Whitby resdents nomiae as W ome f Distincto Six Whitby residents are football team, the Ottawa Rou4gh Elizabeth Peacock cf Oshawa cf Oshawa (DurhaM CeQllege); Tredwell -cf -Oshawa <Angela among 19, nominees for. the ]Ridera., (Durham Association for Faniily, Anr Syme cf Oshawa> <Durham ;Beal); Mary -Turpin cf Oshawa Women cf Distinction awardste, Polak ie currentlyr co-host cf an Resà pite Services); Syvia Pelham Shoestrig Performers); . Gwen (Toronto School cr Business). Oshawa YMCA will n- The dinner la held te recognize sor'the eleventh annual'awads omen in Durham RIegori for thb. r- a e aS and fundraising ditiner, at Lie, achievements ijn, the fieldè cf C r'a f . a Gala in south WJhitby. education,,trijning rýnd develop- BY Eiabeth Hooper will be given the opportunity te CVI in Oshawa. Students will Nominees include: ment, community service bùai- A craft -sale w:iIl' h held at selI their merchandise such as croate posters as a èà .hool proJect. -Jean ÀAchmatewicz cf Asho- ness,'health csre, non-traditional Camp, Saznac in north Oshawa hand-made goods,_ paintinga, «The posters .will b. uset, te burn, nominated by- the Hospital roles, the arts, the physically on Wednesdayr Novr. 18 to rais. photI'ph and other varicus sa~etvrcslctos"sy CounctfofDurham Region; chalenee andyoungwome cf unocforthnsn"ed ay. GaBimeo f Bi c h à llegédand -ing oJe 6flun o '&tY-Wa- . items, ByaSearle, <"andwill Searle. nominated b y Durham College; - Bonnie Ginter-Brown, cf Whitby, nominated by Durham jaice Griffith cf Whitby, nominated by Du)rham Region. YMCA' -- Chandra Hunter cf Whitb nominated by MarksW orc Waréhouse; »- Joyce Marshall cf, Whitby,, nominated b' First Oshawa& International Traüining in, Com- munication. Guest speaker at the dinner wil be Jo-Anne Polak, h ls woman general managertcfealpro By Elizabeth Hooper A Monte Carlo will b. held at Heydenshore Pavilloin in Whitby on Nov. 13 te raie unds for the, United Way. « It's a n ight, for people to, go, out and . retond te ýb. ýbig-tùme spenders lie in Is Vegas,ý says organiizer Jim' Ward. -It's an evening of entortaminienty» -Fifyvo'ýlunteers wiîll help run the event. The Monte Carlo will start at 8 By Elizabeth Hooper 'A new. group- has ,formied -in Durham Region te raise money for'leukemia research. The goupcosista cf president Terri" L.MClutreasurer Joannie.,Diamondsecretary Ainanda Kinln, char cf camés- ters Arnold lre ad 45 volun- teers. There are Esimilar ousin British Columbia, Manito.ba'and Alberta. Ninety per cent' cf funds -g9 toward research, and, re maining funds are for operating costs. McCallum says, «Sincej*oinin the organization,y I have learned Other nominees (and nommna- tors) are',Sheila Canning of Ajax (Harwood, Secondary Schéol' staff), Lana, Carroll- cf Oshawa (Ministry cf IRevenue rps9), Jane Dixon of Oshawa ' ,^(Robert McLaughlin Gallery),ý Isabelle- Hamxann cf Claremont (Rotary Ch~ ofToonto), Pauline Là aing- cf: Oshawa (Durham Board of Education) Simone Lessard of Oshawa a ý-ýà Federation, des Femmes C:anîadiennies-Franca-, ises d'Oshawa); Ju4dith Miklosik cf Os3hawa (Eastview By'and Girls' Club); Tanya Moran of Oshawa (R.S. McLaughlin CVI); p.n. There will beà 1 tables with dferent gmssc as black- rJack, poker and Wheel of Fortune-, on each cf them. Tickets cost $10,. and each visitor receives $1,000 'in play mnoney.ý ýAt 11:30,p.m., there will be an auction. «At the end of the evening, the funny money y ou have earned, you can use te bid in the auction cf things hat will be donated 4y' dferent businesses," says Ward. that'there are quite a few people in the »Durham region,,Who'have leukemiia." Many who have fazily mem- bers with leukemia haVe shown much 'support sincè' the group .unhefirst meeting for the group was held on Sept. 22 and plans fo r thejyear werediscussed. In Noebr anid April, there will be craft and, bake saes as 'wejllas "a Jim' Swim - 21 kilo- metres in 21 days. At the end. Of the year, when fundraisinfr cornes to a closeý, the' group decides where to donate funds for leukemnia research. .u-oruuzueea b eanne Seartes, funs ae ridfrom the pu- chase cf tables byMvndors., . «By purchasing taà bles vendors CRAFT -SHOW The, Kinette Club of Wbiutby will sponsor a ciraft -show on Sunday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m. te '4. pm a Heydenshore Pavilion, WJater .Stil. Port, Whitby. Admission is $1.'Children under age 12 are free. Net proceeds will go'te charity. ,CftAFT SHÃ"oWl The lOth annual Christnmas craft show will b. ,held at West Lyndepblic schoôl on Saturday, No. , 10ul a.m. te par. Amcng a large variety cf items will be folk art jpainting, _'dolîs, table- cloths and wooden teysý-- ail by local artists -- and home1made choclat.. BAZAAR Sunnycrest'Nursing, Home will hold a bazaar o audy Nov. 7, 10 a.m. te 3. p.m. at, the home, 1635, Dundas St. E;,% Whitby. -There willI..be-crafIts, -knittirig, planits, bock , home bakidng, white elephant, a tea room nd raffles. Lunich wiUlb. available. Al are welcome., BAZAAR Hadassah-WIZO (Oshawa) will hold its biggest bazear on Wednesday, Nov. , il 1amu. te 4 p.m., at. Peth Zion Synagoge, 144 King'St., E., Oshawa, Door' prizes, include a Citation House sofa ,and -a,, Royal Doulton' figurine, te b. rà Mled'. off. at, 3:-30 p.m. Adult admission is by a bock cf raffle tickets (five for $2, or 50 cents each). Children are' fr-e.. Lunch will be served. Something for everyone.. tnen malce a pront for ttiem- selves.» The craft sale. will be promoted by art stuýdents from McLaughlin CRAFT SHOW The ninth *a nnual craft. show will b. held at Col. J.E.* Fýarewell public "sohool, 810 McQuay rBlvd. on'Sunday, Nov. 22,'10',a*.m. te 4 p.m Tere will b. more than .40. tbes. Frýee admission. -Proceeds go toward purcase cfplay- grounidequipmet The,çraft sale. will be heldfrom 9 a:m. td 3:30, p.m. Food and beverages will be availibl'." CRAFVP S$HOW Oshawa Senior Citizens Centre will hold a. craft -show o n Saturday, Nov. 14, 10 ar. .'to 5 p.m. at the' centre, ý43:John St. W. Admission' is,$1, with eilidren under age ' 12 frée. Proceeda cf admission Will go te the United Way. EHandicrafts 'availablewill "CBRTSTMAS CRAF SHOW bsetcoceand knitted The'Brooklin Christmaâs craft items and-eduatol ys show -will 1'be heldo n- Saturday, aina cs Nov. 28, 10 a.m. te 4:30 p.m= and Sunday, Nov. 29, 10' a.m. toi A4"1',BAA a>Wst ty bazà arwill' 'b. held a ét p.m.', at.Brooklin ..Comnmunity.xinstert United Church,"25 M~a n- Centre,--Cassels-Rd. E. Admiission 'igR.(ewe hcco m les $1 and>,proceeds Wi*11 tO 'Garrard roads),,on Saturdagr, Denie Huse.Thee wu hoNov. 21, il a.m. te 3,p.m. There numerous handicrafta, and will b. crafts, home baking sew- refreshrpents winll be avam»lable. .,,,,ttn~ ierlauc onz POITRY SHOWAND SL The Ajax-Pickening Potters' Guild will hold, a4Chirietmas pottery show and sale on Friïday, Nov. 20, 7 te 9 p.mn., .Saturday, Nov. 21, 9:30, a.m., te 0 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 22, 11:30 a.m. te4 p.m., at The' Pottery ýStudi'o, Pickeing Recreation Co'mplex,ý Valley Farmi Rd. S. (south ofHw 2), Pickering... Admission 1 and parking arefee Door prizes. 'A percentage c f each artist's commission will be donated to, the Children's Wish Foundation. CRMPT AND R ARE SALE Staff cf- the 'second f loor dining room. at Whitby General Hospta willhold hé ' lot Annual Vendors D Pa aChriistmas ,craft a -nd balce se, on Thursday. Nov.ý 26, 10 a.m.'te 4 p.m. AIl are welcome. ,cangy,,wmite elephanît and lunch- ro.AIl welcomeé.,Handicâpd accessible.,apè NEWCONMBAZAAR 7he Osjhawa-Whj*tby Newo- miers Club Christnà as bazaar.'will b. held on -,Saturday, Nový. 14e 10 a..e3 ëp .. at Irouis Parkt WVhitney room.,There will be large selection cf craft, home baking, bath gooda beebive can- dies ,as well as lace painting, country kitchen, tea room. doý przsandmore - Al *efcomeý Fre dmision. The ,,roôklin Da'> Nùrseryý annuaà l bazaar will ,be held on- Saturday, -Nov. 21, 10 arn. te 3 W m, at ([4, Church St. Brooklin. Tere lwiN be crafts, balced.goods, whit e elephant -sale, and _lunch will 6e available.,Brn g a non- perishable food .item',te doniate te a local- food: bank.: For more informaà tion cal 655-3864. VISIT ONE 0F THE IN, ONTARJOý' DINNS HAS 3 CERTIFIED KITCHEN DESIGNERS ON STAFF iséover our elegant showroom which boasts 22 iully decorated kitchen and bat h displays. Our unique creative concepts are, 'designed around your individual lifestyle and our,2,9,years exprecegaatesyuquality Workmanship with a ietme warranty -on icabinetry.,Corne in andsee why -our, clients reconmend us to their cfosest (rencisi FRE KIT" DSIGNBOO >VILLAGE BAZAAR, A Christmas Village' bazaar will b. held, at'. Al Saints' AgicanChurch, 300, Dundas St. W., Witbyon- Saturday, Nv 4 10 a.m. te 3 'p.m. Muffinsi and coffee will b. served in the morning ý,and hý,omemade ,soup,_ sa ndwiches and:squares. at lunch. There ýwill bho ý. a de variety cf baked good, crâfts -and'knitted itemhs, together with a silent auction barri.- CRAFT SALE A craft sa!eý will b.e held- at »William Dunbar ,p ublic, s cho>l, 1030 'Glenainna Rd. 1ý,(between, Diie. and Fairprýôt), 'Pickeriing on> Saturday, Nov.>7p 9 -a.m. tae 3ý. p.mL there wi* b. more than- 30 vendà ors.Quality -crafts, bake', tmle dpey raffie.. COUNTRY BAZAAR' presnte by olyFamily Parish, wil e d on aturdY$y, Nov. 4 10 a.m. o .., in the' churcli hall, 91 Ribblesdale Ave., Whitby. There will bel handicrà fts, baked goodspevs, fish pond,. mealýs, pcaldas and much, more. FALL BAZAAR, Durhamn-Christian Homes Incorporated w Àill hold a fal bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 7, il e.m. te, 3 p.m., at Providence Place,1 100 Glen Hill1 l)r. S., WJhitby "(one block ,-west c Thickson Rd.). There will b. crafts,- baked goods, plants, 'oecrf", yesterday's treasures, a qWui lr aw,,f&esbpiep4,. i- CHRISTMAS BAZAAR A Christmas bazaar will b. held onî Saà turdayi Nov. '14, 10 a.m. to 3'p.m. in the basement cf Knox Preshyteriani Church, 149 Simcoe St., N., Oshawa. Vendors"' welcome. Th'ose'. Interested in rentingtable space, o frmore ,.information, cal 433-8942. 'Ail proceed, will go te' the Leukemia Research Fund cf Durhamn Region. BAZAAR 692 BAZAAR. The Whitby Seniors' ACtvy Centre, 801 Brock St. S., will ol the annual faI bazaar' on Saturday, Nov. 7, 10. a.m. te 2 p.m., at the centre. There will b. niovelties, Christnwas decorations, crafis,.bakedgooand, a" tea room. Raffle tickets are available at the cenhtre or fromn any'mémber at $1, each: firà t prize ii $'500; second ,prize, a hand-made ýqui! thirdpri*ze, ahand-rnade ceramic Bazaar <92 - %ill b e ld on. Saturday, Nov. 7. 11:30, arn, te -3 CATR pmat .st. Anidriýe ,Pres3bv- eUiedCuc W no terian Church,'209 Cochrane St. ~ Uié hrhWmno Luncheon costis $4,for adults à lTy lie hrh i $1.50 -for ýthose.under . 10' Osawa invite, crafters to rent Tere will b.: a whiteelephanttalst cs f$2tithr rom, . bake ' table,. country kit- third.aniiugl craft exhibitioni and, chen, Christmnas table and knit -E.W on Nov. 28. To reserve yqur. ted items,- table anid coz>fIrm registrationýcaIl CRATFST92Shirley at 728-5318 or Gwien at, ÇRAFTFET'9,ý, 725.0634, by Sépt. 30. Craffest '92 show & salewill. b. held On Sunday, Nov. 1M 10 ANN UAL CRAlFT SALE a.m. te 4pam., at -the; Polish Myrtlo United Churchi will holdi Veteran's Hll, 1551 Stevenson the fourthannual craft sale*-oný" Rd. N, Oâlhâwa (folloW signs on, Saturday, Nov. 14,- 9,87nm. to, 4 corner c f Taunten Rd. and Ste- n.m., at the church (Hwy 12 in venson Rd.) Adulta $2, seniors Myrtle Station, 10 minutes north: $1i,kide aged 12 and under cfWrbyeTer.wh'h rets For -more information call i 6-ofWiy) brwl-i wèts 8838.' folk art,, Christmags decorations, Wood craftà p, a bake. table and TOUCH0F ~mucli more. Admission is free. The Touch of, Christmas craft show and. sale will b. held on CPuAFT AND RARE SALE SatudayNov.'7, 0 a.. t. TheCadet Parents' Association, p.m., uat 75 Centinnial'Rd., Ajax associated 'in '1913 wzth Ontario Community Centre (follow road Regiment Cadet Corp., will hold a* airson corner c.f Harwood .Av.. Christmnas. craft and bake sale on S. and ýBayly St.). There will b.Nov.ý 7, 9 a-m. te 4 p.m., at' the -47 tables cf- crafts.- Adults $2; Oshawva Armory, 53 Simcoe St. N. seniors $1I, kids ýaged 12 and Vendors wloe For more L " Fo malîImg o pf-23-7700 - -pr- - ------ for..n....W.y Reseairch group fomëd' ÀMF re . . . ....... .... . .............. mm@ftbý- - q Prà w"fe, wirriy i