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Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 10

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Page 100, Whitthy Free Press. Wednesday, October 28, 1992 McLaughlin.showý McQuay Photos blendpeople, place An exhibition. of photography by award-winning adan ghotographer Mry Ellen cQuay, will open at the Robert, McLaugblin Gallery on Oct. 29.: The public is invited te, meet the artist at a galler ecption on Sunday, Nov. 1 from 2 te 4 P.m. In the serios cf hand-painted, black and white pbotographs, McQuay explores the relation- ship s that exist between peqple and their enironmeént., McQuay's journoys through Central and South 'America, Western Europe, Britain and Canada have corfifrmed ber belief tbat people' and tbeir *environ- mont participate in moulding and. sbaping each other. *McQuay -says, "We react, consciously and unconsciously, te, the places we live in - whetber tbey be natural or constructed environments. "Our places have an impac t on our sense cf self and our role witin u culture. We, in turn, soinetimes in barmony and sometimes carelessbcj,-go about the business cf sflping' and recreating the plac.es.in wbich wo live te reflect ourselves." McQua3es photographs act as sient documents and attempt te, discover, the blencing cf, peope with tbeir place. A resident cf Whitby, McQuay bas exhibited, consistently in group and solo exhibitions sinco 1986. A recipient of several awards, her work is included in private and corporate collections' in Canada, the United States, Great Britain and Western Europe. ~Her photographs have, been published in numerous publica- tions including En Route '(Air Canada), Photo Life and Camera Canada. Her photography will be featured in the' soon-to-be- published Faces, of Canada (Canada 125 Corporation). SShebas held several teaching positions since 1986: the Haliburton Scbool of Fine Arts-, The Station' Gallery, Whitby; the Calgary Board- of Education; Durham College, Oshawa.' An exhibition of paintings by William Alexander Drake will begn a the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa on Oct. 29. 'The Man Who Gnt Awa&' is about Drake (1891-1979) and bis art. «Drake's work is valid, ower- fui and full cf cnviction, says gallery director Joa Murray. Drake, born in 1891,, stuclied in Toronto at what was,,thon called the Central Ontario School cf Art and Design, around 1910, and ho showed mucli promise. -Meeting Tom Thomson in 1914 changed , Drake's mind about staying in Canada. Ho found Thomson se poor after -a trip te, Algonquin Park that- Drake decided te beave for New' York te seek greater fortune.. In New York, ho wus son hîred ýby theNew York Opera Company te, paint* sets. lI 1915, with Auguet Lestarquit cf the Paris'Opera, ho moved te New Jersey te work in the early motion picture business.. In 1918, ho returned te Toronto te finish tbe course at bis echool, now called the Ontario College cf Art. From 1918 untl ho, retired, Drake worked as a scenie -artist on shows such as 'Annie Get Your Gun' and 'The King -and V. In his free time, ho painted marine subjects of the New York docks and New Jersey subjects, but each summer ho returned home to Roches Point on Lake Simcoe. This is the first important overview of Drake's work. An opening reception- wiIl be held on Thursday, 'Nov. 5, 7 to 9. p-m. atwhch members of brk' amily will be present. Al are welcome. The" exhibition. continues until Jan.. 3. The . Nightmare on Centre Street' began Oct. 25 and, con- tiniues until Halloween night.» Whitby Jaycees are presenting the- third annual Haunted House at the Centonnial .Building on Centre St. Haunting tours begin at 6 p.m. eacb day until, Friday, and begin at noon on Saturday, Halloween. Admission is $2. WHITBY FLUTIST Pandora Bryce, one of three principals who will perform at an Oshawa Symphony Orchestra. concert this Sunday. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Fre. Press Concert ,tol shwcase .Whitby flu tist- >By Méark Reesor WNhitby flutist Pandora Bryc ndto ter principa playos are featured in an OshaaS phn e a 0(S) concert this Sunday. Brce says the concert is a neat idea. «There are thre: different soloists from the' orchestra - prInia flute, horn and trumpet - each one of us is, doing ýa sOlowork. "I like thisi idea of. showcasing orchestra members. I think it's wonderful to bear wbat the people 'm' the -orchestra can do.» Brycewill be playing Jacques Heu 'Concer-to for ýFlute, Opus 51,' a workshe says the National Arts Contré" Orchestral premiered last February. «It's'a really lovely pieco;2parts of it sound almost like movie'- music - just beautifhl' and, coloudul... it's very, dramatic in sections, and so'rt of playful. «It's r.rt, a wildlyavant. garde work; it's very ýmelodic, even Aise featured in the concert are Nancy Braithwaite playing Richard. Stra'usa 'H'orun Concerto No. 1,' Sue Barber with Alexander Aroutounian's 'Concerto for Trumpet' and Benjamin Britte's 'YoungPerson's Guide te the Orchestra.' Bryce began playing the. flute in lier teens and has played recitals across Canada and the U.S. She says although the Oshawa symphony is a community orchestra, "it's a vor fine one... "Mark Dubois, the tenor, says it's the only community orchestra in Canada that ho dois concerts with (because) hoe knows itfs always going t'Obe wonderful.» < The concert will be presented at 8 p.m. Sunday at Eastdale Auditorium - tickets, are availablo at Discs and Dats in Whitby, or caîl 579-6711. TeeageHead.inWhitby STeenage Head and the ple Onion in Oshawa. Bonyarc&Devils will iperforip at Those who obtained tickets for The Cave Club, at Légenda in, the Purpie Onion show can get Witby on. Halloween niglit. refunds at poinitcf 'rhase. The two goups were orgially Tickets for the rshow at scheduled te perform at'the Pur- Legends .are $10 ýini advanoe, available at Guitarzan ini dewn- tewn -Wbtby or" at Star Records auntd tril i Oshwa. fiau ted rail ickets are $12 at tho, door for filthé show, presented My at (auens (Music is 'Our Business) Produc- The 'Spooky Haunted Trail' Thoseattending the show can continues at Cullen Gardons weara costumne.. NORMA and Christopher Rivas fit night in aré 'învited to the Gardens tonight through each day, 5 te 8 P.m., unti Lgedo is located at 100 Sun- with a couple of stuffed shirts on a bench at Saturday for'a 'Halloween Haunting.' Saturday. inrae<iteWuiby Cullen Gardns. Witches, goblins and ghosts> Photb m r Nby Fise Prose en_>eare fbrÉmatiowcall 7y 'PowerfulDrake works on. exhibit

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