Page 22, Whilbyt Fre. Pross, Wednesday. Docember 16,1992 Iiithe spirit 1ogivin WHITBY Montesson School students> Jennifer Kent (left) and Morgan lambert. unload toys at- Elegance Hair Design. Students and parents, donatedi a piaypen f Ili of- toys to Eiegance's dnve -for Denise House, whi h continues through Dec.. 24. The salon 1aisoe asking foi donations 'of womens' cbthing. PAUL GORMLEY and moin Helen of Durham CF Chid p2c up a cheque froin London Life reps (frein ieft)Jm Clmenhaga, Jerry Sobie and Ian Donaldson.The money was raised'through a slo-pitch toumamient'the company sponsored in August. FROM LEF, oira' Fenner, Di anne. General.Hospital, 'attended a charlity event Prescott, 'Maureen Canfieid, Patti ýKeller at the new Slzzier Restaurant Ail proceedsý and Melanie.. Price,, ail representing Whitby 0f the day went to mle hospital. MEMBERS of the 8th B Whftby cubs with food they -coliected for St. Vincent's KiR- Mhun. The pack challenges other cub packs to do tghe saine. LENISE PARRY, Mana DanÎtà a nd 'Heldi Tslnokàs of Vaientino's 'are shown wfth'a glantChris"tias stocking, filied w'th toys to. be given 7to thé- Saivaflon Arn. customers 'ho donute. toys or canned, foods have, a win pdzes. Phoôtm by Mak Rieesr, Matthiew Stolk and-, PeterTomâbin*