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Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1992, p. 15

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WhitbyiFree Press. Wednesday, November 11,' 1992, Page 15 19M1 ANNUAL MEETIG Durhain Flouse Child and Family Centre will hold the l9th annual meeting on Monday Nov. 16, 7 p.m., at the MichaelStarr building, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker Dan Statham will. diseuss 'Positive Attitudes -, ' Buts' -- What Mfakes a True Winner' at 7:30 p.M. Refreshinents' will be served. Reserve a seat by calling Wendy Procher at 579-2021. WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS A social- club for. widows, and widowers to make new fiends will meet on Siunday, Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.n. in the '420 Wing, Oshawa'Airport. There, will be dancing, chit-chat andcards. For more information, call 683-2045, 430-0130 or 683-3855. HEA INURYMEEIN are now available from the centre, The Head Injury asointon <of-81BokSt .Tecost ia$ Durhamu Region will.hold support each. Ail proceeds go to the group mzeetings on' ,Wednesday, centre's building fund. Nov 18 ý :3 ý .m. :4,59 Bond OUTE St. E., Oshawa. " -Asurvivors VOLUTRIN groups will meet on the main Durham Rgion Association for flor, ith famly ndVolunteer Administrations caregivers group iletn (DRAVA) will.hold their regular upstairs. »For assist"ce ., 'Withi mnthi metig at. >ortiviewî transportation, call týhe- ofl~a on nty-centre, '150SBetirice- 723-2732. ÃŽ ' St. E.' Os1haà1wa yon ,'Thursday, Nov. 12, 2 p.m. Ail volunteer PHOTO CLUB co-ordinators/admniators, of The Whitby Photo Ou il inpolaece r nio ~ ineet at the Famil ,Trust ýbui1d'-, ,atl;end-. For more information cali in, Dundas and 9kyeret; tonaHutton at 420-3383. Uîb nMonday Nov. 16, 7 te 9 p.m. 'Thiere will hé a. business SCHIZOPBRENICS and information exchange, and Ontario Friends of Schizo- print, clinic results.. New memn- phrenics-Durham chapter will bers are welcome.. meet on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 7 EUCHRE PA.R1-Y..2 The Whitby Tri le Link comý munity club will ýold a euchri party on Thursday, Nov. 12k p.m.. at the Odfellows hall, hi Brook St. S., Whitby. Prizes anE lunch. Al welcomne. For morE information caîl 668-2684. ANN1VERSARYDINNER Hostel Seryjees; wilI, hold., a 25th anniversary diî'ner'-'on Thursday, Nov. 12, 6:15 p.m., at the Royal Canadian Legion, 471 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Guest ef honour will ha Bruce Porter, executive director of the Centre for Equality Rights i .Accommodation. For comipli- mentary tickets, caîl 728-6604e, 579-0973 or Hste Srviesat 433-0254. There will ha an offring during the evem'ng. KIDS -AND DRTJGS,ý- 'Kids and'- Drugs: Protective Factors is a teleconferenoe for parents who want . te, help, children niake the right choices about alcohol and druga.. Ti*me will be set aside for parents te, talk te a panel of experts and to, raise specilic parenting questions conoerning substance, abuse., The teleconference will ha held on Nov. 19, 1 te 2:30 p.m. For more infor mation or to register for this frée- event, contact Martha Moore, program consultant, Addiction Research Foundation, at 576-6277. BRIGHT CHILDE The Association for Bright Children will hold a meeting in the gym at Cadarackque public sche0o..Ajax on Nov. 18, 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Mark Walker, past president of the Association for Bright Children- Ontario, will disc uss 'Challenges facing gifted education in te fuurFor monre, informinn Ut & Y 34,DY JAycuamZA rios- ' buildi'ng 30, main' floor 1- auditorium. Topic Iwill ha 'First ,l signs ofschizophýrenia. F or more 8 information caîl 683-2306. ,1 à-ADDICTIONAWARENEss le Displays; and activities have been organized for Durhamn Addiction Awareness Week, Nov. 16 -te 22. Theme will ha 'Believe in Yourself, Be Drug-free.' Open. ing oeremonies for t he week will ha held on Monday, Nov. 16, at the' CAW Hall, Oshawa. For *more information caîl 576-6277. COP Mntl eahPrga oôf D]urham Re gion Community Gare will meet on Wednesday, Nov.18,7:3 to'10 m.,at'Faith' place, 44 William St. W., < -Oshawa. Dr., George Blake, 'psyholoistwill -discusa 'Stress in the 90s.' Admission is free. Ail are welcome. For more ,information, cali- 434-1693. AGLOW Womens Aglow Felk wship, Oshawa-Whiýtb'y Chapter, will meet on Thursday, Nov. 12 at the French Cultural' Centre, 384 H1ilîside' Dr.,- Oshawa. An afternooni session wil ha held Lfrom 1 te 4 p.m., with a banquet efromn 5 te 6 p.m. A praise, worship 3and evening session will ha held from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Cost is $5fo tafternoon only or $20 for the day which includes banquet and evening session. Matilda Kipfer will speak on 'Remember the Lord thy God.' For further information or tickets,. calil 723-94518. 1 10THUANNIVERSARY A lOth anniversary celebration will ha held b y the Head IWruy Association of Durham Region on Wednesday, Nov.'18 at 6:30 p.m. "t the oIce, 459 Bond St., E., Oshawa. ake and refreshments will ha served. COOKBOOKS The Whitby Seniors' Activity -Centre- second, edition coolcbooks HOME t-il> A TNT' C A TYEU Non'r"fit> hIch are9srlni Whtyor have a sbtaaiWhltby membershlpmay' place their . ôr acvitesôn th a page at no cost. - o~~Si Cn aahf7 FINANCIAL &EMINAR ONA-FINSCO Retirement and Savings Program will hold a free financial seminar for Ontario Nurses' Association members and their, familles on Thursday, Nov. 12,ý 7:30 p.ni., in Oshawa. C al ,tol free 1-8001-563-6623 for more information; GIANT AUCTION Durhamý Regional Aquarium' Society will hold a giant auction on.Thursday, Nov. 12, 8. p.m., at their new meeting place, R.S. McLaughlan Collegiate cafeteria, 570 Stevenson Rd. N.;, Oshawa. Admission is free. AIl are welcome. *The new- mailing address for the society is 1079 Willowdale Ave., Oshawa LiN 1W7. TEA AND SALE, The Salvation Army will hold a Christmas tea and salè oni Satur- day, Nov. 14, il a.m. to 3 p.m., atý 122 Kent St., Whitby. EUCIRE The Ladies Auxiliary to Whitby Branch 112 Royal Cana- dian Legion will hold their monthly - euchre on Thursday, Nov. 19 8 p.m., in the upstairs ahlat f17 Blyon St. S., Whitby. A light lunch wiIl be served. Admission is $2 per p'erson.- DOWN SYWDROME' The Durham Down Syndrome. Association will- meet on Tues- Wday, Nov.' 17, 7:30 p.m., at WhtbyBaptist Church,- 411 Gil- hart St. Guest speaker is Linda Witeof the Si hops. For more info.rmationg,çall 434-2856.- BIENGO Ontario Friends of Schizo- phrenics-Durham chapter will hold a charitable bingo on*,Thurs- day; Nov. 12,,10:30 -p niât the~ -HideaW!iybingo haêll,'65 Sünray St., Whitby., Proceeds go' te research.,Call 683-2306 ferý more, information.' STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club, will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 7 p.m., at O'Neill Collegiate, cafe- teria, first. floor. Collectors -and visitors are welcome. For more information caîl John at 725- 7962. MARFANAWARENESS National Marfan Awareness Week will be held Nov. 14 to,21. Marfan syndrome is a serious genetic disorder of the connective tissue -- resulting in a number of abnormalities such as dispropor- tionately long limbs, curvature of the- spine and severe nearsight- edness. For the awareness week, patients wiIl wear 'Marfan...ask me about iti' buttons, and there will ha displays. For more infor- muation cali Aeneas Lane of the Durham Re<gion chapter of the (Janadian Marfun Association at 985-9181. Cas ne A u dit ion dat ý«W 1 OMM Wgl be Ch&-M. Ca# Wllitby Courthouse' Theatre," AUDITION NOTICE for "Mûrder at the Howard -Johnson's" A COMEDY To be directed by David Stone d:2 maies, 1 female. Age range 30- 40 ites:i November 6th & 7th at 7:30 pm AT THE THEATRE, CENTENNIAL BUILDING 416 CENTRE ST. S., WHITBY Be prepared to act and/or sing. Entr y tag dor wet id ofbuldig FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALI: Sandy Cairns, producer, at 683-1744. calMartin at 436-3767. IXiFI 1Li F mhn Tjljhhr.Y uI ONE PARENT FAMILlES T One Parent Familles Association Oshawa Chapter will 9 in ' W pi M HIITBY CHRISTIAN meet Qn Tuesday Nov. 17, 8 p.m., at imoe al Sttimet Hus, is the perfect opportunity to complete yourA SABL 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for a .A S M L general meetin. New memlers Cxsmssopn n idsm eyuiu 100 Rossland Road West, Whitby and guests welcome. F or more 4> information, call 436-5089 or __________ 433-0832. O1-d Fashioned GIVr-BAG GLASS________ Camp Meeting -Style The Oshaa YWCA will hold a course on making expensive FERFEHEI 4~ Gospel Preach ing designer-style gift -bags for a F~F~JS~BOS with fraction of the cost on ~-FLFREJS OBWE Wedneësday, Nov; 1I6,7ta9 p.;mý, 1o.agoItr&M"j)sr*RE eG R ET. GUNTER, Regisiter -by Nový.'t4~J Fr&ifr .--j-. - t infoai on Mefl ;C, 4 f 1-. * - 4 7ê-'é. ý. 4 J j 576-~88K& -. ONE PARENT FAMILlES North Oshawa Chapter, One Parent Familles Association will ineet on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 8 p.n., at Christ Church,ZMary and. Hillcroft streets, Ohw for a 'Discoivery 1 To:y' demronstration. New memnbers and guests welcome. For information, cal 668-7579 or 434-3687. DEN MEETING Durham Environinerital Network will hold a genral meeting on Wednesday, Noy. 189 7:30 p.m., inî the programn room, Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas St. W. (corner of Dundas and Henry Sts.). Ouest speaker will , be Suzanne ,ElIstÃ"n, environment; coluinnist' ' for Oshawa Mimes, who will ,talk about her experiences at. the UNCED'conference in Brazil last June. A'Ski Swap' will be held at the Nov. 13,'14 and 15. Both down- hilI and'cross country equipment will ha sôold. For more informa- tion caîl the Canadian Ski Patrol Systern at (Markham) 294-2294., CHROMO FATIGUE Durham Region Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Support Group wilI meet on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 7 -p.m.,1 at A.E. King Memonal Complex, Kingsway College, Oshawa. For more infor- mation caîl Renee Leahy at 655- 4398. 1,_ 71 77-7 -7 7,77 , -, --,ý 17,77-7 - .'l ',, - , - 1 lml ý - 'l' -, ý -- - , ý7, - - - _U7, ) RACK PAIN PREVENTION: 4Preventing and Dealing witb, Back, Pain'- will be the topic discussed by Dr. Ted Koas, chiropractor and inesiologist, on Thursday, Nov. 12, 730 p.m., at .theýMLauhh Public Library auditoriumn,, 65 Bagot St., Oshawa., Tickets are required and are 'available 'free of charge fromn the library. DENTURE CLINIC Adenture-cleaning dlinic will beheld at -the- Whitby Seniors' Activity' Centre, 801 Brook St. S., on Friday, Nov. 13, 9 amn. to noon. Bring a, plastic ýcontainer with ' your naine on it. Appointments are necessary. Call the centre at 668-1424 if you plan to attend. SNOW REMOVAL The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre is once again co-ordinating a snow removal program for* seniors.- Aduits or stdns(grade 7, and 'Up)ar needed to help shovel walksor driveways for seniors. Assstance is e 'aylrequired in thle centralarea of Whitby, where the majority of seniors reside. Seniors will call a shoveller as- required, and a mutually agreed upon .fîeeë will be paid for the service. Those interested in participating in the programn are asked to ca1 the centre at 668.1424, Monday ýto Friday, 8:30 a.m.to 4:30 p.m. GERANIUM SOCETY The Geraniumn & Pelaronium Society of Ontario will hold the regular meeting on Sunday, Nov. 15, 1:30 p.m., at the Civic Garden Centre, 777 Lawrence Ave. E., Don Milîs. Prizes wiIll ha awarded from the September show. A slide presentation of the Vancouver trip and convention will ha shown. Admission is $2. Refreshments'andl plant sales will ha available.

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