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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 19

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Whilby Fre PMssaWednesda, December'Z 1992, Page 10 OP I0F OPE DMY Chaitable organizations and gmpe are invited te sali colour.<1 bleto the ublic, for their group on Satr :y, Dec. 12 fr-om 10 arn. te 4 p.m.' HANDEL'S MESSIH ;The ' Oshawa Symp 'hony Orc-hétra will hold.; its,àannua] presetat of «'Hander's <Lessiah on Sunday, Dec. 6 at 8 p.m. The concert, sponsored by the Eaton Foundation, will take place at College Park Church, 1164 Ring'St. E. Guest artiste include the Gallery, choir of the Church df St. Mai-y Magdalene; Donna Bennett, soprano, Giselle Fredette,, mezzo-soprano; Geoff BilIer, tenor; and, Bruce Kelly, baritone. Tickets are $20 Sfor adulte, $18,for seniors, $12 forý sttidents and are available. at Disca and ,Dats, isWhiMtby, Saywell's, in' Oshawa- and Rickaby's in Bownxanville. For more informnation,. call the symphony office at 579-6711. PARKINSON The Parkinson Support Group Durham Region chapter, wilI <meet on Déc. 7, 7:30 y.m., at St. 1Mark's. United Church, corner of Celborne an~d. éié streets, ýWhitby,. Guest sp'e akter will be Christine Kenitof Aj'ax-'Pickering COPE. Al welcome.i For. more information caîl 666-8676 or 668- 6580. FOODe TOY DRIIVE The fourth'annual ' 'Chitinas. food'and tey drivewill be held by theuha m-Regional ,Police Ser-, vicefrom Dec. 7 te, 21. Drop off unýwrapped new toys or food items at any police station or fihal in i Durham Region. For moreinformation call 436-6170. Woméën-'sGrowth'Mnistry will hld a 1*,mch on Saturday, -Dec. ',9:30 a.m. to noon, a BOOKWORKSHOP 4Our ,Home, at Christinas' a cereative. book" works3hopfor those aged 9 te- 13, will befheld at'the Whitby Public Lbrary on Satur-» day, Dec. 5. Caîl the library's children's departmient for exact, timean for registration*. ONR PARNTFAMILlES, The -North 'Oshawa .charpter of the..Oaa Wl ýParent -Famîies, Association will meet on Dec. 9,8 p..9at Christ Church, Mary and HMcrof te, .Oshawa .for a bake iage cards and cosevtin. ewmembers and guswts wslcome. For *iinformation call 668-7579 or 434-3687.« COMUPATIBLE.COMPANIONS CONNECTON Durham'ssigle socal club now meete Saturdays"at 7 p.m. for social activities.,Ail singles are welcpms. Aiso available are tickets for the, New Year's Gala dance pt. Price is $30in adace, $35 at the'door. Dinner, .midlnight snack and'champagne are inicluded. For more ifra- tien cail 430-7022. TVAUCTON The. Oshawa ]RotaryClub's annual TV Auction wll be'held on the Rogers Cable channel Dec. 11, 6 pma. te mîdnight, sd.Dec. 12,10 a.m. to8 pa. Mre than 450 items will be auctioned off. PAEET& TOT,ý onTesdys,9:10 te 11:10 am qualified cars and appropniate activity for Infantesanud children up te ag 6, Aý separate- parentse progarnincldesaspeaker, .23 Mâotings and social tins. RegisLraion «e cover ail child care, materialsreufemnt and craft, supplies. Re-istraton wh ()NE PARENT FANM=LIE The Oshawa c hapter ofthe One' Parent Families Assocation will meet Tuesday, Die. 8i, 8p.m. at Simcoe Hall Settlement' House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Guest speaer NncyutchwiRdiseuse information, cali 436-5089 or 433-0832.- YOUTH SEL DEFENCE Self ,Defence for Youths is offered Tuesda evyenings, 6:30 te 7:25 P.m. at the Whitby Civic Centre 'recreation comnplex until De.15. Registration is ongoing. Course offered b y inestractor Dave Morrison. Cost is $4 per clasm. FJTNESS PIROGRAMS', Step 'Up with.Step ReeboI, low andfor 1 niixed impact fitness programs, aèoffée at the Civic' recreation .complex.Morning, luncth break or evening progra1ins offered throôugh Dcember., Stop by -for a schedule. Païy-as-you-go TAX WORKWHQP A frée tax ýworkshop wll be, held on Tu-pday, Dec., 8, 7:30 pâ.. at .the WMhy- Civic ireceation centre. Saig slmited 1se -cal' early 'ta For 'more informnation contact Derek Dutka at 434-119. REFORM PAnTY The 'Reform' Party of Canada will hold a ublic information mting nThrdayi, Dec. 3, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Pckering Main Library, 1 The Esplanade.' 'A Newv and Botter Canada' will ,be disusàbyOûtri àdig can- didate Don 'Sulliva:n. For M'ore Informnation cali 686-0278.- CHRMSMASTREES' Lst Whitby>boy scouts will 'ssII' Christmnas trees 'in the parking, lot at Jerry the DrÛig Warehouse, -311 Brocki St. N., Déc. 5 to21. Trèes sales begin after the Pa rade, on Dec. 5. Heurs of "sale are 6 te 9 p.m. -Monday te Fnriday, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. on Saturdays and, il a.in. te 5 p.m. on Sundcay.ýSprce avýailable for,$15'each. Proceeds te scoute., For more, informnation caîl KÇathy at 666-3247. The first meeting of Infertility Information in'Durham Region' willbehelctonMonda ,Dec.7,7 p.uý-, at. the Whitby Pu Mblic Lib r- ary. Couples, frustnated in their deisthave children can shars their experiences with other cou- les For more -information cali Marney- Davis Cathe 1rine Golinsky Stacey Gulas Andrew MacDonald: BOTTLE DIVE Thée'Whltby 'ýIrocq"ois .Socéer' club 1979-80 -boys rep indoor winter traininj-. program will hol a bote drive.Dec. 5 and 6. All Procedate winter trainling and wi-ntet tournaments. For more infnrmation caîl430-0610. CHAITY CAIWSHOW The second annual -Charity Card Show, organized by Rookies WN Oldtimers, will be held at AHl Saints Anglican Church,' 300 Dundas St. W., on SaturdaLy, Dec. 5, il a'.M. te 5 p.m. Admis- sion is 1. ilproceêds frein admission,> fonod' tables, silen*t auction and door pizswill be donated te theSaiatin Army Christmnas Fund. BOOR WORKSHOP <The Whitby Public Library's children's departinent will 'hold 'a creative- book warkshop, 'Oui, Home at Christinas,' ,on',Saturdy Dc5,10 a.m. Me 2 p.m., inte librar'sà prognam 1roon.. The workshop willppeaI, ,te -artists and creative witers aged 9 toe 13 who will "designa giant children!s Chistmaspicturebook'for public display. Register at'the children's AGLOW MEIETING The, Women's Aglow Fellowship, .Oshawa-Whitby Chapter will meet on Thùrsdày, Dec. 10 at Cullen Gardons, Taunton Rd. W., Whitby, 9,bove the restaurantL Refreshnients anid fellowship will bégin at 7~ .. folloved y prase, and'wo hp t 7.:30 p.m.Jeni. Barricks1illbe guest speaker., Wonienl's AgI'ow le a transdeneminational , wome's, fellowship. For further hform- tien, -call -723-9458. The -Cesarean Prevention,- Su d p otaiEducationGno wileton Monday, Dec. :% 7!:30 p.m., at 439 Longbw Dr., Pickening.ý Topic will be 'VBAC & Cesarean Prevention.' For more information, contact June at 837-1596 or Uàsa Weston at 576-0562. TheM sawaWhtby Newcomers will hold a potluck dinner and ornament exchng on Tuesday, Dec. 8 at 6:.30 P.m. in the Green Rcoin at the Arts Resource Centre. 'For. more .information, call. Information Whitby at 668-0552, or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. w^cNon .rft commun .group which are b"sedIn W hbyor have substantiai Whitby me)mbershlp may p nce th page et no cost. The Head Injur Association of Durhami Region wl hold a Speakers' Night. on Thursday, Dec.' 3, 7:30 p.m, at Cedarcrof Place, 649 Ying St. E., Oshawa. Dala Campbll and Frank -Murhy 1l speak on 'Managing- Conlic,'tu nng conffiting situtosito psitive outcome. 8th WMhyiýby Wutaw<ll sèëll. Chris'tmas trees at Petýo. Canada gas satios atRosslandPrhick-' son, and, DundasThickson ,Dec. 11-13 and Dec. 18-20. Cost is$18 per tree (scotch pine and,,spr-pe). HMurs will'be' 6 te, 9:30- p.m., Fniay,9 rn.te6 p.m., on Saturdays -and Sundays Po ceeds te, the," scout totethe Jamboree next year. F o more information cali 668-1077. SPT vo SLAH Town of Whi*tbyparks and.rec staff will hold a 1 2-hour -continu-, ous relay in the Civic BecCentre pool on Prn ay, ec. 4, il a.nx. te il" '.. te raise funds for the Dur nchapter of theMultiýple Sclerosis Society. Pledges may be made_ at the centre. For, more informnationï caîl Brenda Furman or Jane Morton at 6 66-1991. SCOUTS',TEESALE lOth, Whitby scouts will selI scotch pmne and -white sBpruace Christmas trees, six toeegh feet tail, at the WhitbySunoc a station 'Ã"n D Iundas5,St. W..- at Frances St.-on Saturday, Dec. 5, 12 and 19, '95 ,a.m. te 6 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 6,m 13,.and ,20, noon 'to.6 pnand.,iayDc..1 and 1, e9pm rceat Bradley McArthur Brad Mc'Naughton Laura Presley .'..... ~ IAAIECRE La Loche League Oshawa will 'hold its'regiilai monthly meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Mothers and nursingbabies are welcome. For more iniformation -about the mee"1,including location, calI INFO MEETING Jerry Aniernic, author of 'Vie- tims: Thè 'Orphans of Justice,-' and Don ,Sulian, Reform. Party candidate for Ontario riding, will be at a public information meet- ingon -Thursday, Dec. 3, 7 p.m., ati ckerina Cenàtral LUiarv. VIGIIL A vigil will be.held'on'Sunday Dec. 6,'2pnatheon Newaste hllsquare' ëin Bw manville, te compi.emmorate the 14women who 4ed. in the Mon-. trieal» massacre- and ail other female victims of violence. CANDACE COUTURE'S Chri*stiascraft sale willbe on Dec. ý3 and14, 10 a.m.'te 9 p.m., Dec. 5 and.6 0am t .. 49 Bassett Blv d. (behind co,.êurt- house) Whitby. Therewill be' -tep quality' beauýtifully h'ndmad crats y lca arisas.Free area al4039Q CRAFr, RAKE SALE A Christmnas craft and, bake sale will be held'at Moûnt Zion community centre ý: 4230 'Salein Rd., two miles north of H-wy 7, on S'aturday'Dec5 1am -te64 p.m.," and Sdnday,, iec. 6, 1Te».4 p..Frmore, information cail MMII RAAAR& RARE SALE The WhitbyCeneral ýHospital Auxiliary wil1, hold a, minibazaar and' bake' sale onT"hursay, -De 3, 10,a.m. m«4.p.mninthe hobby tthehopialMTerewilban, a Iaormn t -ofý,craft% knitting -ami c_ Por Itrurtber information, cail 6686 or 668-1703. J.' CO'RPORATION 0F THE ~") TOWNQFýýWHITBY Invitationr to the ,Resldents of the Town of Whitby.* ibeMayran Conci ofU~Town ofWhi modallybw1ty un rfamnily tosUndh SIXTEENTH ANNUAL OLD TME-CHRIST'MSPARTY' -SUNDAY, DECEMBER 61992ý atWM MuncplBI7RSI.nd A Emt Whtby bffim-2:00 p.m. t 4.W p.m. Them *11 be enteiament. Santa for I#m chlchunud alai4lo afbemoon for eveyon.ý Light lunch and ebwshmorUwil h suved. Ohilclmn must hoaooopanle by ana"fi Qx~ 'lm<- The Whitby Free Press would ýlike, to wis-h '*a, Happy Birthday to ail its. carriers with D.ECE-MBER birthdays! -7-77.

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