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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 29

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Whitby FmerPre, Wodnesdy, Decembi AUCTION.- FRIDAY.. DEC. 4 -6320 P.M. AT THE.NEWTON VILLE AUCTIONCENTRE, ,HWY. 2 IN NEWTONVILLE' Partial listing only: Rocliner w/vlbrator & heat, 5-pc. bedroom: ste., leather psychiatrist's couch& matchlng chair,ý. Silver Slarium' -p rofessional tannin g bed, heating un«7 for sauna, ..battery 'charger, Evinirude 5.5. outboard motor, Workmate, 4 oak side chairs,' 9x12 floral rug, Casto personal koy-* board, 8-gai. crock, 220-voftý heator,, electrlc drills,. horseshoo* Set, 40-channel . CB radio, office, fumiture, 2 split-rail & pins -side, chairs, buck saw, Icé tangs, cast Iron tractors, cest Aunt Jemima, littie -B- B" Samfbo S&P Aunt Jemnima., Uncle .Remu"s'colle'ction, HotWeesSilada, -tea collectibles, Canaàda coll.ector but- tons, Mark MessioÉrôroki e card, Coca-Cola memorabilia, Marvel comict, hockey.,&' baseball cards, Beoket "books, 97Farmor's Advcdaté, magazine in'.good condlition,ý 1939 copies of Oshawa Fre.e> es, Oshawa, Courier, Oshawa Daily Times, Star Wookly,, 1939, 1941 National Geographic magazine%, 16 cineand Mechanicà,.1970 TV .Weekly (The Telegram>,ý, 1970,. copies 0f the' Oshawa Times and Oshawa Journal,. stufted animai collection, 1968, -1977 calendars. Come out & have somne fun. AU CTION CENTRE" 786-3151 JIMCOUCH ý987-1548' DALE SMITH1 723-7938,ý BUSINESS, LIQUIDATION A UCTION, THURSDAY, DEC.23- 10:30 A.M- AT ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CETE-LINDSAY. complete lq uidation 0f' former TOURIST.:TRAPI Bobcaygeon,& complote. variety sýtore.. Largee qty. of no ,w inventory includîng greetngy cards (ailoccasions) lot~e sold in one5,lot,ý mugs, gift items,- bows, card stands, display stands, men's, ladies' & children's ,clothrng, Tsitsweaters, ..dresswoar, swimwear, ,baby .,'ýclothes,> 'ski jkès& pantà, nr it"ems. CHRISTMASOR FLEA ýMARKET' VENDORS. , Chrome' .clothing re-lçs, ,display ,stands,,*checkout, countors, counters, glass display« counters,, shelving, hooks,ý cas h regIstors, secretary.,desks,, double podostal desks. f iling cabinets, steno & office chairs, sterea system,, restaurant. equipment, glâssware,- Dogeroo hot dog ckrServalot warmer, nachos cheese ,warmer, Hotco .conveyor toaster,*s'ou warmer, :Wost Bond 100 .cup ýcofe warmer, bar trays,' Sharp <-ER3241 &Sharp ER2397 eoetronfic cash'registors wth both taxes. Portable colour T.V., safe. Partial list. No,,reservo. Don't miss this excell.ent o6pportunity. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION S & LIQUIDATIONS ORVAL & BARRY MotLEAN AUCTIONEERS ><705) 324-2783, LINDSAY AUCTION SALE SATURDAY DEC 5 - 10:30 Ai.' THE ESTATl OFAGNESGARVEY, & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY , OVERSTOCK, MISC. VEHICLES. DIRECTIONS:ý NORTH ON HWY.-12 TO, REG IONAL, RD. 8, TURNI RIGHT TO NORTHPOR1T RDI »NORTH ON SIMCOE ST.' TO REGIONAL .RD. 4, TURN LEFT TO NORTHPORT RD. Furniture, desk, dishes, tools, new steel doors, construction lghts, sono tubes,',new paint & stain, -two 1(2-ton -trucèks (cefl.), 1983 Eitoe moitor'home (cert.), a ir compressor and many moreo items. Lunch. WiiI b. availabIe. Terms: ýCash -or chequewith I.D. BRUCE KELLETT, AUC TIO NEER 985-9131 AUCTION-SALE SUNDAY, DEC. 6 - 12 NOON ORONO TOWNý HALL, MAIN ST.,> ORONO Auction' features antique furniture in original'&" as-founid condition, coleciblsA limitod,-edition & decratveart prints,, plus a selectIon' of household. articles. Partial list: 4 ft. harvest table,, pine what-not shelf, 2 pcs. f làt-to-wail, sidebo6ards bonnet chest, st'o're, Cokecoolr.00s), numerous drossera & chiessof, drawers, ,Several 'washstands, spinning wheel, miso. chairs &,rockers, old tables, glngerbread dock,, j3/4 violini, cracks & J us, trunks. wood, boxes, French Provincial 'couch, &, chair, sports, cards., apt.-sized washer & dryer, gas & electric snowblowers,ý etc., plus a solection of ollectibles, glass'& china. ýMacGREGORAUCTIONS. 416-987-5402 416-983-5556 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN' FRIDAY DEC. 4 ATr 6 P.M. 3 MILEé EAST 0F LITLE > BRITAIN'ON COUNTY M. 4 THEý PROPERTY 0F THE LATE BEATRFICE LORD 0F LINDSAY,' PLUS OTHERS,,* Antique' dresse'ra &.,chost of drawers,8-pc oa einns ro ste, ch eeaofe&ed tabls, dd oodnkitchen chairs', waldnutwatntstand, ,walnut magazineraklgplsichds plahouse, cnsl clorTV, apt.-slzed froa-fre.' frldge, ,30 matchlin olectric *stoveë,, chrome kitchon ste., Praktuca_ camera w/Ions, modemn grandfatherdc'kk, co-oil lamps.,Scukoo dcocks, -Hot Point automatic washer, modern dressera &.chesta cf drawers, parlour tables, -box -trailer. Also conslgned from- a Scarborough electrical contactor's ostate: 1986 Ford 150 work van, 1986 Doduqe van,- V2- Maita hammer -drîil, Roc6kwoll Skil saw, ýcordîesî drill, boit sander, hand jointer, clamps, 034AV'Stihi sawi qty. ' misc. hand & power tools,- plus, a qty. china, glass, antiques,& household items. DON & GREG CORNEIL 1AUCTIONEERSý Rit#%1, LTE BRITA IN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 CAIL 668-6111 .Ainenc '~tL .committee Ontarjo riding MP Rend Sootens has been selected to chair te federal ýgovernment1s Legislative. Commitee on Bill 0-9, An Act to Amend the Patent Act. This bill 'aima ",to bring *Canada' drug patent laws in lino with > tose Of Canada. trading. partners, and to better control the pi.of new and existing drugs. ig Januazy 1992, Canada endorsed ' the GATT., -(General Agreemèe n nTariffi-a'and 'Trde proosista extend patent protectioni for phatmaceuticals by, eliminating compulsory licensing' for those patients.. >Compulsory' liconaing -alowed genetic-. copies of patented, druga ta b. made while the drug was stil proteeted. Since 'this announcement invostments alngo'v'er. $320 million. in the, phamcui industry have been announced.L The bill aims ta s 'trengten brand-name - , harmaceutiWIl protection, incroasing patent, protection ta 20 y fo17 Selieets win. fir st twogae Whitby Blades Custom Skate Car. are off te, a fast start in the North York peewee select hockey league, winining their flrst two games. Against .the: Pleasantvi'ew seleces, a fine .team eý-ffort -saw Wht1y cruise ta a7-1 ý,victor]ýy.'- Jason Johnston and Jonathon Clanicy were steady in the nets for Wbitby' turning aside ail but one shot. The. lneocf Brian CriIly, Derek Powers and Stephen Mace did moot of thé. damage for Whitby. Powers had two goals, Crilly on. Regal tournament. FR OM PAGE 23 aiorig with singles from -Lamiot, fh Deir and K.osiw. Providing assista were Harris>on and Seedhouse.ý., The goaltending u fKb Nova and Chris Menjiszanchored by defensive corp of Paul Ranger, Jhinie Milage, Ronnie Robertson, Tutak, Fox and Seedhouse held the two New York-based teama ta just two goals on> eight shota, paving the wayta, the final rematch forthe championship againat the .xplooive Brampton team. Tii. championsluip gaine let off< toa rough start for Whi ty as Bramptan bulted off taa 5-0 lead niidway through the second period.1 Kosiw broke the ce. for Whitb scoring ta, end the* second 51 Brampton. Bramptan -seored two quick9" inthe third, building The gamo. apperd oe u the hard work that typifled Wiiity in t6 nurnamnent began ta howas Bramnpton could not contain the .liniëocf -Oi Harrison and Fowler. Kosiw added his second and third of the gaine and along with two by Harrison, brought the score ta 7.ý5. .But Brapton added an empty-netter in the dying seçonda as Whitby lost 8-5. SAdding a"ssts ini the gaine were Fowler' with two, Kosiw, Harrisn, Robertsoin, Tutak and RyanlPeypan. K.o.w was namned Whltbysi mont ,valuable', laver for -the and Ma ce had two assista. WMhye, defence got into the seoingin a big. way, w.ýith Joshua Wilasscoring, one goal, and Lars Clay sýcoring, twice on two blasto, from the point. , Thè. lineo f-.Derek Van Egmond, vMr hao and Jool Gingras continued'ta work bard and came away with four points on agoal for Chiasson, two assista for Van Eond and 'one assist for ,Gingras. Stoven Race had -à solid game, 'picking up<an assiat on Clay's 'eodgal second game.againat Thornill ws.aa much doser ,game, WMhy winning 3-2.,> Chiassn' scored 'in 'the first peiriod. Twenty seconds 'after Whitby's firat goal, Ryan Peacock scored a Prettv goal on a setup arn Brai~y~Blike1y. -Whit4y #s,,opped, skating in the secondpro and Thornilli came, back wt two quick goals ta, tie 1.hTfm "d period was exciting Yiwith end-to-end action. Wayne Richard; Chad McKenzie, Step hn Corey and Ryan McC-arron were outstandinig, killn off penalties for Whitbyin the period. Poor ,ioe conditions, hamnperedý Witby - skating game, particularly inthe third period.« Joe 'Smonetta ,kept, Thoriuuls fora honest-asho handed out soveral punishing. bodychecea Powers seoed.the 'nning:goal ,on, a moce paso play from ùvace andlay., rBrent. Johnson shut the door for the remainder of the gme ,to preserve, -the.win -for N~ŽJ/ By C<>bnst Grant Arnold Drhum Rgonai Polie Crime Stopper. and Durhain Rogional Police are asking for the publies help ini solving an, armed robbery that occurred in Pc ernon Thursday, Sept. 3. Just after midnight, three males walked into, the Shell gas station at 935 Liverpol Rd. S. and confronted the. attendant. On. man pointed a b ack automatic hàndgun at the. vîctim and demandedthat hoe mpty the- cash regîster. A ama amount of cash, was turned over té the robbors before, they left quatboundc through *the lot-and'thon over ,aeencé., Beforehoping ,over the fonce the three suspects joined three white maies, aged 19 ta, 20, w;U were.keeping watch. Suspect #1 was wearing a fulface akeletanmak stonowashed jeans and a black jacket withî a hod tat tii suspect woreý ovor îis hair. This suspect was, armed. with the angun and did the talkingi a deepoi. The other two suspcsWReHaloween:masks and« dark clothing. Althree suspets are believed tab. aged 19 to20. Tii. possible crime -vehicle i. doseridbed's wNteM lu and a lqrpgr model. 1If youlhae any infiormation on this or any serious crime, oeil Crime Stoper. Ify'u infoaio leads ta, an arrest you couldeaasonreward ofu pta $1,000. P.nllêvm .ne nv*vnr aék4tj à ntifi, themselveo or Vta tetifv E E lfl 1.9 currently THE, CLASSIFIÉEDS. 1 do,#& ' WHITBY SALVATION Army Capt. Rick Sheasby is appre- iciative of the efforts of Kim Tafertshofer an'd other Town of Whitby emfpboye es' cbnducting a Christmas food drive. Anyo'newanting to contribute can drop off food or toy at the -formher, Century -.21 bidn t 4 BkSt.N. Monday to Saturday,<>onto 9p.m. HS a

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