Page 14, Whltby Fee Press, Wednesday, Novetnber 18,1992 ART AUCTION The l2th annual Durham YMCA Gala Art Auction will ha' held at the Wiitby Yacht Club on Friday, Nov. 20, preview at 6:30 p.m., auction at .8 p.m. Tickets ($12) for the funidralser are available by ýcalling 1668- 6868. MODEL TRAIN SHOW Pin. Ridge Railraaders will sponsor a model train show ta ha held on Saturday, Nov. 21, il a.m. ta 4 p.m., at:Father Leo J. Austin Secondary School, Dryden Blvd., features of the show include operating scale train . layouts, toy .trains, coilectiblé *tays, -rilroadians, radio-contrailed bouts, doit houses and hobby vendors Admission is $3 for ý adults, $1 for cbldren' under age14 and free for chil dren unlder ae5 For more informa- tion, contact Bob *McKennu at 434-6855. FUNDRAISING DINNER The. Ontario Riding Federal Progressive Conservative Assoca- tion wiit hold the annual fundraising dinner on Wednesday, Nov. 25 at Gallantry's Banquet Roomî Pickering Town Centre. Guest speakers will include Ontario riding MP Ren. 'Soetens and International Trade and Industry, Science and Technology Minister Michael Wilson. Tickets are limited and are on sale now ut $125 per persan. Tax receipts will ha issued. For information and tickets, call Ronald Hawkshaw at 683-6880. FALLCLOTHING SALE Tii. Whitby Seniiors'Activity Centre wiit hold à clothing sale ut the. centre, 801 Brock, St. S. on Saturduy, Nov. 21, 10 a.m. ta 1 p.m.- AU , are welcome. Contributions of dlean, used items may ha dropped off ut tiie centre after Wednesduy,* Nov. 18, For more information, caR 668-1424. ORIENTATION Bigsters cf* Newcastle-Osii- awu-Whity will iihold an orien- tation session on Nov. 25, 7 ta 9 p.m.uat the office ut 179 Kfing St. E. (lower level), Oshawa. Cuit 436-0951 ta confirm uttendance or for more information. DANCE, 1< Tii. Dunhain Ru e Criais Centre will hold its xirst annual fundraising dance on Saturday night, Nov. 2,1,ut tiie Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N4., Whitby. Funds are needed ta expund the progrum (sufe enironment) for children aged 2 ta 16 who have. been sexuully assaulted. For tickets, $5 per ý rocuit Sundy or Maria ut 25-241. Those unuble to attend but wisiiing ta make a donation' ca.n ulso cuit Duwn ut 430-1328. ~.~:ft o CORPORATION OF THE o..~TOWN OFWH ITBY BOARD AND COMMITIEE APPOINTMENTS- Every yeaà r Whitby Tow Council appoints citizens to Variaus Boards Mnd ommttees tat ake remendatians and decisions on a varety ai matters that affect t*i character and quality of lite of the Tawn of Whitby. These appolntmnents gv Town residents, from a vailety af backgrounds, a chaceta valunteer their shills' ta help run thie Town. Whitby Tawn Caunicil l8 currently acceptinrapplications tram residents, Interested ln servîng an the folawlng BoarL and Committees: Board or Committe Board ai Manageent for tue Whitby Central Buiness District' Improvement Aiea Fence-Viewer Groveside Cemetery Board Local Architectural Conservation Advisary Cammittee, Plumbers' Board ai Examiners Property Standards Comfmittee To beautify and maintain public lanids, buildings and structures located ln tihe Whlty Centrai Business District Improvement Aea and to promote tue aiea as a bui siness and shopping centre. Members-ai the Board ai Management must b. at least 18 years oftage, Canadian citizens, and assessed for business assessment ln tue.improve- ment aiea, or nominees ai corporations 50 assessed. To rev'ew matters relative ta the standards tor tue erection uand maintenance of lune tances. To administer Muncipai cemeteries. To research and promote tue conservation ai hentage prperies within the. To examine applicants, for master plumbers' licences. Members aiflthe Board ai Examiners must be licenced as master plumbers by tue Municipality. To review matters relative ta tue standards for the maintenance and accupancy of propertywitlin tue Municipaity.- Term of Appointmeni Two years Three years lluree years Three years Three years Three ypars If you wauld rik ta volunteer your siis ta help make Whitby a better place ta live. wark and play, you are invited ta make application. Applcation ftamis for ths purpose can be contacting the. CésDeparirnent. Completed applications are ta be submitted ta tihe Town Clerk by no laer than Naveniber 30, 1992 for tihe Cauncil's consideration. DONALD G. MoKAY, CLERK 1THE CORPORATM OF 1THE TOWN 0F WIIBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD'EAST WHITBY, ONTARIO Li N,2MB PHIONE: (416) 668-5803 CBJLDREN'S CONCERT Durham House. Chuld and Family Centre present Meredithi Cutting, tii. Singing Policeman, in- 'A Childrens Concert? on Saturday,' Nov.'21, 10:30 ta 11:30 a.m. ut Northview Branch ià brary, Nonquon room,ý Ritson Rd. and Beatrice St., Oshawa Admission is free. Donations wiit b. accepted fortuis United Way fundraiser. TIhere wil ha refreshinents and bublons. SANTA CLAUS PARADE mhe annual, Santa Claus, Parade, presented by the, Whitby Juycees, will b. held on Saturduy, Dec. 5. Entry forms are now available ut the -Whitby Public Library and the. Whitby Chamnber of Commerce office ut 123 Brock St.' S. For more information, contact, parade chair Jim Bradfield ut 668-1529. DIAMOND CONCERT' Charlotte Diamond wiIt ha in concert ut Heydenshore Pavilion on Tiiursday, Nov. 26 ut 6:30 p.m. Adieision is $6 per persan or $20 for a fumily of four. ickets are avuilable from all branches of the. Wiiitby Public Liibrary. For more information, cuit. 666-6531 or 668-6541. ONE PARENT FAMILIES North Oshawa Chapter, On. Parent Families Association will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 8 p.Ëm.,rautChrist Ciiurch, Mary and Hilcof streets, Oshawa for carda and conversation. New members; and guests welcome. For information, caîl 668-7579 or 434-3687. ' ORGANIC GRQWERS Durham Canudian Organic Growers wiil meet on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 7:30 .pan., ut tiie Durham. Regional Headquarters building, RSsland Rd. WhViMtby. Organic growing on, Caribbean island of Dominicu will' b. discussed. Lug-a-mug. Call 434-6231 for more information. CWL PARISH SUPFER Tiiere wii ha a -fuit-course turkey dinner on Sunduy, Nov. 22 (two aittings: 1:30 pm. and 5:30 pam.), -ut St. John tiie Eagla Parish Hall, Whitby.Altiks will ha sald. in udvance only until Sundiiy Nov. 15at $10for adult, $4 for ciiildren 12 and under. CaU Put ut' 668-3188, Lynne ut 668-5206 or Susan ut 576-7339. COFFEE HOUSE Christian-Singles CafTe House will bhé ild on Suturday, »Nov. 21, 6 p.m. ut tii. Christian Life Centre (1Westney Rd. north ta Rossland Rd.; west ta Raven- croft).,For more information cuit Vernu ut 728-9720. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Amnesty International, Group 90 Ajax, will hold a regular monthly meeting. on Tuesday,. Nov. 24, 9:30 u.m., ut Pickering Viage, United Ciiurch,., 300 Church St. N. juat north io f the, hîgii achool). The prograin will focus an the AI campaignfoth indigenoud peoiples of the. Americas. Ail are welcome. For information, cal 668-7171. WOMEN'S NETWORK Third Thursday Wamen's Network will hold a mantiily breakfast meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19, 7:30 a.m., ut Charley Barley's, 145 King St., -W., Oshawa. Speaker', Melody Woodman will discusa 'Workplace Safety.' Guests and new members are welcome. For' reservations,, cal Helen Smithi- ut 432-7200 or 434-7777. ALZEIMR GROUP Tii. Alzheimer Society of Durham Region, AjaidPickering support group, meets the faurtli Wednesday of 'euch month.' The next m eeting wit b. held Nov. 25, 7:30 p.m., ut the. Community Car. office, 487, Westney Rd. units 19 and 20, (ut Clement) Ajax. Ail caregivers are welcome. Refreshinents wiallha served. For more information, cuit the society ut 576-2567. NOVEMBER IS CPR MONTE Durham Save-a-Heart wil p resent ' Suve-a-Life Suturday' on Nov. 21 as-'pà rt of November is CPR Month, The fee, for the four-hour heart saver 0FR course is $20., Cail 666-0995 ta, register.-. ANNUAL DINNER OPSTF Durhamx District Occasional Teachersd Branch will hold tiie annual dinner and meeting on7Tiursday, Nov. 26 ut Cullen Gardens, W-bitby. RSVP by Nov. 23 ta' 668.-9300 or 390 Bluckthorn St., Oshawa, Ont. L1K MK. READING IS FUN 'Readig is fun witii Ronald McDonal& will behaeld for chldren aged «4' ta 99 t tiie Whty Public Library .on Saudy, Nov. 28, 10:30 a.m. Register ut tii. cbildren's desk. For mare 'information, 'cae 666-6531 or 668-6541. ONE PARENT FA IlS North -Oshawu Chupter, On. Parent Faniilies Association wiit meet on Saturday, Nov. 28, 8 p.m., ut the. YWCA, McGrigor St., Oshuwa for the. second annual Sudie Hawkins social function. New members and guesta welcome. For information, cal 668-7579 or 434-3687.. 'l âs. Here is the perfect opotumyo complete your Christmas shopping anfinSd some very unique gift FREEREFRESHMEV7S -FEEL FREE JUST TO BROWSE 108 Fallingbrook St. (Dryden & Aniderson) For more inmation cail 430-3036 SOCIAL BINGO . The. Whitby Seniors' Activlty Centre wll .hold asocial bingo for seniors at tih. centre,' 801 Brockiý St. S.. on Saturday, Nov. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Twenty gaines will b. plaWe* for prizes and a cash « l'are the. wealth.' A light lunch will b. served. PROFESSI ONAL WOMEN Durham Business, & Prafesional Women's Club will meet on Wednmesday,' Nov. 25 at Peppercorn Mii, 1999 Altona Rd& et Finch, Pickering. The. meeting will stat ut 6 ,p.m., folowed by dininer ît 6:45 p.m. Priscilla de Vifliers will discuse 'Violence> Aganst Women.' Guesta andt new members are welcome. Tii. fe. is $25 for mi)emibers,'$30 for guests. For more information, -caRl JoanAnn Evelyn at 725-9197 or Karen Graham ut 427-6930. ONE PARENT FAMILLES One Parent, -Fanuilies Association Oshawa -Chapter will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 24, 8 p.m., at Simca. Hall Settiement House, 387 Simca. St. S., Oshawa, Topic of discussion wiil b. 'Self-Esteem' by guest speaker, Sandra Sweet. Newv memnbers 'anid gueste welcome. For more information, cuit 436-5089 or 433-832. PUBLIC FORUM A public forum will b. held 'on Monday Nov. 23 at the ichael Starr buipldin, 33 King ýSt.W. Osdhawa to adress the. question, <Does Durham Region need a women's centre?'. Refreshinents wfll -b. s.rved fromn 6:30 ta 7, pm.j folowed by the forum, which wÎll end ut 9 p.m. Interèsted wotnen of ail ages are- welco me ta -attend. Infants welcome. For furtiier information, cuit- 571-3151 or 686-8604. NEW-BOOKS 'Beyond the Bestseller iÀst,' discussion'of new books that are on the. bestseller* list but don'lt reach the top 10, will ' bè--held ,Wednesday Nov. 25ý, 'lp.m o mhursday,14ov. 26,2:15 p.m. at the Wiity Public ià brary. Cal the libraryfor more information. BOOK FAIR A bookfair will be held ut St. John the Evangelist school,ý 1103 Giffard St'., Whitby Nov. 24 ta 27 (9 a.m. to, 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 24, 25 and 27 9 u.m. ta 9 p.m. on Nov. 26. TAere will b. new boks by Minnow Book Fairs.* Proc.eds ta the school library. CLUB CARIE mhe regulur general meeting of Club Carib of Oshawa Inc. will b. held on Sunday, Nov. 22, 7:30 ~ m., at Sunn sià e Park club. ous., StaceyiýIcKim avenues, Oshawa. Ail ini'terested i joining are welcome to attend. LEAN JNG DISABILTIS mhe Learning Lisabilities Association, Oshawa Chapter will hold a monthly. meeting on mhursday, Nov. 26, 7:30 p.m. at HOME CRAFT SALE qwggazgmp-o m