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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 26

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nu Page-26i. Whitby Froe:Presa, Wednesday, Dombe 2,199 LOTUS 1-2-39 D BASE, DOS, WORD PRQCESSING BUSINESS> ADMINISTRATION, B3ANKINC SERVICE S ACCOUNTING OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top),»< 723-1163- BEAT TrHE RECESSION. Earn thousands stuffing envelopes from your home.rWork full- or part-time.. Ideal* for - second incarne, unempioy.ed, students or retired. Ne experience necessary. For free Informfationr send a sef-addressed saped enveiope te: YMM Enter- p rises, P.O. B ex,38501,,,3299, ia v e A ve., North York, Ont., M2K 2Y5. IF~ U~Mr TUTORING, KINDERGARTEN ta GAG level. Ail subjects. 3 experienced ,teachers., Corner Stone Counselling & Tutoring. Educationai. services for al ages. Au - plaisir de, vous servir en francals. 432-9223 after 6 p.m. BUYING YOUR CHILI) a keyboard for Christmas?- Cali. now te bock private, lessons in my home beglnnlng in January on piano or keyoad. Special family rate available. Cali 668-7876. EDUCATIONAL consultant/tutor. B.A., M. Ed., Specialist Special Edûcation. 'Elementar, Second- ar, Aduits. Experienced. References. Cali 668-0851 after 5 p.m.or weekends. 102 Mbk= onRd. N. MIb i itd ucation IDrop-m ChUld Caro - 730 amn to 6:3OPm Age: 18monthatIo 9 yevo AJso aW oschool TUTORINGà dayear.avalabi ICmi> coupon for$.O off n.w rgsmo SECRETARIAL', LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONISTi WORDPROCESSING PICKERING- 1I450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. '2at Valley Farm Rd. 420-1344 EXPERIENCED DAY CARE -ln my home. Breakfast, hot lunches,- snacks. Daily outings & activities. Fenced yard..- Reasonable. rates. 666-5452. MOTHER 0F 2 wouidIlike te, rrovide laving care for your child. home, Brookwood' area. References& receipts. 430-9077. Wee Care Day Care Centre Ages 2 to 5 Full'time rate $99 Day care Full days, Nursery sehool, Half days, Junior kindergarten - Estblichod 1978 686-1161 (Ajax) ALERTI STAY -HOME -make eîae.~,uuma 0-I.U money.. You- assemble products -DOES VOUR, CHRISTMASAlist and earn up ta $627 per ,wôaic Include a porcelain'dcll'fi oryour Arazng reared me .'pcilpesnCTeDciShpe TOM .DESIGN and dress- .reveals'details. Call (705) 73 L frcassoeo--in osadmakin. W.ddng ,and .evenin ext. 24. doîl supplies. Gift.- certif bates gqwriÏ, bridesmnaida & gradsi'suits, - valbl.1621 ,McEwen;Dr., 'Unit etc. ,ReflcVation anÎd ateration. 19, Whitby. 723-6377., 1 Garments - also ',made, froM a EARN MONEY readina bcoksl p.icture. 72-3259. $30,QO/year incarne potentiaI. Details: 1-805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. ...........--.A. . . . .. . .. . ..L.I PAîNTER WITH OVER ,22 years'- experience needs residentiai work. Cali Clarence for f ree est-imate. 668-5562. WILL. DO ODD' JOBS large &e small, Inside ,'& cut.: i-aveown truck. QUaIity - wcrk, re asonable rates. Cali 668-2742. MAN WT VAN does -eavestrougjh cleaning, and* ah deliveorles. ,Very reasonable. Greg, 723-1223. TWO MEN, WITH 14 FT. CUBE van wiil do'househ'old, moves. Short or lcng'distance. 430-7450Ï. LA. (BERT). GOODFELLOW, CGA. Aceounting services and tax preparation. 666-9979. *cm VIDEO ELECTRONICS: Specializing in VCR, stereo, radio & TV repair., Professionai, techni- clans. Sve caIl ony'$350. 668-0629.vcec LOVING CONSCIENTIOUS mother oi two availabie to careý for your chiid. Nutritiaus 'lunches. Resnabie rates. Lots cf TLC. RossiandlThickson. 723-6765. EXPERîENCED DAY CARE, provider & mother cof 4 schcci-aged children would-love ,te care for your infant or'toddier ln my home. 430-9520. PSýABYST TER REQUIREDI aftte sohool onÏ a regular basis for 6 year aid. Preferred in my home. McQuay/l-wy. 2. -Please câali 430-7733cor 683-6920. HAlLS, BY' KATHY. Nodri.o buiid-up. No,...pclish necessazy. Christmas speicial: $30 - or bring a ffriend get yours for, half. Cali I430-7127. Brock/Rossiand. .' CERAMIC TIUNG -- free estimètes., .Over "25 yearse experience. Quaiity workmanship. Recession rt. à^Cal 'Paul 'at 299-0946. FREE CAR,&-SCRAF- removat. Cali 655-ý5751. Re-upholsteriy cf atiues Alil kinds cf recovering. Your fabricor' mine. Free estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitby. GRANDMA'S COMPANY' offerg- GREEN cleaning cfresidencesýand: offcesAIIourladies, are securty. checked, thrcugh the police.- Ba.ànded ,and -lnsured., Chamber member. Knock your sôccls.,off, servicli 725-9,177, (24, 'hour. *. 68 ï:. w.: . . . ........................................ . . . . .... unà -ý;à .... .................. 'M' Me 'lm il NI ý -, - - I ý>4ý . *Financial Assistance May De Avalable AS AOT U a-T ORSE 2 Camipuses in Durhamff <~ SHAWA IO"DRIVINOCI S9CHOOL Oshawa - 728.009t- Fui/ Drivers Education Courses COMMENCING- DECEMBER 8TH, Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course, REGISTER NOW - FOR CHRISTMAS December2Qth -3lst. 4 day course PRIVA TE LESSONS . AEGiSTERED & APPROVED BY TH-E ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE____ PREmPAID'WORD AD$ >(Cash,,VISA', cheque rece iv ed before deadline) $6 .0 for 20 words;'($5.61 + 390 GS) 1 50'each additional Word; (140,+ 1 0 GST) BILLED WR D $8.25 for 20 words; :PLUS GST1 150 each additional word;. PLUS, GST. AUCTIONS 1» pr agate 1 ne (14'agate linesper inch) minimum charge.: $1 3.86; PLUS -GST DISPL-AY 'ADS UN, CLASSUFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphIcs) Regular display, rates ap*ply - 990 per agate1ine<ý -Minimumf size 1 coiumn inch $13.86 CONTINUOUS'RtUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.89 PER CQLUMN 'INCH. G.S.T. is extra on alil ads uniess otherwise indicated, Monclay noon pnior.to Wednesday puÛblication. 668-09 Pl ease check your advertisement for errors On the f irst day cf publication. The Whitby Free, Press wiii net be hiable for failure te publish an ad, or for typographic. errors in' publication beyo'n'd the ccst cf the. space occupied bytAhe errer up te a maximum -cost cf the' insertion. The WhÎtby Free Press'.reserves the right te ciassify- ,or reject ail advertisemnents. - .- .- -'t **. ---- ~ - 1

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