OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 _N6 HOSPITU-T TRAVEL and TOURII HOTEL and REÈSSTAURRAN OPERATIONS iDNA Cm ±iAsIR: ±SIDE1 1 ASTAN SECRETARIAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DEITALi' BOOKKEEPING, EXEteUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley FartuRd. 420-1344 UNIVERSITYXOLLEGE 'STUDENTS Summer 'management positions stili availabie bu t filing' fast wlth COLLEGE PRO PAUNTERS. Run your own business in your home town, and,,earn $1.0,000. I * srwat(11 5 8M e te2 3fo oe ifomaio. - a a EARN MONEY readlng -booksi $30,000/year Icarne potentiai. Details: 1-805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. $200 $500 WEEKLil! Assemble products et home. EMV, nô seiling. You're pald direct.Fugiy guaranteed. No experence necessai. Oeil1-504-641-m7780 ext. 142, 24 hours. TELEMARKETERS WANTED. Noexperience needed. Fuil- and part-time. Guaranteed commission Mlus, dally cash bonuses.UAJýply in' person, Mlonday to ýSErday, 1 &M.- -5&p.m, idW Suite 204, 965 Dundas St. W, Whitby. EXPIERIENCIEDIECEPTIQNISTI assistant for growlng dental, ofie. Ms kehe pIn1eople and be ....... .. ~ I.... m .ur... $ EARN $ AT HOME $ EASY $ Mallreceiver/processor. Send 4 x 9" 'BASE to: ,AI Moreau Publication, Ext. 0W, Box 423, Midland, Ont. 14R 41-1. EDUCATIONAL consultantltutor. B.A., M. Ed., Speclaiist -Speclai Education. ElementarSecond- ary, Aduts. ax-perlencâd. References. Oalil 668-0851 alter 5 p.m. or weekends. ni had-a vory good response to my ad - a lot of phono catIs." E.M. Wee Care Day Cire Centre, .Ages 2 ta5 Fuil lime rate $99 Day cure Fuit days, Nursey achool, Half days, Junior krindergarte 1 gablihod1978 686-1161 (Ajax) BAKER, UMIL & CANADIAN experlence, tooklng for empioy- Met ln OshaaWhitby ares. Oel Bill, 668-8622. <'OSHAWA IQDRIVINO SCHOOL, Osaa*728-0091 Full Drivers Education Courses JANUARY 12TH Tues. to Thurs. 4 Day Course JANUARY 16TH Saturdays 4 week course, PR! VA TE LESSONS. REGISTEREDP'VEBYH ONAI AFEVTY E A MATURE, REUABLE SITTER needed -to came for two chiidren, Maonday to Frlay, 4 pjn. - 12 arn. DundauCochrar» ares. 668-6108. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of two availabe to car. for your child. Lunches provlded. Reasonabl rates. Excellentreferences. West Lynde ares. 68-4006. HANDYMAN- SERVICES - Clean yad, basemnents , cut trees. Soehlng to seii? bail 655-3004. Texture Suraving Painting (oxtrîorfinteiO) 'Trim Free ostimates PAINTER . WITH ýOVER 22- years' expenence neëeds.resldentiai work. Call, Clarendoe for f ree estimate. 668-5562. CUSIOM DESIGN and dress- making.- Weddin- a-devenlng gowns, bridesmaici & graé suite, etc. Renovation.- and alteration. Garments aimar made' from a GRANDMA Sý COMPANY offers GREEN cieaning of residences and, offices. Alil our -ladies are seécurity- checkeèd,.through. the. police. Bonded and inMured. ýChamber member. Knock yur sockçs off serviceli. 725-9177,1(24 hour answerlng). EXPERIENCED DAY CARE available lin my home. Ref«ernce, safety, fresh- air. Agýes .+ LofthouselAndersol. 668-70259 Joanine. SMLL WORLD NURSERY achool. -*xpandlng is Tuesda,' Thuruday momlng program. Sp "M a all sJanuary 5. i!M bfltration Informatibn, cag ----------M--0-M--nul- COMPUTER ELECTRONICS' TECHNOLOOY BUSINESS APPUICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS, 1-23 , DBASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING BUSINESS, ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES: ACCOUNTING 1' Financlal Assistance May Re Avalabie 2 Campuses Un Durhami PRE-PAUD WORD ADS (Cash, VIS$Aj choque received before deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61+ 390 GST) 15 eac h,,dditonal word;(140 +10 GST) BILLIED -.WORD- ADS » $8.25 for 20 words; PLUS-GST 1 50 each additional word; PLUS GST 93s peragate U!ne (14,agate lines per inch) minimum.charge:*$1 3.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY'ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS <Ads wth bordors, pictures or graphics) Regular display. rates apply!- 990 per agate une Minimum size 1 column inch $13.86 CON'rINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $10.89 PER COLUMVN> INCH. G.S.T. is éxtra on ail ads unloss otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon pnior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Please check your advertisement for. errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiil not be lià bie for tailure tc publish an- ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error Up to a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Pross reserves the, right ta classify or reject ail advertisements.- The aystem that provkide... *Unscheduied home visita onadre quality care for your chîld " Fully tralned providers rocelve ongolng Ageriçy sugport " Rehmable local bock-up covers Provider Ilineaor holdays " Oornpme elnsuranoe coverage " Incarne tax recelpt *Ohlldrensabxweeu sand up *Fuil or part-time For mmeInfigmaton oeil: 686-3995' a knsdA.ny Specializing in Early Chiidhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Ferry St, Whitby,668-9476- CUNDY'S ALTERATIONS' & Custom TaIiodid. For aIl' yrü sewing nes ethr edngs, custom dsga.Tuesda -Frcldv 10 - 5:30-, iurdaV. ntmeflt necessary. 1-,01 112 S.W. (Pearsonr Lanes). 430-6550. CM VIDEO ELECTRONICS:' Specializing ln VOR., sterbo, radio TV repâr. Profesioal, tecni 668-0629. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-uphoisterW of antiques. Al kinda of recovenng. You'r fabrlc or mine.. Fr4 est"mates. 'Over 40, years experience. 430-7568, Whîtby. Ruus Wl l'hs" ELECTRICIAN. whalevri Pre5OtliStOs. , At 66&-21-27, Whitby, Ont. WILL'DO ODD JOBS, lame& smali. Tres branch cleah-u, insail garage- door openers.- Hav own truck. Reanable rates. ,668-2742. CAR PENTRY. & ROOFING repaire., Fre estimates'. 427-6212.