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Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1992, p. 6

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Pp 8, WhlUri Fr.. Proas, WcisDoombor 30, 1902 The only,.Whitby New'spaper o wned an d opera ted b> hitby residents for Whîtby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontarjo LIN 5S1 Phone 668-6111' Toronto LUne 427-1834 Doug Andelrson - Publisher Maurice Pither' < Editor Alexandm Martin - Production Manager' 2nd Class' Postal Registration #05351 Reviewing, '93 E£very year about this'time, supormarket tablolds launch their annuai predictions by psychics.'ý Manstreai niwîpameW dig -up thosé prodictions a year lator to lot reader ag W. had plannod in this space to lot littio-known psychic. The Grée Swanl, prediot 1993. He rsfussd, saylng Rt la just too awful to contomplate. Hspreforrod to providea year-ln-rovlsw -- ane year ahead of scoduis. Asked how thet diffsred. from predictions, ho starod Into his caissys and shrugged. Hse's the review: January: Brian. Mulroney announced hoe b as accepted a position with'the World Wildiffo Canfoderion.,Dedlcated to oradicatinig wildiffe and other parts cf1 Canadian .ýsociety. the canfodàeaton will provide Mulroney wth a tiIs a salary and an excuse to bave Ottawa. F@bruary.: Jo._Clark wi11 soek thé leadership ef the IoderaI Ft=rs about the Whitby International Airpoit'ciannot b. confirmed& March: A GM lin. worker'la cbarged aàfter an attack on a robot. The robot has been, charged with Iindecent exposure. Experts prediot the case will be settled out of court. "April: Jo.Clarkwins the leadership of thè PC party and Is now rme Miister for the second time in hîs career. A group of business persans ln Whitby join together ta formi- a Whitby International Teamn (WIT) ta fight tabave the"new International airport located In Whitby. May: A foot of snow hits Whitby ln mid -ronth. Oldtimers Say R la the biggest snow Job since Mulroney was re-elected for the seconýdtime. People'or Plans <PoP) ln Plcksring mee for the firat time ln ten yeais. Jealous about a new airprt i btby,_the group wants the airport ln Pickering- dune: J0. Clark calîs a foderal eloction for September 13. July: A consortium cf Jepanese corporations bas purcbasod Prince, Edward Island. Rumeurs, Indicate the entire province will bo'towed ta ea as a tourlst attraction. Bob Rite -ateps down as Premier of Ontario. to run in the federal election. Auguoi: Laerof ail five m ain, parties vow ta revoke the' GST and incarne tex ind balance the budget. ail wthina year. Most voters believe ail -cf them. September: >A GM rabot is, found guilty of assault. The court rules that, though the worker startod the'fight In the Oshawa plant, the robot was guiity of violating the firat law cf robotics: harming a humani. Jo. Clark la re-elected Prime Minister. Ho promises.ta govem as though ho had a minority. Preston Manning reminds im that ho bas. October: The Ministry of Education announces new ventures ln education. Corporal punishment Is returned. Harsh new acadomic standards are imposed ta meet the needsofaI modem soclety. Sbowing some buman warmth,- tho government assures parents that bath rules epply only ta othor peoJle's kids, not your own. o-ffvember: Joo Clark announcea hla intention ta mako Japa the eleventh province. tew k ta the Maritimes whero ift will. serve as the foundation of the fixedlink between New Brunswick and Prince Edward lsand. Polis show that a majority of eopie in Jepan wudappooten isal. < Decmbe: PterKormos la ele<de< leader cf the New Democratci Party in Ontario - and Premier cf thé province. H. Immodiately poses for a Toronto tablald newspeper - which runs bis photo ln cobour on page ans. Bob Ras. unsuccossful in his bid for re-entry into federal polftims accepts a po i wh the Occidental Accidental Assurance Company,. Peter Kormos has no comment., .Japan offers Ottawa $400 billion - a surn that would pay off the national del - - for Prince Edward lsand.ý Clark is consideiring the offer. Manning has accepted R. a-t'u fot as scay as the taxes on top of My ftee". Hydro response to: Co-Stelel To the Edltor: In bis review (Free Press, Dec. 2) cf Ontiario Hydroi C.D. Hatby. vic president of Co-Steel Lasco, says that what la noeded Is ,a commitme rdtot reduclng rates now and that ws nesd "relieblo pawor at competitive cost.7 Ho calils for O0ntario Hydre 'te ýbecome business-off ic I nt." S.Although wo 'agrso wlth these points, the letter fromf Mr. :Hetby needs clarification and furthor explanatien. Lot me téli you about, a few.of the -thingà "the côrperation basâ dono ta roduce furtbor rate Increasos. In- 1991, wo cancelled bigh-pricod. uranium contracta. saving $1 billion over the coming decads. Ws rsnegotiated our coaI, contracts and cut $90 million cff aur costain theprocesa. Mldway ,tbrough 1992, ws cut $32 million eut ef aur operatlng expenses and Arimméd, capital oxponditures Wby $250'iillion. In,,response ta the- ýrecessien, we have,, doferred $7 >billion ln preecta that ws bad planned te buki,,withanother $3 billion under rovlew. Fer 1993, wo are slasbin another $115' million and wifl iikely eliminats se tme "'2,000 staf psitions. Strict ciontrels.have been nlcé on salary incroases, et al These < measures, amang ethera, are reducing the scale ef cur eperations. Bytho year 2000, privato dovelpers will supply .3,100 megawatts e fthtis prevince's power nseds. By 2005Î our.energy off lciency programs. will have removsd 5,200 megawats from the previncs's domand, savlng custamers billions of dollars. These mieasures- are also- radically cha(nging- our business frem the days whsn we did no mors than make electricity and deliver It to, customers' homes and businesses. Through a number af energy off lciency programa and- rate structures, Ontarioe Hydre is hslping Industries and businesses such as Co-Steel Lasce te become mors energy: officient and tbereby m*rore competitive. The corporation, offers,. ,time-of-use. rates that loWer>cests iniianl fer customers wbo shff their usaetao ff-paakheurs. Hdre la s'also oxperimenting *wt rgal-timo-pricingtht il allow customers ta plan their seriiyuse based on a price sceueprovided oe day in advance. Largo industriel customers can also tae aanaeof, discount demanid service rates that eoffer iower coste in return for -the rigbt to Interrupt power. CO-Steel Lasco itseff has been an active participant .In -sevoral prejects with Ontario -ldro ,In orde ta savstbouands0fdollars eacb ,year In power costs.- As well, Ontario 11-lydro'bas worked wlth the company te Identlfy many ether opportunities, te .becemne even moes nergy.efficient. Through ail thes. actions, ws have set1n motion changes' that will sýes great, bonefits, for our customners,' bath ln the rane ef enorgy services avalleblo tothem and in the ecenomios thsy dorive from a ener, 'More effective Ontario Hydre. C.G. Sanford Director centra.1,Roglon <Lookinp for Martin, To the 6dhto: 1 arn ttying 'te ýtrace the gentleman wha so klndly drove me ta the Ajaex _hospital on Wodnesday, Dec. 2 at approxi- mately 4:55 p.m. after, I1,was knockod down by a car 'wbile crcssingé Hunt St. in Ajax..,," i only krow bis naine la Martin, and ho was f, rom WhRWby. Would Matnor -anycnorieWho knows who ho la contact me et 428-8714. J'enny Davis The, Whitby Free Press welcomes; letters ta. the editaron any subjct of concem ta our readers. Letters shauld be'bfief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words.-AII letters .must,,be acopmpanied biy Me name, addréss and. telephone number of the wrJter; however, on.request y aur name may, be withheld from publication,, if we agree that there-is a validi reason. The paper- reserves the, right ta reject or eciit ail letters. Send ta: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whltby, Ont. LN 5S1, ar drop through aur mail slot at 131" Brock St.N. 'I * ---w mArý 3e.

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