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Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 37

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SQQe ,89 iodmevolyi;bawetWaelloil ecVdIW,88 eg~q Whltby Fiee Pnos, WediýOsà~ay, November 25,199e2, Pages?7 Wenhdy Nî,ckson TRAFALGAR CASTLE XANTHE MARTIN <I-eft)! fromn Grenville Christian'Sol F < 4 rd " makes a point during the 44th annual Fuford Debal hosted by Trafagar Castie Sohool Saturday.SuntI debtesat 8 -independent schools- arqued for and against remain a sacred trust!" MEar Photo by M ArReeso, Whltby Free P 'Md W A" msicaél concert fiaturing students, of Heniry ..Street H~ School andsix public school. will b. heldl Nov. 26. The. 'Henry Street Fe.mily, of Schools! concert wll.ho held la the hi h school cafetorium. sta't- ing at 7p.m. Particîpaung wil be West Lyade,'A. Senaett, Palmer- stan,eKathleen Rowe,.Col, J.E. Faeel n d L.Fira ub- lic schools. The. theme of the concert wiii ho <Canada's 12th birthdav.' There is no admission. at Henry So, yeu want toknow what lu if like ,to wear a uniformî Prom my éslýryears at Traagar, Castie, I hvèebeen tl*ough MY' fair -share of comments directed, towards my attractive aad'stylishý uniform. -'Until yeu wear a' uniform, you"ll nover ukiderstaad what it is like te :weari polyester eight, heurs a day, five or six dayu a week, eight monthe of'the year._ Mst people (especîally teenage, boys) cannot understand the plusms of wearing a uniformn, but juat for ~ou I'm goag to.ilst a few. F irst afew pros:> 1) It is nover a bard declsion of what te wéar te schooii W. con choose between socks or 'tights, long-, or short-sleeved shirts, ýtie or ne tie,' and sweater.' vest, or neither. 2) We cannot bo judged on the. clothes, we wear to school. With fashion magazines hittered about thesehool, I fear'that you would ho seif-c onscious of yeur daily appearance and it beingi'flge> ýhool with those lan Europe. ates, 3) The dark blue kiltsa, socks rom and- blazers easily camouflage the the splls -of food orpaint that are' liust sometimes clumaily spilt in the dining.hall .or Mla art. Dry cleaning Presi% is also very inexpensive. Now for one or two cons: 1),f> Vè,end. up 'changing our attire three- for fourtimes a day. rks' Sz --p4jamas té our, unifàr,,: Wo civilian attire, adfro= Henry Street High School OAC drama class students will pro. sent 'Mind Works' Dec. 3 and 4 at the school. Drama studonts aren't divulg- ing much about the plot of the ýresentation onlysa ng thata ourny o themin ipin store 'Mnd Works' will be presented' in the cafeteria, starting* at 7 p.m. .Tickets are $2 for student-4. $3 for qdults. International Space Yeaàr Didyou know? (NC)-The Canadian-clesigned a nd buihi robot amii, Canadarm, lins been uscd on NASA space shluie mi.ssions for tcn years., In space.' it can Iift iiîd- inove objecis widî hdie -sIze.asnd mass of a loadcd highway bus. Buit on Éariiî, it cannot even liii its ow n weight. NC 11 civiliano, atietoor* warm and ofotbeypajarnas once again. 2) I the winter ÏmonQt, we nover seem warm enôu'ügh. during class even thoughwei'are wearing tights and a letermian. sweater. bi'the summ'er, you are so warm wearing 'kiee-high Ésocks and heavy ilt ', hat, you just can't seem te conicontrato, on thoso final exams. 1.herf are A i m res during the. school. year .we 1are. able, W wear somethg other tihan our uniforms. Besides 1having, a, dress down day ýonce ma a blue moon, other séhool o'ccasion allow us to ho seen insoiethingweà usually, do net Wear. Tnghfor exemple, House Plays rebeing 11; th hep of Andrea f hmad at and luck W al '-involved. Neit week we'll announce the winner of *the Nanette Trophy for boutactress. On %atur-da, Nov. 28, Trafagar, Câtle lwiI hothe place for me. That lu the date of our formai dance, which is a black tie affair for those' tudents m grade 9and up. I know Fm go ing W have a od re evený if our ochool bus, plans did neyer materialize. Goiod 1luck -tô thoos girls swhô, are satill loolg for.a dresadatobth On ia ote; only 12 aYB rxain until. exam begii and 29 n le soppint ,dayi ni Chistrnas. Tua. ,in. next *week: mme Bat Urne, a me Bat channel. Cheryl-Ann MacKean ANDERSON CVI ickets for "MyPair Lady' are now on- sale. I. m'usical] production will ho. presented this week. A music matinee: will ho held today, Nov. 25 and there willl ho evening performances on Nov. 227 and 28. 'hkt r'$3 for students and $5 for aduits. m'M.Pair 'Lady' las.bein diroctedby Miss'Jovco and produced by Mr. Eatoa. It's gong W ,b. a show that you won't want Wo miss, so corn e out and support this wonderfil production., Insprt this week,,the girls' bak tbalam .will ho playingi the LOSSA finals. AUl three team have worlced veryhard Wo achieve thoir present standing a -ssfrt and. foremoet in the. league and we* would 1k. W wlîsh them the. bout of luck. .Also la the. nows this week lu the annual -airbands contest. On. week from today, Anderson' finest, and nxost talented wüll battis each otherý for tho winning titi. Ticékets for the. contest go on sale Nov. 30, and Dec. 1. May the bout band Win. Cordon is comn. C ordon, is comingl Thi s lu Fer Child Week and,* students of Anderson will have .a chance W m, zake donations. for this charitable cause. <DuiWg -lunch hour a gingerbroad -heuse will ho raffied off. On. dollar from the, sale of each ticket. will bho doaated W othe children., Sée t ready, because, Cordon lu coming., ARTIST Garth Hutton ran a cartoon drawing class at Whitby Library recently. It didn't take long for his pupils to begin drawïng their own versions of Hutton's unique mrations, which he catis 'G;trthfitti,' such as the animated garbage can. Pooby Mark Reesai, Whltby Free Pross 114*1 E@AEV STWMTS Sen d submsIons for CLASS CMC -tothe Whitby Free Press -r" - S Hc CL- Dy Maft Grady & DavlBaràam I. i I t { i i I w

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