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Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 2

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Page 2,,Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 18, 1992 i Tics'on to wnhouse planreejecte By Mike Kowalski A proposai ta buijd tawnhouses m n a south Whitby induatrial area has been rejec bi Town council's planning and deveiop- ment committee. -The committee' 'wasted 'little time Monday 'i - recommending that. rezaning and officiaIlplan amendment'.applications Ifrom Nor-Arin Deveîoprnents hIc, for a 23-acre site on Thickson Rd. S. be denied. Committee, members shared the view cf, planning staff that the, property, west cf Thickson and north cf Water St., retain its industriai designation. Ifact public sentiment about th Proposi 1was sostrang, the. mumcipalityhad received letters 115 Brock St. North, Whitby, Ontario of objection from a diverseý group which included area. residents, environmentaiists and a local in- dustry., Perhaps sensing the maod of committee and aware cf the oppositian, a Nor-Arm sépokes- pan tried ta have a public hear- Ingon the plcation postponed. His request was demied. Nor-Ar'Etapplication sought ta ch ange the site's zoning and officiai Ilan desîgnation fromi- dustrial ta, residentiai ta permit 275 ta 300 tawnhouses. à,e rprty is now vacant but is parofan industriai subdivi- sion. Lands ta the east, west and north are also zaned for indus- trial uses. Incîuded in the report outlin- inq the planning ýdepartinent's abjections, weire letters from the Thickspn's Point Residents Asso- ciation, Durham Regiani Field Naturalists, Lasco Steel and in- dividuai homeawners. SThe impact'of development on the nearby Thickson'ls Woods wil- diife- area and, the feasibility of building houses . next toa.a steel miii were among the concerns raised in the letters. Cognizant of bath the apposi- tion and staff report Nor-Armn spokesman George Arma yan asked that the matter be tabled until the developer could prepare a new proposaI. "In view of the commente we are not ready tr.> make a presen- tation,» said Armnoyan... ope ithrWm Sunday, Nov.'22nd, 1992 11:00 am -,5:00Opm Thespirit of Christmas. A time for friends & family. Join us for somne old fashioned hospitality and preview our Christmas collection of gifts , fine jewellery and watches. Fiiends andi tamily always welcome. Your hosts Susan and Paul Dynes ken for(. ve parties. 103 Mary St. West, -7870. Whitby, Ontarjo il- A. I ' But when asked b.comrittee chair Joe Drûmni ow a new Propsa wud differ, Armnoyan said hê acou Id give no indica tien at this time. «This report Js very ,blunt and personaily I have no sympýathy ,at all ta a residentiai deveiopment an this preperty, n said couneilier-- Ross Batten. «To delay it fer a new applica- tien wouid oniy put a band-aid an it and' 1 don't think aour apfinion wauîd change." Batten toîd Armoyan that tabling the application wouid merely postponie the inevitable. "Rather than put 'it off and have you waste your time 'and money and the residents spend more time worryin about it, let's be upfrant and deai with the residential praposai naw,».said Batten. Alter the -cammittee veted ta proceed with the public meeting Armoyan was invited ta defend the application befare the cern- mittee. Armoyan refused the in- vitation and declined further comment. < Following a few remarks by one waman in the audience, cam- mitte voted to deny the applica- tion, The committee's recommenda- tio n goes to cauncil next week. A false rprt was gaven of a sexuai assaut of a 12-year-oid in Whitby on Nov.,5, say Durham R.eginai Police. Aftr further investigation of the ailezd sexual assault in the Annis St. and McCullough Dr. greenbeit area, police say the aillegation- has been det«jrmed ta be unfoimded.' Charges wili -not be -laid by police against the 12-year-pid who alleged that a man carrying a knife attacked her, threw her ta the ground, cut off her blouse and threatened ta 1MI1 her. 60 DA S O 'HARE - *iFO :AB E MNHYPYE ~- - - - -- - -~ - - - - ~ Movung Systems Bus: Oshawa (416) 728-1603 Now an exclusive with Century 21. The largest real estate company in the world. Century 21's No. 1 Salesperson in Durham says "WHAT A FANTASTIC DEAU' and wants to deliver dîrectly an enroilment form for your Collector Card. ROSEMARY BROWN *Once again. #7 in Canada for 1992. Yeur to date. M

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