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Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1992, p. 13

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,Whitby Fee Paus, VWeckesday, December 30, 92 ae1 unheaten, ini4., I%. Whitby hautain A team, sponsrd by Aandow York Glass, was on a four-gaine uudefea±ed streak going into the -Chrisltmas break With strong ageuv play; WMhy had thre wimna and a tie. Their firat victim 'waa Oshawa Adfea±ed 9-3 on goals by Brad Oliver (two),, Kevin Lrkl ike EIiott, Jeif Malcolma,Mk Log Trevor Van Egmond, Jeif Rnaland Krys Rose. Their next competition waa Uxbridge againot whom they bufit up a 5-O lead and coasted to an easy 6-1 victory,- with goalsby Steve Holbiaki (two), Darryl 'Vbtlock, -RSe, Longo and MEMBERS. of the -Whltby 'Dundas Cenitre Guardian Drugs minor atom AAA.hockey team chlpped In to >make Chrlstmasmerrleriý for, a local famlly. Team members were divided- intoý five groupa of three, wlth each group buyung food, týoy or Phot byM" msos WitWFr.. Prees Atoms settie foÃ"rD titi The Whitby mluor atom A hockey teain won the D ciiam- pionship fial t the.Bowman - vil hitmas'Classic Tourna- ment. Whitby o their opein p e 2-K over Bwa le but. then bast two straight sud were relegated te tii. D division final wiiéitiiey won by a score of 7-1 over Newmnarket...< Against Bowmanville, David, Morasse ope et. scoriug for Whitb, sponisored by R.P. OÙi Ltd. &Yan Rourke sud Reece. ]Robertson had assista. Ryan Me aney got the. in- aursuice goa *th tbiree minutes left in-theain.z, scoring on a bîréàaway pass froin Chris Trin- kunas. Gpabie Josii Hughes' got the Shutout, sud-ho wa supported by tii.fine defence of Trinkunas Dana Bloom, Luke Harden suc! Rysu Mene. Whitby thon, foîl 3-2 te tth. Markiam : AA teain.- Bennie SA heepera scored for Whitby juat 25 seconds int'o tii. game, redirectlug a basat from Bloom. Ga"'yfitamura assisited. Markhiamtied it, then Morasse scredwith assista from Harden ud Rorke - Markham' tied tii. gaine on a power play lu the. second period, and mith less thsu four minutes remanng lu the third, scored. the. go-ahead goal. Whitby -thon lest 2-O te Scar- borough Stallions who advanced te, the. A final. 1Scarborough scored on the firat- shift suahd a*gain luthe dying, momenta 0f thegaine. .Againt Newmarket, Kitainura scored ýtwogoals. Robertaon sud Cipparoneêeach had two assista. Selects lose tournamen t opener Whitby novice 7, selecta need two straigiit victorien te ulf for the. semi-fnlas-of thei'North Toronto hockey tournazuent. Whitbyto bat their opening game 6- Thornhibl. Way1ne Turcotte played, lu goal for Whitby lu the. fraàt half sud was under constant pressure. Camneron VonuEschscholtz scored two goals sund David Arnold. had one for Whitby, ahlu thefluird period. Scuba diving courses offered Tii. Ajax Scuba Club will offer scuba d1v courses beginning Jan. 31 at the Ajax coinmunity centre. Cost is $275, sud lucludes'al instruction. use of.- equipment, opn water rixporience certifica- hon sud one-year inembersiplun the. club. For moro information 'cal Mike Rosa at 619-2159 -or Andrew Secord at 831-7765. The. third gaine was against *the. Oshawa Red Wingswho, with the. hel oif soin. excellent goetendfing, held Whitbhy te a 1-1 tie. ýWitby's goal waascored by Malcolm late iu the third'period. Whitby's moet recent victoey wa~anet Port Perr who, a:lth clrstcame out seon ea na 2-'1 gaim.. Scoring for Whtby to give thnem their third vietoryin four gaines were Whitlockand Macùdm._ S Goalies. Rob- Fodoir and-.Steve Basting have both played-well lu net, combining for -only six goals against iu the four gaines. Novices win 2, ose 2at tournament.'ý The, Whitby m j or novioe AA hockey teami had twonwins aud' two lsés at a tournament iu Llndsayrecently., The Whitby teain, ponsored by Goldwing System&s urces lue., lbat'2-1 te inÃ":Edsay *before defeating Belleville 3-2- sud Osh- awa 7-O. Whitby then needed a victory te, reach the final but lost 2-O te Port Hope. Scott Wilson had* thrée goals for Whitby in. the tournament. Matt Hircock, Lucas Naylor and Bon Stauton each had two goals whub. Chris Simpson, Justin Giles sud Nick Verkuyl each had onle. Ian Parker, Andrew Greenen and Ryàn McMichael osch hladt two" assista. Stauton Verkuyl, Naylor,' Wilson, Gi! os, Scott Beothain and Justin Potter esch had on. aosst '. Julian Owen ,t the shutout lu the win oe awa. In lakeshoroleg1 1ay Whlby defeated Peterrough 5 O behmnd shuto;ut. goaltendinig by Danrylforser Stanton, Simpson, Potter, Hir- cock'aud Giles eeach liadt a goal. Potter, added two assista *-hile Hircock, Naylor, Stanton and Simpson esch had on. Whitby also had an 11-4 win over West-Hihluisuanexhibition contest. Naylor, Simpson sud Giles each scored twogols *wit n l- gles by Potter Wiïlson, Verkuyl, McMichael auJ Hircock. ,Naylorý and Tom Ricica each had three assista; Vr tSimp-' so Jifchut two eh;otr, Mc Lcae, Gilkes, Greenen, Parker-*Michael Jam6es Atkins Beethain sud Stanton eh.,hai onie assit. WitbY-Lionesa wenB ringetto, .teain defeated Port Perry 54 o.n 'Suu'day., th H ý tb goalie Héiator urstý thwaredmauy Port Perry scor- ing chances. O n 'the attackAugela'IDunu snd Brea Blight each scored twice. while Jessica 'Williams scored the other goal sud had su asBiot. Ainsley Hunt had two -assista while Dana Frew hadl on. lu the' gae,played l Portjperry Atoms ;ýhold- ftindraiser h Te Whitby mluor atom A hockey teai ecently conducted Winners were ArIen. Frazer of Whitby who réceived a country stufed bar ud EilyPleau'of Hapton,wiorcie a Christ- mas boot., . Organizers of the. fundraiser' were Jan Mendes sud Irene Rut- tàn. new service hours - - - - I *. -- - I I ONLYI OIL CHAN GE 95 Expire January3l st, 1993 with this coupon C - --ARS Alea A M i- t Te am teffort WITH THIS COUPON

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