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Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 28, 1992 Octagon Club to hold bottie drive Saturday On Saturday, Oct. 3 1, Haloween morning, the Braoklin Boys Octagon Club will hold their firet of a series of bottle drives in an, effort ta raise much-needed money for their club. The drive ta b. held within. Brooéklin, wili commence at 9:30 a.m. with the boys contacting local residents for donations of returnable bottles. Octagon president Steve Webb says, "The success of the bottie drive will depend on the response, we get from the commumity. We Roads in northwest Whitby were .closed ta, traffic for.a few hours lest Thursdey efter a ges linop was accidentlly ruptured. A Whitby Hydro crew struék the Cansumýers Gas line et Ross- land end Lekeridge roads. Police closed area roads wýhile repairs were made. There was no evacuatian of residents from the erea. are hoping to raise, $300 ta, help with repaying some 'of the expenses w. have incurred during the p ast few months." Webb says the club bas been very active since bis term as president officialy ,started'Aug. I. 'We endèd the summer *with e four-day camping trip to Bruce National ,Park, .then et Thenksgiving,, we helped tbe Optimiat Clubs In , Durhamn Region with-the Deily Bread Food Drive, and 'we helped tbe Braoklin -Optimist Club with their Kite Day." The club bas also established a casuel «'drap-mn' centre in e back corner of the offices of Brookli n Bulletin. The id bave set up a amail lounge area witb a TV, VCR and Nintendo. The club' bas business meetings for ita niembers ta, decide on upcoming proj*ects and activities on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The Octagon Club of Brooklin' consista of 20 members aged 15 ta, 17. A board of directors 'of teenagers inciuding e president, vice . president, secretary- ~t~er Oj'1~ Is Pleased to Announce ~ -~ .Our New Store Opening? ~Loatd I te uait illgeof No vember 2nd, Locaed n te qain V" e f Port Perry.Came visit us for al your Romantia Victorlanand Country Decoratlng Accents. Prom Cherube. Linens. and Antiques. to Customn Desgned Flopral ArrangemnentQ by Diane Rooney. Please join us and be eligible to win a $75.00 SHOPPING SPREE>h at the Markham Country Decora ting Show. To be drawn Novem ber 7h.. 1 139'Queen Si. Port, Perry jn--ý-1---, (Enter f rom Water St.) i (416) 985-1239 =7Ar r ~ I o ~ ~ ~0~3<W treasurer~, -and .three ,directars plani out the -activities of the club. Sponsored by the Optimiat Club of. Broolin the Octagon Club is. affilieted with aver 600, Junior Optimist Octagon Clubs in NorthAmerica. The purpose 'of the club is ta jrovide a oépportunityfa? teens.Wta develop activitiesta kep youth in the community busy in variaus programs and ta develop and support community service projects.: WI ýdonations .made ByEileenYoungr Barbara Evens from BYethesa was guest speaker at the Brook- lin Wamen s .Institute agricul- tural meeting avt the Brooéklin community centre lest Wednes- Mtowas 'WIiatever your lot in life,, build somthing, on, it.' Rail'cail wes 'A wey in Which modem, agriculture is changing Christmas crafts in Broolin, show The Brooklin Christmas Craft Show will be'beid on Saturday, Nov. 28, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 29, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Braoklin Community Centre, Casseis Rd. E. A variety of handicrafts will be available, including cross stitch, woadwark, rocking harses, and Christmas ornaments. Refresbments will be available. Admission is $1, and, proceeds will go te Denise House. Myrtie United Church wilI hold the fourth annual craft sale an Saturday;, Nav,. 14, 9 a.m. ta 4 pUn, ttec½ïrch (He 12 ïin lyte Station, 10 minutes north of Whitby). Theýe wiil be wreaths, folk art, Christmas. decoretians, woad crafts, a1,bake table and much more. Admission is free. Our lives. ,One miember said they use e, computer ta weter their plants in* e greenhause. Donations are ta be given.,ta the Brooklin 4H club ($45), Brooklin Spring Fair board ($25), Ajax-Pickering-Whitby Associa- tion for Community Living ($50), Selvation Arniy Fodd Bank ($50), Durhami Lung Association ($50) and Brooklin WI public relations ($10). The agricultural and culturel a&i 'vities meeting will b. held et the cominunity centre Nov. 18, 1:30 p.xn. Convener will be Sarah Collins. Rail cail will be 'Memories of a visit ta a fregrant gerden.' A fashion consultant from Breemar Storeswill demonstrate their cia- thing. Hostess is Elsie Gilroy and. Laurel Hamer. Visitars welcome. UCW to host conference Brooklin United Church Women will hast the Bey f o Quinte -conference mid-week event Nov. 4 and 5., Prep eretians are underway with the assistance of neigbbour- ing churches for the event for hicha large turnout is expected, particularly an Wedneèsday, Nov. 4 t 7..p.m. when an inviitation bas'been extended ta aill women of the church. A wide variety of literature will be available from the book sale being held in the lawer hall. On Oct. 24, four, St. John Ambulance .Brigade members. iWode 36 km from "Greenbeùk's four corners ta the training centre» et 1517 Dundas St. E. in WVhitby., Members rade ta raise funids ta purchase new equipment for their mobile first-aid posts. The more familier environment fai first aidera is usually e cominuity event, where they Pro vide care for A he sick and injured. If, the 'casualty requires prafessional inedidal care, their raIl- sté. activate the*,emergency medical service <end keep the casualty stable ý until the ambulance can arrive an site. The raie of physicelly raising funda is new ta the organization. In the past, St. John hms depended on donations from the community through requests ta sevc lbbusiness/industries, the allocation of $30,000 from'the Oshawa-Whitby-Newcestle Uni- ted Wey, and funds realized from courses. With the current econiomy,. St. John bas exbausted all revenue sources, and is-.once again, faced with a fi nancial shortall. To meet the need for funds, St. John bas turned ta volunteers for, assistance. Gary Lewis, transport sergeant, responded, ta the challenge 'and, along with'tbree other members ýof *426' cambined division, undertook, the ride.- Ail volunteers et the Whitby branch of St. John Ambulance and their famiiy members, signed pledge sheets. New location, >Thé Durham. Reggian .District new location as of Nov. 1. The new address willý be 1614 Dundas St.E., suite 214, Whitby. The telephone number will be 433-4262. MIDNIGHT ýMADNESS & MURDER MYSTERY ~ Downtown Whitby -Friday, October 30 - 6 p.m. to midnight '1 By McFarane The foloio staP/ 15 fititjaus. Any s,?nilarftles aj,&d àny persaons,.ïliing or dead, ijs pureê' coin cidenta . The diverse characters - v Prime muirdor -suvspects ,- -'were,,- assembied. in the' Eastý Hall of the< King- George ta discover who 'kiled yung Deborah Hill. .. - Deôrahwas a pramising 1-year-o Id cancert pianst, iio as the favourito ta winthe tawn's first Music Fest, with a first prize. ai $100.- She -*was found murdered backstage iust, before the finalists Mèeo ta -be announced., As a' newspaper reporter, 1 was there ta caver the event.- Occupy ing centre stage was the meladiramatlc Inspectar Builock, wbo was about ta roveal which, if any, of the five was the murderer.ý But in his uniqueiy dramatic faý ,;on, be was enjaying, the limelight and,. indeed, using the attention for bis own feeling ai self-worth. . He was taking us (wboever 'us' was; we were the audience, ater ail) tbrough thoecatoa characters. The inspector began by directing b. is attention ta the second-place winner Jane Gilmour. The 21 -year-oid was a cousin ai Deborah Hili's, the deceased. In their young er year -Which didn't seom sa lai toatheir 'parents -- Jani Deborah had beon ,very. c sinco their, 'mid-teens, relationship had become st as 1Jano's motherý,:Anftà had * consýtantiy instigatoèdý competition between tý'hi girls. - HerAinterference hadt increasingly bad feelingst( thý g iris, wha 'would -bavE g9odfrionds as cousins go, ,,in the smal community CIeg was considered. tc mysterious wa.man. Wbati secret fta many: people w bigh ideals *f or Jane v seemed, always manlagec just sligbtiy boliind Detora her, achievemonts. Jan( worthy ai ,the ,veiy best Antabeiev edio Nearly aiways clad in she lied witb ber daug htei littie house on the hili tawn's nartb end. The toi said she knew evorythin went. an because oai he vantage point. Annie Hall, the çbamb wba found Deborah's spaidface down badi spretud in, her chair, hung iow. 1A 'skinny mis mausey ,page-boy ,bail corresponding features, ,hardly iooked ta me ike sifting ,there with' ber crassed and ber knees sti totheeatand west.- nig ega But, sùpposedly, she had oe :nd 'faund "thes. body -just before, the se, bût announicer;took bis p laceon the the- stage'ai the vaudeville theatre at rained,. the four crners. Her piorcing Ciegg, sbriek b'ad sent- shivers, up 1fierce, everyan's biack and stopped the ie twoa announicer dead in bis tracks. Thon, there 'i4as the caused announcer himsel: the theatro's ýowards awner. Ta me, ne was. alsa an e been unlikely candidate. What cauid bis motive-possibly ho? But.thon, rAnita wbo was 1l.todspute inspector )be a Buliock's thearies? And, aside Was no from , the cbanbermaid, Tam mas bher McGravi, ailegediy, bad been the îva, Rt last persan wbatspoko ta j ta _.ala Deborab according ta anather ain ail m0ptito e was Finaliy, there was Winston in lufe, Wright,' the 22-year-ýold youn9 Sman prîmed to bo the winner in the- wind instruments 'category, and a likely a'verail finalist, it had been feit. black,- Ho .became .dejected we ýr in the- Deborah had, braken off, their at the six-maintb reiationship, partiy vnsfolk because aio -Anita .Clegg's g that. interference, >agai*n becauso. tho r bigb aid womnan bad wanted .this desirable yaung. man ta pay ermaid attention ta bher awn daugbter. body Had bhis chaice boe, been kstage, -someone other than Deborah, r. hoad sbe migbt flot bave minded bhaif s witb as-mucb, but 'the fact that 'the r and competitian' was, as she saW it. she ber own daughteirs -fiercest Skilior. comettr in life.' she bad ta, ankies ýstoke the f ire'even mare. Lck out, Winston washeartbroken over 'Deborab's rejoction, ta the paint, Anita Ciegg Jane Glimour Annie Hall Tom McGraw Wlnston Wright' inspectar Buliock Deborah Hill Newspaper reporter af slipping Into depression. Stili, it hadn't afected is pli t l He h eld the audience spelibound with bis- renditian of Brabm's Lullaby. The Inspectar cieared bis tbroat - an annaying habit be had - before cammanding ultimate attention. As ho did'so, ho pulled a tiny abject from is packet, claspîng iR tigbtly between bis tbumb and farefinger sa that the entire object couldn't be seen Asl Lbe staod tigbht-iipped for a few-moments, it was obviaus that wbatover the abject was, it wauid play an important part in the summatian ai is evidence. %Tbis..i,' b.e finaily baamed, as ho ailowoduýs, ta sée the ring fuiiy, "belonqs ta the murderer - wha la -sitting'amang 'Us...rigbt naw... Older woman, c onsldered by ail the-, townsfoik ta be 'a lttie stranga' 21 -year-old'cousin ai the dedeased and daughter ai Anita C2eqg; had a. competitive relation hip with her cousin due ta her mother's pushing. Smali, timid type; a chambermaid at .the King George. She discovered the, dead, Wealthy awner of the town's vaudeville theatre. Some people say he knew too mucb about townsIolk which aiiawed him ta blackmnaii them., Taiented mnusician from prestigiaus famiiy; had been rejected by Deborah Hill. The tawn's super snoop; neyer had -an unsolved crime in his 40-year career. The deceased;- a popular young woman; ived with her mothor and father. Covoring the case for town newspaper. Haw ridiculous. I bit as i gianced down at mày fingers taý 500 if any af my, rings, were missing. But,* interestingly enaugh, 50 did' a few ather pee sated in that'raam. Wee they lsimpiy as nervous as 1 was - at that mament? Or did they bave reason ta feol uneasy? Or, sbauld i bave been suspiciaus ai the one or twa that seemed ta mast relaxed at, that moment? Ta. obtain dues to ý salve this caper,' >visit -paticîoating downtown Whitby businesses an FrlaOL3 fram 6 p.m. until mId;fhsalve the myster, yau, coul win a $200 Dawntawn Dolla Gifft Certfficate. Cali the Whitby 8L4 for mare information. i MM r L--z ý

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