WhIIby Fre. Presa, Wednesday, Deoember 9. 19W, *Page25 Devloer bem-oans loss ofbsiness downtown BY MekKowalski Town council wil da~the future of dôwntowni W v: y by-. prvnga rezoning application for 8rc 4S. locai. ldeveloper, cbargedMIdonday. Stav.wa e told councirs mtte. itmust not resone pro- rerty ut 507 Brock St. N. r rik eémotylng thedowtown"of buos is -Wagner, a partner in Dundas- Greén Developments, appeared before thei. commtte. to arque .Versa Transis saeeking-a i3Oýto Pminut a réal, estate. offce-* *the, eisà ting W4 i umimit Realtyi, now baed k>n-the, Whitby Corporate' Cent re (oWne ~ n erý), at> 209 DudsSt. E., pas to m'ove ta the BrC.St1oao. *Panning 'consuiianit IKvin Tunney, representing ,'Vera Tasad dvelop.TmNw Mantald commtte. ,,tiie ial MsttL ir r. urelrgrquar- But Wagner pl.aded with tii. committe. to réject i. applica- tion. Hsadtiher. are man mpty loa ion i Whitby ta do not req~rr.sonj1ad aresuta9 He saidmt cfdtiise locations are on CS3 oned' mad, whereas the sità in questionm-,a zoned C2, wiiich la mucii les. expensiveè. -* "I dont think we, should take tenants fom C3 properties an'd rezone outaide the. (downtawn) coré," said Wagner,. 13y dol g-is,?'ou are emptylng the downtawn,' e sad Wagner.. w:seompany, has dev eloped ,nà ime. properties . in ýWhitby, - saidhbis. Dundas' St. buildingi pas $400,00 per yearý ini taxes. But h. bas yet ta ask copni for a rezonng or'taOprie parking.. "Wétand .on our own 'two feetw sald Wagner, addlng tthat Whtbys exlstinig.downtawn cor. needs help. "Ia it necessary ta expand the. downton?he iaskod. Cy ýWison. who operates a businesti at M17 Brock St. N., welcomed the. Versa Tran. appli- cationï. "ý "This building has sat empty for four years and w. have fie buildings on Brock north that are empty,» said Wilson.. "'Ibis building would facilitate tii. spaoe. they need now."L.t's Pee 1Bauzek, ýwip- operate a vid à lso fi a neig teps he MPPWhiteto'0Propoe Social Oný Tiiurédy a u .Pr, Ontario la tii. onlypftvlnce lu stany, Durhiam Centre MPDumn Canada^ withot n leglslated Whitl White iil introduce aprivater of"al work. w miember's resolution calling f ree lac a formner cbuld welfareth Social Work Act for Otro worker, sud mar riage sud famly- thes .Social workers practis h tm counsoflor.,Ho la afrmer pro- tut our, ýcommunity'solery ç al idenit of théi.Social Work Asso- bê dren and meut vuinrbea~lu ciation in Durham Reglon. W sud yeýt social- work c mele «Ini Durham we are, moving troduc have no, recourse ta protetiotwards more sud botter. com- - from ,ùnethical or incompétent munity-based'servicso for'the carne traietionýers,"said White.ý, elderly, for familles and a sub-,,C'hanl' Ieo store neit té tie site, supported the application. wueboeme the chance ta have ighbour next door. this place Éfialusze-^I>à k .Êea ceme- W'eoTraxisnarezoning 'ainwiil now b.circula. ocomment:frmuvarimous age cies befai,. comlng tocmttee. Work-Àct uve recteve1opment'.-Of >yPsychatrie Hospital. i ýneed ta ýb. amsred that profewaionals who.' direct c>mmunity services can b. id 1tëe dealWitliour vuineï- leleous ite s resolution wil bein- ted on Timursday, at 10 anà d th. debate. will b. ëdliv. on the Parliamentary mol on telev-isionI. ACVYLChr a con Progrffm,.inclue tdetcmoition On Wednsdy, Dec. 16 m'usic ê stud.nts fiom Anderom (WlI wil perform a program o mus ia selectiona ta elbr theii Tii. program wil feature instrumental ,groupa the, Concert Band, Ju Junior and Interme Ensembles and Andeimi Vocal groupa porfb include the. Concert Ci Chry-.nnMacKean Wii.n peope hear about ochool furisers, timy generafy" b.liv. the !ti. oney raised gees ta the. chool in, on.e ay oe anotiier.-In somie cases, th"in l tru. Howeverw, it la not al of tii. itioià esop.cially ut Andersonm over the. pautt*o weeks.> Fimdraisers lld the. week befor. ,,lat, ,such as h. nprrmdý ýhoua. rà ffe , the" naadLaies, CD !draw and- tii. bak. sale, supported -a different cause Lst, week, money-raisin events mmcii asthe Siver Drive iW whiich. students donatedspr changand.tii. annual airband -Tming. part in' the. arband were four groups (actuaily five, iiowever, tiie student coundil president's band, U2, was not entered in the, contest, they wer. there a*l in good spirit). Ail of the groupa were very funny and terrific at dancing (not bad singers eitiier). First-place winners of the airband were the Banana Boat and tii.y received$100. Second-place winners wer. Erasur. receiving $50 and third place -went ta the Shup Shup girls wbinng $25. 3 includina Chamb.r -Ensemble,. Junior mnior Ban< Chamber Ensemble sud Jazz Niate Jazz Incopoatd jazz. Seectiona will include orming wifltraditionai'- and contemporary Noir, Senior arem enta of seasonal m usic, as wei as a composition by Rager King, a student in tiie music Ii~,... pogrmet Anderson. L M eÀA traditional sing-a-long witii AT audience. particiaton will '~ ,~conclu the evenmng. ~ ickets for tiie evening will b. $8 for adulte and $2 for students I and senior citiz ens. V ai Them are available from al music stdents, at tii. door on the evening_ of tii. concert, 'or by Proceeda fiom ail tiiese events went ta three fauter children sippoted by Anaderson. Anderson rsors ~bo inEcuade, age:1.As qssorled . is, a 10-year.old boy nsmed S&rnvasan wio lives in ,Andersons youngeat fauter chid sagd9. JarjooMreno lives :wolnuiand inin te tird primmary aochool. I. favorite subjecta are math and art. Jarlo hopes ta, become a police officer when h. grows Up. Wiien Jario isnt in schaol, you can'flnd hm eitiier iielping with errands or watching télevision. Tii. money raised at events belps ote feed, clothe, houa., educate and vaccinate these cldren. Andersop has b.en sponsoring children tiirougii Fauter Parents of Canada for maxiy years., When sponsor children reach a certain age when they cen work and support themselves, anotiier- child takes their place. Kirsten Stevens, a member of Andersonls student council, la the, correspondent for tiie achool. Without ber iielp, the letters recoived by tii heildren would have no anawer. calling the music department at 668-5m0. ý'Fantasia'- at "Ch ristian high echoo1 0n Tnursday,- Dec.; 17 the. Durham Christian Hlgh School (DCHS) music department wil penttheir animal. Christmas concrt eginin at7:30 p.m. Tih eholschoir and 65-piece concert band will b. rig aionwith theDu Jz &ombo and othier small ensembles. The. concert 'wll feature sélections from Handel's Memsah and a Fantasia of Christmas favourites. lickets for this musical celebration are available for $3' from any student in the DCHS music department or by calling the achool at (416)- 623-5940. Tickets wil aloo b. available üt; the. domr prier to, the concert. Tii. music department at DCHS is directed by Glenda Hul (choir) and Dennis R Ulman (instruîmental). NEX-r -PME oM. 6r_1\11 ...ALIA- EaýL'J1 M RcA1R Au> -MME WOs'qEýri,%.~w LoerýEM( STUDENTS Send submlsslons for CLASS COMICS to the. Whitby- FrePress ,BMf Gildy& Trent'sspri.ngprogram wili begin-- in Febrary Trent'»Univeruity wlll offer a- 12-weekacademic rmfrom¶'eto Aprfi 27 at Cu nOshawa. For introutomy-levelCourses in histey, :ý chology iand sa06010g ~ Iboffrelj ai course meets -two evenings a week. Althoug esion is open t al ptote students, itli sc1eJuledfor tii. covenience of iiigii sciion students who wflll graeduat.i in January. AnYsue neig information on coreamission policy oe 1eiaruin should 'attend: the -n Ã"mto ssin onJan. 6 fromn 4 to- 8 p.m. in, the Oshawa Public Ià brary auditorium For furtiierinomtn or ta obtain a cop>r cfthe. spring part-tim. studies ln Oshawa at 416-723-9747 oe in Pero-ou at 705-748-122. I ~ I -. _________ < ik'i