'Home fer the Holidaysfestive An,iiicontinu. thionth. Acivtie ftti hm ,r frijto g à t aoeos extremel>y wlayI& manager Iyiîda A hustorical wauldn tour will take place on ftursday, Der- 10, tL Brian Winter .wullhâsithte tour through time. .Tih.ev ýent begins at the four conr.After tii. tour, hot apple cidewllbe avaiable at tii Olde ,Silver' Thimble 'Quilt Shopleat the. four cores iO riday , Dec. il there will bo a candlellght open houa. with »ev" albuuineses open until il P.m. Muny businesses wllanhave cookifoâustmerslatlosnackon whil. -they .hop lelsurly- wafter 19aturdà y, Der- 12 i., Tri. of No Dq when, betw.en 10 arn. ind 4 pm, visitors to tiedwn town ares cm donate aà mini-ý ,intumc< $1 to loca cartis Each donatinsrepresentodby a colouM.ediht-on-.tii.Treo6f' débmn from clear bulbe to comlre unt0ffilsymbolise the tion asob held. Enk es have to. b. ýin by Dec.* 1.and' jûdin Mtakeepace Der.17. i! fa ily tt ýmak et. botgin -,brahoua. will wWin a pnr. On. 8atqrday ,Dec. 19, there will b. 'two 0-chi-n'breakfast' partie. witii Santa 'Claus. The >fre artwlbe he ~9 ýa.m'. an, tiéscoidparty'rillb. atý T.w parties Willbe: held at the. Centre Caf. and Coffe., Shop wher. breakfast, entertalnment anid' r.tswillhé providéd fior .ach chlld. A inominal, f.. will b. charged and spaoesare ýlimilted.' Close to Chistmas, on Dà c.'20, ther. wll b. 'Sundayý inHoe Busines .. llb.open' Sun.- ay ýfrom noon tô 4-pn.an cosume caracters willb. utrlh*ng .'the. downtown streets,, handingot candy canes. >,ý Onuaday, the BIA -will b. offering f. gift 'wrapping of cusitomerpurchass Tbrouhout, the month of Decmber, there willl b. a park-ý ing bonus, wh er. expired on-L street --parking nmeters will..b. plenished with a -dime for an itnal eigt minutes of Park- m%¶i.re lll b. siens indicating thei. location.of mffmcipal.parin lots where people. wfll bé ahi. to park for a lopger period Of time.' The annua toy drivecontinues until Dec. 16. 'New unwrapped gift-can b. dropped off at down- town financial establishments. The. toys will then b. distributed by the. SalvaionitArmy, .The Wear TN' Win Button cam- encontinues until> Christmas Tree of 1Hope Day . on Saturday, Dec. 1in downtown Charitable, .origanizations ýand servi:ce clubs 'will b. in thei. downtown' ifon0am until 4 pam. ini an eft6 .rais. fudfrmany. worthwhfle programsO. For a mmnmum donation 0f $1. members 0f tii. community ili receive a cloured light bulb to have replaced *on the,"'Tre. 0of Hoe, ocated, at the. Wiitby Each donated .bulbwil b. used treplaceýa!,white bulb-,,on the. trees ,which were lit'diuri'ng the tree-lighting ceremony on Dec. 4. The goal is to change al-tii. whit. bulbs qt. coloured bullbe to 'sybolize tii. funde raised for the nine chari ty "groups aud community m,tntionspartici- pating inhereoHpe The Head Ixrjury Association 0f Durham -Regilon provides suporît à sûd, res oure i nftormation lfor the Tg aned dtheir faies Th association also -strives to educate. the1. public ,t. tii. problems and needs of the head. mjured. Theïk station will b., at the Whitby IGA on Brock St. S. Members 0f the Durham Down Syndrome Association . will oel bulbe at Don'No Frilis on Brock St. S.' Theassciation is, a non-profit organi zation for seen b4y a 'mystery spotter" could win downtown dollars to spend at =a cn*ýa g biuinesses. Xnyonevisîigparticipating' busine9sscan receive a fre. button. Passengers riding Wiiitby Transit on Saturdays in Decem- bert will rèceive Wear "Win Buttons. The stocking draw continues until Dec. 19. Visitors to the. downtown area- can comïplet. a ballot for a chance t. win .-on. of three stockingo fi lied with gifts donated by several businesses. There is no purcase necessary in ~order to enter tiie stocking parets, rofesioals and otiiers.. orýrr improve the. quality of Uf « tiise wltii Do*nIs It prvdes parents and others with ifrainsdsupport through' monthly ,meetings, >a resource.library and-socal events. S Memabers 0f'tii. Knigiits of~ Coîumbus, -ýSt, John the. Evangeliat Council .4895, willoseil colôized buibéinlufrmo0f their hall at 133. Brock St. N. Coffe., and donuts wiilalo beofferedL The. council le very active in Whitlby and throughout Durhamn Regýin, ejroviding financial support, to numerous groups, orgnizations and individuals. Club Central ies1 a coimmuity-based porm'o indiividÙals ,who hveor, have' had apychiâtrichistoyAsa ato tliê. Caniadian Mental. eHealIi Association - Durham_ Brancii, i is >modeiled after tii. clubhouse philoeopiiy. This involves -club memîbers participating in evyery aspect of clboue icUdingtiie planning and 'preparation '0-f' mea% activities, cllecting statisticosud- other clerical work. Club Central wil oeil coloured bulbe in' frontof the, Canadisu al Bank of Commerce. f.Whitby General Hospital Auxiliary will once aanb. ar 0f the. Tre. ofHpeevent. Members will selU colouedbullbe SEE PAGE 30 I If BENNETT Chem-Dry® j I.want to invite you to share the Chrisirnas spirit with 'me, %, yý mily and my staff ýWe will be holding an openhsin my constituency offceo Sunday Deceniber 13 ýbetween 2-0o and'4:.O'0in" the afternoon., Côme enjoy some hot cider or hot chocolate and join usin gafew yuletide- ca rois. Sincerely., PS. .~ Please loin mne in-bing*nga Wr- smalilgifioro'd, item to be dle IV to a'aneedyfaily in our area. Drummond White, MPP DurhamCentre 1121 -DundasSt. E, Whitby Iir$s NE WASE PlAt EmYEorY's AF1'ERi 1380 Ho' kns ýStreet"ý Born hoffen®- BRAD.4I I i loafI ]Linai 2 Ibaves per cuto>mer with this ad. Oerexpir e usay, Deceunher 15, 1992 mcoup *~~~ Donon histrnas events-include'tur canleigt pen house c c. c c Running Out, of Timne ? cc c.c . Town of Whitby Parks andRecreation Off ers Unique and Affordable Criiae vial Christmas Gift Ideas For Christmas Gifts 0 Foikari Lessons 0' Ballroom Dancing Iessons 0 Book of 10 tickets for simning or skaing Certificates. available at Civic Recrea ion Complex "RECREATION AT ITS' IBEST"@ Whitby Fre. Proe, Wocescay, Doember 9. 1992,Page 9 "00,