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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 31

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Hon.us fo*lca sousgude WH ITBY SCOUTS received chief -SCout, awards recently. From. left (rear), are Patrick Blanchfield, Antony LÙchford, Blir Nibleit,Craig Howie, Matthew' Dehaan,' Marck of Dimes' goal *41,500- The York-Durham chapter of the Ontario March of Dmes ho&,s,, to raise $41,500 for the 1993c dnagn -- $16,500 more than what was coliected last 'he 'Îà campaign wilI be held from«,Jan,. i o'1.Volunteers are needéd .for ,-door-to-door can- vass ping, tele'pone, -',,ork an~d orp.aization 0f secia e* nt. Frmore information eall 434- 5280 or 1-80OO-e63-DIM. ZWAANTJE RENIEIRS Zwaantje Reniera of N.wcas- Slfor erlyCf 'Witby, <ied at wme 'emoriaiHospitàl onNovemüber 16, 1992. 8h. was 65. 8h. was born iGrambergn Hoiiand *on, Mayi 26, 1927 daghter of Gérrt..Jan. anA Johanna (MareM'aù) Beenen. 8h. married Petrus-Reniers on Nov. 12,1983 inWi-tb. ""Î ýA .r.sident, of'Whit,'bor 3 yeas -flmovmingtô Newcaëtle likst Mm ~Rniers was retreafsrworing aâs a regis tered nursing. assistant at -Whitby Psycéhiatric Hosital for 834 years. 8he. wau a member of Hebron ChitaRefobrmed'Church. 8i.is - urviveid ",b her hua-, band, mother, soà oi n ýWessels and hie -wife Judy, daug hters 'Bty(Mrs.'Gera id-Vart) ad Dna(Mis, John Wood), grand-' chflrenJeclynand Gerrit: Weo- sgies, Carolyn, Mic'haeél 'and Heather Varty,Lar n.en feWodigtstepchildren and nine, step-grandchireon.es-, ter and four brothers. 8he was p redecease'd'byher first husbandx, Hendrikus (Hank) Wemses and her father. fTihefunieral wseriewas held from Hebron Christian Reformed Church Why on November, 19, 1992s, v J. Binnema conduct-, mng., Interment at Groveside. cemetery. (!ront John Dempster, Mat Waters and GatWelsh., Absent whenphoto was taken were, Chrstopher Macaulay- and Roberi Bight. IpI1to by Mark Reeso, VWhltby Free Press I La 'I have been as edibyzseveral peofort.handýccmc outIC enirnenaoyf Ori Durbhigsaam eylnd venegar to otiii.i menn#coes. lNewr (E)and Soeurs parae oferedaepaensf crets. Cleans resy us.ecatm hvneuri enad d'eodonz e. Removes ati'. ndk stain.good fabetri oted nr. ids nou ê.d. ueo Puvrne soapl en lything fsoda ad is o ar. o h Wauing sodà: leans, cihes and es atrz. .So withôt crtcing",ak'ý agoo daiý saodaan atr Oven cleanr eahne relarl with., asygnil. Smtin c élearm and àolis kitchïes isuse itne taings.God or vinegar. oPuoroo surf élaeRv e lyti.frdseveri orspis Wihau .oft cloh.laèélte'n ôfiswtr Th rain g leanenipouro125hmian oldaondr ie, foflowe Sy 125emi vmegr cverwithbsod. anpdrainsr cleawih rnses oboligwater. hiiýidkou-se-ite amgend r blelu l5m oa r 2 ivngrt Soumlng ,Pol'dew ,ymspinie akn sodaorlior ax on suràfac n sor ih ap lth ine Drin lnetais bingpour 1lcis o ar owa imxin p élArihriresof iboilinn amo ndcovsnwae. lc 30 eo60 i bkig oa...uàl bw s ondator.bousa o gx tii. fridge.le-Jd AH-purpondse olewih ae.disolv Re. i bÈa ndoem .oapflaks xon. irefourlateas fwrto a asrbottlùxoi Mix 45 0-ml waiing soda in on.litr ofowaut. oean Tii is the. decad to reducejiousehoid toxics The. conmittoe' islagrateflul to -lb. Ontario Waste Mnagement .C&b~Îoration'a ¶Enivro-Dial' and, toDurham Enviroînnental. Ketw«o's oon-to-be-reieased bookiet, 'A Hiouseold Guide to Waste Reduction and Rtecyling in' Durbau Regioni for these tipa. I WE WILL: Supp4 £ InstaillNew Spark Pl1 ' hc Starting &Charging. i-Timîng&idie e-Check Air FÎfter, r-.C.V. VlvFuel Fifter & Insl« i Cables <f Necessary Shainipoo Engin. 22-Pt.Main L. .-..-. i auaFOR A CONVENIENIFAPPOINTMENT - CAL - - auu r amm 8ÀUÀ 'Il CHOO.1 6 Buster Bars It Doesn'.,t Have to Cost a Fortune to !".s pruce" up your home for' Christmas For "Shop at Home Service" Beow eetail Pie WALLS FURNITURE WINDOWS - Faux Finishes eTraditional - Blinds - Paints 'Country -eBalloons - Papers eContemporary - Swags 0 Borders *Accessories a Drapes. I-q*i IACHIIIAWA;' mDAi. od .ý Theltimate ina Design and Crafismansliip rAINYS & COATINOS - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a am a-i une~ -I 1 I 1-I Aufflw Mal LIL q M6-' 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust *Faniily Monuments *Granite or'Bronz-e Markers *Cëeetry Letterng . *Sandblasting' Staffor-d-Monuments 318 Diundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 AfterHours 668-4460 or 666-1513 HmewappS*ntïmta gladly aanged -à k 1

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