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Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1992, p. 25

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, November- 11, 1992, Page 25 NEEDED: WEST INDIAN LADY to, babysit 21-month-old child in our home. 3 to 4 days each week. Cail 430-2387. Wee Care Day Care Centre Ages 2 to 5 FURt time rate $99 Day ce' Fui! days, Nursery sehooL, Half days, Juior kindergarten Eaubliahed 1978 >686-1161 (Ajax) MOM 0F- 2 willing to care for children in her home. Playroom, playhouse. Daily walks & hot meals. Brock/Mann.ing. 430-2803. QUALITY DAY CARE available in my home. Fuilpart-time. Meals provided. Dundas/Cochrane area. Cail 668-5217. DOWNTOWN, WHiTBY: Clean, q uiet house has furnished'or unfur- nished room. Includes kitchen use, cable & parkng. Availe immedi- ately. Suitmatremaie.668-3640. BROOKLIN- LARGE room, close to ail amenities. Al inclu sive. Available for.Dec. 1. 655-5539.' DOWNTOWN OSHAWA: Clean, quiet house has furnished or unfur- nished room. Includes' cable, kitchen use & parking. Shifts welcome. 668-3640. COSTA RICAý - $195,000 US (estimatedi value in 'Canada $1 million plus). Large, new, luxury home overlooking San Jose. Located in Irazu, 1 KM. east of the University of Heredia. View of the cit Three bedrooms, semi- i: neendent -apartment cdown- stairs, maid's quarters. Large pool, 4-car gara ge. Photos and details are post ed in Hispano Cash-n- Carry Store. 111A Coîborne St. W., downtown Whitby, V2 block west of firehaîl. Phone 430-9350. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALL. ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. ADOPTIONS A LOVING COUPLE, MARRIED 9 VEARS,. want to acdopt Infarit. FnsncietIy stable homo with dog end býackyard..W!Iitnq Io muet wth you. 1-800-267-8096. REAL ESTrATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memberahip or tinrshare? ,W911 tae. t! Arnricas lorgeat resale cloarlsghouso. Cati Roaort Sales International, 1-800-423-5967 (24 hqurs). RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardlop-Foldowrs, Fith-wlroot, Travel, Park modela. Tnjckcampers-capa, Fibrelino & Laoer Fiberglass & Auminum Truck Caps. Parts-Servckorms most maires Including Bonair-Lionet- Loxtra. Royal Traiter & R.V. Contra in Tvioldat., Ont, (519) 343-2122. VACATIONITRAVEL CANAL CRUISES. Five doys &board KAWARTI-A VOYAGEUR, acenlo Trenl-Saeom Waterway or Rideau Canal. pnivato slatemomn, amais, troe brochure. Write Captain Marc. Box 6, Orilia, 13V 6H-9, (705) 327-5767. PERSONALS WOULD YDU Lll<E Io correspond with uaattached Christian people across Canada for cornpaatonshlp or marriago? Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205. Clisse B.C., VOE 1 Mo. BEDWETTING - 8LAODER CONTROL - Toitet training_ a problem tfor your aider chiid? WE CAN HELP wth Drycor PontaI For contidoenlial info. write: Drycor Canada 15 Sceato Miway, Wiowdaie Ont M2L1 S4. CAREER TRAINING' *LeffRN AUCTIONEERING et tbie Southwastom Schoot af Auctionoag. Next Class: Nov. 21-27. Information. contact: Southwostemn Ontario School of Aucllonoring, R.R. #5. Woodslock, Ontario. N4S 7V9) (519) 537-2115. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ end DZ coursos. Also air brpke. dangorous goods, dleasive drivtng, log booki end border crossing. Rodgors School. Ontanios oldest. Cal 1-00-66a-0031. LEARN TO EARN. Incoase lax or Bookkeeping courses by correspondace. Fr.. Brochures. No obligationr. U & R Tax Services Ltd. 1345 Pembina Highway. Winnipeg, Maitoba. R3T 2B6, 1-800-665-5144. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCE FARM LIFE In Australie or New Zeatand. For dotait,, contact the International Agricullurat Exchange Association, 1501 .*17 Avo, S.W., Calgary AB. T2T DE2. HELP WANTED. RAWLEIGH HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS need dîstrîbutors la your area. Our custornors are w-a-l-tlng ta lie aervedl Cal (519) 433- 5750. Isave message. SERVICES SAVE ENERGY $$. ADVANCED, REVOLUTIONARY hoeaing tecisnology la your home, Contact Mr. Eaergy Saver. 65 Quaker Village Dr. Uxbrldge. Ont. 19P 1A2. (416) 852-4727, fax: (416) 852-5441. Waste not . want nal. VENDORS WANTED ELMIRA MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Aprîl 3193 te eccepllng applicatons for Outide Main Malt: Indoor Antique, Art. Craît. & Toy Shows. Apvty EXW.C,..3 Firsl Street E.. Esitr. Ontaro N3B 2Z1. - BARN.REMOVAL..-_ _ BARN REMOVAL. Everyttsing tramt lowesing oid bams ta grounri levai, to complote site clean-up. Soma Jobs Irec la exohanga tor soivage. Dan (416) 957-1015, Gene (416) 957-0417. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST- BUILDING PRICES.- Steel Straitwall Type - nol quonsel - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x 126 $22.972 - other sizea availabe - Final summor cdearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263. 8499. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel Buildings wlnter special. Ko.p the taclory busy duulng tho wter moaths sait te delivery la thse Spring. Save up 10 25%. Cal tli-treo 1-800-668-8653. BUILDINGS -INiTRODUCING TH-E MOST ADVANCED slralght-sided building over ... These affordabte buildings tenture 100% cloar-span intorior, fast, simple bot-togettier orection, high strongih tor extra protection egainst snow, rein. high winds and ire. Ervironmentâty pretorred materils. Marry standard modeis or custont dosîga.'Manutecturors' special-direct prîces. Cait Ploitear 1-800-668-5422. MENS HEALTH MAIE POTENCY PROBLEMS7 -- Froc product Information on salo, drug-tree, non-invasive strategy. Guaranloed success. Writolcali: Performianco Medical, PO. Box 1273, Brandon, MB., fiA 6K4, toit-free 1- 800-663-0121. -AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEtZEDISURPLUS VEHtCLES US. end Canaden law as $100. BMWs. Cadillaco, Choya, -Fards, Mrcodes, Porachos. trucks, vans, Amazing froc 24-hr. mecorxttag reveais how. 1-416-631-4666. .BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MOTEL 13 UNITS. RESTAURANT, APARIMENT, busy h7>' 35 near Mindeon. $220.000. Or extromety profitable Peonlwastpaper business. Retire aller 5 yeere. $125.000. Austin Realty (705) 286-444 1. AMAZ ING ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANINO PRODUCTI Key distributors required, Ground-tioor opporlrjnlly. Onty $45 eatr-tp. Network Marketing. Write: Second Chances, 997 Kng St. Canmbridge, Ontario N3H 3P4. Cal 519-53-3035.< AREA SALES MANAGER. lmmttdiaîo opening tor.an eggmassive Individuel wriih o slrong background la direct sales. Mchanical knowledge la agriculture or industry an assaI. Pleese forward rosumne ta: Mr. Maloey-Suite 1214. 60 Pavane Uinkway, Don Mils, Ontario M3C 1 A2. INVESTMENTS' SUPERtOR MORTGAGE INVESTMENT R.R.S.P., R..FF eligibte, lut Mortgage 12% Rtura, ban 10 Value Ratio 41.4%. Colt Realty Lynirs LIr.. Exclusive Agent. collect 416) 629-0902. Min. tavesîmeant $7.500.00. TORONTO ACCOMMODATIONS' TORONTOS BEST-KEPT SECRET. Marigotd Traveltera Hostiol 17.50/ntghl. Dormlîory accommodation meniwomen. 2011 Dundas West, Tronto M6R 1WZ (416) 536-8824 aller 7 p.m. (saee Us ad).__ _ _ _ BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS. bOANS & assistance pragnmas (Fedarat & Provincial) for your now or exisling emall business. Information (416) 596-7521 ext. 98. IlYour ad ceuld appear ln communlty newspapers ln Ontario, or rlght across Canada, or any Individue province. Space Is Limîted, s0 Cal This Newspaper Todayl BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MREPAE To rewach**fier maiket, adveftÎse throughout thre r*gn alebehi of thre Ontano and Canadan Commuait y NewsppeAssociations Cenî Onarl 55newpapra $160 for 25 words -Ail Ontario 171 newspapera - $350 for 25 words At Cnada 572 ne"pfls - $974 for 25 words Foe fursIher Informsatioan alease rail the Whîtbv Free Press Cassifleds -'668-0594 FURNISHED, ROOM for rent, $80/weekly. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker .preferred. Walk, to ail amnenities. Cal 666-3776 after 6 p.m. ROOMS & 1.1BEDROOM APT. with private entrance available in Pickering Village. $525, everything included. Rooms $90 and up per week. Appl at 2 Elizabeth Street, Pickering Veillage, Ajax.-See Peter. 683-9370. SPECIAL WEEKLY' RATES' available at Bon Voyage Motel. At Hwy. 12 & 7. 2 km north of Brook- lin. Calil655-5308. GENTLEMAN, non-smoker, furnished bed/sitting room. Own bathroom. Available immediately. Please leave message on tape. 666-5149. RETAIL SPACE FOR'LEASE,, 1500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.mn. MEDICAL PRO FESSIONAL, 625 sq. ft.,, downtown Whtby. Ground floor, loads of parkingj. Private entrance and washroom. 666-.,3833!; WHITBY - SHARE spacious new home wth one or two working people. No pets. Non-smoker. 666-8590. WHITBY - AVAILABLE immedi- ately. Share home with 2 to 3 others. Laundry facilties. $350/ month. Cali 430-7103, weeknights, 8 to il p.m. CENTRAL' WHITBY -. Large two-, bedroom. Appliances, includlng dishwasher. Broadlooim through- ouÎt. Covered parking. $825lmonfth. Available Jan.. 1. 668-4643. PARTIALLY FURNISHED two- bedroom "basement >apartment. Non-smoker, please. '$85/Weeekly each roomn. Ideal for single, working femnale or a mature couple. Phone 430-2984. ONE-BEDROOM utilities extra. Parking and iaundry First& last. $550/month. 430-6109. LARGE 2-BEDROOM. $679! month, ail included. Near 401 and GO. 263-4104. ÉROOKLIN, NEWLY decoraied 2-- bedroomn apartment. Fridge, stove,. parking. Close to al conveniences. $650 + hydro. Phone, 655-4544, (or, eves. 655-8989). WHITBY - LARGE 1-bedroom, g rivate. Fridge, stove, 4-pc. athroom, laundry, 2-car parking. New carpets.- Close to GO. 14 ft. x 25, ft.. living room. Dec. 1 possession. $600+ V3 hydro. 655-4120. SENIORS: 'ONE-BEDROOM apart ment now avallabe in a brand new, 53 unit Seniors complex. $675 monthly, utilities & appliances included. Cali Harvest Placeý in Whitby et 668-5660. MARVIADELAID E, OSHAWA. Cfea, quiet triplex, large main flo ne-bedroom apt. Includes everything. Available îmmediately. Small pet s welcome. 668-3640. AVAILAB LE DEC. 1, 3-bedroam in quiet triplex, -N.W. Whitby. $725/ month'. Fridge, sÉtoVe, utlities i.d Includes ,caretaking dtiles.-:,No pe ts. .Cal: 116hBars,',434-5222. eè/Max ,Ref lection RealJty Inc. WHITBY, MAIN ,FLOOR of brick house. 3.bedrooms, patio. fendedý yard, 2-car parking. Near ,GO. Frildge, stove,- laundry, 'storage shed, $850 + 2/3 hydro. Availabfe Dec.l1.655-4120. 1 bedroom exceu-sutte iÙlly furnlshed includlngý. linnsdises.telerhone, etc 1-416-852-5128 WHY RENT when y ou cari own yourown home for less than you thinkl Cali Dave or Diane Haylock, Sales Reps., ReMax. Summit Realty (1991) Ltd., 668-3800.- BRAND NEWI 2-bedroom town- house available.immediately. $810 per month -plus utilities. Fidge & stove includted. Cal Harvest Plce in Whitby at 668-5660. REPOSSESSED .power of salen- properties .availbe --now in Oshàaa from under $80,000. Financing avallable.. Gal Garai* Ross, Sales Represerît-ate,,Gui de Reaity Ltd., 723-5281 or 723-6810. j~~i r i E E i E i E E i i m ---FITZGERALD CARPENTRY WHJTBY LTDe Genemi CaoeetyAdditions Home mrvement i Ceazmc flfng DywallAndPainting < 18 Years'In Durham #~' i Region- S « E taIv t~ The Mutual Group HRBTRAN calfor quotation 725-6564 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since, 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOIN TMENT. - w.nla --- -- ------ - - -- - - -- -- ---- -- -- Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House -Day Care Centre Ltd. 129,Perryý St., Whtby 668-9476 Qualy conWtun f1« Hamend.ud u z ~.- *Bathrooms e Ktchens *AddIidosetc. elotiJdfg atone ZensCosruton-655-4418 RESUMES THAT GET RESULTS Effective résume dipsignl & 'writing eFree consulta'tion - CaVer lenters Labels , Fax SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 430-0361i

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