for Canadians as a whole. While most waould agres that the Accord is not perfect, we should aiso bu able ta recognize that these same individuais'today Wha cant agr es an anything,* Would ho hard-p ressod to do a butter job and- expect t10 gain unanimaus consent once again. f we bulieve this is* possible, thon we are guity of. wishful thinking. In conclusion t0 this whoîe subjoot 0fý the Charlottetown Accord, those wha bulievo if we vote 'No' .that wo can put this back ontesegain and.get an with Iffe are themseIves, content t0 accept the promise that 'out af sight is out of mind.'> Probî'ems, If left unsolvod, don't go away, they bucome worse. Hoping for these problems ta go awýay wi asodo little ta bring the country- forward ta a :bright and prasperous future,ans thatý we ail deserve. Thlnk about what we may have ta give upif the deal fails. Lynda J. Buff.tt' P.Read th. agreement befare you vote and decide for yoursel. -The Whftby Free Prees weloomes lea ta the editar on :any subjec« af concera ta aur readeri. Letteizshould bu bMei and ta the point - ramely More th3W00 *orde. Al lettermuat bu accompanied'by the name, àadm'esand Wobephhén- numbeÏf lb.C Mwntr*er .however,. on ,rèqust Oyur name may,,bu wfthheld krm pubïIioiIf w. age. uthowraas.a valld masn.-.TIi.papor roeav >es Ibi ght ta rject ored loeram.-Send'ta: Tho Editpr, Wlu>yFres ProsBx 206; Whifby, 'Ont. LIN 5S1, or drap thrcogh aur mail sial aI 131 BrockSt. N. parties in goverfiment can agros upon, is a glorious tribute ta aur personality and tradition- as a caring nation. The DRMA was bogun seven _years apo.Io foster the growth, and prasperity, af manufactuning*in Durham Region., During the current. periad -af. economic difficulty and hardship,Our.priorities have been, ta emphasize with gavernments, 1h. needta bous on: " ensuring employment stability " croating goad jobs 0 fostering. oconomic grawth,, and " building -confidence for investment., W. believe that the most .important thing w. can -do as Canadians ta achieve those goals lasto, Provido a resoundingvote -of conidece naur.cauntiy by voting '.' dta the questiononOct. 26. l wiIl pabby uthe fmost udl ave oade , adu'lea DRMA says 'Ves'" ----------- 1

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