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Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 28

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Page 28, Whithy Free Prose,. Wednesdiay, October 28,1992 .. . .. . - I tompUTR COMPUTER ELE CTRONICS TECAHNOLOGY BRUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-3, D BASEy, DOS, 'WORD PROCESSING g. BUSINES ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTINO DiPLOMA NOSPTLY TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS SECRETARUAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING SECRETARIALI, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT nceded Must have minimum 2 years' oxecutivo assistant experience, with WordPerfect 5.1, and references. Bookkeeping.ecporiencean asset. Opportunity ta work with agrowing Ajax-basod design frîzîn. Non umioker. Fax reaume te:428-0230 ATTENTION MOMS: Work tram home in a f un, flexible career with Discovery Toys. Deveiopmentat toys, books & games for ati ages. Call Susan, 668-9977. AIRLINE JOBS! $6-$20 per ho ur with . excellent bonefits. 'Many Postions. Monlwomen. WiIl train. Catli 1-504-646-0512, ext. F-142, 24 hours. EARN MONEY readlng booksl. $30,000/year Income, potentiai. Detalis (1) 805-962-8000, ext'. CY-335. $200 - $500 WEEKLY! Assemble products ai home. Easmv no seiling. You're paid direct. u guaranteed. No .oxperuonco nocessary. Cai 1-504-641-7778, ext. 142, 24 hours. ALERTI ýSTAY.HOME' - mako' money. 'You assemble products and earn up to $627 per wook. Amnazing recordod mesae reveals details. Cali (705) 73ý9-7184 ext. 24. UNEMPLOYED OR ON UIC? Earn $5001$700 part-time working for yourseif., For details, sond SAS E to CAPA-20 Corp., P.O., Box 46010, 1725 Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ont., LIIV 6P6. HURRICANE, reconstruction& cieanup, many -, needed. Bath skilled &, unskiiied, men & womnen. Hig h wagos. For information, cati (61)779-5505, ext. ,H384. $1,000 MONTHLY, working from home! ýFree details. Wrie today. Richdell Distributors, 5010 45th Ave., St. Paul, Alberta, TOA 3A4. BEAT THE RECESSION. Earn thousands stuffing envelopes tram y aur home. Wark f ull- or part-time. Ideai for second, incarne, unemployed, students: or rotired. No experience neicessary. For free information send a sef-addressed stampod enveoape ta: YMM Enter- prses, P.O.,. Box' 38501, 3299 ayview Ave., North York, Ont., M2K MY. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & Custam Tatloring. 'For alyour sewingý neods. ,Leathor, woddings. customdesigns.>TuesËday - Friday 10- - .5:30; :Saturday, 10 - 3. N appointment, necessary. 101 1V2 mary St. W. (Poarisan Lanes). 430-6550i. CM VIDEO- ELECTRONIOS:, SpeTcializing ln VCR, sterea, radio' & V repair. .Professionail techni- cians. evice ' cali only, $30. 668-0629. BILINGUAL GIIRL -FRIDAY,' contract basis. Hourly raies. 1 ta 4 days per week. No benefits required. Cail Henriette ai 435-3472 after 3p.m. AFFORDABLE EXCELLENCEI Corner Stone Counseiiing & Tutor- ing. Educationai, services for, ail ages. Au plaisir de vous servir oen f rancais. 432-9223 ater6 p.m., ACADEMIC CONSULTANT& tutor. if your son/daughter- is havlng dfficuity with schooîwork, or has iost lnterest, find out why, *and what todo about R. BA., M. Ed., Spoclalist & Speciai Education. Phono 668-0851 aftor 5 p.m., .wéeknights or weekonds. 0 C) OSHAWA- I Q DRIVINO ISCHOOL 1saw -728-0091 Fui! Drivers Educatiori Courses COMMENCING- NOVEMBER-1OTH Tues.,& Thurs. 4 week course NOVEMBER 21'ST, Saturdays 4 week course REGISTER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS PRI VA TE LESSONS.- REGiSTEREO à APPRtOVEO BY THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE ARE YOU HAVîNG TRtOUBLE getting auto insurance because of age,- poor driving -record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can heip. Phono 666-20901. ARE YOU* GETTING..y aur 25-year new home:discount? Ail homes built since 1967, are eligibie. For a quate cal! -Towne,& Country Ins., IGA Plaza, 430-8696. OSHAWA OSHAWA ýCENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 PICKERING 14.50 KINqGSTON RD.* (Hwy. 2 at ValIey Farm Rd. 420-1344 HANDYMAN SERVICES - Olean ryards, tasements cut - trees. Someth1ng to seii? ôaii 655-3004. Rues Wllde '%ho" ELECTRICIAN. Service upgrades. Free estimates. At 666-21-27. GRANDMA'S COMPANY affers' GRE-EN cleaning of 'residen ces and offices. Ail aur, ladies --are -security checked through the police. Bonhded and' insured. Chamber member. Knack -yoaur ý-socks, off serviceli ' 725-9177, (24,,*hour' answerlng). KLEEN -KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-upholstery 'of antiqiues.. Ail kinds a recovering. Vour fabric: or mine.- Fre, estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitby. EXPERIENCED. MAN wlth haftnwill do.clean-ups, mov <es,, etc. Excellent- rates. Cati Todd ai 430-6192, or toIl-free pager 1-416-559-6729. ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Give your aid wardrobe a newifft.,No lob i stoo, small., Ladies' and 'Mèes tailoring at' reasônable prices. 3-6 p.m. 436-1448. COMPLETE FINISHED base- mentfor $6.875.;,Cati for details. 432-2266. TWO MEN WITH 14 FT. CUBE', van wili do househoid moves. Short or lopg distance.- 430-745.0. ............... ............... ....... ... D rywalllng (tape & tlnishlng) *Rec Rooms, * Basemoents Texture Spmaylng Painting ( ieor* éo) - Trim -Fre. estimates 576-7503 CERAMIC TIUNG- free estimfiates., Over 25 years experience. Quality workmanshlp. Recession lates. Cal a at 571-630 CUSTOM-MADE- DRAPERY' and. tule installation. Own. fabricý welcome. Also,, we repair'old1 drapery., ,Cati Beryl or Ted aï 432- 1714 after 5:30 p.m. HANDYMAN SERVICE - "No Job too small."-Patios "Decks "General repair -Oàd jobs. 427-1674., CUSTOM'DESIGN and dross- making.« Weddln"and evening- gowns, brldesmaidS, & grade,ý suits, etc. Renovation and alteratton. Garments -also made t ram 'a picture..723-3259. PAINTERS PLUS- Service 'and, FinanclalAssistance May De Avallable 2 Campuses in Durham j PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque received beforo deadiino> $6.00 for 20 wordS; ($5.61'+ 390 GST) 150 eachadditionial word; (140 +10 GST) BILLED WORD IADS $8.25 for -20 words; PLUS GST 150 each additional W ord; PLUS GST, AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS i 930'per agate line (14 agate ulnes per inch) minimum charge: $1 3.86; PLUS GST DSPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFUEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates apply -,990 per agate line Minimum size 1 coiumn inch $13.86 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.89 PER CQLUMVN INCH. G.S.T. is extra on ail ads- uniess otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon pnior t6o.Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Piease check your. advertisemnent for errors on the first day of publication. The. Whitby Free Press wiil not be liable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyand the' cost »of the space accupiod by the error up toaamaximum ccdst of the insertion. The Whitby Free Pross reserves the right ta ciassify $or reject ail advertisements. new abyIn this wold, there's always A new byà? room for onie more! CALL VOUA WELCOMEqf-ii<I7r WAGON HOSTESSNOW.wI(mA/40 66" 53SINCF 190 gâT) . . . . .......... .......... ..................... ...........

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