o M2, Wtby Fr" Promo.Wo 1dnesdy. Docomber 23, 1e92 tA One. mowy -wmntor daylMr&. Cboverwtto ver 10 lb. window. Oh. épen.d flb. wlndow suad aaw .niwbeautfiziwhito ýsnow. 8h. UO ;happ~y tah. ewoke up Mr. Cbover sud .btld hlm t10corne 10 lb.wlndow 10 s " e o mzw. S. b. wslked ulowly out'ofIe b.d "ud iooked out the 'wndow. H. 1o aw mm. Hesaidin a ioft veto., "lhats mce dear." And ho w.nt 0b.d.' -_ ra. Clover went downstalrs 10 maké,breakfasit. Whon ah. hbond a knock at -th. door. 8h. w*à lkd ovor 10 b. domrand lookod ont in. tb. window. 8he opened the door sud'rnwa little by wi1h an olJ ah, ýcoûld, hm, bi en, The 11111e boy aadm we ,vS*"Chang e r lhe Poor mpim. "Md on, O.."And iâe. went t10 herpgzrs. 1get nome change. -But wh.n ah. loood ini ber purs. ah. two > doar bu.0. a'h. took. 1h. tuwo doDabi1iad puthIt luth. alI* <f 1h. ýcan. Te.11111e boy said; "Ycu wil b. rewardM,." lMrm Cbover loked ,at 1h. boly .luna stI~Itdyou mean?" But lb. by, à led away. on thalon day, Mrs. Cbovei had 10go t10th.oe mtôbuy Bm.n e S5h. put on ber wnter jacket sud boots because it waa stili snowing. 5h. started waUdng down h tréet when ah. saw a li11e boy. 8h. thougbl ah. knew " at facebefore but ah. dddt knÃow where.. 8h. ikepl walklng down, lb. slihy sidlewalk sud ca'me 101th. store., As - h was waidng. back ah. saw the boy again. 1But Ibis lie ah. juat kept on walldng sud dlidn't stop. .Whon ah. came 10 ber houa. ah. openied, 1h.'door sud wenl luade.-5h. put the eus lu lbe fridge sud'saw 'thal lier fridg. wss ful of food. 8h. ranuWupaan sd tld Mr. Cbover. H wen. downst*,"s sud opened tl. fridgo. Il was 1h., samneas il was beforo. H.ead "You are just seeing But isý. -Clover knew ah. 5h. ignorod the problem sud nmdohorseif a warm cup ofltea. »Th. noxI day was Chrlstmas Ev. sud 0e~cywaa gelting readly for Chrstnias. Aq lira. Clovor wasgltn r.ady t10go to0 b.d. 8hthoughl about wbat th.elle boy mosu.t.. 8h. ýwoko up th. next day sud wnt downstaù-rs- 8h. iookod under lb. re. aend fouhd tons of proet.. .Now a.kn.w wbat the 11111e by muaant.ti ýtdy ruice Grade 6 - ~ M. Huard PS. SANTA C$tAUS Geo, 1 hope S.nt~isosbr Our chinney~alda Ibope Mr. Clau.kept Santa, As hbi hlg e ell Pa cfmermal&g WiW»gIe sd wobb1eadown tlb.- chimneà r 1 hope Saunta brofighî ota.cf presents fc me He. big wbite. bear ncow cvered with»J.~i Stands cut l 1k.a to in lua fruit .He drope bis sack-with a loud Thwnb bbendado n ookingin But-thon cornes o with a box without a tag ~itfor me? Iw 2spie o Jusm1-b ef oryt and looksata me As I doze off tb sleep. Glen Dhu PS. Christ was bon HoDy te put on Wreatbs Eaoy choeka on Santa mêiles Slanta Cbsu' Time cf yoar ob. JollY Making a Christmas dinner Biliy McQueen Grade 6 L.Sennett P.8. BET4ANKUL. -"Cbriatrnaim e,: l a a"timefor givng and gA timefor lËh f tb$ngf that you are for. L 'ayI au bve - a home.sud you[ ae']nol; boro' 11k.~ ~ C pepel fia thankful for wayou bà ve. Shelby -Goidnm Dr. Robert Thornton P.S. SNOWPEOPLEs The mxow la falling on 1h. ground, Little snowflaka al around.. 1' Lo make a onowman, a sriim*too, -A bal, a nos., a ucarf or two. They wil b. jolly just 1ke us, I hope no on. wrocks it when we leave on 1h. bus. They, dIil stand as lai as laù as a W. wll make them yoiu sud me!. BrianMest <West Lynde PS. 7%b- 0 WETMNSEUnited Church wilI have -service. Humans-(and animais), are.,shoýwn live animhais as part OfURS Chrisimas-Eve rehearsing the manger scene. Phoo byMtkRlrKRV<.hIIbyFm. M«s SELLINO HITA C la for candflelight. H in for holly. R la for reindoor thal1 Sauta'. legh. I la for Inuit. S la for su îrpu > T lsfor tins.ta ,angs ci Ire.. M la -for Mary moIheý cf Jesu A las for angle that watebsa US. s laM for Sauta th.ejoiy nian DOWN THE SFAnRs MY- yfrvouritopartOf the yoar la gaing down th. stairs, pulls To me ail of 1h. presenls.ý If theres non., wbo ceres?' I know Ibat lt's a big part >But foer th.,Ida who are bas' n are fortunate 1'glad 1do wha Ican 's. i. CM Stvn Be= 7 SEL John lb. Evaýig.11st.ochool Ellon Johnson -,Grade 7 Glon Dhu'PS. TWAS lHE DAY AIRm Trwasbt dahaeerChristinas sud ail =rogh h. partinant .verbody was stirrlng even th. meuse.. lb.eookinga wh.ze peck lu lb. clc.'wth cars lu hope. Ihat lhe Eastr bunny èo" woid b. ther., lb.* blidren awak. makingthora bodaetipg. th. 1urer lumtat danced lu thora h.ads.-~inu er dresa,'I lu .?y sit gaI ready le, cook the deer for- are soup. And> thon in a moment cf slenc, for we wr. saylng oui prayers.for are giorioua fe. .. way 10 1h. table w. ýflewike a -a ýtor openîthe r a su tIre up the pan&. lb. oh n thor. plate glared lu thora, eyos. Blinded them for a few macona. W. rubbod ae ayensd bsd a great lime. WhaI 1 wondorng oye. abould appoar th. soup lasted greal but wo céuldn't It" lhe deer. The lur.y was dry sud nobody a$e. Thoy thought il. wss gros..Anid wanted smre bats. More rapd Ihen bawks th. days flew hbr.. W. knew luina moment w. wculd- mon bave su Esatr surpria. PS. M.rry Easter.. Carl Diro at. rmsth LETRflTO SANTA DerSanta. > bis yeer Biily sud I wilb give you a presont. Love, Caltlin Hanrahan -Grade 1 Palmerston.S. WINIUWS NIGET Blow windbiow! Sr euttwrgy wlrl lbore M à bodoom in a tru., Jus whré r.Squirrl cmn b. a. coq as me! That nulloaw.rebella Snow lanboer now la the. Santa infling me.b h. ar. Rudolph ahd s goig nOo ielads lb. sbutg To peoplels homes. In a snow cave warm sud lighl, Through th. icy winter nigt The r tbbi leepa l. peh e fu hours away, Mi tb. break cf nndday. Scold wind acoldi Bo latter sud .0 boldi Shkig b.wlndow With yor ap, tap. With-hsf-Ohut yes,, The tired baW~ lias. With lb. cal curled, Up I =M 4.fat saiooplbed, BuE ..1r la mzuggbod by lb.firs. And imother à bakinç,ýý On lbal woadorfb intes W Oron 4PS. WHAT CI~M S 18AL Chit a for bappms. Christmas is;for pent.. Christmas in for, proet. Christmnas la for-. ow. Christmas 's'for cà l.ý Christmnas la for familles. Christminlafor fGod Christmaslà for warmth. Christmnasuà for milk. Christmas lafor holinos. Chr*istmaà in for MY CHRISTMAS. Nevin Marki Grade 2 NOEL" NOEL Noëls NoGljador Noi cadeaux, ca,,deaux, j'adore les cadéaux, Père Noil, Père Noli j'adore le Père Noli Lutin, lutin j'adore les lutins < mère Noil, Mère Noôi j'adore la Mère Noël< cannes de bonbon,. cannes ,de bobnJ'adrees cannes d bonbon rd 'l * Froty, Frosty j'adoe rosty Rdophe, Rudoîphe j'ador, Ruldoip ho La&fi. Sophia Godoy Grade 3 F.M. Heard P.S.- I 1k. Christmas because -- snow fails ail around, belle ri ng, elves pack koys, reindeer jump over rooftops Sana las ring us presents! Amanda Kldd GradelI Palmerston P.S. THE BOY AND THE Once ther, was a 'lho bo n__d y 'i. yan was 10 ears old and bà dbeautiful brown hair. Ryn ~rnts own6dfarm iùù-that bad a Ijý of animali "'Ryan jus adored thé anim-palsýè,Mepday thé donkey.-Rya..,ould go out",ei day sud -ride the' do ey, but on. day Ryan -tgried "0rid th donkeybut the dnky as1 sick. Rsnwas sedthat'the donkey would die, S he r an as fast as bis little legs .could carry hlm. When' Ryan reached t& houae. h. eleld for biis. d Ryýandad came running. .outý.,of th. bouse. "What 'lanWrourg? "MY doakey las oc.k- Ne-. in .th. f >hm ua." Ryau sud bhl dad -rau b ,where lb. donkey WM. Rtysu.dad look.d -at i .n 1111 very clo.eiy thon md&," W. bott _'adn ' . ta eý-d t'e. what' Ryan did.As onias th. dîcbar av* hor RU atýr"taC. c Thelb lot of preonts but noeoCM waa around. Whon Rysu n was' ail lb.e wayminthebarn bis mmand dad jumpod eut sud arpr isdhm." Rysu em kn. yoiiiiimeidécrn out so vaesurpriaod yon. "Tank yoe sud Merry Chrialmasto ymL Yaoe.aa R.dmd Grade'5