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Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1992, p. 18

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Page 18, Whitby Froee Pres, Wednesday, Novemnber 1 1,1992 ride at Royalý. Ange]a Roy of Whitby has been invtd to compote in the National Talent Squad show jumping finals at the Royal Agitura Wintor Pair 'n ~oot nSaturday, Nov. 14. The finals, sponsored for the first timo this year by Bank of Montreal, are part of the Talent Squad Prograin developed in 1989 by the Canadian Equestrian Federation. The prog ram encourages and devolops young homses and riders while providing a talent pool from which the Canadian equostrian team xnay draw future numbors. This season, nine qualifying classes wero hold at varlous shows acroas Canada. The top 16 horse and- rider combinations (basod on points accumulated) wero invited to compote in tho. final at the Royal Winter Fair for $5,000 in prize monoy. 1 *"The Tolnt uad Program providos young riders with a wonderful opportunity to develop their Idlis so they xnay graduate te the national teamn level' said Bank of Montreal vice chair Jff Chishoin. :1 .Many, of Can ada's tbp ridera, including' John Pearco, Jili Henselwood, and Olympic Teain iernbers Jennifer Foster and fleth Underhill have moved on from the Talent Squad Programn te become inembers of the Canadian equostrian toani. Ross scores-ý- 3a under-lO0s win.again.. PAUL PRIOR of the Henry Hawks'senior boys' volleybail team returns the bail to the Pickering Trogan's court during LOSSA competition at Father Leo J. Austin last week. Matthew Stolk, Henry Street H.S. co-op student SThe Whitby Owasco under-lOs -~ j ' are. setting the pae in the Scarborough Indoor Sccer ~' League as an 8-0 thurnping of East York over the weekend was w e t Tho gtaetie ws nn tshreo minutes odwhen JefRoss nod the scrin with the first Shatwudh a hat trick, quickby folowed by goals *w<n~ Ontario's and even some of Michal Boerma andCurtis Canada7s besa high achool wrest- Emo. lors, will take part in a tourna- Nicky Mor-ris made it 4-0 after ment at Henry Street High 18 minutes and this was score at School on Friday, Dec. 4. the break About 200 wrestlers wibl take Whitby started quickby again p rt in the Durhamn Classic, with in the second half with a moal Eain froin all over Ontario, ene inside two minutes from h k frein Manitoba and one froin Morrison and went further ahead Montreal. a minute later. The entrants wibl include eighit Ross added his own third and Canadian champions. And the Whitby s seventh beforo Adrian tournament is also unique as Haight made it 8-0 with il there wibl bo-a girls division. minutes remaliung. "Ir beliee it ~will be the first evergirl' turnaentin East York looked dangerous on Canada," says Stan Tzogas, the break but solid defending Henr wrestling coach and one of frein Paul Gruchala, Sacha the tournarnent organizers. Kasanovic, Gordon K.err and For the boys,- there will 15 Robert Richards and hard work weight caegries in the senior in midfield fromn Haight, Morrison (aged 17 and over) division, and and Thomas Shaw held thein at il weight categories in tho cadet jjMýol b th ~th"e h shutout.says Tzogas. lers to at Henry The tournarnent begins at 8:30 a.m., with the finals scheduled te start at 6 p.m. aWhtbyElscint Canada major aonAAhockey club romains solidly in first place in. the western division of the eastern AAA league with a 9-2-1 record.. Whitby -rooently defeated Quinte, the first-placo teain in the eastern division, 4-2. Whitby suffered its second league loas of the year on Saturday to a solid, well-balanced Peterborough club 3.1. semni-finals in both the Whitby M&M' SMeats major, atoin A hockey <f ~team shuffledof te Buffalo for Halloween for their firat tourna- ment of the soason. Th7e players went .te N.Y. te trick or treat -- they showed thoir' opponents alI tho tricks and camne back te Whitby with all the treats, winning the teùrnament for the second consecutive year. In gaine one, Whitby m,ùet Mississauiga Meadowvalo Hawks and skated to an easy victory by a score of 4-O Mlike Hamilton had two goals, Jof Church and Ryan- Dancey one each, and goalies- Ryan Calbaghan and Scott Wylie, posted their first:of three shutouts. In gaine two, Whitby gave Agincourt a hockey lesson with a, 5-0 defeat,, with Dancey and Hlaîniltneahscoring -a 1goal, Scott Berrey,, Jordan Fitzgibbon and Danny Small adding one, each. Goalies Calaghan and Wylie who like te ahare goal each gaine, had the shuteut. Gaine three was the start Of the ' Can-Arn' confrontation, as Whitbypbayed Anierican teams. Whitby first faced, the'local Cheektowvaga Warriors- in 'an exciting gaine froin 'the ifirat drop of the puck. Whitby scored in the second period to open the scoring and Cheektowaga 'tried evorything, including ulling the goalie bate in the thir-, to try toi get a tie. But Whitby, scored in 'the Brookbin Lions minor peowee A, hockey team hlas a 4-1 record in their first five beague. gaine;ý outscoring their oppenenta 31-5 in the proceas.. The teain atarted eut with a hard-fought 2-0 victory over arch-rivl',Peterborough thon followed up wi th a 10- 1 vn'*n oVer Port Porry. Next up asPterboough ad Whitby shut them ou oc again, 4-0. Ajax/Pickering and, Kitchener Oktoborfest AAA teurnainents. Teain members are David Chant, Shari Bryksa, Jainie, Gibes, Judd Stevenson, Marc Lainera, Danny Cohen, Gil Vaniplew, Sean Haynes, Scott Beegan, Kybe Crouch, Matt Jardin, Andrew Marshall, David Kubrynaki, Nick Owen, Casey Dupent and Ryan Boyd. The coaching teani1 is comprisod of Jin 'BdYd" GàrY 1 -Mwahall-Segel)upot.enMike Haynes. 'emty-atndwon the gr 2.-.., Jeif Churc-h azfdSn-mll wero the scorers. Gaine four, a semi-final gaine,- was against thePerinton, Blades, also froin N.Y., who finalby, managed te get a goal past - Whitby. But Whitby scored three turnes, with ý,Jeiff Church,, Small 'and Barrett ,Church scoring. For Barrett - Church,1 itwa his firat goal of th e season. Tho finale again matched Whitby againat Cheektowaga, but this 'turne Whtby pubbod, out ail tho stops and skated te an 8-1. victory tewin the teurnamept.* Smal had two. goals, Glen Mayer two, Barrett Church, Harnibton, Jared Brown and, Dancey with one each. Hlighights of the tournament included excellent penalty-killing by Brown; Sniall's five goals and four. asssta; Wylie stoning Cheelctowaga in a,,pienalty, shot in the final' gaine; Mike Heffering. and Scott Dennis', two defencemon with'a plus 9, each; Callaghan. and. Wyliewith three shutouts and each allowing only one goal. Otheir members .-of the teani are,?Mar Unwin, David Dittmar, Paut-Golctsmithanïd'Ricky Mace. In regubar season'play, Whitby sufferodà-thir first bs in three seamons and were thon held te a tie, both the boss and the tie in gaines against> Peterborough. Whitby thon had vicetorios ovor: Port Perry and Oshawa' Red Wings. Witby's record for the season so far is 5-1-1. Uxbridge was next and after a slow start the teazn found tho net for a 13-O shutout win.. Thon camne the team's firs bloss of tho esaon at tho banda of Omemeo who skated away with a 4-2 victory. Outstnding on dofonce wero Wes Suddons, Ryan McArthur Kybo linrie, Stacy Bremner, Paul hornobay and Neil cDnad. There L was excellen t backchecking help froin al ho forwards, conbined with soid goaltending by Scot t hompson and Phillip Grenenen t eep tho opposition te only five goals againat in tho five gaines,. with three shutout victories. Scoring through the first five gaines came off the sticks of Ryan Babcock, three goals, 10 assista; Paul Cook, four goals six assista; Josh Huether, six goals, one assiat; Wes Suddons, two goals, four assiats; Jason SchIeiffer, two goals, five assista; Justin Terry, one goal, four assista;' Derek Ackford, Mike Orvis, Ryan McArthur, oach with two0 goals, two assists; Bobby Schitt and - Paul Heinrich twogoals, one assist each; Paul Chornobay, Neil Maconld *Kybe IÉ iIMea 1g -4 one assist, Ato3m reatý, themselves tô" a championship Tnn ~tii<hrnf Strong. -start for minor peeweeS At om.s i*n lst

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