HENRY STUDENT Julie -Rosbottom puts a patient on, a 'suspension frame.' Rosbottom, a co-op student, is working in the physiotherapy unit of Whitby General Hospital. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press 200 Wrhitby students in work experience, education prog 1ram By Elizabeth Hoopor Moethan 200 W Vhitby stu-', dents are onrolled -in'.Co-op pro- grams lcallyý. Laura, Stejphons ofAdes. CVI works'iat Garbo'in down-_ town Whitby as a fashion/retail assistant. "I holp customors find difforont clothes and accessorios for dif- férent occasions,"says Stephens. "Fm having so much fun work- ing here. I sometimes work on the woekends." Paul Francis of Henry Street High School works as a mechanic part-time and as a co-op student at Nurse Chevrolet Oldsmobili Ltd. wAlthough'I somoetimes can gel béied with -my- job, rm stilI hav inq a, lot of. fun i-earning ne-a things," he says4 Rébecca Sjonker of Anderson CVI works as'an interior design assistant at> Rousseau' Heritage HousLtd. 1 Irm having a great time learn- ing a lot about interior design- ing,» she says. ý"I get to exp rosi; My Opinions on difforent furni. ture and carpet designs." Students receive two crodits for the co-op program. ANDERSON CVI student Dorissa MoL-ean LrIght) *shadowed* nursln'g student Rebecca Asties reècently. Asties works at' Whltby General Hospital through the co-operative education program, and McLean la thlnking about a career ln g Phot by M"k RoerWhbty F»R..Pr PAUL FRANCIS of Henry Street High School works in the repair department ^at Nurse Chev-OkIs in Whitby. Pholo by MMoIhw StolkHenry street HIgh schaol co-ap studont le iti bo LAURA STEPHENS of Anderson CVI wvorks at Garb's under the co-op program. Photo by MAteho Stolk, HomiySbtreeH.S. co-op student