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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 16

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Page 16. WVNthy Free Proua. Wednesdy, December 2, 1992 MPP. sympathizes with protestors Loècal assiociatioa executive diréctor Keëith Powelfwarnht their' iunles 'the agency comes .,Ip with' «some magical ýway» ofý»eponýd- WVINTER CONTINUOUS LEA RNING CALENDARS AVAILABLE DECEMBER 7. Register by phone: 1-416-43641ll0Oorl-800-668-5843 (Have masteroard or VISA ready), by fa,<: 1-416-46-774, in pèeon: at 2000SlmoeS.N Oshawa, or mail to:, Regtmres Ã"ffe: DurhamCollege '.Bx385, 1Oshawa, ýO n Liii 7 For informaàton,. or.to obtain a alendar cail: 1-416-721-2000 ext. 507. J-RHAM Dear Durham Resideflt. \es As you mray be wre helteiWsedY AuthtIW LiTdtd ~WA)has been establiSÇdb thOnjtar i God vnent à fmd ïdfililsite, to handie waSt e t t n 2 yatài rham techfliCaî eViWthe InbaeecftY exaet p~~~~tsO ublic cnsultation ilcniu ob ao comPOfentin )the next haseothIWlafd te serch»iblwsi4mtae io n r dlowfthen list to the curentnu obe a6 nie'a pbi Over th n 20dy li eeWprd>w ~~çourage youtphiathe 1 call n ofisiin thýpe tilnot, Centrenearest 'Owu "<ours siO n sies in sater P»istan r Mfnty Chrain mian o ire oard Gen '.eapanage PUBL heIC 2C . cllng -viitn DUEADDAVDAUiPt OFICE IWA *INFORMTfON CENRES ln Pickering 627 Kingston Rd 837-5657 16 Cristap St. 697-5813< NOURS: Novembe2O*to December 19 Monday tb Friday, 2p.m. 10 9p.ma. Saturday, 10Oa. m. to 5p.m. Pour obtenir des renseignements en français sur la sélec: ion d'ýun lieu d'élimina- tion des déchets dans. la région de Durham, - veuillez appeler 1-800-661-9294. j' 4 a I 4 4 * nto -a $52 000 eut from its Smillion budgeÃŽt ,«we will -have te reduce ôour support to péple.» This could take the ,forim of s.taff layoffis and/or .fewer pro- grams for the 200,'handicapped people and., their faniÏlies "the asocation serves, Powell said. More than 100 fuli-timo and part-time workers are currently employedby,,the ,association. Localprograma such as ARC Industries, Which teaches clients job. slls enabling.them to, even- tuail eôm mloeare, thratened,.aid Poel., Althoughi.$5 million was slashed from sheltered workshop funcbngearlier this year, the government saja 'it intends to redirect $2 mil lion te «"supported employent.» A cncept which -Phil, Shaw, aa spokeszman- for Boyd,; says «means real work for real money.' - Shaw said the govorniment ià, committed te supported emlploy- ment, which is now provided-by M DF..-ILL onSht FR OM PAGEi agencies had already set. budgets andhiredl staff. sucli group1 a@, the March- of Dimes and eole Firit.. "A lot, of peop le no longer. sSe shelteredworkslops es 9having a place- in socetyr...it' the old moe .eplained Shaw. *We behleve mncommunity in- Powe larges' that pro- grams s 'ucli 'as ACIndustries are' e exactly what the develop- menùtallyhabndicýappedrequire.- '«We'Ve taken aiant stop in provdingommuitytraining for thes'pole'said oel «A emore money and io cutsi oud help us gt'even more- poleemployed and- mto the Powell- said - that whlle the goverine4nt'may. have a policy toi promoto community itegation,' it has noprogrmtebackitu. 'Tm stiuIi ftËg foir eyor su;pported emplomont we've receivednothing-c," ôhesa. Pôwel -daimns the govrernment has no critéria for how an indivi- dual 'or, aency qualifies -for this funding and. dismisses-,the reallo- cation of fundsan a poor attompt, y o l e o n ct u t $5 m il- , lion,' one way te 'reduce resie- tance.-is te throw a few crumbs back.» Powell accopté that Ontario's $U.-billion deficit is creating dif- ficulies for the goenetbut' ho* said community livingssno- ciati'ons sohoild receive the la3me, funding increase as othor trans- fer agencies. « Sure, you've got a delicit pro- blem, but wé were told we'd geta cost of , living in-crease,» said Powell. "4But cuts, that's outrageous.» Powell believes that some of the .governmenit's financial, pro- blèrns could have beon avoided. "About. seven years ago, the minis 'came out with;a multi-- year pa oclose institutions, but,,.theýy nover -changed any- legislàtion te 'facilitate the move,» heo aid., «They'vê'not closed, down insti- tutions even. though communi.ty, groupa say we can povdefr Powell said inBtitutions are an «escapo valv e" forthe commùnity and as' long as thoy ouiat there is,«o «n icentiver te findalterna- tive: methods of caring, for patients. I * iv f I . LEGI i Mt.i5 LandfilII tdo.utrn, ICentres I ~ --Q---4 O Sie Ares I I &Md4IMî ~Site, Area1 Metro Toic L.J~o I iegion me ...... ......... K 2 ........... Tii bd C- "v CJj C? un m., # END Iformation as afor )rnta/York LEVOLOR8, BUY ONE "- y HELE o Powell, said -one stumrbling block the governmont mustover- corne is its, relationship with pub- lic soéto*' unions such as. tho Ontario. Public Service years, 24 per cent of thepopula- tion residlnig in provincial mnsti- tutions ha .bn intograted into the community. But .stafllng in those facilities' han only been'reduced by seven per cent, said PoweIl 'Mho staff in theso institutions oarn 30 to40pe« cent more than my taf wh dothe samie work,» said oel "I don'think the miniStry ha theoguts to0doal withsome it-its unions. M .eCommuhity lving association workers1 in Ontario aLe represen- ted, bythe,:Canadiaàn Union of Public Employeèo. (CUPE); CUPEspokesman -Ian Thomp- son said the union «for the most part," ag'efrýees with the govern-, ment's d eafrefor community. in- ation.. l ut it's done at a time when there's no Jobs out thore,» saîd Thompson. «Alo, they (governme nt) don't hgave, good rians ,,,for éoinmunit3ý mpl"_énprograms. «Defei fapeople will end up sittig at home with"no place, to go., Thompson said that whilo the govrnment.mustbefiscally, res- ponsi ble «theycan't do,,it-6on tho backe oýhhosemoat vuinerable. «Mf- they cannly do ýift-b increasing the- deficit,then thatsa what they havet o do," he said. M -hPP Whitesaid that '.despite Powell's and Thompson's ,wolr- ries, funding for ,shetered.work' shopa is not being cutanàtlrely. ' S«Wes shifting "mo>nes, when you do that it,,creates some fear in e,..wha t -hapo ow However,,the New DernMocratic Party reprosentative said he, express, bisconcern te -the muuister that. affected agenciesý, did not receive *sufficient .noticet about the cutbacks.. ..#1 He also iaid. stops muet be, taken to ensure., that, anypo gram changes affectîng deve op- mentally handicappedOtntrans à.'«thouÉh. euot.,and dono as D L ,ý, ý:< ý ý 'ý , >1 - "ý ý, e '. ' ............ Umm f, 1 I't il-, Lof

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