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Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 18

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Page 18, Whitby Freo Press, Wednesday, November 25, 1992 Resident suggests freez;c downtown parking for seniors By Mark Reesor AWhitby snior says the Town should let seniors park free to encourage them te shop down- town.. Graham Leninard says many seniors now g o te shopping centres rather tiian pay to par k kit the municipal lots which he says sit almost empty for much of the day anyway. Andwhen you go to a shopping centre for one thing, you're Miely te end up doing ail your business there -- (then you) don't have to go to downtown Whitby at ail... "(Right now) we do our busi- ness in downtown Whitby, but we have to park blocks away.n Lennard suggests, the Town or the' Downtown Business Im- provement Area (DBIA) issue passes to seniors aliowing them to park in municipal lots during the daytime -- «from 10 or 10:30 a.m.) to 2 or 3 (p.m.), say, (or) after lunch so people, can go down and do their business.» Lennard saLys he's contàcted the DBIA and centre ward coun- cillor John Dotra about his idea, "but it was neyer really tbllowed up.» DBIA chàr Sean Hogue sa s parking is a Town issue ande 'doesn't want to step on any oe»by commenting on it. Theft at Ste John's Church A VCR, brass plates and a silver bread box and candle snif- rer were stoien fréqn St. John's Anglican Church ovbr the week- end. Police say the items, valued at $1,300, were reported stolen Sunday fternoo.lets net known howth e culprit got into the eliurch. H1e says paidý parking is "an evil but a necessity te f inance long-term programs -- otherwise we're geing te be ýP",ck'with ne parking at ail.» Doistra says he's open te any suggestions and advises Lennard te put his idea in writing se «our staff, can take a look atý it and, assess it.» Durham Region bas ieceived a provincial grant of $192,941 for waste reduction projeets. Funds will go toward bro- chures about the igloo recycling depot ntokang composters, and <Recycle Rig ht' cards. Fune (22,00) will aise be used to promote use of old cie- Cigaret s, cash stolen Two hundred and fifty cartons of cigarets and $300 in cash were stolen from a Whitby Hasty Mar- ket early Saturday morning. a Police say there was firsta break-in at Antonio's Hair Stu- dio, a neighbouring unit at the Rossiand and Thickson plaza, then entry.through the wall into the convenience store., A witness reported a suspect, fleeing the scene and a short tima Inter.police arrest ed a 23-. year-old Scarborough maxi head- ing back to Toronto on the 40 1. He's chargred with two counts of break and enter and theft. Police, are still looking for a second suspect. But «I"'-.e.get a preblem» with giving seniors special' parking privileges, says Doistra. "If you de it for one, you're àoing to have te do it for stu- lents, the handicapped -- a lot of people." Such a system would be very toughi te police and regulate and even tually you'd end up with free parkingin the dewnto)wn again, 'andl'm n et prepared te 'do thing 'and other household items in conjunctien with Goodwiii In- dustries. Funds wili aise, support Dur- haxn's plans te continue its three- year-old wast<a reduction pro - grain -- markets for recyclables will be explored. Earlier this year, the.- Region received a provincial grant of $435,000 for the purchase of backyard composters te be distri- buted te homes throughout the regrior French high school FROM PAGE 3 nier school on Dryden Blvd. would reélocate te the new grade 7- te OAC scbooi if built, and' students from Father Leo J. Aus- tin <English high school) would miove into the existing Garnier building. The board would like te begin construction of the new French school in 1993. Andrews said the estimated anieunt of the provincial alloca- tien for 1995 is $9.25 million for three preject -- the high school, an Os0 awa school addition and new school in Brock Township. that "says Doîstra. mones te put into a reserve «lkhen we went back to the fund» te update services and pay paid.parking, that was te create for future downtownlots. jByConst. Grant Arnold Duham Regional Police Crim,'e Sto, rs and Durham Regionai Police are asking for the pubi' ep in solving an armed robbery which occurred in WhitbK on Saturday, Oct. 10. At a.m. two armed bandits waiked into the Hasty Market at 965 Dtindas St. W. One man pointed a shotgun at the store clerk, while the second male pulled out a handgun from bis right' pants pocket. The victimi was forced te openl the cash registers and turn over somne cash. During this time he had the handgun and shotgun struck into bis ribs. The robbery was videotaped by the store's security camera. The'Iirst man is black, aRed 28-30,5,11" and 280 Ibs. He was wearing a grey jacket with different-coloured leather sleeves and three letters on the back, black muscle T-shirt, blue jeçans, and had a blue demim shirt wrapped'around bis face.-The suspect has short black hair with a touch of grey on the side, dlean shaven, and camied the shotgun. The second suspect is also black, aged 23-25, 5V', thin build, with short dark afro hair. He wore a dark-coloured shirt, black bail cap and had a pink scarf wrapped around bis face. This suspect was arnied with a handgun. Possible suspect vehf:cle in a- 1991 Dodge, Shadow or Sundance, white, with tinteg'windows and a black antenna in the middle of the back window. If you have any information on this or any serieus. crime, eall Crime Stôp ers. If your information leads to an arrest you 1 L E S T A N 1 2 RI- M Réisi' r, e funds' for 3Rs prof".ý.eam,ý,

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