Puo10, WhilbyFoe Pree, Wednmday. Deoegber 30, 199- Atourof the bird feeder trafi at, Lynde Shores Conservation Areain W.itb ii wil le held on 2.,Contrai I"ein iýt* 8onservation Bird'feeede'r-tourJan",10 Authorlty stfwilcnduct the', ta sM. ifferent aece obid. uvival tcnfus,1ird eld tor iicludes opportunities Stafff wldisswnerbrm fees andIcds n attrating wildlife to one's back- Btrdseowllbe pvdedté, food the lcikadees. Formoreinformation* oeil 579 0411'. YOR M DEA4LERS ARE CUTTING O0URHOTTESIý BOXING WEEK SALE EVER! 1992 CHEVROLET including Lumina (siown), Cavalier, Corsica, Beretta, CapriceO & Lumina APV. Gao" 1992 GEO including Metro (sliown),, Storm &,Tracker. "19920OLDSMOBILE including Olds 88 (shown), Ciera, Achieva and Cutlass. 1992 CHEVYTRUCKS > iricluding Astro van (shown), Blazer, plus Fuil -Size and' Compact Pickups. Cl Thaseof0"a May not b c bined or used ln comblnatlon with ny otherotffar eptIthe ColIaeG4aduate Programf. OUMerappyýto 1992 new'ý, unad or diemdnstratormodela PUrcaafrom du"aerlnato.y. Offér vidid until January4, 19 3hliqa s~UaatandapiostoretaJildeliverlesônly. Cash backofférlncludaa oeT Flnancing otffravallablawlth nollmton thamouhtflnancad, toqualifled ratalibuyers financlngth9irpurchaaaahrough GMACon a malmu4ntract:&cmp1e* For $20pOOfinancd over 4months et2.9% APR. the monthly paymentlos441i, thec"ofoboroWfg la Sl.204O andthe tMalamoun ttoberepaldla$2,I0&4Aaaumînga, robateaof $3OOastaftea mat eshouldyou choosaathe reduced enarclng rata,ýleglslatl orqures thatthe amunt of the rebatê mustibe Included in theboit bf borrowing ln orderto airveet an effectivelnrtrt M& In thoe .emple glven, theeffective Intret rate wou'M be .9% APR, nd the toW lcoat of borrowng, lncluding the rebatsnrot takin, wotId le $4»&4(L Some condition apply. Sueyour partictping dealer forcomplete delaih. t These offérs may no< be comblned cr used ln comblnallon w.fh apyothe offer excapttha ColeGraduate Pmogran. Offers apply tg 199M e unuaed or doionstrWor modela purchased from dealer Invantory. Offér valld until M'l OR'UP'TO. $ CAS-H'BAC.K* 48 MONTH 59%FINANCINGt ONII $ 12.9 0/o N OT FO R 12, 2 4, 3 - 6j BUT FOR 48 MONTHS! li,