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Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 1

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Siýgn byl aw report.,due* in earl '93, By 11ke Kowalkid A report on ýhow. Whitby busines3ses 'and residents feel about atrengthening the Town's temporary sign byiaw is almoat comlets. Whibyplani-ng -eiector Bob Short saidpa staff report present- ing the findinga, of a survey on propoaed changes te tAhe bylaw wvili go té council in the new year. Short said planning staff are reviewing the commenta it recei- ved from the public and business bu h pefrrd ot to be too uTeewas, consensus in some areas, real estate agenta wamted some assurances thatý they caii carry n dvertising," said Short. Geonerally w e gt some posit- ivere sponses,» he added. Bâarler thisyer council in- "vited icommenta- from the public and- ýmerchants to proposed. changea te. the bylaw. Teiprrysigýna are currently ilIegaülfinWfutby under.th e]exiat-ý Suggeted hanges,,,would. :make,bylaw more rid à-a retiive w iné mposed hould thiij>yiaw not, b. followed. ,Signa ,suibject te Aregn1atons include poôable or moble signa such- as: A-frameea: or'--sandwh bo)ards; portable or mobile signa on trailers and stands; bannera, balloons and inflatable signa. Planingla staff have recommen- ded that the use of portable or mobile signa- be pro ibited, on public, or private ~roperty or that tey be alIlowedUy special per- Anyone comicted of an offence fine Of npte$,ù0 The following temporary signa would not, be sub ect te the recommended bylaw: * signa by ail levels'of govern- ment, agemcy or commission with no, com mercial advertising; SNE PAGE 27 STRONG WINDS-last Friday wrecked part of -a, home- being constructed 'on Ian f a federai electinwas calied' Mtodaysome politicailarties in hibwould be qicer outs;of the gte than oters. Althouh there is n o indication Prime MinisterBran Mulromey is considering calingan election in the immediatetùure, some parties are talcing no chances. In fact, two local riding asso- ciations bave had candidates nomimated and out meeting votera for. a few months now, whiie -a third chose its-candidate lest week. Asurvey of party officiais. in the -two ,federalridinga which encompgsa Whitby finda that the parties are at different stages of electionreadimesa. <Wbile moat parties in Ontario and Durham rdings have picked The Whitiy Pbi Lbrary bas obtainedne teol tbat will provehlp1 to student8, saeya helibrarian Ken Roberts. YThel' ibrary lias the 'Magazne Abstrac Summaries* database on three terminais at the 'library on Dandas St. W. lhe database includes information on articles. in more than 350 diffrent periodlicals dating bock to 1984. About 90 mgzns includinig Macleans, are avoulable in full text. 1 Te database is updated once a month 'and is usually no more than one monfth behind newestand issues of popular magfazines. lhe new product, which uses CD ROM technology, «will be partcularly useful te students trying te, do research on current topica such as the recnt referendum or events in Somalia.ý» Therange of publications availab1*is wide - from Rolling Stone te thie Harvard Hieth Letter. Articles con be prfitèd onto a laser pnter at a cost of, 10 cents per page. «Within the neft 18 onths, we hope te connect our CD, ROM producta te phýozi limes, mýaking- them available te al clients with home or business computeras 24 hours a day,» says Roberts. Flemning OCres.,-south of Dryden BIVdî. and east of Garrard Rd. PhoM by Mark Rosew, WNtby, Free Pre electioflea&i*e thé censtituti~n,"said Siieddon. th eir candidates .-- orintheii case of the two incumnbenti MPs, know' who it* will be - a few are stili, 'without a candidate. By law, the prime minister muet cali an election..within the mext year. Unlesa an emergemcy such as A. war arises, a goverrnent's term expires after five years. The. current Progressive Con- servative government was" re- elected in October 1988 and muet therefore -seek'a renewai of its mandate before the end of mext year, In 1988, votera in Whitby's two ridinga sent 'Conservative.. te Ottà wa. Former Ajax councilior ReBne Sootens waselected in Ontario riding which includes the'ýtoÃ"wus Of jan ad-Pickering. ',aùd "hi éouth of Taunten Road.:' IDrham, riding h cham into -existence fouryea.ao,, former.Ontario cabinet mnuter0 Rosas*,Stevensonhbeame the rid-, inesflrst representatve. mlxed urba-ruralriding Durham includes Whitby nort of Taunten 'Road,' north Oa lhawa, Scugog Townahip'and the Town of Newcastle. In Ontario riding,* Soetens wil seek re-election but heu yet te le officially nominated as-theTor candidate. A nomination -meeting-has not yet been-scheduled but the* riding essociation wil not; be'waiting until the e lection writs . are issued, said -preaidenit Bian Sheddon. "It will be some time -in the new year. We have an executive meeting this (past) weekend and mays»t a date,» said Sheddon. Bytredition, federai elections are usually. held every four years. Sheddon, however, does no t exette ive-year, intervai t b.a ignificant problem for the Tories. "Mechanically, it was prettyý weil impossible te have it,.earlier because w. weire embroiled in He dismissld, opposition. criti- ciam thet the governmïent i3, afraid te face the votera. "I, think they .'could i evy ta chrge fwewaiitumtijg,the'last posbedate, but I 'dont tii" th e i year wýil le a problem, SERFAGE27 I-Ifar ByMIkoKowaiÏoId Lt couId- coat -Whitby residents more teride théebusesin 1993., Town coumcll'soperationsemi- mittee recommended Mondày that, the' cout 'of both Whiatby Transit cash-,fores and monthly pases lie ëireasedJan4.,4,1R3. - The recomnèiendation Which gees te council, next -itvlondys cals for'a cashfare hike of &ie cents and monthly pans increases of $1- or $%, depending on cate! gory. A staff rep ort> states the pricE ,hik&eis needed teoffset an elmosI 4.3 per cent coat' increase te thé Towm froin Trentway-Wge, thiff operator oéf WhitbYTransi, If aprov edy coun il, t e e cash fores wili be: a duits, $1.20- ($1.15 curreni' fare) *students $i.05 ($1) *seniors and chidren -55 centi !Mnthl passes will be: * adts4$40.50 ($38.50 cur, rent) *students $31 ($29.50) *seniors -and chidren .$11 The Iast Whitby Transit faÈ increase, teok Place on Jan,,'2 1992. Ridi'ng-associatos at ý,,vamUs

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