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Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 30

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I Page 30, Whitby Fmée Press, Wednesday, November 18, ý1992 At sale is fundraiser On Priday -Nov. 27e 7 ta 10:30 Lq.m., in the atrium at the Michel Starr building'ý in Oshawa, there wiil be an art show and ale with proeeds to the Child Abuse Prevention Fumd at the Chfidren's Aid Society., N'oted 'fine artist Çhristine Marshali wilsj- kabouther art, and the S. .PhillhiYouth Choir will entertain'. The $20 admission includes wine and -hat ,snacks, and' a chance ta win. a draw for a framed print -,by bMrhdli. This is a'community- event ta show support for tih. abused children in rthe community6 The- funds wilil be used ta, provide group treatmenf for victime of chid abuse. Contact Jo-Anne Rtichie 1 at the CAS for tickets (433-1551). LARGSTOSHOWROOMS IN ONTARIO BINNS HAS 3 CERTIFIED KITCHEN DESIGNERS ON STAFF Discover our oiegant showroom which boasts 22 fully decorated kitchen and bat h dispIays .Our uniqjue creative concepts are. designed around your individual lfestyle and our 29yer *experience quarantees you quality workmanship with a lifeim warrpnity on cabinetry. Corne in and see why aur clients recommenci us to tUir clsest friendsl INSTOCK NO WAX SAtXONmY VINYL CUSHION CARPIT FLOORS 00 LmStarting as low as q 95s$9 Ig gq.Yde SY d.J ID A CARPIETA±'5S±~:1 SUSAN SON'(leit) and Jennifer Turner of R.A. Sennett public sohool practise for the 'Henry St- Family of Sohools' concert to be presented at Henry Street High SchoÃ"l Nov. 26, beginning at 7 p.m. Students from Henry and, from West Lynde, Sennett, Cheyl-nnMacKean ANDERSON C.Vi. I have been writing this article on behaif of Anderson since September and, remarkably, I haven't yet- mentioned sports'. This is not an accident. To begin with, I have neyer been an athletic persan ... at ail. However,- I amn interested in writing. Sa I flgured, that if rmn going ta be writing for a paper, then rd botter be able ta handie any angle 'of an y tapic inciuding the ones in which Y' have no interest. Wait a minute. I can't say that I haven't an intereat in sparts ... I just don't participate in any. Ail of this'ýleadsi me ta last Friday when I decided that, in order ta iearn about sparts, I should become invoôIved. I'd start small ... with bowling. Big mistakel Two broken nails aud a day later, I was one huge, pulled muscle. The oniy things that I learned were that suede shoes that, are three different clours will usualiy slide on a varnished floor, sud sports. aren't for everyoue. Aise, 'getting% invoived' 'doesn't mean join the schooi basketball team. ll iearn about sports, but in a différent way. Cheryl, MacKay (yes, the name iooks agely faniiliar), a student at A=nsn,, has generasly decided ta lend me a hand and teach me about some of the more important aspects of sports. We are going ta start sm lbecause my poor muscles, can't tale much more. To start with, Anderson girls' midget, junior and senior basketbail teama have been proclaimed as firet and undefeated in the league. Good iuck toalal of the girls in the finals. Aiso, iast Thursday bath the junior and midget boys volleybail teams won at LO Congratu- lations ta bath teams. In addition, today thé midget boys' voileybail team WÃŽii be piaying at DYSSA, and tomarrow the junior and senior teamns wil play. A word toalal sparts fans: You can look forward ta hearing about mare Anderson sports fram me, but don't expect ta see me playing. In iast week's editian, it shauld have been stated that Henry Street High School students were. ta return from Sussex, New Brunswick on Nov. 12. Itwas incarrectly stated that* students were leavngfor Sussex on Nov. 12. The Free Press wishes ta, apologize for the error. IN CELEBRATION 0F OUR [IRST VEAR ANNIVER'SARYJ AT OUR NEW LOCATION 1. Coniplete Pair of SIn gie Vision Gass... 79&00 2. Compiete Pair ofLined Bifocal G lasSe.....$ 149000 3. Compiete Pair of Progressive Giasses.$249*00 4. Buy One Pair of FRx Giasse from Reg. Stock and Get Second Pair et . Ha.... Pr7i1 5. Soft Contact Lenses with Visi tint.$... 79.00. (Ftting Fee not included) Above specis are nlot in conjunction with any other discouRts. *Selected frames with plasic lenses Up ta + or -4i Palmerston, Kathleen Rowe, Col. J.E. Farewell and* E.A., Fairman public sohool WiII sing In the concert, which celebrates, Canada'sý 125th birthday. Admission is* free. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whilby Free Press jJfl Lucie Rochette CHARLES GARNIERý BorWour. By the time y ou read this, l'il be gone (saunda like a line from a bad movie). Seriousi, though4 I am ini Alberta for te s3econd haif of our exchange OnTesaN ov. 10, ýwe had an awards ceremony for. iast years grade 9, 10 ad il students (last Yearsgrade12 studeuts got their awards.'atý the, grad). Thereý were awards for moot of the acadeniec subjQcte, as weilas art phYsicai edmicatiou sud ireligion. There were also awards' for those. studènits Who had . su avr o f at ieast< 80 per cent, aohrfor an average of between, 75 sud 80 per cent sud (for those rare individuais) perfect attend- ance awards., Congratulations ta, ail cfý the deserving students who worked bard te achieve thosle variaus awards. K.eep up the good work. Md aloa like ta, congratuiate Oshawa General Stephane Souliere .who was OshaWa's piayer cf the week a couple cf weelcs ega. Way ta, go, Stephi On Remembrance Day,- second period was briefly. iuterrupted. One c f aur students read a pe over the loudspeaker, we hada minute of silence, and then Our national anthem was piayed, al te commemorate the lau of those lives during the wars. W. truiy admire the courageous people who risked theirlives for their country. Tuesday, Nov. 17 was paret-techernight et achoal. R eport carda (sources cfr preise or punishmeut) were handed out. i hope everyone did weil. Gotta fly. lil see ypu e n a couple of weeks. A bentet.i Gfts w am' The Voiunteer Association of Whitby Psyciatric, Hospital is once eigain appeeling .ta, community service dubs, orenztions and individuais ta assi4 in meeting clients! Christmsueeds. Unwrapped items such as mens' and womens' personal- 4ueeds (costume jewehry, slippers, socks, nylons, pyjamas, track-suits) and perbaps something for the sweet toath wouid be welcome. 1Donations of gifts may b. ieft at the voiuuteer services. office (building 30) between 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or at switcboed (buIlding 27> after heurs.'

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