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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 28

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1988 TEMPO, 5-speed, AM/FM cassette, air condltlonîng. Ve" ~odshape. $3,800,. or beet offer. 1982 CHEV.- SPORTS VAN. Customized tlnted.,windows. Auto, P/S, PIB. 8 cy-I - 305. lnsulated & hd' AMIAAlpine cassette. Vrygood condition. $3,500. cert. Laty-owner, weli-malntalned. 435- 0056. B MW- BAVARIA - 2500,Serlos hubcôaps, "Set .ofifourst illIin original wrapper. 430- 2075. 1988 SAFARI VAN. 8-passenger. $7200. 668-4104. 1985 BLAZER,4 X 4. Autamatic. $3,900i 430-"64. 1987 GMC .6000. 3,500 km. 20'.ft. lnsulated box. $11500 or, best offer. 64U-256., 1984 -MERCURY CAPRI, 2-dr. hatch, ,:,new exhaust/battery. Excellent condition.,$1.000, ,uncert. 666-8152. 1980, BUICK'SKYLARK. Needs work. $500 or best offer. 666-8234ý ater 4 pm.> 1986 PONY CERTIFIED. Low, mleage.- $1,h00 or best offer. 430-8089, 9 amn. -5 p.m. 1973 MERCURY COMET. AMI ~'FM caâssete.,$500 or best offer. 78,000 original miles.. (416) 668-4178.t Good condiion. Great student's flrst car. FOR 'SALE: SNOW 'TIRES on rlms for' Chevette or Acadian. PS5. Low price. 'of $75. Phono Sharon at 721-2301. INeed a car - Credit problems? 9 We husv e Isu. ii-ovors (reposseuons) e*ease te own any malce ormde - cash for wtrae *CmlI now W kmaquotss 2001 YORK GYM SET wth pec doeck for sale. Ci i 655-5751. MARSHALL JCM 800, LEAD serlos arnp f er, head & cabinet. Asking $900.. Charvel Jackson moÃ"del- #2 gutar, ý ustom case , $350. Must seëlI. Calli Mke'-1-416- 697-1536. béave affmessage. FOR'SAE: BEAUTIFUL budg làIncagqo$45* ,Chamoli juicr, $200. -iocoeeà Cheot.of draweom. ý$20..Please phono 725-6467. CHESTERFIELD. SUITES, love- seats, secionals, Iess than hait price. "Large, selection. MoKeen urniture, -524, Simooe sSt. 3S.,, Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. '- e RPE-fo ivn beg. I8f.X - n.2- as 0 J e tm*-'at. Bs .fr VdELVETfr APà9mES foýralivingtc beige.417f. X 9i. 2yasad ONRE OLEMANRSAEO-SUN- heater. PurhasdCadi an Tire, face 'cord, bush cord,' kinidling'. PlCk u? or delivered. (41) LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING WHiTrE 17 OU. FT. FRIDGE' in 436-9837- Jeff excelleniti runninig condition. Very i dean, & muaI hoe seen. $350. Whit Inliseletncclothes dryer, """"""""""7""~""""w '1oriialo ne.$95. Cati 668-3011 das r666-3883 evenings & weeends. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because'of age, poor driving- record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090., PRIVATE 'MORTGAGES -the tgowhén your bank says j ~ NO. ServingWhitby since 19713. 668-7200. A N BIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGE LOANS - >lst& 2nds to 95% of value. Ail -propê!ty, types,.prime rates. Quick service anid -,approvals. ,Cati CityCan Financlal Corporation- 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 icfceng. "Much ta my pleasure, I received 9 phono catis the very f irst day my ads ran, and as a resuit, sold every article I had advertised within ans weekV C.C., CHRISTMAS SPECIAL~ Appriance repairs to ail appliances. $29.95 plus parts. No labour charges, no GST. Cati 683-8519 or 430-7382. ERROÛ'S.APPUANCE, REPAIR Washers., dryers, frdgea, slaves, microwaves, etc. - Used pliances purchased. -Major >creit cards accepted. Monbday ta Saurday. 432-7734. SOFA B,ý1ED,, EXTERIOR edar door, ihterlor mahoganày door,,bed' rails, 2 sets dross-'koun'try'si, polsboots. Curling shoos Nationali Geograph!Cs. Phono- 430-058717, MATTrRESSES. and, box springs, at hait price.MoKkeen Furniture 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phono' 725-5181. CHRNSTM&ASTREES CUTYOUR OWN or' CWpre.cutspn>c or pins One mile eaMtof Thioso Rd. on Conins Rd. 0R2 mlles West of Duürham ýOcilege'. TREES$1 0i- $22 inCkId« G.S.T. Trel -alp$1.00w <f0 ,charge Mon.-Fr. FREE pigu boughs CNiDYCAMn KENMORE- side-by-side .3-door, refridgerator. 2years aid. 18 cu. ft., white. CoaiRita, 430-6075. 30 KILOWATT forced-air elec furnace and electric, 40 ,gâ waler heater. 655-8553. COATS: MENS BROWN suede trench coat,- size 38, $100. Ladies' dark ranch mýink, full- length, fitted,' size 10-12, $600. 430-1469. SELUNG MY COLLECTIONS of Persian rugs.ý Various sizes. Great Christmas gMtl»$500 and up. 430-81I89., Sewing Machine Repairs Camp0lete Tunemup $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing.Machlines TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE- 571-1385 400 lng St.W Osjhawaý CRAFT SALE, 14 Wilcox Couirt, Whtby'. December 12,&,13.10 a.me- 4 p.m. STAINED GLASS COURSES beginning, January 4, 1993.ý R3a-s27. now. Sunidance Glass,- Blarn Swaffow -Pottenj Cfiritmas> O Pen %mse $aturdauj, De»..,,10o a.m.to 4.-30p.m. Sundag Vec. e6/il a.m 1o4:30p.m ~Fwulionad& dumuin fciandnad pottary 'TOP d ~ft& (61tJ Cmeaion, qrawood 427ê-0598 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3 bedroom, fully turnished, air conditioned mobile homes. Pools, hot tubs, beaches,' attractions. Children, wocome'. boLss than motel. Photo s. 683-5503. "LEAVE YOUR CARES ai home with, us.'Professional pet/-é-home sitters are fully bonided &,nsured.. Custom ,HomewatchInternationaL PINBALL GAMES FOR troand wanted. Arcade dion wanted, :any ý conidition.ý 430-1727, eves. 721-2446>. SALE games FIREWOOD - SUPREME -quait. Maple, beech. Wel-sçeasoned.' Very dry., ,Al spîit'. Honest measurement. Free'deîive'ry,.,Try the bestquality.,416-753-2246. PERSONAL ATTACK ALARM. Protect yoôursel. Carry wih you a cgrnamt electronlo device that scok--wre off..would-be atakrintruderssnatchers:* AtrCtsatention for- help. -The best Christmas 9giltI1 $32.' Cati' 430-0865.' FIREWOOD > Haliburton hard- wood. Picked -up -or deliverod.ý 655-8553. ,Wllowgrove, Nursory,. COMMO1 PO 1RE 64, COMP UTER. wfth colour moitor,' , lncludes games, *also desk* AlilIn'exïcellent« condition. .Cati 668-9753, after 4:30>pe.m.,ý"" PERSONAL LOANS'from $1000 and Up for anj purpose. Quick approvals. 436-9104. BAHII'SBELIEVE: .Love la the most, great law 'that, ruleth this- miphty and-,heavenly yceth unique powr that bindle;th toehrtedivers elements of the" mhaltial'world, 'the supreime magnetic force that9 directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial' reaims. For informatdion anid discussion,>cali 668-;8665. TrHANKS TO ST. JUDE for favoura recelved. MB. THANKS BE TO ST. JUDE and' the Sacred Heart' of Jesus for favours«recelved. EW.' THANKS TO Tô rHE :SACRED' Heart cf-Jqsus,, The. Holy Spirit, lInfanit .Jesus Of Pag ue and -Our Lady of Perpetual el fr avours received after prayers and promise of. publicafion.RT MURRAY., Regan and Jean are thrillîed 10 announce the . blrth of terfirst chlld, Ryan Roberu William. Domn Docembr2, 1991 welghlng 5 bs", 14 V12 oz. Prmu geafidpae are Robert and' Marga'ret ,Grlmley, and BiII and Iren. Murray. QUAIL, Helen,'psadaway ~ecflyin bdin, her home, ,in. r'iia in lier -76th year, November 28- 1992. 5h.le survivedby her, husband «Ed and her loving sons Jlmf, ln Whitby, and Gary, in' Oshawa. Safe journey, and God, bWàs you, Mom., TWO 'LOVEIÈbRDS for sale. Larg e ae ncludd. $125. Cati,ý 430-7654. NOTI1CE TO'CREDITORS, ANONE-haviIn acfalrna'galnst.ihe ESTATE- et JAME M.McKDY laie of tie Town otWhlyIn heReion Of "uhmrre ,hcied on, October2l19, mut file saie wth thie un elned ot laier than Deceiber23.192afterWhikh lime compbediàtdbulin maýbemrrade'b thaEfftor reard enly Io the D0atgd at Whitby thle 'dayof Decémber, 1992.-4 NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY' Executor 16 et St.. W, Box 270, Unsy0nlano, K9V 4S2 NOTCETOCREDITORS ANO.OTHERS 9Is r> nshaving daims ia<gainst mhe 'taonfAiberi Gordon, aterer, Milkrhnn late of the Town of Whitby, wh de on or about tme 28th day of June 191, ie ereby,,noiiflto send, patclr f saie t6 the undersigned' on or before 't héS30 1 hëday cf Decemhber, 192, ftrw hihdate the Estate will bedistiibued,'w'ith regard oniy Io theé i sof which the, underslgned shah then have noice, and. theundèrsigned Mi1l otbe 'Hable to any persan of whose daim mey shahfl ot ihen have notice. Dated at Tôronto mhis 251h day of November, 1l992. Shiley Duncan, Achîinisirabrix, herolirJoriT. Clemnt, Q.C., her soBay Streth, sooM, Toronto,, Ontario, M5H,2Y2. *AUCTION SALE 'KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS' Every-Wednesday aI ' 6:30 p.m. .cated- on Br Rd., Pickerin3 mÈiles north of Hwy. 401 (exit#3b) Featuing every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furniture, gla'sscèhina, collectibles, primitives- and the unusuals. So join us every Wed. and part icipato'l in ans of Ontarios-.-true' auctians with no I ouy-uacIw or ras ment . aid este WMêM4~FJê E' PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Frday 9a.m.to9 m. Mm

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