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Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1992, p. 27

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 11, 1992, Page 27 DAFOE UN, LOVING MEMORY of Iour dear parents and g ranparents,' James Dafoe, November 15, 1991, am:dPeggy, Datas, ýJ uily29, '1962. .May, t hà -wlnds of lve..blow, softly and whisper Iso. you'll heéar, that we always love and miss yau adwlsh. that you- bath were here. Loved and mlssed always; June, Frank, Darlene, Bernard and grandson James.- GOOD HOME WANTED for three-and-a-hatf year aId German Shepherd. CatI 666-4141. ........... PERSONAL LOANS from i$1,000. and up for any purpose. Quick approvals. 436-8104. "EËXCLUSIVELY SINGLES" are holding their f irst dance on Sat., November 14,jat the Port Darling- ton Marina ln Bowmanville. Every- one single and unattachsd is welcome. Welcomlng partyý at> 8:30 p.m. Dancing starts at 9:00 p.m. Admission$5 Dress code- no jeans. THANKS.TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart ai Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred Heart of Jesus b. adorsd, glorified, loved and preserved. throughout the world now and torever. Oh Sacrsd Heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, worker at miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless pray for us. Say this prayer' nine times a day; by the eigrhth day yourp rayer will be answsrsd redess of how hopsIsss your situation seems. Publication must b. prom ised. C.J. BAHAUIS BELIEVE: Love is the cause. of God's revelation unto man, the vital bond inherent, in accordance with the divine creation, In'the realities of things. For informtion and discussioni cail 668-8665. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for many favours recsived. RN. COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS Connection singles' social club is now meeting 720 p.m. on Satur- days for aur social activities. Caîl 430-7022. PSYHIC& SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Flday 23RD ANNUAL OUTSTANDING AUCTION SNOWMOBILE AUCTION SALE SAT NOV., 28 - 10 A.M. SUNDAY, NOV., 159 12 NOON AT OR\lAL M*LEANAUCTION ORONO TOWNHALL, MAIN ST., CENTER, ýLINDSAY ORONO Snawmobiles, RVe, 4X49, cars, trucks, vans,,t>raleërs, snowblowers, tools, shop' &.woadworklng'.equip- snowmobiles. OCl now to conslg"n so we can advertieyour sled. One ot Ontario's largest. & longest- runnlng snowmobile aucàtions. ORVAL & BARRY McLEAN,, AUCTIONEERS (705) 324-2783 AUCTION SALE THURSDAY NOV. 12 - 5 P.M. AT ISLANDÈ'R BANQUET HALL ON SCUGOG ISLAND, EAST 0F PORT PERRY Good. estate with furniture, antque, apliances, filin g cabi- nets, collectibles, teapots & more. Viewing fram 2 p.m. 985-9807 or PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 AUCTIONSALE "KA HN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every Wednesday, at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brook Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north ofHwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring everyWed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. Sa join us every Wed. and participate' in one of Ontario's 'true' auctions wth no buy-backs or reserves. "Consign- ment and estate selling our specialty." CalI us today. Previýyws f rom1 lp.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416> 683-0041 CORNEIL'S AUCTION *BARN FRIDAY, NOV. 13 AT 6 P.M. Contents ot Port Perry home& local Lindsay estate. Duncan Phyfe drop-leaf table, modern hutch, 6 walnut dining rm. chairs, cottees&' end tables, 4-p c., modemn bedroom ste., floral- chesterfields & chair, oak parlour table, walnut. parlour table, mantel, docks, -2-dr. harvest. gold fridge, maple table & -chairs, modemn pins 'chssterfisld'. & platform rocker,, Fiter Qusen vacuum, walnut end table, 24" Beatty * electric 'stove, 'enter- tainment centre, maple dinette ste.,. occas. chairs, co-oil Iamps, carousel horse, .1983 Olds - csrtified, 1978 Fard 12-ton, drill- saw-lathe combination, Hoosier cupboard, two 10-case g un cabinets, tools,, McClary Vu kon triple heater woodstove, brasa bed, qty. china, gla-ýss& collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS, RR. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PH-ONE OR FAX 786-2183 Auction features.,a Ig. selection ot anitiqueý furniture.'in as-found & refinished condit Ion, plus a quality s, etection .of.'-«rare, & unique'. collectibles. Next auctions: Dec. 6, 13 &27.- *MacGREGOR AUCTIONS 416-987-5402,-416-983-5556 AUCTION SALE SAT. NOV. 14- '10 A.M. *KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONSO ON BROOK RD., PICKERING 3 M L NORTH 0F I-MY 401 (EXIT 399) The complets contents ai antique & custom-desig ned furniture, Persian & Orient ai rugs, paintings, highly collectible glass & china, etc., for Mr. Oscar Crter, and the late Katie Lahr, Brooklin, Ont. Sale includes in part: custom-designed 9 pc. mahog any dining *suite w octagonai table, 6 pc. & 5 pc. wGibbard" bedroom suites, Mason & Risch upright piano, bong-cased grandiather dlock, large china cabinet, itor'ian tables, carved tapestvy chair, Mother-of-Peari lacquered Oriental. cabinet, ovai Orientai table, Oriental, room divider, chestertield (like new), skerryootcas has, acarved sidebard fétstols, ofatable, occas. tables, antique cupboard wl leaded windows, round pedestal table, pressback chairs, fireplace utensils, map le kitchen set, wicker settee & chairs, brass & iron bed, Victorian bed, Victorian dresser & washstand, desks, parlour tables, large pins chest of drawers,- pisces of Eskimo art, several high quality Persian-style rugs of variaus sizes, silk rug r unner,ý Moorcrot lamp, Royal Crown Derby,, Wedgewood, Moorcroft, Limoges, crystal, L alique, kaiser, silver, 'tapebtry,, sig ned pictures, paintlngs, sectianof lamps, T.V. crocks and many other misc. items. This is an outstanding auction sale with everything well . cared-for and elegantly selected over the years. Terms: cash, choque <with .D.), or Visa. No',,reserves*. El'ýderly, gent leman giving Up housekeeping and to settle an .*state. Preview tram 8:30 ' a.m., day of sale. Excellent snack bar. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES >1-416-683-0041 FREEAdvertlsind Expertise -cames withlyour AD ln the' WHITBY FREEPRESS-ý ----GA.6-11--- JIAZAAR 'Ladies Nigheý will be held t R.A. Sennettl public ; echool,'>30Z) King St. Whitby oný Thursdaty, Nov. 12, ýl to 9 p.mn. There will be Christmas, shopping for such items as Discoverytoys', Tupper-. ware, Alouette makéupü, under- cover wear kids cdothes and more. -Fun4s raised go toward ourchase 'of school equipment. t or m'ore information caîl 430- .8620;- ANNUAL CRIFT SALE Myrtie United Church wilhold the fourth armnual craft sale-,on Saturdgy, Nov. 14, 9 .m. - ta 4 p.rn., at thechrc (Hwy 12 ini Myrle. Station, 10 minutes north of Whitby). There will be wreaths, folk art, Chistmas decorations, Wood craftsq, a bake tableand, rnuch more. Admission is free. CRAYFTSHOW The 1Oth annual' Christmas craft show will be- held at West Lyn depblic sehool on Saturday,' Nov . 14,10 a.nl. to4 p.i. Anong a'large variety of items will be folk art painting, dolîs, table- cloths and wooden itoys- -- ail by local artists - and homemade chocolate. VILLAGE BAZAAR A Christmas Village bazaar will be. held at Ail Saints' Anglican Church, 300 Dundas pt. W., Whitby on SaturdaLy, Nov. 14, 10 a.xn. te 3 p.m. Muffins and coffee will be served in the morning and homemade SOUp, sandwiches and squares at lunch. There will be a wide variety of baked goods, crafts and knittec! items, together with a sulent auction barn.ý CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Leukemia Research Fund will hold a Christmas bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m. ta 3S p.m., at ýthe Knox Presbyterian Church, 149 Simcoe. St. N., Oshawa. Admission la free. There will'be ýa var$ety of handicraûls, home-baked gbods, hockey- carda and- miscellaneous items. Al proceeds ta Canadian Research inta Lieukemida and related blood diseases. For more information, eall 433-8942. CRAFT SHOW The' Kinette Club of Whitby will sponsor a craft show on Sunday, Nov. 22, .10 a.m. ta 4 p.m., a Heydenshore, Pavilion,. Water St., Port Whitby. Admission is $1. Children under. age 12 are free. Net proceed4 will go ta charity. BAZAAR' The Brookliný Day Nursery annual, bazaar, will b eld Ã"on Saturday, Nov. 21, 10 a.m. ta 3 m.at- 14 Church St. Brooklin. Pere will be crafts, býkéd goos, white elephantsale, and lIu)nch will be. available. Brinqg a non- perishable food item ta, donate ta a local food' bank For' more information caîl 655-3864. CRAFT SHOW The ninth annual craft, show will be held at Col'. J.E. Farewell publie school, 810 McQuay Blvd., on Sunday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m. ta 4 CRAFTERS > TheUnited Church Women oW Hearmony United, Church in Oshawa invite crafters ta rent tables at a cost of $25 for their third annual craft exhibition and Saleon Nov. 28. To reserve1 your table and confirrreistration eauI Shirley -at 728-5318 or Gwen at 725-0634, by Sept. 30. COUNTRY BAZAAR Acountry Christmas bazaar, presenýted by Hoy Family Parish, wlbeheld on Saturday, Nov. 14, 10 a .m. ta, 2 p.m., in the 'church hall, 91 Ribblesdaâle Ave., Whitby. There will bel handicrafts, baked goods, -preserves, fish pond, meals, special draws and much modre. CRAFT fSHOW Oshawa*Seni'or Citizerw Centre will 1old a craft,,show an Saturday,'Nov. 14, 10' -a.m. ta 5 *p.m. at the centre, 43 John St. W. Adm-ission is $1, With . children under age 12 free. Proceeds of *admission will go ta the United Way. Handicrafts available will include ceramics, quilts,. fruit baskets, crochet and knitted items and educational tays., CRAFTFEST'92 Craftfest '92 show & sale will be held'on Sunday, Nov, 15, 10 am. ta 4 pm., at the Poôlish Veteran's Hall, 1551 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa (folow sgna on corner, of Taunton Rd. an te- venson Rd.) Adulte $2, sèniors $1, kida aged 12 and under free. For more information'caîl 668- 8838. CHMSTMS BAZAAR Grace Lutheran Church, Park Rd. and Hwy 401, Oshawa will hold a. Christmas' bazaar on Saturday, Nov. 14, 9 a.m., ta 4 p.m.,a the church. There will be crafts, baked treats,, home preserves and cookbooks. HOLIDAY BAZAAR R'esidents> of Whitby General -Hospital's second-floor icontinuingr care unit 'will hold an annual holiday bazaar on Thursday, Nov. 19, 1:30 to 4 -p.mn., in the second floor dini'ng 'room. ýDonations of bak ed ,goodM white lephant items, books and crafts are welcome.. Funds raised will be used ta caver the cost of programis in the cantinuing care unit. NEKWCOMERSBAZAAR The Oshawa-Whitby Newco- mers Club Christmas bazaarwill be held 'on Saturday, Nov. 14, 10 a.m. Vo63 p.xn., atIroquais Pàa, *Whitney', roomf. There. will be a lare elcton of crafti, home baking, ýbath: goods, beehve ca.n-. dies. as -well as face painting, couintry kitchen, tea room, do or P rzes and more. Ail welcome. ee admission. BAZAAR Abaar will beheld at West- minster United Church, 25- Man- ning Rd. (between Th iekon and Garrýard. roads), on . Saturday, Nov. 21, il a.m. ta 3 p.in. There will be'crafts, home baking, sew- ing, knitting' silentf auction, candy, white tephant and lunch- parkding'are free. Door prizes. A OLDE TYM EUHRITMAS' pexeriage ofeac arÃŽst The Station Galler39s 2Oth commission will ho donated ta the' > nu l exhibition and sale, 'Olde Chldrenli Wish Foundati on. Tyme. hrstmas,' will ->be held Saturday ad Sundaày, Nov. 28 CRAKi2 AN! BAKE Sà e aÃŽd.29, nÃŽoento 5 pan. There will 8taY o te scod floor diug be.drawmigs, paintings, scupture, room at Whitby Genleral. Hospital.- stafined, ,glass,fbrcois wiil hold the'lst«Annu al Vendora decorations, special draws and I . Dy,'a*_ Christznaà.crift',ancIbake mucli mo're.,Adiion is fe. -saer on lwrday..Nov..- 2fj- 1 - am.ta pm. ilare welcoe and Victoria streets, Whitby. NEED TO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR NEW COMMýUNITY SINCE 1930- LTD PHONE 668-6653l OUhstess wil binq~ftsan, "reàting.a- 161

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