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Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1993, p. 9

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RECESSION STILL CIMMKINGVICTIM By Mke Kowalski Deapite the occasional, encouraging sign, Canadas. lingering recession continued te clann victima in 1992. Liayoffe, plant closings, busi- ness failures, bulging welfare rolle ... all were again a much too familiar» thenie for Canadians V/fille. Durham Region did escape a potentially devastating blow with December'a announce- ment that ne General Metora' plants in Oshawa will close for now, econeniic news locally was dismal in 1992. In February 40 employees cf Andrew CanaAa mc. were laid off as part' cf a worldwide strearlnn of the company's operations. Slumping cellular telephene sales and'a decrease mi gevern- M3ent contracts were blamed for the layoffe. Another 18 employees were let gin November b * the eech St. facQér sworkforce te 160 people. A provincial tai on canned beer and other non-refilIlable con- tainers was blamed for the los of 44 jobsý at BaIl Packaging i iienvironmnental taie which was devised teomote the use cf refillable bettleI, teck effect i May and added'$3.1O te the price cf 24 cana cf beer. Both management and union employees at the company's Wentworth St. plant mountedaa proteatagainat the tai but could nt cange the government's mind. Premier Bob ]Rae twice had te, contend with demenstraters from Bail Packaging while he atten- ded functions in the Whitby area. Although workers were laid off, the company was eýetig te recail some employe late in the year due te a r S inven- Z Septexhbr, Raîsten Purina Canada. uriderwent a company reorganization which resulted i the closing cf its bulk manufac- turing plant on Ho kins St. The ahutdown e 19 wor- kers. Only two employees were leA o oratejobs atimal mar branch andth ofice compt exi proposd forRossland Rd. are i corer of Rossland and Garden St.,!a apele t e»Onar io The Oshawa Group, ownars cf the IGA grocery store chain filed the appeal because cf proLlema encountered in obtaining a mar- ket analysis study cof the need for a rocýery store in th tloctien. Plans call or a iblaws store te be part cf the Grayweods developmnent. As previously noted, net ahl was 'doom and glom' in Whitby aïd Durham Region last year. Without a doubt General Motera' decision net te close any cf its Oshawa operations was the Most positive development. G M will close plants in St. Catharines and in the United States during the nit two years but Oshawa will be -spared until at Ieast the end cf the 1995 modélyear. The two Oshawa <far assembly RIants employ about 7,800 wor- Last January, 50 laid-off wor- kera were recaled by Sklar-Pép- pler because of imprd'ting sales. Approximately 376 people are employed at the Victoria St. fur- niture factory. I March, plAana w'Are unveiled for two retail warel'nusing ope- rations that could generate more than 500 jobs. The Price Club and Aitken- head's will be loca ed at the - northeast corner cf Thiclceon Rd. S. and Victoria St. E. if approved by Town council. The Price Club is a whoesale/ retail distribution centre which carries producta such as clothing furniture and appliancea while Aitkenhead's is a aupply/garden centre. Last apring, C'- teel-Lasco received Ontario -initry cf Environment approvalffor expan- sion cf ita diapsal site for auto- mobile ahrder waste. The site ia'epeted te last about 20,years and pr0de capa- city for 1.5 million tonnes cf non-hazardous waste produced when the Hopkins St. steel com- pany shreds automobiles for. scrap metal. In November, a Scàrborough- based plastics manufacturing firm announced that it will be relocating to Whitby. Nemate Composites Inc. pur- chased the former Smnith and Nephew factory on the southwest corner cf McEwen Dr. and Went- worth St. The building has beon vacant since Smith and Nephew closed the factery, whicýh produced phartnaceutical rubber gloves, three years ago. Finally, Town council gave its approval last mhonth te, another McDonald's Restaurant in Whitby. The tewn's second McDonald'a will be located on the ýoutheast corner of Brock St. S. and Con- sumera Dr. PROBLMMWIT DBIA IN 192 Whitby's Downtown Business Improvement Area (DBIA) had its share of diffliculties in 1992. Less than two monthe after being elected chairman of the downtown merchants' associa- tion, Lionel Graveline resigned from the executive boarlin February. Aise resigning from the execu- tive were treasurer Geof Michie and director Debbie Lahaie. Although ail three expressed support for the organization, they did admit to having dis- agreeýmenta with other board membera about the future direc- tion of the DBIA. On a related matter, a group of disgruntled DBIA members were unable to convince Town council to delay approving the board'a 1992 budget. The group claimed net al members had anoportunity te study the niearly $17â,O00 budget nor had it been passed at a general membership meeting. However, at the Mrch council meeting, DBLA supporters said the board asked for imput from members tbrough its January and February newsletters but received littie response. In other business-related news former Whitby resident Pia *illiamsen was found guilty SEE PAGE 14 whlutby'business Advertisement Enroli today and aécess 450 Produets and services ,What 19 I.BAN? The International Barter Network allows companies like yours the privilege of exchanging your produot for credit whlch oaa thon buy the producis and services you need., What products and services can 1 get on barter? Most of the things you need to run a business or to enjoy your leisure are already avaitable through .B.N. Whether it's tandscap ing, signs, carpeting, day care, fax machines, light fixtures, advertising, couriers or general contracting, l.B.N. already has the memnbers 10 provide these and more than 200 other services. New members aeoiig daily, adding even more to the list of services avial. If there is a service you need that is currently unavailable, I.B.N. will try to find a new member to fil that need. How do 1 know what services are a vailable ? Members receive a directory every month with the statement of their account.The directory lists ail the services ci -iiently available. When I self something to another member, do 1 have 10 take somethlng ln trade from that same member? UAVt GRANUY <ion), owner of rGrand Upnoistery & LDesign 9 I.B.N.'s newest Whily member) shows l.B.N. vice presidenr, EN VEOMANS (right) some of the services offered at their downtown Whitby location, (119 Brock St. S.) Cail Dave 't 668-4468 for FR EE estimates.J No. Whrcn you seli te another member, you receive a credit which you can use to buy from any other member. 1 *B.N. acts as a brokerage firm by helping to seli your products or services to others. We keep the records of the transactions. WIli L B. N. heip my business grow ? Our members have tons of thousands of dollars waiting lo be qpent on needed products and services. Those me<nbers who need your product or service are ready to buy from you now!. They A Iaiso refer theh' cash-paying fiends and associates to you. Whgt are the benefits ot mernbership? The benefits are endless. Vour savings atone allow you to purchase things which might otherwise be just a dream. The gross profit margin of y=j product or service is the actual discounit you recerve when you purchase on barter f rom another member. Does 1..N. require my product or service no w? Vesl Although we offer exctusivity to our clients based on geographics, we have been growin9 faster than we can accommodate requests for new businesses. If we don't have something to effer on barter, we get l iqas. Why do l.B.N. members prosper ln a poor economy whiie others suifer and fait? We work together. Oui members are constantly recommending each other which guarantees themn new clients immediately. -INTERNATIONAL BARTER NETWORK imc. Oaravel9krL yOfve Look for your free copy of Thê,Panner ANDO1BUSINESS DIRECTORY In today's Whitby Free Press Whulby Fiee Pmee. We*iesday, Januazy 6, 1993, Page 9 lkDborah A. Irvine I -Inteior Decoratoir - Custc>m Service to Suit Your Personal Taste I ý t ei 6Yj For Consultation Please Cal (416) 623-7483 or (416> 263-4651 - H - Of AI Stoe BeefI (~AO Reg i *4 Lb $3.99 Lb TIJE BEEF PLAC~~ 845IWest . . . Aa (with yur property saver insurance) CýALL BILL HARDISON COLLE, BOLAND VAL 9 - v y 1 't, 1

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