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Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 32

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1 NlV page 32, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November 18. 1992 i~~~i IzfOM lIAATmTIlIPR Em.BI NEEDED: WEST UNDIAN LADY to babysit 21-month-old child in our home. 3 ta 4, days each week. Cail 430-2387. MATURE EXPERIENCED babysftter/nanny requlred for part- Urne. evening babsitting and occasional woekends (days). 3 children, 6, 5, 2 V2. Please caîl 666-5682. MOTHER 0F 2 would like, ta p'y ovide loving care for your chlld. Myhome, Brookwood area. Roi erences & receipts. 430-9077. EXPERIENCED English nanny available lmmediately. Live out. References available. Tel. 666-9421 (days) or 430-1855 (atter 6 p.m.). WeeCare Day Care Centre Ages 2 ta 5 T a uiltimerate $99 Dycare FuHldays, Nursery achool, Half days, Junior kindergarten Establiuhod 1978 686-1161 (Ajax) CLEAN, FURNISHED 'house- keeping roomns with private bathroomns. Central Whtby lnquiet' building. $100/weekly. Phone 619-2981. BROOKLIN -LARGE monm close toalal amnenities. Ail Inclusive. Avalabie for Dec. 1. 655-5539. GENTLEMAN, non-emo*ker, turnished bedlsitting roomn. Own bathroom. Available immediately. Please beave messageo ae 666-5149.gon WHITBY, available immediately. Sharo home wth 2 ta 3 others. Laundry tacilities. $350/month. CalI 430-7103. WHITBY » SHARE spacious new home with one or two worklng people. No pets. Non-smoker. 666-8590. CROSS CANADA -MARKETPLACE I'S FAST - ITS EASYî ONE CALI, ONE BILL DOES IT ALI. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membershlp or ifmeshare? We'tl take Nii Amarlcas largeat resale clearinghoume. Cat ResoritSales intemational, I1 - 800-423-5967 (24 heurs). VACATIONfTRAVEL MYRTLE BEACH FOUR-DAY WINTER GOLF special 81001 Vacation rates avallable. Wlner rentais from S400/month. Oceanfront condorrgnlum reoan; many amenities. For more" Information, 1-800-448-5653. CAREER TRAINING LER UTONEERING at the Spulhwetr School of Aucionserlng. Nex Coses: Nov. 21.27. Information. contact: Southwestern Ontario Scbool of Auconoerlng, R.R. 05, Woodatock, Ontario, N4S 7VI) (51191537-2115. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Stqel SiraitwalI Type -not quonset - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15.802, 60x126 $22.972 ' other miaou available - Final sumrner clearance - Paragon r24.Hours 1-800-2638499.. STEEL BUILDINGS.- Future Steel Building wintor.speclal. Keepthe factory busy durlng 1he winter monthsand lte dellvery ln the Spring. Save Up to 25%. Cal tol-trea 1.-800.668.8653. BUILDINtIS - INTRODUCING THE MOST ADVANCED stralght-sided building ever ... Those sifordable buildings feature 100% clear-span lft1irlor. fast, simple bot-together érection, high strength for extra protection agaInat snow. rein, high wlnda and ire. Envlronmentaily preferred matérials. Many standard modela or customn design. Manufacturera speciai-dirot priet. Oel Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL* BUILDINGS.- Complote Pre-engineered AlV/Steel & WoodSteeI buildings. Authorîzed Steelway dealer, Self-arected with Contractlng Avalable. Cmli Todsy for Mont Economnicai. Highast Oualty 1-800-581 -2200. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES US. and Canedien low as $100. BMWs. Ca -ic v Ce. Fords, Mrcedes. Porachos, trucks. vans. Amazing treis 24-hr. recording reveate how. 1-418-631-4666. music HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO. New home study course. Fast. easy method. Guaranteodi FREE Information. Write: Popular Music. Studio <SA. 10W-1054 Ellis, Keiowna. B.C. VlY IZI 1- 800-667-0050 Extension 770. COMPUTERS FREE SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE CATALOGUE. Lowest pricea In Canada. Al computera and accessorles. Fr.. membership. NTC Software Hardware Club. 1312 3rd Avenue South. Lethbridge Aberta Tl1J 0K5..- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVENTORSI Cal to recelve your FREE (U.S.) Information Kit. "PATENTING end MARKETING New Product Idaaa." The Concept Network. Fast. Inexpensive, and professionai. 1-800-835-2246 .xt. 67. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baitworms ln your basement or garage. Odorloes operalion. Low lnvestment. Market gueranteedi Fr.. Information. Early Bird Ecology. R.R.#1, Smithviile, Ontario. LOR 20. (416) 643-4252. LINDAL CEDAR SUNROOMS DEALERS DO WELL. Add a aunroom and be our representative In thîs area. Hugo discounti available for demonstrators. Join with us today. For free Inb. package, cali 1-800-387-1964. HEALTH PRODUOTS BACK PAIN? Brealkthrough boit helpa 9 oui of 10. Comfoflable under clothing. Doctor/ChIropractor recommendad. rroe Information. BackGuardian. Cannington,.Ontarlo LOE 1 EO or phono/fax 1 - 800-661-9204. * BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance prograrru (Fedoet & Provincial) for your nsw or exîsting amati business. Information <416) 560 7521 ext. 98. COMPANIONS ALONE? LONELY? YOU DONT HAVE TO BEI Tryintroduction moîhods thet work (25 successful years' experiencel). Friondahip, dating, marriage. Confidentiel. 6021 Yongo St. 4802. Toronto M2M MW. FOR SALE HALFORD HIDE & Leathor. your mail-order leather and trapping supply werehouse. Writelphone fre@ catalogue. 8629 - 126 Ave., Edmonton, AD. T6B 1 G8. Phone (403) 474-4989, fax (403) 4773489. 'SO, WHCYS IN CHARGE?» Perfect femily gift foi your armchair political anetyst. 190 wortd leaders' rosumes, plus background Information on each country. Regular updates. 1-800-268-6484. SALES HELP WANTED JOIN CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING recession-proof industry. Earn $900+ woekiy commission promoting lndustry's moat powerfuî recession-proof product. We are expanding to your area. For dotails, caîl 1-416-398-0910. 1- 416-398-924. SERVICES NOW AVAILABLE for accountents, exporienced tex preparera. Profossional Income Tex Preparation Course. For fre. brochure, no obligation. U & R Tex Services - 201-1345 Pembina Highway. Wnnipeg, Manitoba R13T 2B6. 1-800-665-5144. Basiceand Advanced courses avaliable for staff tralning, Y our ad could appear ln communlty nawspapers ln Ontario, or rlght acrosa Canada, i or any Individuel province. Space la Lmited, so Çeli This Nowspaper Todayl Ta BLN E ha wD ARkE NOW "Ce hruho hROS CANADA M Am RKTPLAC t e " I Ontailo and Canadian Comn.unity Newspaper Associations (Central Ontario 55 nowspapers - $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 nowspapors - $350 for 25 worda Ail Canada 572 nows a rs - $974 for 25 words IFor further information pleaise oeil the Whitby Free Press Ciassifieds - 668-0594 FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/weekly. Share bathroom, & kitchen. Student "or worker preforred. Walk toalal amenities. Cail 666-3776 after 6 p.m. ROOMS & 1-BEDROQM APT. with privateentrance availabie In Pickering Village. $525, everything lnciuded. Rooms $90 and up per week. Apply 2 Elizbth Street, Pickering l Vilage. Ajax. See Peter. SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES available at Bon Voyage Motel. At Hwy. 12 & 7, 2 km north of Brook- lin. Cail 655-5308. PORT WHITBY, nice, clean one- bedroom' apartments -avallable lmmodiately and December let $575 mont hly, ail Inclusive. Apply at 110 Victoria St. W., Apt. 34. 668-6437,728-2969. 2. ONE-BEDROOM .apartmonts, avallabie December 1. Last month required. $610, inclusive, and $569, hydro extra Small apartment buildings. 668-6638. ONE-BEDROOM utilities extra Parking and launclr. First & last. $550/month. 430-6109. LARGE 2-BERODRffU . g79i . ......... month, ai inctudod. Near 401 and M SPAO~GO. 263-4104. MÉDIAL/PRO FESSIONA L,I.. 625 sq. fi, downtown Whftb.....R A Graund fbor, loads ai parki-$ AT Pr'n,âIa antmrd. r i u mzhrrPv'm FliEh v ut tranue mu Il WloIl. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE, 1500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whit by. Croative rentai arrangements. 668-148, 9 am. ta 5 p.m. WHITBY 'PRIME dc commercial retail space, floor -of Ontario Bank Fully servicod and renovated ta 'suit most bR FaIt occupancy. Cal 6 message; or 666-3883, ev WHY RENT when y ou can own o ur own home for Iess than you hinkî Caîl Dave or Diane Haylock, Sales Reps., ReMax Summit Roalty (1991) Ltd., 668-3800.* AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Older 2-storey, 2-bedroom. Reduced tirst month for cleanIng. Big yard. $695/month. 668-9977. gSECUR1TY PLUS ALARMS ROBERT i-AMMOND .53 Futwood Cre.,. Whiby (7 i E E E 'E E E i FITZGERALD CARPENTRY WHITBY LTD. Cen e dCp n y on s Cermic Tl&rg Roc oRna DrywalHAndPamnting 18 Years Ini Durham Region Cali: 668-4686- lowntown COSTA RICA - $195.000 US in main (ostimated value in Canada $1 Building million plus). Large, new, Iuxury recentI?, home overlooklng San Jasé. isnesses Locatod In trazu, 1 km. east of the B68-3011, University ai Heredia View of the osiwkd. chtyThree bedrooms, semi- indpendont apartment down- stairs, mald's quarters. Lre pool, 4-car garage. Photosasa details a . ~ I re posted in Hispano Cash-n- iU.:».ICarry Store, 111A Coiborne St. W., ~t~EJdowntown Whitby, V2 block west us Ni uftirehil. Phono 430-9350. '1 WANTED: SHOP SPACE ln corner of unit or garage. Need ap x. 14 X 20 ta work on cars. MIltes necessary. 668-5562, Shawn. The Mutual Group HEBTRAN cail for quotation Dere k Dutkai Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 [FOR AN APPOINTMENT. E E E E E E E E i Fi~jpnancial TWO- BEDROOM APARTMENT avalable, downtown Whîtby,ý $650/month..includes hydro, heat & water. Available Jan. 1/93. Gal 728-9679. PARTIALLY FURNISHED two- bedroom basement apartment.. Non-smoker, please. -$B5fweekly., Ideai for single, working tomai. or a mature couple. Phone 430-2984.. WHITBY - 2-IBEDROOM luxury ap art ment. WaIk to- GO train. Two-year-old building. Parking. January 1. 430-8608. WHITBY AREA - 2-bedroom condo,- fully turnlshed.. $850 complote. Phono 683-3406. CENTRAL WHITBY, quiet building. Broadloomn throughout. Appliancos, including dishwasher. Covered parking. Very large 2-bedroom, $750/month, avaIle Jan. 1.and large 3-bedroom, $795/ month, availablo Dec. 1. 668-4643. BRIGHT, CLEAN 2-bedrooim apartment. Separate entrance, parking Non-smoker. 4-pc. bath, laundr. cable. Al inclusive. $700/month. 430-1972. "The room for rent we had adver- tised rented after running oniy one week. Mosi of -thei cairs we had were tram people who sald thoy'd seen the ad In the Whttby Fre Press.0 H.V. REPOSSESSED. power ai sale praperties ,avaiiabe ,naw in Oshawa tram under $80.000. Financin available. Cati Carai Ross, Sapies Representative, Guide Reafty'Ltd.. 723-5281 or 723-6610. TlHAT GcET RESULTrs Effective resume design & wrltlng Free consultation - Cover letters -Labels.- Fax SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 430-0361 IComplete IFINISHED BASEMENT I for $6,875. f Coil for dotonis I 4à2-2266 or 427-5763 "I had neyer used the Whitby Free Press classifieds before, andi1 was deIL4ted with the reposeta my ad. The cost was a lot less t han otherpýapers. 1 will continue ta use the Witby Free Press R.P.1 I MI Christ Mas Gîft For You Pay only 5% commission if you list your hnorne before Dec.* 24192. If you value pour money, please Ca# Katherîne 8zëz.sny Sutton Group Statue 436-0990,430-2016 I i ~ p~~c~$%4Sê4 . O~»CG m 1 W4 CC 1 1.

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