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Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1993, p. 26

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Pagp 2, Whltby Free Pressa, Wednescay. January 6,1903 ROOliS I APARTMENTS1 APARTMENTS1 ARTICLES ~J~U x~FOR RENT I FOR RENT FORIENT' FOR SALE I ___________ FULLY FURNISHED ROOM for renting by mature, worldng Indiv- Idual who Is a non-smaker. Asking $41lmanth, which includes h ydro, heat & cable. Please phoane 436-0909 (bus.), or 666-5288. ROOM WITH PRIVATE bathraom. NGW home. Use complote kitchen, Iaundry, backyard, parkin. Al utilities lncluded. Air conditioner. Worklng persan. First, last & references. Female welcome. $480fmonth. 666-5197. BROOKLIN - LARGE room, close toa al amenities. Al Inclusive. Avalable for Dec. 1. 655-5539. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Excep- tional dlean, quiet, furnished room. încîudes use of kitchen, parking, cable. Available immediatel. ui mature male. $85/week. Flrst& ka. 668-3640. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, between Brooklîn/Port Porry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low wookçly rates. Cal 655-5308. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80lweekly. Shars bathraom & kitchen.. Student or worker prsferred. Walk toalal amenities. Cali 666-3776 aller 6 p.m. - - - - - - - - WHITBY - SHARE spaclous new home wth one or two working people. Al i ncluded. Non-srnokor. 666-8590. MAIN STREET- 2-bedroom. aIder home. Clam. Lre backyard. Available imnmediaely. $695/month + utilitios. 668-9977. WHITBY, 3+ BEDROOMS. Privais front and backyard. Broadloom. $800 + 2/3 utiliis. Taop floor of bungalow. Move bofore Christmas. Rent stars Jan. 1. No pets. References. <Whtby) 430-7298, (Toronto) 337-3455. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE ln Whftby avaJiable Feb. 1, $1.00. Main floor only, $850. Basement ony, $500. Prices negotiable.tilties încludod. 445-6203, ask for Diane. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. fi. Main stroot kocation, da«own ity.C eal erentai ituwemefi&668146. 9arn. ta 5 pm. AJAX FROM $750 * 1, 2 and 3 Bdrm. Suites * 5Appiances mol. en suite laundry * Pool, Whirlpool, Sauna * Exercise equipment * Tennis court, Playground * Wood burning fireplaces NEAR GO TRAIN & HWY. 401 Rentai Office Hours Tues. - Fri. 1 pm - 7 pm, Sat. 10Oam -5 pm Lakjiveway West ej 686.687tHE REGIONAL GROUP TWO-BEDROOM APT. for rent. 1000 _sq. ft. Stove, fridge, washsr/ dryer. OnIy stops to GO train & 401t Whtby. Cal i 668-8551 WHITBY: ONE-BEDROOM basement apt., 600 sq. ft., frd e, stove, Iaundry. Pnvate. Imlci os hea, water. $60 + V3 hydro. 655-4120. WHITBY - 2-bodroom apt, $6301 month + hydra. Noar shopping& bus line. 668-7196. WHITBY - TWO LARGE, clean 1-bedrooms, upper floor ai triplex. No pets. Reéferences. First/last. $5951$635 + hydro. 666-2230. WWUBY - BRIGHT, SPACIOUS. Main floar, 2-bedroam apt. with laundry tac. ensuite, privais entrance. Also 2-bedroam main floor at with basement & backyar $720 & $725/month +, utilities. Quiet bldgs. Cali Sandy Herber, 668-6171 W~. Frank Reafl Estaio Ltd. Spcalnginto&r otirmn t planning.sinoe 1986 CAIL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT.] BROOKUN: 1- & 3-BEDROOM apartments. Close ta ail amenities. Available for Feb ,% 1993. Cali 655-5539. BASEMENT APT. FOR RENT ln family. home, West Whltby. Suitable for worki peron. Non-smoker. Share anry & kitchen. First & last. Referencs requîred. $400/monthly. Calil after, 5W0p.m. 668-9780. WHITBY - 2-BEDROOM FLAT in bungalow. Near 40L Available March 1. Hlydro & cable included. $750 + heat. First & last. References. 430-1748. 3-BEDROOM APT. & DEN, main floor of bungalow. No pets. Near pimary sohool, Whitby & GO buses. $850 range + utilities. 430-7298, Whitby; voice mail Toronto, 416-337-3455. REPOSSESSED jpower of sale properties available now in Oshawa from under $80,000. Financing available. Cali Carol Ross, Sales Representative, Guide Reaty Ltd., 723-5281 or 723-6610. FUREWOOD FOR SALE. Well- soasonod hardwood. Haf-face, face cord, bush cord, kindling. Pick-up or delivored. <416) 649-318.' PERRY MASON BOOKS. 41 paperbacks. Askinq $1 oach. Oel 668--3559 for more information. el advertised an itemn for sale in the Whitby Free Press on two different occasions. Each item was sold by the next dayl The response was tremendous. T.C. Cuokesinucdon f«r Hm nad Bu*oms - s BadIrooms *Cusbto rliT noDc nG ateone Ados t.e I'Addonetc Zets(»pj~j~g-655-4418 Authorlzed ServIoentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camcorders - TV's " VCR's -Stands and " Mcrowaves Accessones SiwV1 lS2 WUOM 723-6373 SHWROM 1300 King St E, Oshawa SHARP 8-TRACK RECORDER. A -1 condition. Dual meters & plugs for mikes. Great- for amateur recordings. Includes blank tapes. Only $45. 430-2075. PORTFOLIO HAND-HELD computer. Built-in programs Incluide: Diary, Database, Text Editor, Lotus compatible spread - shoot programmable calculator, etc. dames with serial prt Inter- face, A/C adaptor,& 64K msmor card. Asking $200. CatI 430-1051, leave message. MARSHALL JCM 600 LEAD series amnp lifier, head & cabinet, askin $900. Charvel Jackson moel #2 guitar, custom case, $350. Must seli. Cali Mike, 1-416-697-1536. Leave message. FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality. Maple, beech. Weil- seasoned. Very dry. Al split. Honest measursment. Free delivery. Try the best quality. 416-753-2246. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, soctionals, less than haif prc.Large selection. MoKeen Fuiture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. Sewing Machine Repairs AiU Makes Complets Tune-up $39.95 Recanditioned Sswing Machines froni $59.00 TOPUNE SEW1NG CENTRE 571-1385 400Ing St W. Oshawa HUNDREDS 0F MO VIES for sale at $14.95 or Iess. We have children's, drama, coed, horror & scl fi. For -inventory lsta? base send S.A.S.E. ta 17 Mowa Crt., Whitby, Ont., UiN 8H2. MATTRESSES and box springs et ha t ic.McKeen Furniture. 524 Simco SS, Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. KENNORE FRIDGE, STOVE (broew), washer & dryer (White). M1oving, must soli. Offers. Phono 668-611 alter 6 pm. SNOWBLOWER: 1986 Craftsman 10 HP, 2-stage. Excellent condition. Askîng $750. Cati 728-9750 alerS5 p.m. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE Ut's FAST - UTS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL MOES T AIL. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN- CAMPING TRAILERS, Hardtop-Foldown, Fifth-wheel, TraveU, Park modeUs, Truckcampers-caps, Fibretine & Leer Fiberglass & Aumlnumn Truck Ca ps. Parts-Service form most makes lncîuding Bonair-Lionet-Lextra. Royal Traiter & R. V. Centre in Teviodale. Ont. (5 19) 343-2122.. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Sohool of Auctioneering. Next Ctass: March 13 - 19. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooî of Auctloneertng, R.R. 05, Woodstock, Ontario. N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FREE CAREER GUIDE tc, home-study correspondance Diptoma courses. Accounting, Air conditlonlng, Bookkeeping, Business, CosmetoUogy, Etectronlcs, LegaV/Medicat Secretary, Psychotogy. Travel. Granton. (5A)-263 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Also air brake, dangerous goods, defensive drivlng, log boo k and border *rosÈing. Rodgers Schoot. Ontaios oldeat. Cati 1-800-668-0031. EDULCATION/INSTRULCTION LEARN VCR REPAIR. Home study. Hlgh- profit repaira. Free career literature. Schooî of VCR Repair, 2245 Perimeter Park, Dept. VAC13, Atlanta, Georgia 30341 or (404) 451-2300. VACATIONITRAVEL CANAL CRUISES. Five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenic Trent- Severn Waterway or Rideau Canal. privais staterooms, meals. free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 6, Oritia, L3V 6H9, (705) 327-5767. MYRTLE BEACH FOUR-DAY WINTER GOLF speciat $1001 Vacation rates avaitabte. Winter rentais from $400/month. Oceanfront condominium resort; many amenities. For more information: 1-800-448- 5653. INVESTMVENTS MORTGAGE tNVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. OnIy peopte from smatî towns understand the importance of investing in saat communities. 11-1/2% to 14-3/4% retums. Cati Intransicon tol-free 1-800-268-1429. MORTGAGES XMAS BILLS ARE COMINGt We have morigage money for homeowners Io psy off bills, credit carda. Ex.: Borrow $10.000 and repay as Iow as $130.00 per month. Intransicon Financilt totî.free 1-800-268- 1429. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? Wattl take itt Ameicas largest resale cIearSp ghouse. CaiU Resort Sales Intemnational. 1 -800-423-5967 (24 hours). FOR SALE NOT CARVED IN STONE: Public funding of separate achoots. 75-page book explains the argumnents, suggesis action. For your copy, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NETWORK MARKETING PROFESSIONALS - looking for the right product, company and timing? If Interested on an exciting lina of electronic products, contact WHW Resource Management (519) 271-1712. NEW YEAR, NEW BOOK. Imag ine your customers purchasin 20 CURR ENT C D'a. cassettes, AM/F Receiver, Vldeo Rewinder, +Prepaid Airfare for ONLY $19.98 Investment $995.00 1-800-263-1900 FMVC. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baitworms in your basement or gara ge. Odorleas operation. Low investment. Market g uaranteedt Free Information. Earty Bird Ecology. R.R.#1, Smithvitle, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643- 4252. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programrs (FaderaI & Provincial) for your new or existing business. Information: (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - beat the Spring rush and save. Keep the largeat manufacturer of steel buildings busy through the winter. (Steelway). CaI today, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7.344, 40x72 $10.276: 50x90 S15.882, 60x126 $22.972 - other sizea available - Final year-end clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800- 263-8499. BUILDINGS - ROCK.BOTTOM PRICES. Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Straight-sîded aInd utility modela. Example - 14x20 $1 .689.00. 40x60 S6363.0.Order for spring and save. Pioneer Steel 1-800-668-5422. Your ad could appoar ln communîty nowspapera n Ontario, or rght across Canada, or any IndIvIdua province. Space ls Umted, so Cal This N.wspap.r Todmyl IBLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wder mami*ot adveàf la. thoughoudt he rogional membershp of the Onlafi and Canadan Commundy NewspaperAssociations tentral Ontario 55 newspapers - 16 for 25 words .A Ontaio 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 wods NJI Canada 572 newppers - $974 tor 25 words For further Information please caîl the Whtby Free Press Cassfeds - 68594 'X. W hitby Fs~ee~ I~r~ss $~8-0& 94 .:.O..........o ........ 9OE rn b 5~ 0 p n ax 68 - 59 -à L-

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