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Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1992, p. 19

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CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY -NOTICE 0F INTENTION The Ceuncil of the C o frrtno the Town of Whtty intends to pas by-la O stp0, 708seasean untravelled portion o! rc Street Soth,tas shown below, belngmpsed of Part of Lots 8and 9 on the. west aideofBrock S»t Met. okCPlan HffMdssltgnatod as Part 2 on Plan, of Siurvey 40R-14533. The 0prtin omite of Counicil will meet on the .evenin~ f Mody auary4 93i omte omO.o the Whltby MunIIpl uldin.55Rsln oa aLWl.frthe purposo lf aringayernwh amhiorhranwlib prejudcdally afedby the y-as ny personwi2ingte ment with the Committe. is asked to) advlse the Tow Clrkaccrcngly no later than lbursday, December 31, 1992. Donald G. McKay, Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Rload East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 PERSONAL LOANS from $1,000 and up for an y purpose. Quick approvals. 436-8104., THANKS TO 'ST. JUDE and the Sacrod He@ait of Jesus fer faveurs rocelvod. M the Sacred Heart of Jesusb. adored, glorifiod, lbved and preserVod threughout, the world .new and foremer. Sacred Heart cf Jesu pray for us.'St. Judo, werker of miracles, pray fer us. St. Judo, helper cf the hoperess, pray fer us. St. Judo, hoaler cf the elck, pray fer us. Say this prayor nîne times a dayfer. ninoé days. This prayer. has neyer fallod, and your prayers will bo answorod. Publication must be promlsod. MG & CH. BAHAIS BEUEVE: Know thou cf a certalnty that love le the secretof God's holy dispensatlon, thé manIfestation 'et f the ail- merciful,,thê founitain cf spiritual aut-pourings. For information and discussion, oel 668-8665. ON YOUFt NEXT ViSIT te K(ingston, why net visft an Irish fortune toleèr?, Gall Mary ad' (613) 547-7829. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday tb Flday 9a.m.to 9 M. SPECIAL AUCTION FRUDAY, JAN.. 1 AT -I1 kM. LEMONVILLE COMMUNa~Y OENTIE -ON MCWN RD.'. Antiques, colloctabls, -prImftives, 1lssarantique docks, dishos. Trscah. EARL GAUSLIN, AUCTIONEER 640-3079' SPECIAL NEW VEAR'S DAY ANTIQUE AUCTION >FRIDAY JAN. 1- 12 NOON t'EToNiLLEAUCTION CENTRE HWY. #2, NEWTONVILLE 786-3151 New microwave even, 5-pc. French Provincial bedroom ste., child's white dresser, desk & nlght standne 10-pc. oak din. rm. ste., wlng-kkhairs, ornately carved conteur eak rocker, dressers. Set of 4 Jakos & Hayes chairs and matchlng amin chair,. set ef 4 T-back oak chairs, set of 6 oak din. rmn. chairs,. eak din. rm. table, miahôgany double pedostal din. rm. tableteakwoed din. rm. table &4. chairs, buffet, buffet hutçh. 011 on canvas, studio prints, ' limlited mantie ciocks, wal docks, oval Mpicture trame wfth bubble. glass, bIl & claw pian stool, bail & claw occas. table, scalped-edge occas. table, prosse-bk rocker, dra>p-bat socretary, English oak dry slnk, smoker's, stand, wlcker plant stand, wicker cradie, wlckor room dMvders, hand-carved & slgned decoys. Advertisinng dock, slgns & p ushbars, cast Iran Aunt Jemnima, Uneche Remus, sterlii siiver coins & modaiiions, violin, Gordie Howe poster, old comics, oid calendars, miIk bottie tops, ration* tokens, stamps & Icards, Winston Churchill photo, royal pictures, Coke & Pes mernorabilia, cracks, botties, lnteni amps, doil's crib, iamres, smail appliances, tin toys,a some tools. Plus: 1979 Thunderbîrd, Ioaded, ln gooid condition, easy tc'ý- certlfy, and much more. Terme: cash or good cheque with l.d. Snack bar on, promises. JIM COUCH DALE SMITH 9.87-1W4 723-7938 Wipotriilt(Qaffect a!Ln PROM PAGE 14 around mid- te lower-back, and the legs are ixtertwined. If inimersed in water, two anti-clrewning teèhniques te use inclucle! 1.-Treacling water' - tbis involves the slow, continuous movement of the orea of the arma and legs te keep the. head eut of the water 2. <Drown-proeln - this involvea reatful flotaton with lungs ful of air with every 10 *te 15iscods te raise the head eut or the. water -te breathe. 'Drown-prooflng' appeara te b. the fastoat way te cdiefrom hypothermia and should only ho used li warm water. The elements cf temperature, wind, rain, .aleet and snow c an individuaily, or, in varlous combinations, produce hypti- thermia as a resuit, of net hoing properiy protected when taking- part in activities on land.' Examples of such activities con include camping, canoeing, bildng and sniowmob=iling.Hypothermia, on land 'is uuiy, deemed as exposure. hSigna and symptoma of hypothormia include shivering, teese of memoiy, tes of judgment, inabllity -te. form words, akin bocomes biuish, pupils dilate, unconsciousness, pulse. bocomos' slow and irregular, 'muscles become rigid, complains of hoing cold,- ,hungry, 'tired and disorionted and, s Of ce-ordination. Hypethermia con affect anyone at any time of theyear, ne matter what activity they participate ini. Be propared. Chie f Chair of awareness month Durham Regional Police Chief Treývor McCaqherty will ho honourary chair. of Alzheimer Awareneis Month in January.ý The announcoent wasmade recenly byEoanor lreland, -pré- aident ofte Alheimer Society ofDurhamiRegion. McCagherty. will help the society promote 'awaronoss month activities ?n the region. tSpecia1,1attention will holivn tthWadering Porson 4en~ try« jointly sponisored b sodet, poice and Kiwanis Club. ofltby. WhIiW free Pros. Wechiosday, DeCBnbr 30. 1902, Page ý9, JAMPS méeting JanI, 5I The Anderson Iumce ParintVis Socoty (ÀNMS) lllho1d* ia goneral meeting on ruésdy, Jan. CGA ,ýte od iStdèn The Certified Geniéral Accun- tants of Durhamn will hold «Stu- dent Night. at Durham. College Jan. 5. CGA Durh*a m members wili diseus accountingz as a careor. Refreshmonts will-ho available. SThereis no admission for <Stu- dentý Night' te hoe heid in 'con- ference room E218, from 7:30 te .Frmore information cali LÀ. Masaki at 428-1869 (evenings). Resolution. FROM PAGÈ 3 we're saLying pût it in'Newcasti. We can't do that,» Aker sa.id.' But Pickering councillor Mip Van Kompen- argued that the resolution was not simply a case «It dosent apply jusato Picker- ing, it's in keeping with commit- monts they (New Domocratic Party) macle te veters,» said Van. Kempen. <The resolution aise states that during the 1990 election, Pre- mier Bob Rao visited a- proposed. landfill site in Pickering -and> promised that no more duimps wouId ho located on provincial lands in the tewn. Despite Van Kompen's plea, council voted te recoîvo aU file the Pickeringresolution. ris.at-.7:«30<n in the libraryÎ at ~her wil hodisussO f the prepooé&tripto Musiceast '9WAn EdmntoinMay, Al prnta of students involved i:mthe extýa-urri<uilar muuic '"program (bonds and choire), are aokedte attend the For èreinformation, cail Andrew J. Uranowski at Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public's ho p in soiving an armed robbery that occurred in Grena on Monday, Juiy 27. 1At 2:30 p.m.,.- two armod maies entered the Canadian Imperilal Bank, cf Commerce on Main t. Onie maie, who was armed with a long-borroiied rifle, staygI? near the front of the bank, whiie the second maie who was 'red with a sawed-off shotunwent behind the telfor's countet, Te setaff and customors .wore ordered te get downi on the floor se nobody wuld'get hurt. One of the toilera wis forcod te, empty thecas'drâwers. Both suspects thon left the bank and got inte a white cube van*parked on the south aide cf the bank.- A custemer in the bank foilowod the suspect vehicle south on Main St. and thon West on Station St., towards Ochonaki Rd. Wbile on Station St., the passenger in the wahted vehide fired three shots at the witness, causing him te back off. ,The suspects abandoned tho van on Ochonoki Rd. and got inte an oldor whitevohicie and he aded bock tewards Orono. The suspects were iast seen driving oast on thé Sth Concession, juat east of Hwy 35/115. Suspect #1- is, doacribod as male, white, 5-ft. 8-ina te- 5-ft. 10-ina., with a slim te medium build. Ho was wearing a black or navy balaciava and carried tihe long-barrolled rifle. Suspect #2 is male, white, 5-ft. 10-ina te 6-ft., with a élima buiid. Ho was wearing a yellowish-green Halloween gmk, shaped similar te a witch, with a long, pointed nos. and black i~r. Ho had on a clark coeiurod jacket, clark ponts, and white running shoes. This suspect was- armed with a sawed.-off shfieun.t cube van, with Lopresti Produce written on.tii. aide, was stelen earlier in' the day from 6 Points Mal on Taunton Rd. in Oshawa. A ro.enactment of the crime will ho ahown on CITY-TV (channel 57 cable?) on Thursdy, Dec. 31 during the. 6 and 10 p.m. nows. fi will aiso e h hwn on CHEX-TV in Peterborough and CKVR in Barrie on Friday, Jan'l, irin during the ne'a Crm tppera wiil pay up te *1,000 lor information leading te the arreat cf the two robberas. If you know Who committed thé. robhory or who stele the white cube van, oeil us. Collera are nover akod te identifyr thoeelves or te totstify in court-.,Colt Crime Stoppera at 436-8477, thati'a 436-TIPS. .Srgeanît Grant Arnold'writes this article, te help combat A citizens' board administers the Crime Stoppers program of which there' are novi over 850 lin North Arnerica. The reviard money is raised thrôugh lax deductible donations vihich may be sent to Durharn Regionai Crirne Stoppers. P.O. Box 54. Oshawa, Ontario Li H 7K8. Whltby Free Press a 66ie059,4" Office Hou rs:. Monday to Frldaye 9:00 amI6t 5:00, pm *Fx6809 Answers to Wiitby Trivia from page 15, 1. ln the 1 880s some lxoys screamed like wildcats'in' the valley in the 5th Concession to scare the local farmers. The said it sounded like the devil, so. the place became known as Devil's Den. 2. Ernest C. Drury, Premier of Ontario, opened the acute hospitals, later called the Pavillons, at the Whltby Psychiatric Hospital o July 25, 1922. 3. Col. John Edwin Farewell (1840-11923) had< his dogý buried beside hlm. in Union Cemetery. 4. Iroquois Park is namfed after the prehistoric Lake Iroquois which was located where LakeOntarlo is now, but it was larger. The shoreline of Lake Iroquols is the hili where Brock St. crosses Rossland Rd. .CALL A PRO! FOR WHEN LIFE BRINGS YOUAÀSHOCK OR TWO! 1utCeck the CALL A PRO section bi Yu and let the pros do the job! cau n Compare and choose from the servces youI find there! MI a

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