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Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1993, p. 14

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Paieo 14, Whitby Fiee Prea, WoedaY, Januwyl 13. 199 Newest police recruit begins obedience training By-Mark Reesor if ail gees well, Durham Regilonal Police canine unit will be oprationai by early June. Kane, the service a neweat recruit,'and handier Conet. Peter Vando'rduini, aJ17-year veteran of the force, were introduced at a presa conferènce lest week. Kane is an 18-month-old, long- halred german shepherd, born ini Russia andý partially trained in Germany. Ho has successfl.lly comlted an evaluation with the M0~ Police canine traîner, and has been deemed usuitable for train- ing.» Ho and handier Vanderduim wiil take a rigorous, 14-week pro1ram» in Toronto, beginni in. férary, according teS lJpon graduating, the team is tentatively scheduled te work eut of Whitby' 18 division because of its centrai location. Kane wili ho trained in search and tracking skiils, appréhension and obedienco. The service aise plans on using him for public relations work, especiaily i achoels. Ryrie says the most imprtant part of Kane's job wil lkleiy bo searching for mxing poplo, but heli aise bo very usefuisearch- ing eut suspects at the scene of a crime, for exampie. The duo will travel in a spe- ciaiiy equipped cruiser, complote with a remote-operated door- epener. If Vanderduim needs hlm, al ho has te do la push a button on a transmitter and the rear door of the cruiser and IConesà cage dooropens automaticaliy. While waiting te attend train- lnschool, Kane has been get- tlgused te bis trainer and new ~IT1 DURHAM POLICE Services' newest recruit was'the centre of Vanderduim wiII begin a course in Toronto in February. Upon attention at a press conference Thursday. Kane, an successful completion, it's expected they'II be based at 18-morlth-old german shepherd, and tramner Peter Whitby's 18 division. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whlty Free Proa surroundinge, and doing some mineir obedience work. The ýOshawa Centrai Lions Club donated more thon $20,000 te buy Kane and pay for bis le@brecognizedl a neod for a police dog, and camcj tbrough' with the money when li e r unable te find fund for the project. Club presidont Gary Monkton has a speciai interest in te project. Ho was at the rs cenference with biese4prs dog, Moiiy. Y oi CORPORATION 0F THE TOW N OF WHITBY Country &.Western & Une Dancing Tihe Iatest ln Line Dancing, Ftness and Fun p Who: DarrylLinningtofl Wboe: Whltby CMvc Recreation Complex When: Thursdays, Jan. 14 - April 1, 1993 7:00 - 8:25 p.m. Rogistor now or oeil CA. 666-1991 TH TOWN 0F WHITBY c O MMUNITY SCHOOLS WINTER PROGRAMS Opeuig ar sl aoualein the 1993 Vdntor Progrma ai the following BELLWOOO COMMUNrTY SOHOOL 30 BllWood Drive, 571-4770 GLEN DHU COMMIJNITY SOHOOL 29 Faàngbrook Streot, 666-096 ORMISTON GOMMUNrY SOHOOL 20 Foreat Houghts. 430-3736 PALMERSTON COMMUNITY SOHOOL 400 Palmenton Avenue, 666-0959 PRJNGLE CREEK COMMUNITY SCHOOL 80 Ribblosdaie Drive. 668-0666 Yen may mjmterat due Gommnuity Sdhoo of pour choice. McCagherty assists with Alzheimner awareness Durham Regionai Police Services Chief reveir McCaghorty is this year's honourary chair of Alzheimer Awareness Month in Durham Region. The month of January bas been deciared Alzheimer Awaronoss Month in Canada. The Alzheimer Society of Durham Region is participating inth national caxnpaign te raise public intereet in understanding the diseaso and its effect on families. Azhemer disease is an illness of the brain that affects a porson's ability te romembor, think and reason. The cauSe of the disease is net known and there la ne treatmient available at the present timo. It la estimatod that close te 300,000 Canadians currently suifer from this disease. In Durhami Region, about 1,500 residents are thought te ho suifering from Alzheimer disease. McCagherty will assist the socety with activities during the rnonth, including the 'Pennies for Your Theughts" compaign organized in collaboration with many CIBO branches in Durham Region. Speciai containers have been set up in the banica te receive donations of pkennies The funds will -o aed ;Jtesupport the societys work with fainilies caring for someone with Alzheimer disease. One of the special services provided by the society is the "Durham Region Wandering Person Registry.' The program, which serves individuals with Alzhemer disese .Who wander, is a colaboeative venture between the. uociety and Durham Regional Police. Pennies can ho droppod off at CIBC branches in Whitby at Dundas Brock streets (four corners) and at Thickson Rd. and Glon HUI11Dr. By Coýist. Grant Arnold \ Dùrhaýui Bogional Police Crime Stoppera and Durham Regionsi Police are asking for the publiehelp in soivinf an armed robbery that occurred in Pickering on Friday, Oct. Just after il p.m., a black maie entered the Beckers Milk store at 1980 Roeefiold Rd. armed with a handgun. The Ion. customor was ordered te lie on the floor dunng what the suspectsaid was a stick-up. The sus8pect .umpe over the counter and demanded that the clerk give hmail the money and cigarets. The robber had brought along a abg bag and made the clork ioad the loot. The victim was thon told te, open the cash register while the gun was held to bis head. The robber thon tok a box of candy and left the store, waiking. uouthbound on Rosefieid Rd. The suspect in descnbed as maie, black, 5-ft. 10-ina, 170 Ibo., mediumi build, wide, fiat nose mali goatee and mousace with a scar on right chin, box-style haircut (long, fiat on top with a line design cut into the rightsaide of bis scalp. No was wearing a dark greenish-biue -akt rk-ooued jen and running, shoes, and a red bandana covered part of his face. The handgun was black, had a square barrel and was seven inches iong. Susect a bolieved te bo right-handed. If you h ave any information on this or any other serious crime, oeil Crime Stoppera at 436-8477 that's 436-TIFS. Crime Stoppers wiil pay up te $1,000 for iniormation ieading to an arrest. Callersamare nver asked to identify themeelves or te testify in court. Sergeant Grant Arnold writes this article te heip combat cîe. A~~~ .a -. e*9. *

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