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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 27

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Whltby Fme P"ée, WecWédyDeoSmbeWr Z2.'ôi'age 27 -c À BABYSITTER REQUIRED-ib my. FURNISH ED ROOM ýfor- rent, home for 6 month-old, and 21 $80/weëekly. Share bathroom & month-old gide. 728-2433. kitchen. Student or w, orker, _____________________preferred. Walk ta -al lýamenities.: __________________< Caîl 666-3776 aàfter 6"p.m. Specializing in ~ Earîy Childhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry Huseý ,,-,Day CareCentre Ltd. 129, Perry St., 'Whitby' 668-9476 Tii. system that provides... *Unsçhedulod homeQ visits ensuis quallty cars for your child ý' *Fullytralned providers recelve ongoing Agency Réiufabrt local back-up cave. Pride r Ilînese or i' CompkeoInsurance coverage *Income tax reooe~ *Children wc eecand up * .Fulor part-time» ý686-3'995ý MEDICAL/ PRO FESBIONAL, 625 .sq. fi, -downtown Whhtby. Giound floor,, loads" of ýparkIng.. Prive entrance aid washraom. 666-3833., WHITBY -PRIME downtown commercli retail sace, in m ain flôoar of Ontario Éank, Buliding. FuIIy servlced and recentîy renovated ta suit most buInesses. FeUl occupancy. Cal ,668-3011, message; or 666-3883, evesiwkd.' FComplete' . FINISHED BASEMENT for $6,875. 432-242A66 or 427-5763 Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & -retirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN'APPOINTMENT. ROOMS-& 1.-BEDROOëMAPT. wth, pîvate, entrance available-in, Pickering Villagie. $525, everything included ome $90'andupi pr Week. Apply at 2 Elizabeth treet, 'Vkei~pllIage, Ajax. Se' Pter. BROOKLIN -LARGE ,room, close toa alame>nfties.ýAIl inclusivk. Avaàlable for De. 1. 655-5539. PARING CABLE, PHONE, laundry. $95 weekly, or, $115 for board. 430-2598. SMALL UNFURNISHED ROOM.. Share common & bathroom. Close ta al amenities. Availabie now. $200 monthly.'Serous inquiries only. 666-8366. FURNISHED ROOM TO' share, ail fàilities -in apt., Female on disability or sîck leave welcome. South - Oshawa. $75. ,weekly. 434-6428, leave message. WHITBY, - SHARE spalclous new home wth-ons *or etwo woring pepeAl, Included. Non-smoker. 666-85906.> RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE *for lease in «Downtown Whâtby on Dunidas St. Specielizing in leese packages. 666-3665,, RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE, 1500 sq. -fi. Main street locetlon, downtown Whft by. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-14f8, 9 a.m., ta 5, p.m. I HERB' TRAN éùfor quotation FURNISHED BASEMENT ýAPT., for -'rent.' Parking avallable. $450/mýonth.. For'further Irfo, caàil 668-1406.. LARGE TWO-BEDROOM apt."In' new home.Cable, laundryfaciites and backyard. '$850/ýmonth, Inclusive. -,Avalable', endof Dec.1 430-7944. BROOKLIN 2- OR -3- bedroom apartment. âlose ta alil' amenities. Avalable for January 1 and'Febru-ý ary 1,1993.655-5539. 3-BEDROOM APT. & k-DEN$ mainSfoor of bungalow. No pets. Near primary sohool, Whitby & GO buses.. $850- range + utilities. 430-7298, Whitby; voice mail Toronto, 416-337-3455. BRIGHT, CLEAN 2-bedroomn apartment. 'Separate entrance, laundy,, able.Ail Icusive. WHITBY, 2-BEDROOM apt. available January 1. $533 monthly. No pets. Phone 668-0556 between 9 - il a.m., or leave message. LARGE, 3-BEDROOM, Centrîi Whftby. Quiet building. Broadloomn throughout. ,Appliancos, -Including dishWasher.- Govered -paroking. $795lrnonth. Avaiable ýnow., 698-464&~ WH1TBY*, 2-BEDROOM luxur apartmnent. WaIc ta GO train. 2 year-old building.Amlepakig January 1t. 430-6608. WHITBYV ONE-BEDROOM basemont, over 600 sq. ft. 2-car parking, p rivae.. Includes -heat, Wager4570+ 13 hydro. 655-4120. NEED t KNOW SOMETHINO ABOUT flbuR NEW aOMMUNITY?. Cal Phone 668-6653 Oui hostess willb ring gifts and*, greetings,. aîong- with heîpfuî SMALL COUNTRY -one- bedîoanÉ house noar Whitby. 25mnl UMliies extra. Sutable for sigle o' workin oule. Avaeabie fimmedi' ately. 66-22 I I. r BROCK BT. Sn- NEAR'GO Stn. Two-bedroo m,, garage, largo lot. Basement, ý2-bedroom self-con- talned apartment -with .separate entrnce.Firt & estrequlred. HOUSE ON THEWATER.,Four+ year-old bungalow., I 3-pc. 4-pc. bath. 3 - bedrooms. Finished family monm Large, deck looking anto lake. 10,mins.,-north c f, Port Perry . '$1,000/month "+ utilties., Avalable Jenuary 1., Referencesý required. Oeil 985-4159,. leave 0ý0 Per ducts, înclding: m,,newspaper, comprise 36 per! l et : r ! 'pickup ah .1 isrecylbe usnawa Tranf Fipnncing, awàý Ross,' Sales Ri Realty Ltd., 72- .,,Thé romfor tised rented aW wsek. Most *o0 weîe from pea seen the ed 1 Piess.u H.V. 9w, the" COSTA RICA- $195,000. US (estimated value* i n Canada $1 million plus). Large,, new,' lux ui home,,.,overlooking Sen José Located in Irazu, l1kçm.,east.of the University of Heredia. iew of the clty. 'Three- bedrooms, semni- kdependenit apartment "'do'n stairs, meid's quaters. Large pool, 4-car garage. Photos 'and,-détails are posted i n.,Hispano, Cash-n- Carry Store, 111A Coîborne St. W., downtowni Whitby, 1/2 Zblock west of f irehai. Phone 430-;9350.1 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - TS EASYI ONECALI, ONE BULL DOES UT ALL. RiEAL ESTAT E AUTOMOBIL ES FOR SALE GQT A, CA MPGROUND memÏîberstiip or GOVERNMIENT SEIZED/SURý?LUS tîmesha re? We'Il. take lI-Am'erica's largesi, VEHICLES -U.S: and Canadia n low as$1 O. resale'ctearlnghouse. ýCait Resort 'Sales B-MWs,'Cadillac:s, Chevs,:.Fords, Meéées.. Internationa'l. 1 -800-423-5967 (24 hours)., Porsches, trucks, vans. Amazing free 24-hr. >1ecor-dlng reveals how. 1-416.631-4266;, BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS',& GOVERNMF.NT .(CANADIAN. &-U.S.) assistance programs (Federal & Provincial) selzed and surplus vehicles from $100. for your new or exlsting small business. Trucks, vans. Fards, Mercedes, Cadillacài Information (514)"937.2422 ext. 98. Chevys. Amazirigîfrea 24-'hrs. recdrdlng~ - gives detais. 1-416-631-,4Ç18ext.98k NEED, CASH -TO PAY BILLS, credit cards, BUSINESS ,OPPORTUNITIES?ý home improvement, business?, Morgage EXTRA NCOMEIGrow ýbaitwormns in your mainey.available, no qualifying hassles.' basement or garage. Odarless operation. Example: Borrow,,$1 0,000.01D and psy as Iow Low invesîment. Market guaranteedl Free as $130.00 parr mant. CaUi toil-frée 1800. information., Early Bird Ecotogy, 13.R171,1 268-1429.SmithvtU, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643- - - 4252. STEEL BUILDIA~GS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel SIraiIwalI_ LOOKING FOR BUSIN ESS Type . noàtquonset . 32x54 $7.344; 40x72 OPPORTUNITIES? City Amenities? Couùntry $10.276; 50x90 $15,882; 60x16 $22.972 -LWing? Low Housingand'Taxes? E,çéIIent other 'sizes. avaiUlable .-Final, year.end Recreational-Facilties?-,Contact: Gateway clearance - Paragon.- 24 Hours 11 -800. - Rural Development Corporation, Moosomin, 263-8499, Saskatchewan. SOG 3N0: Phone: (306) 435-, 3177. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel Building s CRER RANN wint er special. Keep the factoiy busy during R AERTANN tîhe winter-months and take deîivery in theLER AUCTIONEERING et, the Sprinig., Save up ta 25%'. Cati tol-rëe1-.800. SouthWestem School of Auctioneeringé Next 668-8653. Olass: Nov.,21-27. Information, contact: Southwestern, Ontario ,School: oi BUILDINGS.- GUARANTEED LOWEST Auction eering,ý.R.R. #5. Woodstock, Ontario,, PRICES on Manuacturers-special factoryr N4S 7V9 (519) 537-21.15. direct year-end inventory cleara-nce. Straight.sided arch style' and curvet, models TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ and bZ avaitable on these speciatty priced- modetsi: courses. Also air brake, dangerous "gcoads, 20x32, 30x5O, 40x6O, 40xlO2. Exempe.- defensive' driving, log book, and bà'rder 40x6o Value $8,073.00 Now $6,188.00 crossing. Radgers Schooî. Ontarios aldest. F.O.B. Toronto. Comptete wîth ends. WiIl Cal1-800.668.0031. store for spring delivery. Cal Pioneer NO CHARGE 1-800-668-5422. EMPIQ'YMEÉNT -- -____OPPORTUNITIES INVESTMENTS INTERNATIONAL COSMETICS COMPANY MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. seelcing manager/consuilta'nts. European Onty people from small towns understand naturel skincâae - att ages. Direct sales.ý the importance ai învestingý in -smaîî Above-average training and support. Cal communities. 11-1/2% taI 14-3/4% returnis. Toni or Ann 1-416-891-2030. Box 35015. Cal Intransicon tolt.free 11-800-268-1429. Dixie MailtP.O. Mississauga, Ont. L5E;3G3. 'ART HEALTH PRODUCTS : .- FREE PETER ETRIL SNYDER fuIl-colourBAKPIrethugiblhep9t catalogue ai imited edition reproductions ai1.qmatbeudrcpl9 featuring rural fle, Mennonite flue, floral, Doctar/Chira'practar, recommendéd. Free coiee abe bak.1-information. BackGuardian. Canningtan, horses; çoîîector plates; -ffetbl oo.1 Ontario 10E, 1 EO or phonie/lax 1 - 800-661 - jYour éd could appear ln cammunlty newspapeart ln Ontarlo, obr'right âcross Canada, or any lndividual provInce. Space Is Limited, sa Oel This Nespaper Todayt BLANKET ADS A T6 reach a Wdo OntadI For further Information j RfE NOW !'CROSSCANADA MARKE' foimaket, adefiso lhroughot tha regsicalswombership ai i and Canacrian Community NewspaÎorAssaciainns ira,-,$160 for25words -* MOntaro 171 .1wspapers -$3ý Alt Canaàda 572-newsoasmrs - $974,1or 25 words en please cati ,the Whitby Free PoetsCiassîfiedi e SECURITY . PLUS AMLAHMS RIOBERT I4AMMOND - 63 Fuwood Creu, Whitby :C,ý - .........................................................'T 1 1

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