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Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 13

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*. PHOTO CLUB TheWit Photo Club* will meet at .theFamyi] Trust build- ing, Dundas and Hickory streets, Whitby on Monda, Nov. 2 7 to 9 p.. erry Kobalenko, editor of Photo Life, will pregent two shows: 'Publishing your .Photos' and 'Shooting the tiknown.' Ho *illsho slides from uiphotô- graphed p laces in both Russia and. the.Canadian Arctic. Print submiission are due for" the clinic atthe *next meeting. New mem- bers are welcome. PUBLIC FORUM The Durham < Region Department of Health Services will. hold a public forum with a j>nel of local professionals on Menopause -- Facte ndFiction'l on Moniday, No1v.- 2, 7 p.m-.,ý at G.L. ýRoberta CVIcafetorium, 399 Chaleur Ave, Oshawa. Refresh- ments wiIl be served. To reserve a space, cal] Linda or Tracy between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.. * at 723-8521, or 686-2740 -from Pickering. FIDDLE CLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Old Time Fiddle Club will meet on-,Wed- niesdaiy, Nov. 4, 7:30 p.m., at * Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby for an'evening of old-time round and square dancing, singing and guitar-pla ying. Ail welcome. Amission is $.Frmr infor- mation caîl 436-9019 or ý655- 3023. PARKINSON GROUP The ParInsonSupr Group - Durham Region Chapter will hold a general meeting' on Monday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby(corner of Coîborne, and 'Centre streets, southý door entrance). Ail are welcome. Refreshnents will, be available. For more information, call 666-8576 or 668-6580. HALLOWEEN SPECIAL TheWhitby Public Ibraywill hold 'a Halloen special, for children'aged 5 te, 10, on Saturday, Oct. 31,, 10:30 te 11:30 amn. in the programý room. Register at the children's desk. For more information, cail the library at 668-6531 or 668-6541.' * *FUNDRISING DANCE The Arthritis Society(Oshawa/, Whitby branch) wi]4 ol1 fundraising cdance, with lots of prizes and food, on.Saturday, Nov. 7 at the insmen Hall, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. Music fromn the i&s and 60s, with DJ Zak Church. Tickets are $25 p«r couple. For ticket information cal], the Arthritis office at 44 William St. W., Oshawa at 434-7221. 19OCIEY SWEATER DANCE Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Auxiliary will hold a hockey sweater <ance on Saturday, Nov. 7, 8 p.m. ,te i a.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion. Tickets arp $25 par couple and may be o btained by calling 666-3944 or Peacock Sports. CONCERT A GM Choir concert will be held at Westminster United Church 25 Manning Rd. (bet- ween ihickson and Garrard roada), on Saturday, Nov. 7, 8 .jm. Refroshanents ayailable. Ticets are $5. Cal] 576-8218 or 723-6442. Handicapped acces- ible. Proceeds te the church buildinorfund. QUILTERS' ZMEEIG Durhamn Trilum Quilters wil] held a meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m., at Faith Place, 44 William St., Oshawa in the craft room, ground love]. A represen- tative from Stearns Canada wil] give a slide presentation and'talk on the description and -use of various- battinga For more information, cail 728-3629 or 263-2138. Ail are welcome., * BUS TRU' The YMCA Family Resource Centre recently opened on Mich ei Blvd. iny west Lynde, Whitby, will- hold a bus tripon Saturay Nov. 7, 7 am. te 5 Ip.m.to kitchenerý-Waterloo and St.- iacobs. The trip, a fundrais- Y 6mvntr . sa 2 (aduits SAPCLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7 p.m., at -ONeill Collegiate in the cafe- teria,, firat floor.* Collectors and visitors are always welcome. Stamps,:postcards and cover col-. lections can be exchanged, appraised or sold at auction. For more information cal] Johný at 725-7962. SANTA CLAUS PARADE The annual' Santa' Claus Parade, presented by the Wbitby Jaycees, will be held on'Saturday, Dec. 5. Entry forms are now available at the ViWithy Public iàbraiy and the Whitby Chamber of Commerce office at 123 Brock St.- S. For more information, contact parade chair Jim Bradfield at 668-1529. MALE VIOLENCE A discussion about ending vio- lenc aganst.omenwill be held on Sunday, Nov. 1, 11:30 a.m. to 1' p.m.,- at St. Mark's United Church, 201 Centre St. S., Whlitby. Guest will be Bey. Clif ford Elliott, and there will be a Chance to meet those participat- iegin the 'Mon Walking Agamnst MaIe' Violence,' from. Toronto ýte Ottawa^ over the period of a month. The walk from Ajax to Whitby willbo on Sunday, Nov. 1 and fromi Whitby te Oshawa on Monday, Nov. 2. AVICULTUBAL SOCIETY The Durham Avicultural Society wil] meet on Tuesday, Nov. .10» 7:30. m., .in the Pickring H-igh School cafeteria Chch St., north 'of Hwy 2). John K raham will ',give a, prese ntation .'on -'Simng Canaries.' For more information, cal] Dale at 683-5038. COPING WITH SEPARATION Parents who, are in1 the proces of seprto or divorcé often find they need help for themselves and their children in coping with difficulties that may arise. A six-session study group for parents with, children un te, age 12 will be held at St. Catherine cf Sien a School, 15 Bennette Ave., Ajax. The group will meet, on Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m., beginning Oct. 28. The cost is $36 par pron.,To register, cal] the Fmly Education Resource Centre at 579-2021. ANNIVERSARY RECITAL A 126th anniversary recital will ho held on Sunday, Nov. 1, 7,.30 p.m., ai All Saints'Anglican Church, 300 Dundas St. W., Wihitby. Organist will be Douglas Bodie, assisted by All Saintse choir, directed by Elaine Broughton. Refreshments wifl follow. Â free-will offering will be held. LAUREL HANSEN (Ieft). and Dawn Rawcliffe of the Durham Rape Crisis Centre with tickets for a dance they're holding Nov. 21 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Whitby. The event is to raise money to help children who've been assaulted. Cati 725-2241 for tickets. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whltby Free Pres ONE PARENT FAMILlES One Parent Families Association Oshawa Chapter will meet, on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for coffee, car& .'and, «conversation. New members -'and .guests welcomae.- ýFormore'information, cll'436-5089or433-08Ê32.'on BONSAI MEETIG The Matsuyama Bonsai Society will hold a meeting on Monday, Nov. 2, 7 p.m., at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Al interested in the art of bonsai are welcome to attend. -Cal] 725-2045 or 683-2568 for more information. Whlby Free Press, Wednesday, October 28. 1992, Page, 13 Non rofit RETIBMENT DINNER< wchu rO,, Drün Regional Police Whlb r have a « Association wi11 hold theannual susatial WhltbDY, retiremnent dinner, and, Oshawa meelrma Central Lions Club"'Police Offcer l ace 4helr uphoin ÏUn 9. of the Year' award, presentation page at no cost. -on Saturclay, Nový. _7, 7 pm.a %~fi maîg e Y*VM Jubilée Pavilion, 'Lakeview Ave lawVI1 e< Oshawa.- Those retiring who wl Fam8p4. be recognized are Doug Aird, Bon Brooks, -Charlie Hi],Dawso Rerr Peter MadkLn Midcheto6n, Lwre Wson, ad retired chief &ai Edwards and, retired deputy chief Doug Bulloch. GOOD NEIGBUDA The Good -Neighbour Committee of Whitby will hold 'a' Good Neighbour Information and' Volunteer Fair' at Whitby. Mal on Thursday,-,Oct. 29., from 10 a. to 8 p.in.Vrosoraiationis and- agencies. will informi the, public about services anhd opportunities available for volunteering. There will be an arts ' and . craft <iplay, -.dance dezaonstrations and free draws. If your organization would like to participate, contact Peggy Kirby at the ýWhitby Seniors' Activity Centre- at 668-1424. CESAREAN PREVENTION The 'Cesarean ,Pr evention, Support andf Education 'IGroup will meet on Monday, Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m., at 309 Centre SOt., ,Oàa*aa. The topic for discussion, will be 'How Your VBAC Decision Affects Your Family and Frienda.' The -roup, provides informàtion and support ..for1 parents or professionals who are- interested in any aspect o f cesarýean childbirth. ,,For 'more. information, cal] 432-1425 or 576-0562. ELECTION bMETING. Durham Region. Union' of Inured. Workers will hold an élection meeting on Wednesda , Oct. 28, 7 p.m., at the CAW Hall, 1425 Phillip MurraTy Ave, Oshawa. Phil Bigin~ vice- wemdent, Iydur orwr Ntwork cof Ontario and director, Union 'of Inured Workers of Ontare ;, 'will be, the special guest speakngon 'Building a Strong Injured -Workers Untion.',.Voting Wifll be< by nxembership card, name. on- memberBhip Hast and eei of ad ebesipd.a The 'ePation shall e ~teJ-on-ballot for vacant position., ONE PARENT IFAMàIES North Oshawa Chapter, One Parent. Families Association will meet on Wednesday Nov. 4,'8 p.m., at'Christ Church, Mary and Hlillcroft streets, Oshawa for a monthly. general meeting. New members, and guesta welcoe For infrationci68-59o 434-3687. CONNG WITH GRIE" A 'pastoral »care,,.worlcshop, 'Coping with Grief Through the Gift of Humour,' will ho held on Friday, October <30, .11:30 a.m. te 4 -p.m., at Sunnycreet Nursing Home. Lunch is included. Alare welcome. Cail 576-0111 for mor information. GENEALOGICALSOC[EIT The annual general meeting cf the Whitby-Oshawa (Durham Region) branch cf the Ontario Genealogi«cal Society will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 7:30 p.m., ini the Henry Street High School cafeteria. Guest speaker will be Charles Tass, curater of the Bowmanville museum. Topic will ho 'L-oyalist families cf our era.' Ail welcome. For more informa- tion, cal] Marion at 683-2476 or Bessie at 723-7460. 1 We inite you 10 our Sixth Annual Christmas Carousel Craft & Gift Show at the> HOLIDAY INN Bloor St, Oshawa. Friday, November 6 from 1:OOpm until E. NbL 'ýý ý, ýý ý.ý 4-'x, -;ý , --,;

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