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Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 6

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- ~ 4 ~- ~. Pae6, Whiby Fr.. Prou, Wednesday, Decomber Z 199 The only Whîtby New'spaper owned and operat'e.d <by Whitby residents for Whîtby residents! Published every Wedniesdç-y by, 677209 Ontarlo,,mIc. atl131 Brook St. N.,Whftby., OntarilLN 5Sl1, Phone 668-6111 Toronto Une 427-1834 Doug Anderson',- Pubiisher Maurice Pilier - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #053,51 To he dit. ,..* Taking advantage of the, vuiner able To the Editor: In the position ttm any are mow in, searching f or a job; ,I answered one af Ibose jobs that mibody answers. You have ail seen them -.thb promise of $1450 a month ta stant, delivering and setting Up wbolesale Rtems. 1 lirst b.d an interview -- pretty standard sttqff wben seeking a job. Aller passing the first stage, 1 was la go ouitaod the raad 10 be tested, or so 1 lbougbt, 10 ses if 1 suited the company. Litle did 1 know that 1 was ta learn More than 1 cauld ever have realized.' 1 arrlved et &30a.m.'in an outer office. ln the back, I hear screams and cheers. 1 wonder what I ."arn' getting mysedIf nto, but i bae a sense of humour so 1 decide a sée. il lhroug. Allerýwaiting nlil 9 a.m., i finaliy. meet,-the 'persan wbo is golng ta show me ,the ropes. He, la àanuce youngman of; 9 years.The first'thing"John. (not i miname) doos s put $2 ai g S ln bis car and we are Off ta Belevilie and Picton, t least anhourand ahall, -nthe .way, Johnladm the * campany,'s steps ta suocess, -- a poiieattitude. etc. 1 spent tbe rae of lb. day.-pièking up- books Jobhn bhd lMearlier in tlb. week at local busin-esss and f illing orders. John"made $120 tbat day -- but afler expenses, John makes about, $49 per day. That ie $200 per >week,'not lnciuding taxes or wear and lear on, bis-car. Jobný , eyer works less Ihan 12 hours aday. Tbeday 1 went out wih him, o wa there at 6A5ýa.. and stili hadn't setled bis accounts ai 7 p.m. lsn't the idea of a cuit 10 isolate iRs members, deprive lb-tem of sleep and keep tbem ý positiveiy mo 8atds they 'nover know 'what bit lbem? .John livs in a room An someone's bouse. John, makes lessthan minimum, wagè. He',works barder;than moet.peple l(know.'I willthlinkof hilmofen andpray- he s6omeay gels te jobà he deserves, and give thanks don't have ta take one lîke ik. WhnII hear about people on wefare, I will think 0f the- iengths John'lis willing ta go la stay off wefare, ind, hope somelbings done'.to such employers, so, they, can't take advantage of vulnerable people.' lKlm GrindIay, - ob-seeker Ontaulo rlding MP, In August 1992, Canada, the United States. and Mexico reached -Nàrth American"free-trade agreeert ýNpeoplemë 'expr 3dsd concern that the NAAwouId b. bad news for Cndsenvironmeènt. They were afrad that, our high standards would, b. compromised in an agre ement wth nations whose environmental, ruies are not' as: strict as ours. A reent enviranmentai survey shows that these fears were unfounded.' S The federal govefrnment called for Ibis review 0f- 1h. N1AFTA-- a first for a major poi4,- Initiative and trede agrýeement. .T he st udy was caiied to examine "Ihe,.environmentaF provisions 0fthe agraement In order Io determine how comprehensive W is in ibis area., Thls4'eV'iew ba s just been released. It coritains good- news, abduithe NAFTA for Canadians who are defflycoroàerned about the environment. ft demonstrates thafthIe NMFTA will not bave "a sinificant n adIve effect on Canada's environment. Rather, lb. eniranmental outoome wiII depend on tbe trade and" industriai action that companies wiii take as a remit of the alreement. .The feviewindicates that -the NAFTA goes. ar' beyond any other fre. trade agreement .when R cornes té protecting tb. envlronment. The 'agreement ,>protectis our right, 10 set and, maitain Our own bigh environmental standards.,Un addition,, IL allows us té Influence tbe standards of the other Iwo NAFTA partner. -The review shows tbat there'is 1111e chance the higb cost of meeting anti-pollution iaws will drive, industries,.laO countries that are les concerned about the. environmenti.,-Enironmentai standards are oônly "on. 0f several factors that- determine the location of an Invesment. Pollution. ahatement and contrai costs for, the majority. of Industries average only about one.,per-cent of, the. costi 0f production. As an example, 'Ger;m"> anybas .astringent environmentai policy for manufacturera that, has not forced large numbers of busnsses 10, seek out àewlocations. 1Tbe -review notes-the NAFTA talcs were much more.than just another place 10 discuss the enviranment.They Were a catalyst for action on 1. ME PAGESO0 ýGett'i Chair Wl domc 1, ng hondra iE hltby's A corned Y Teenagers these di that lhey are boredi few'Ibings that Iberea too- expe>gnsivo. lnstea up ralding ilquor cabing Imb bars andcausing1 streets. There are no bowever, so, you can'i ,rigbt? Wrong. To -help salve t polm ACY (Wh! nid Con'cèned Youth) dance aifHsydensbc Tbree,-, or four' Heydensbore - dances; socilevents. Eveyc0 b.d a g reat liIme,' -bt tbey were cancelled. .They were run by te were irresponsible IN were inll j'ust.orithe let thinggeouof lot af-ardwok,WA, permission- to hbc Heydonsbore te.en dani htis not cbeap ta hall. However, with . many people and ci w. pulled ut off . With that aurdance w"o'uld I Set sludents motivatec ,n, we started aurc sll tickets rently. Tickets yere only falrly, cheap compare activities (movlss)-ani anly ans mIle --'no dÉr din W. trýd 300 tI ;Z we -were- disappainted la find oc only 1 bres day. let,,i nex to lanom-ickeis. VW My committue about interest in. aur, d respnses were simfilc defunite. The prablemi restriction -- nodrki Some people b.d< same were brake, bu problem,'was Ibait tesu rather chip-ln $5 to sp beer witb iheir friends their money an a danoi k is some klnd oah in ta get bammered or h dance or lb. dams, Wbai kind of patheti Ibis 'and why doe.E back and let ibis pi when,,R i. stanng then the face? rm not referring la bave a couple af driný blue rmoon, it's tha! drunk every.Fri dr Has everyone fargcY b. tbemssives-and hi fun- on their ownrLo preer ctig ikednu ands~wkhoire t àïi harm ered a 'pathetic', tradition oncutatdrikig nd 8rys rea - conitrai of your bodily _ltuntions, ketive an p-udPeople use ik -as a ,way- wake.up to realty.. routhouad everyone follows evoIyone This- i. bow Impressive, you wonerwbyp~ages ar ta .veryone .1..: ays aplain And we odrwyeeaes o ey es wftb dak baga and that thehaeabdnae mIoirta unde meath them. on a sta* while are to do,.areadmitihat thore i. vevy 11111eforus or somèlimes green) face. ad, lbey ,end t O-adWBCld aref,en;sew es.-are slurred as you iets, sneakingboring, or that smeimes you Êet finumble i, nobherently, n-stop,. trouble lnîh. depressed andneèedaw o9. Lt Whll eper t saeta alternatives that's what frlends arelo.T. your patb. tblame êtbem, could aven try uslng their- brais (if Tha'. not'necessary, .bowever, tbey bave any live brain -Cella 1eh) If, you trip on your.. feet haifway hoi boredom ta corne tp witb aternative things across the room, land on your face lhby's Active 1ta do. ':adstan IlaLhl9 ,uncontroliably. ),organlzed-:a l'm not ting ta sound keMa. Thontoe-ve0ryoône opléawur 9, Cu ior. P)avillon. Perfect: who's neyer b.d a drap of bing up ail th~e àlàhol yh year 1 alcobol l inWbeId1. l'y. bad My consumed tIbui ngbt and alilthe 3 were -e share of experien ces wfth dinklng, food yoy'd d for the pan ltwo ne went andtoo,' but I ',have;,taken tbese"-days., ut eventuaiîy wwonb&rfuw'mom'ente andIG.mrnd .A ot.oun consclousnesj' oenagers wbo 'mitake'and misconceptions by an 18ton truck; yau receive the ecause tbey ,about alcohol and bow mnucb @'un" honour of cieaning Up the mess- ,e ronoy\ and it is. you made on the f loar.. ontrol. Aller 'a 1Wil mio deny tbat -I Now if you find, this -pilture MC received occasllially b ave a.drink - but amuslng, you're probably ans wbo. Idanother notice the keyphrase -- a7 drink. has fit lbe description more thain ice. ftilai okay ta have one or two drinks onco and ibis ls your idea ai fun. rent oui Ibis 'andthen stop - try *ta pict ure t hal To me, Ibis is mit oniypatbetic, -telb boîpaf you can. and disgusting butveys. rganizaions, For al i'ofyau wbo 'gel Net only de sucb people make i bigh hopescOMPletely intoxicated -every ~eascesW 9Kn and 5sf!1 ta enjoy loslng BRE AGE 30 eci iarviulg campaign ta $6- whicb I -ed ta other id thero was nking and no icotst ssii exiremely ut, ibat witb w. bad sold Mhen 1 asked the lack ai ance, their an and very was aur ane ng, no drugs. Ia wark and ut the major nagers wouid pit a case ai rthan spend new tradition higb befare a vil b. no'funi. 'd'tradition ,is everyans asit roblern g row m straight in people wbo ks-,onco in a, âe wbo dgel d Saturday. Dtin bow ta iow ta, have mayb. lthey inken idiots, rfaces in a ffriends said To the eo, Changng attitudes To the EdIlo'r:ý 1 amn a 22-year-ald femalo, and 1, arn writing Ibis loUter cancerning ýan Incident ttil occurred a few, das ago. On my way home from work ans evening, my car broke down near a maorintersection in - WhWbib.- waited apoiaelDy 10 <ta 15 minutes beide -My -cari, until I finally ..kq two gas' station, attendants ta beîp rms. R la realfy unfartunate, duo ta tb. increased crime and viaience in aur society, thaÉl people just do nmi belp their feîlow men and women a7rlonger. have ftthIe atttude 0f saclety change drasticaliy' within the làst few years (re beiping »albers in distress), and 1 realize in this day and, ado yôu can nover, b. too careful., k's a real shame ta know thai Ibese few 'bad' people, Li.. rapists, etc., have really made us so cauiius thai people. just do noi help each otber anymaire. - S.. Ahmad PS. To tbe'- lio gas station atItendants ,wboh s lped oui afterwards, thank yau very rnuch., club su'pport- appreciated, To lb. edIlor: -On...behaif f ah iestudentsoh Henry Stre9t <-Hugh Scbool and Fiher Leo J. Austin" Secondazy Schaoî, i wbuld like ta thank the ,Whitby-,Optmist Club for their. geneouainanialsupport. -We were able ýta lbos aur New Brunswick Voyageurs '92 guests lrom i-tbeSussex Cadet Group and Suse 1gb Scbooi. earlier this year. ,ThiW exchange, a . réwarding -expeecefor aur-stude'nts, wouid noi have been possible wftbout tb. Optimiat Club., J.. R. Musselman Princip al Henry Street. High Sohooi il. 1

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