Whitby Froè Press, Wednesday, Decembor 16,1992, Page 25 Doistra has-concerns aosout Wibstdy PROM PAGE 1 Heo said soccer filds and an open space area on *Henry St. would disappoar, future rosi- dents would b. plagued by noise ftom trains, and parkinig would- be a prbiem. DoIstra also objects te a «small industrial Ùuse» proposed- for hazards lands near Pringlo Creek. "I think w.* should revlew the whole thighesad Dolistra a so pointe to the num- ber of local, regional and provin- cial gov erninnt agencies, that woulcl be involved ini the develop- ment procesa. "TMe report- strongly recom- mends the Town enter mto nego- tiations -with the other group regding the relocation ofthe j 1,1 highdensities» said Doistra. el ha ve real problema With the GTA -(Greater Toronto Area),, I don't want us, to b. -part of Toronta4" Dolitra said ho wiil accept the Dillon study as "oniy» a report., «We've corne so far to get Port Whitby where it is today, let's not blow it,» he said. But councillor Marcel Brunelie cautions that the study is mereiy a uconceptual idea7 ider!tifying whattype of deveioprnent in fea- sible M tho area. "It's important that there- be a pianned direction in. place for future development oprfl- tios,» said Bruneile. oprui '~ehave had peopie a proeoh us- who are loolong at the erea and asking what's Planned-there. «Tu1fs study o pens up the area te what's psible.» A Whitby splanning departmont' report states, that :the stuidy Was net. "drivenby a particulaûr deve-' * iopmentprogoesal or privýate sEec- tor interests. Aithough'the OntarioMinistry of TransBportation funded tbie major portion of the $50,000 study, staff notethat thearo vine il nt ncesei1 ap ci- pato ini impiementing thie pro- posais. AFS re cruiting fo'r exchan'ge, program SAfSl Interculture C anada, the country's -leading .international student exciionge organization.. is recruiting next year's clas 0k young Canadians, aged 15 te 18, who wvill study abroad. The young people chosen .te participate i the prograni will live with a host famly and study in a local high schooi. Familles have been carefuliy solected* te heetstudents For. more information, contact the national office, toil fre, at 1-800-361-7248. 'i. LIA Jennifer Ayling FATHER LEO-J. AUSTIN The Christmas season je in ful force at *Austin this woek. Ms. Hfinos has. decorated the office with holly and ribbons. 0f course; Santa Claus and Frosty cardboard imitations of them, anyway) are aiso hanging -from the wals. Candygrame have been .soid, giving students a chance te wish their frionds and sweethearts a Monry Christmas. Adding te our Christmas decor, a painting of 'Homer Ciaus' now bang. in the drama room. The only tbixig missingfrn the fostivities i'. miistietoe;,but, then again, maybe it'. for the best. Father Loza clebrated speciai Christmas m asses with ail grade levels, as w. remembered the true meening cf the holidays. Austin'. third annual book fair was held in the library at week. Manybooka were soid. Special thankto 'Santai Ciancy' for giving students and parents the opportunity te purchase. these booksa, which make greet stocking stuffers. Austin'. concert band, led by Mr. Caley, nrformed for students from St. bîernard achool. The bondrplaed a variety of songe iluding, «A Medley of Christmas Carols,' Rock Around the Clock' and a mediey from 'The Little Merrneid.' The childron and staff really erjoyed the performance* and would like te thank the bond members and Mr. Caley lor an ernjoyabie morning. Strong winds; slippery road conditions, and the xnost snow in years couidnt keep Austin students- from attonding the biggest and best <ance of the year. Austin'. somi-formal 'Mr. Big <ance was held on Thurs<lay night. Students were heard saying, 'We Just Can't Cet Enough 'and spent. the night 'Staing Alive' and doing the 'YCA.' Everyone agreed that the music was much botter this time and that this was by far the best <ance ever heid at Austin., Each <ance at Austin hâs been bigger and botter than the-,at and there'. ho doubt about it, student council really outdid thernelves this time. Thanks te Dave Brennon and, student council for organizing this awesome <dance. This wiil be my lat article until. school resurnes agein in Jenuary, so I would lik o tewish everyone à a safo and happy boiday. I hope Santa brings you ,rvtLig your 'hartdesires, and remember, until. wo meet. again -- koep sriling. Cheryl-Ann MacKean ANDERSON.' C.-V.I. Christmes! Christmas:1 Christ- mas! Do I hear -a groan or two? Or perbaps a sign of recognition? Got your Christmas shopping doue? la the tre. <ecorated?- IIHow about ail of those bofore- Christmas-essignrnts that are due te b. handed in? Cet those doue yet? Christmes- has becorne commorcialized. No, I am nont just realizing this. Why? Christmas expressions such as:, 'I dont know what te got se-sud-se,' ' So-and-so are se hard te buy for,'. and «'Bai humbug' have become as1 conimon as 1a, glass of egg nog on Christmnas What evor happoned -te wanting te, make'or buy a gift'for sorneone? Now people feel obligated te, havé 10.3 presents per person on a list that gets longer and longer every year. Surme people don't even Içnow Who it i. that they're buying for. - Sond'that client in Denver a free, turkoy 50 that he'il feel obligatod te do business with me in the now yoar." I. this 'what i. albouls down to? And who i. this.d Santa character? The. spirit of Cmritmas, you say? I think net. Saint Nicholas lived in Turkey and at thoe ge of 19 became a priest. Later heo ervod as a bhop, and ho<ied during tho A.D. 300., Out of kin<lness,-ho gave a poor nobienas three daughters a dowry oach., For this ho become. fanous worldwide?- Is Christ--mas, about this Santa Claus or Christ? Okay, some' say that-Santa, Claus iste1pii o Crstinas and ho adds excitement, and won<ler at Christmas for. chil<ren., Perhaps we should expbain -,te children first'about their Savieur, thon about ihe legenclary Santal- Claus. Peniiope we should al stop for a minute and .remnbor 1,what Christias ws truly celbbrted for. Maybe ýwe should lot the ,spirit of iving"corne otis of us and lot oie' Saint Nick-rost in pea9e. JAN BALL ha s up one of the mrations by art students at Henry Stret h ool.Tgehr the works make Up what the students have called their 'FIyin9 Festive Cheer.' Brooklin scuiptor W.B. Fraser worked with the students, and he says the exhibition represents "students' feeling at this time ai year." Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitthy Free Pres